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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

Page 16

by Susan JP Owens

  “I can’t answer for Kyle and it doesn’t matter what my opinion is.”

  His words slammed against her heart, alarm bells rang, issuing red flag warnings. Fear snaked through her. No, she wasn’t a brave one at all. “What were the messages?”

  He cleared his throat. “I can’t tell you.”

  “Hmm…Kyle’s attorney will be representing me?”

  “Pressley International’s. His name is Lindbergh, Ed Lindbergh,” he hissed as though she squandered valuable company time and resources.

  Well, she didn’t have to wonder anymore. Kyle’s brother could give a flip whether she caught her next breath. Shelby unlatched her seatbelt. “I need some water. Would you like anything?”

  Jude vaulted from his seat. “I’ll get it.”

  His reaction wasn’t a gentleman volunteering. He wanted her to stay exactly where she was. “Do you want to check my backpack? My purse is right here, if you need to inspect it.”

  “I had my security team inspect your bag and you walked through another check point. I’m satisfied.” His tall and broad frame filled the aisle and within several strides arrived at the galley.

  When Jude returned, he held the bottle for her to take, but for the life of her, she couldn’t move and stared at the clear contents.

  He put the drink in the well, settled into the leather seat, and closed his eyes.

  Shelby gazed out the window mentally recapping what had happened so far. Since, the authorities viewed her as a person of interest, Kyle sent the jet, hired a lawyer and his brothers escorted her…why? So she would be rested and not fatigued from the long drive for her interview? Perhaps, so she wouldn’t feel alone and frightened.

  But Jude’s words and actions suggested another reason. There was a distinct possibility Kyle had doubts about her. Maybe, his investigators found something and Kyle didn’t like what he read in the reports? That idea was ludicrous. What would they have uncovered? That she was right all along about Tim’s death?

  A horrible premonition anchored. Her tummy lurched. Suspicion slithered over her flesh. Her intuition rang loud and clear, she was in the fight for her life. If it wasn’t so serious, she’d laugh.

  How was this going to happen? She’d walk into the police headquarters and proclaim her innocence? They’d all laugh at her and throw her ass in jail. Shelby grudgingly accepted she needed Pressley’s corporate attorney.

  Damn, this was one hell of a predicament. She repeated to gather her strength, “Put away your heart and put up a shield of protection. Cautiously, take each step forward.” Shit. She wasn’t ready for this.

  The plane landed and the FBO directed Garrett. Within a minute, the jet stopped and the drone of the engines halted.

  Jude opened the door and the steps descended. Her gaze drifted to her ride, a sheriff’s car parked on the tarmac.

  She carried her overnight pack and purse with her. When her foot hit the pavement, the deputy snatched the bag, opened the back door of his cruiser, and motioned for her to get in, like a damn criminal.

  She thought back to her first visit at the airport. Kyle had leaned against Jalopy with his sensuous smile. She cringed. That didn’t turn out well and from the rigid set of the policeman’s face, this wasn’t looking good either.

  A uniformed officer led her into an interview room and placed her backpack in the corner. “Sit down. The detectives will be with you shortly.” He prompted and headed out.

  Shelby panned the room, the proverbial reflective glass, a table, three chairs, and a camera mounted high in the corner. She marched to the mirror, pointed her finger and checked for a gap. It was a two way. The old saying ‘no space leave the place’ tolled a warning, however she didn’t have that option. The dull gray cement blocks should’ve calmed her, but had the opposite effect. Instead her anxious energy accelerated, ripping through her nerves at warp speed. Her hands shook. She jammed them in her jean pockets then settled in the seat the man indicated before he left.

  She’d been fingerprinted, photographed and swabbed for DNA. The deputy didn’t take her purse or suitcase, which should be a good sign, she guessed, okay, fervently hoped.

  The combination of the stark surroundings and being watched spurred her to seek solace. Wanting reassurance, she folded her arms across her chest, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted, no needed Kyle by her side for his encouragement that everything would be fine. If he had given her the slightest affirmation of trust, she would have been comforted. And wouldn’t it have been delightful if he’d hugged her and said they would get through this together.

  The door opened, a gentleman entered and introduced himself as Mr. Lindbergh. He placed his brief case on top of the table, grabbed the back of the chair and hauled it into position. The metal feet screeched against the floor and he plopped down. His thumbs dragged the two buttons to each side and the echo of the metal clasps releasing bounced around the room. He withdrew a legal-size tablet, grabbed a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote, without saying a word.

  She seized the opportunity to take his measure, a portly, older man. Maybe age was good, he should have plenty of experience. But what was his specialty? Did he practice criminal law? Had he ever handled a defendant’s case? How many did he win? Most important, could she trust him?

  She scrunched her eyelids shut hoping this was all a bad dream and she’d wake up in her bed with Annie nudging her with a wet muzzle to take her outside.

  Mr. Lindbergh cleared his throat. She opened her eyes and gazed at true reality. I’m really here and the very person she trusted didn’t have faith in her. Her stomach heaved violently. She clenched her jaw and her hand covered her mouth afraid she was going to hurl.

  “I’m Ed Lindbergh.” He didn’t look at her. “State your full name.”

  The unemotional voice slapped her face and the stark realization of her situation struck her again. Damn. She dug deep for courage. Her tummy ceased the contractions and she lowered her arms then clenched her fingers together on her lap. “Excuse me, Mr. Lindbergh, you’re representing me?”

  “Yes, I’ve been hired as your legal counsel.” For the first time, he met her gaze over his glasses perched low on his bulbous nose.

  She ignored his first question. “What are your fees?”

  “Pressley International will be paying all costs.”

  She propped her elbows on the table. “I’m sorry, but I’m concerned. Isn’t this a conflict of interest for you?”

  He scooted his glasses up a half inch. “No, ma’am. You’re my client.”

  The door opened again. Shelby breathed deep and exhaled, she was on the carpet.

  With the interview complete, hell, she hoped the inquisition was over, she was alone and sighed with relief. Mr. Lindbergh left directly after the two men who’d grilled her.

  The detectives had asked the same questions several times in varying ways and not in sequential order. Some of them were personal, the heat of embarrassment climbed from her neck to her cheeks just thinking about it. Alessa would be interviewed to collaborate times and dates. The scariest part of this convoluted mess, the person or persons responsible were still out there.

  One of the detectives who had interrogated her returned. “You are free to go, Ms Littleton.”

  “I’d like to see Kyle now.”

  “He’s left.”

  Her breath hitched. “That’s Mrs. Littleton.”

  “Someone will be here shortly to escort you out.”

  She gathered enough air to acknowledge him. “I’ll be waiting.”

  He excused himself and retreated from the room.

  She closed her eyes. Kyle didn’t want to see her.

  Her body ached as though someone had kicked the crap out of her for the past several hours. Out of the growing list of emotions swirling inside her, she never thought she’d be adding abandonment. What else would go wrong? What else could possibly happen? Frantic to knock on wood, she glanced around and there wasn’t any.

  Another ge
ntleman entered, she rose from the chair, both legs swayed beneath her. She grasped the table until her feet stabilized under her weight. “May I go now?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll take you to the front door.”

  Shelby slung the straps of her bag and purse over a shoulder, trailing him. When she stepped outside, the bitter-cold October air assailed her lungs giving her a jolt of strength and fortitude to find a place to stay. She lowered her backpack to the concrete, extended the handle letting the wheels take its own burden.

  Up ahead against the night sky, a neon sign flashed vacancy and for the first time today, relief swept over her.

  By the time she checked in, set up a courtesy car for seven in the morning to take her to Zip Away Car rental and had let the balm of a hot shower fortify her frayed psyche, it was too late to eat or call Alessa. She collapsed on the bed.

  Her cell rang, the caller ID read KP. She switched her phone off. Her stomach heaved again and she curled into a fetal position. Unchecked tears slid across her cheek. She’d been right all along. Kyle had taken her under his wing only because of Bear-Claws’ request. Without a doubt, he’d loved her. He was a man of his word. Kyle didn’t know it yet, but she had released him.

  She groaned. Kyle thought she was capable of murder? Well, that sure would put a damper on his emotions. Obviously, he gave her enough credit to sabotage his truck…A mechanic? She had to read the manual just to change the damn clock twice a year.

  Shelby flipped a pillow over her head to drown out her thoughts. This horrendous day ranked in the top three worst she’d lived through. She honestly couldn’t define the moment when everything in her life had turned upside down.

  She-Who-Smiles was right, all is not what it appears.

  Nothing helped to silence her ramblings, sleep never came. At five-thirty, she gave up and called Al. The detective had interviewed her over the phone late last night. She heaved a sigh of relief that Alessa didn’t have to come here.

  After her shower, she headed to the buffet, breakfast bar and devoured eggs, bacon, and toast. She chased her food with cold milk and a hot cup of coffee then hurried to meet the van.

  Dropped off at the airport, she strode for the automatic doors. The cold air felt good last night, but this morning, she shook from head to toe and her teeth chattered.

  Once inside, the warm blast of heat helped. Before she made it to the car rental counter, two men resembling professional wrestlers asked her name.

  “Shelby Littleton. Why?” She stated it without thinking.

  Both men grabbed her and barreled outside. One on each side of her, the muscle-bound guys escorted her toward a long, black suburban, the windows too dark to see in.

  Shelby shrieked, fearing the worst. Her lungs constricted. Oxygen, she needed air. Her heart rate increased and her temples pounded. The adrenaline rush kicked in. “What the hell? Where are you taking me?”

  Neither of the men spoke, but their fingers squeezed tighter.

  Her mind recounted the entire dos and don’ts of kidnapping. Don’t go to the second location and bring as much attention to the situation as possible, fight, because your life depends on it.

  She inhaled and shrieked a blood-curdling scream. Their grip lessened. She kicked and thrashed.

  They jerked her to cease, but she refused to give up. The next jolt from her abductors nearly pulled her arms out of the sockets.

  Her muscles burned from the abuse, but she wouldn’t be defeated. Shelby lashed out with the words she had been taught. “Fire.” She flailed her arms and swung her legs, anything to get away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “What the fuck?” Kyle flung the door open of the armored car. He launched toward Shelby. “Cease and desist. Unhand her.”

  Kyle clenched his fist. He cocked his arm to give momentum to a haymaker. A powerful gridlock stopped his throw. His punch halted.

  The forearm belonged to a man. He forced Kyle into a stronghold and yanked his back against a broad chest. Survival training kicked in gear. He refused to surrender. Kyle’s left hand followed his assailant’s shoulder finding the subclavian nerve while his right thumb found the attacker’s throat. He simultaneously applied pressure. Kyle balanced. The aggressor’s kneecap would discover a boot heel next.

  Words rasped from the intruder, as Kyle crushed his windpipe. “Buddy, it’s me.”

  Kyle’s head whipped around to see Jude’s face turning red, his older brother’s grip yielding under the intense compression he administered. Kyle released Jude and cursed.

  Jude massaged his throat. “Get in the car.” Although a bit rough, his voice echoed control.

  Kyle denied Jude’s request and didn’t move. He eyed the two men. “Let her go, before I kick the shit out of both of you. Now.” They immediately freed Shelby and he nodded once.

  In two strides, Kyle paused by the limo door. His hand fanned an imaginary line across his waist gesturing for Shelby to get in while the two guards slinked into the front.

  Shelby stepped inside and slid into the seat facing backward.

  Kyle settled beside her. “Did they hurt you? Let me see.” He checked her shoulders, arms and hands. “Damn, you’re bruised already. I’ll call Andy.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Bodyguards are hired to protect, not hurt their clients. Where are my people, Sam and his team? I trust them, not these yahoos.”

  When Jude didn’t respond, Kyle scrutinized Shelby’s black-and-blue marks again. “Are you sure you’re okay, baby?”

  “I said. I’m fine.”

  Obviously, Shelby was pissed and he wouldn’t contradict her when she repeated, I’m fine, or for that matter, any woman. “Why haven’t you answered your cell?”

  Shelby squinted. Her eyes dripped with disdain, panning from him to Jude then out the window.

  “We were concerned whether you were kidnapped or something worse happened to you.”

  She continued her vigil through the bullet-proof glass. “I heard you.”

  “Will you look at me?”

  Shelby twisted to face him, her fierce gaze pierced his. He finally had her attention even though it wasn’t in a good way. “We are going to a penthouse where we’ll have guards that won’t kill us.”

  “I can’t afford a penthouse.”

  At least she was talking to him. “I’m paying for it. The elevators have a special key and we’ll have men posted throughout the resort and with us.”

  “I’ll be safe at home, in Texas. Take me back to the airport.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” Kyle said quietly.

  “I need to call Alessa so she won’t worry.”

  He fingered a stray lock of hair that fell across her cheek and placed the strands behind her ear. “I’ve already talked to Al, that’s how I knew where to find you.”

  She withdrew from his touch. “Am I allowed to make any phone calls?”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “Are telling me…I would be endangering my loved ones if I talked to them?”

  He nodded not wanting to sound too drastic. “Only until we figure out what is going on.”

  “How dare you take away my family, work, and free will.” Shelby scooted low in the seat, crossed her arms below her breasts and resumed her vigilant attention out the window.

  He guessed he had that coming. Most people didn’t understand the ramifications of fortunes. Everyone assumed having money meant a life of leisure and fulfilling your every whim. Security protocols were a bitch to live by, but a necessary evil.

  He still faced solving the conundrum of a bungled burglary for Ten-Blue-Sun, someone wanting revenge and why.

  “How many people knew you had the Kachina doll?” Jude’s question pierced the silence.

  “Rain, Garrett, Shelby and myself.”

  She stiffened beside him.

  “I’m wondering what the black market would give for it. For someone to commit a crime for the damn thing, the logical explanation would be a monetary
gain.” His older brother postulated.

  Shelby turned toward Jude. Her mouth opened then promptly closed.

  Kyle clasped his fingers together and placed them on his lap. “You don’t really accept that theory, do you?”

  Jude’s brows drew together. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Dude, we know what the appearance of Ten-Blue-Sun means.”

  Jude scowled. He scrunched his eyelids until they were small slits. “You know I don’t believe in that garbage. Kachina doll, First Realm, reincarnation were created by people who were bored to death. I can see it now. Everyone sitting around a campfire, telling ghost stories for entertainment and somewhere along the line, someone took it seriously.”

  Kyle shook his head. “You amaze me. Rain, Garrett, and Uncle Grey are family. We were raised with the handed down traditions, seen miracles beyond what science can explain, and yet, you continue to deny a supernatural existence.”

  Jude swiped a hand through his short hair. “We have real problems and concerns that demand our attention. Have you been able to remember the people involved in the bar fight?”

  “You’re a stubborn fool and you’ve left yourself wide open to be proven wrong.” Kyle grinned. “I can’t wait for the day when you realize you’ve been wrong all these years and I get to see the what-the-fuck expression on your face. You’re going to flip the fuck out and when you do, I’m going to be there for you because I love ya’, man.”

  Jude scrubbed a hand down his face trailing the middle finger down his nose. “Watch your language around a lady, you moron.”

  Kyle laughed. “Shelby’s already pissed at me.” He placed his hand on her thigh. “Besides, she usually looks past my flaws just like I do yours.”

  Jude smirked. “Just answer my question.”

  Shelby’s palm covered his and squeezed. He shuddered under the warm sensation racing from his hand to his dick. He adjusted his position to relieve the pressure. Absence did make his cock grow fonder.

  “I don’t know their names. I remember thinking I had seen one of them before, but I can’t place Swordfish.”


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