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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

Page 19

by Susan JP Owens

  He hung on to keep her from falling to the ground. As what-the-fuck moments went, this was one of them. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Her teeth ground together as if she was in pain.

  “I’m taking you back and calling Chris again.” He curled one arm underneath her knees while the other held her shoulders and lifted, carrying her to his pick-up.

  She wiggled to free herself, screaming, “No, put me down.”

  It certainly was a study between balance and presence of mind to not hurt Shelby while he placed her in the vehicle and tried to calm her. He settled Shelby in the passenger seat. His foot rested on the floorboard while his hands shifted to gently hold her hips in place. “Stop fighting me and listen.”

  She quieted and fixed her gaze on his.

  “Talk to me.” When he had mentioned Chris’ name, she freaked out, and he wanted answers, now.

  Tears erupted and streaked down her cheek, then a stone-cold expression emerged. “All I’m going to say is…I don’t want him near me…ever again.”

  If he did anything to her, he’d castrate the son-of-a-bitch’s balls. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “Not like you’re thinking…It’s just I don’t like him…Okay.”

  “All right.” He caved at her request, but he’d find out what the problem was and correct it. “We should be heading back.” He stepped away, straightened and panned looking for anyone or anything out of place. “We’re like sitting ducks out here.”

  “My stuff is at the hotel.”

  “Not a problem.” He closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. The hairs on his neck rose and his gut contracted violently. Instinct kicked his ass in gear, time to get the hell out of here.


  “Damn, almost had her.” He cursed Kyle Pressley’s luck. Why the bastard didn’t die rolling down that mountain, he’d never know.

  He told his customers, he’d be able to handle the cowboy and his sweetheart, but they done circled their wagons.

  “I’ll git ’em, Dad, I’ll git ’em. Kyle’ll pay for what he done ta’ ya’. I’ll make sure of it.” He missed his father and waited for the day he could have his revenge. He’d have to bide his time again, taking his cousin’s advice, patience.


  Kyle opened the penthouse door and followed Shelby upstairs to her room, then placed her backpack on the floor. He settled on the sofa and opened his arms wide inviting her to join him.

  She sat beside him and he twisted, laying her back against his chest. Her rapid breaths spoke volumes. As much as he wanted to find out what happened, he’d wait until she calmed. Something had spooked the hell out of her and the source had to be Chris.

  Chris was a lady’s man, but he’d never seen or heard of him taking advantage of a woman. Women called him eye candy. With his wealth and single status, ladies vied for his attention. He’d pick one and let her dictate the game and how fast they played. In the end, he messed around, had a good time, enjoyed the liaison, and shied from a lasting affair or marriage.

  Hell, he felt the same way about relationships since Christine. He inhaled the sweet aroma of Shelby’s hair. The feminine fragrance reminded him that Shel had been able to turn the tide of his onerous conviction.

  She shuddered again.

  Kyle would sit tight a little longer. When he returned from the police station, the detectives had given their laptops to him. He’d talked to Jude first, swapping info. With nothing out of the ordinary, he’d checked on Shelby and she was asleep. He had stayed in her room until well after midnight then went to bed.

  In the morning, he’d let her rest and given her some personal time. By noon, a sickening feeling rolled in his gut. He’d taken the steps two at a time and didn’t knock, jerking the door open. The empty room confirmed his instinct. Havoc steamrolled through him until he inhaled several deep breaths to get a grip.

  He’d made a number of calls to Shelby’s cell leaving messages and to Alessa, who hadn’t heard from her. Next came the hard part, biding his time. His mind played out graphic scenarios that got worse with each one.

  When she answered her cell, he’d been surprised by the distance in her voice and words. After she hung up on his ass, he turned to Marcus tracing her call and asked for her position. The head of security gave him a several block area. He knew where to find her…Their restaurant.

  Jude, Marcus, and Sam told him to wait for his security team. He’d told them to go fuck themselves. Later on, he would have to go downstairs and face their wrath, although he wouldn’t apologize. He’d bet if any one of them had been in his boots, they would’ve done the same thing.

  Finally, Shelby’s head relaxed against his shoulder and she stretched her legs on the couch. Her tell signs signaled she was ready.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Shelby tensed. “I don’t want to be drugged again.”

  “What?” This was the first he’d heard about any medication. Damn, that’s why she’d slept so long and hard. He’d been worried because she hadn’t moved. During the night, the shallow rise and fall of her chest concerned him enough to check on her several times. “Did he explain or give you a reason?”

  She inhaled to answer, her shoulders bunched and she squeaked as if in pain. “I…I’m sure it was my fault.”

  That was the second time he’d seen her distressed reaction when talking about the bastard. If Chris was here, he’d deck him. “I can’t believe your actions would dictate using a barbiturate, but you have my word, no more.”

  She settled against him.

  “There’s one more thing I need to discuss with you.” Kyle waited for her answer.

  She hesitated. “Yes?”

  “I want you to promise me you’ll never go anywhere un-chaperoned, unless we talk and both agree beforehand that it’s okay.” When she didn’t answer, he urged, “Baby?”


  Shelby untangled from Kyle’s embrace and stood. She met his gaze. “I have a few things to talk about too.”

  She crossed to the balcony doors. Her eyes strained but couldn’t see anything but lingering shadows from the resort lights. “I’m confused…and worried about all that has happened.”

  And because of Chris, what would come to pass? She tried not to think about him and what he’d do to her family. The first time on the sidewalk in Jackson she’d come close to telling Kyle about the threats. When she had, the sudden pain of the talons clamping on her shoulders, the nails digging into her skin, the flesh burning, hurt like hell and scared the bejesus out of her.

  The second time was a few moments ago on the sofa. She attempted to block the five-star general out of her mind hoping to inform and receive help from Kyle. But Chris won again. She didn’t like the idea of hiding the truth from Kyle, but now with every fiber in her being, she’d guard him from harm. Even if it meant instant death, she’d protect the ones she loved.

  “We promised to love one another, to spend more time together. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but here we are. I can’t believe I’m asking you this, but I need you to tell me what you want from me…Do you want a life-long commitment?” As Shelby whispered the words, moisture beaded on the glass pane, she swiped it away with one finger.

  She spun to face him and held her palm up to stop his answer. “Before you respond, I want to give you some of my thoughts.”

  In the back of her mind, she questioned her rationale. She wanted Kyle with all of her heart, but if their relationship lasted, they’d be put to Chris’ test. One she wasn’t sure who’d win the bloody battle.

  For now, she’d go with her heart and not logic. Her reason screamed to run as fast and far as she could. Another thing she couldn’t do was to promise Kyle she’d never disappear alone. Life wasn’t like a parade route, planned and protected. When Chris set the time, she’d have to leave Kyle, taking Ten-Blue-Sun with her. She inhaled, took a leap of faith that her family would be safe and Kyle would forgive her
in the end.

  “I’m not someone who can voluntarily commit to a temporary situation. There are times I wished I were clairvoyant. If you only want me for a while then I suppose… friends are all we’ll ever be.”

  Kyle crossed the room and halted in front of her. “You never answered my question, how am I to give you one without the other? I love and trust you. Because I’ve given you my heart and soul, I want to protect you. If something happened to you…I’d never forgive myself.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I’d be the one who’d have to tell your family you passed on to the First Realm. Christ, that’d kill me. I’d rather give my life for yours any day of the week before facing your grandchildren.”

  There was the confluence, a junction of wills. They’d both die for one another. An irrefutable fact. It wasn’t if, but when the test came, one would overpower the other. Then all hell would break loose.

  Or they would work together, become stronger, better and forge on. She chose to believe in the positive.

  “And mine for yours.” She raised her arms, cupping her hands around the nape of his neck, drawing his lips to meet hers. The fusion of moist skin accelerated the hot jolts of desire to her belly then lowered. With a simple kiss, this man, her lover, turned her into mush.

  His mouth nipped along her jaw to the sensitive flesh behind her ear. Goosebumps rose as his tongue streamed moisture along her flesh. He nibbled her collarbone then journeyed back to exchange breaths, him giving and taking while she accepted and bequeathed hers. A need to be loved and filled by him barreled through her body, her nerves strummed with sensual tension, waiting, anticipating.

  His caresses changed from gently inviting to urgent, charged with pheromones, demanding possession and she accommodated.

  He withdrew and released her. “Wait here, don’t move.”

  Like she would or even could.

  In three long strides, he had the door locked and pivoted. He flashed his luscious smile, his double dimples deepened. With each small step, he discarded a piece of clothing. His shirt fell to the floor first, revealing the broad expanse of sinew. The dusting of dark hair covering his chest trailed a path dipping below the waistband of his denims. Next his boots were discarded. He unfastened the singular button, unzipped his fly, and as his jeans slid over his muscular thighs he included his boxers and socks. Now before her, he resembled a god.

  She’d definitely pay homage to this one, impatience thrummed to every extremity. His body screamed with intense desire. Her gaze traveled to his darkened eyes full of passion. His pupils dilated as she stripped.

  When he joined her, she matched his fervor. The fire in her loins burned for the ecstasy just out of her grasp. But there was more, fueled by the knowledge she’d have to leave him someday, her soul charged forward. With their combined energy, she navigated into their charted territories, the undefined boundaries she had yet to understand and a place that was exquisite.

  He slowed the pace, whispered sweet words and cherished her with unhurried motions, yet each was expressed with acute potency. The power of his deliberate leisure carried her back from the edge. He granted her time to savor their joining and she did. Her inner muscles milked his shaft. His thumb found her swollen nub and his rhythm increased.

  His hips pumped and with every thrust, he hit her sweet spot. Then he scooted his arms under her thighs, lifting to penetrate deeper while her folds opened. His advances struck her clit, and the immense pleasure contracted her core.

  “I’m so close.”

  “Baby, right with you.”

  She catapulted and he plunged several more times then joined her in their world. A special place where their souls were free of the encumbrances of earth, in a location where erotic gratification passed beyond the physical realm, the bliss of fulfillment took her breath away.

  Sated, under post-coital stupor, Kyle lay on top of her, his weight a reassuring comfort no words could ever give.

  After a few moments, Kyle rolled to his side and pulled her back against his chest. He stroked his hands over her arms. “I’m sorry those bastards bruised you. Does it hurt?”

  “Hurt? No. More like sore. Nothing to worry about.”

  He laved every black, blue, and purple mark with his mouth, attended her palms and ended by sucking her fingertips. “Baby?”


  “What am I going to do with you?”

  She languished under his diligent attention. “Whatever you want.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll take you up on that after we eat. Ready for a midnight snack?”

  Not really sure if food was on the menu, either one would be fine with her. “Famished.”


  During the long shower, Kyle transported Shelby one more time. Her release always accompanied his favorite sounds, a mewling then a sigh. “You’re beautiful…Your cheeks are flushed with afterglow.”

  Her rosy face changed to a flaming red.

  He turned the water off. “Let’s get dressed and head down stairs.”

  When Kyle followed Shelby into the kitchen, Jude sat at the bar tapping the keys of his computer.

  His older brother peered over his reading glasses and his fingers stopped typing. “Mending and healing?”

  “Shut up.” Kyle grinned pleased when Jude nodded and smiled back.

  “I’m going to call it a night.” Jude closed his laptop and rose from the stool. “Shelby, I’m glad to see you’re back safe. Contrary to my behavior and your thoughts, as long as Kyle’s happy, so am I. I want you to feel comfortable and at home with us.”

  Shelby closed the distance between her and Jude. She stood on her tip toes, kissed his brother on the cheek and hugged him. “You don’t know how much that means to me, thank you.”

  Jude cleared his throat. “Good night.” And he left.

  Shelby cocked her head to the side. “Mending and healing?”

  He closed the refrigerator door, placed cold cuts, condiments and bread on the table then winked. “I believe we are.”

  She helped with the plates and silverware. “I guess we are… in more ways than one.”

  Their sandwiches made, they took two of the four stools at the bar.

  Shelby glanced at him. “What were the messages in your house? What did they say?”

  “I’m not going to repeat the words to a lady let alone my woman. No person in their right mind would ever write anything like that, they were reprehensible.”

  “Ah, that nasty.” Her chin lifted an inch.

  “Vile wouldn’t come close.”

  “Your life is in danger because of Ten-Blue-Sun. But, we don’t know who or why?” Shelby’s finger tapped the bread crust.

  “That’s right.”

  “How many people knew you had the doll?”

  “I can count on one hand who knew about Ten-Blue-Sun.” He raised his glass to his mouth and drank.

  “I’m a suspect for tampering with your truck, stealing property, issuing death threats, and attempted murder. Pressley, stop pussyfooting around and tell me what’s going on.”

  He placed the tumbler on the table and pondered how much to tell her. If the detectives questioned her again and she was cognizant of more than they thought she should, he’d end up getting her into more trouble. “Part of the message asked for the doll, the other threatened both of our lives.”

  “Ours? You and me?” Her eyebrows rose.


  “Anyone else?”

  “Anyone trying to help us. Beyond Pressley International, that’s another reason why Jude’s here too.”

  Shelby chewed the bite she took, and what he had told her. She swallowed. “I’ve met four of your acquaintances. First, there was Mira Dent, but I can’t imagine her having anything to do with this. Bobby Jo, David, and later Lisa. Do you really think they’d have done this to you, to us?”

  “I’ve given those names to the detectives, as well as, some business colleagues.”

  “Have I met any people who work for

  “No.” He shook his head once.

  “How would your business colleagues know enough to write my name much less assign a death threat to it?”

  “My answer is to wait on the detectives. Hopefully, they can figure out if the grievance is personal or a business vendetta. Of course, the life-bringer is still a problem.”

  “You have a state of the art security system. How did they get through all the safety mechanisms you have in place?”

  “They knew enough to not set off some of the features. Others were activated, but they overcame them. I’m being vague until I know for sure the investigators have scratched you off their list as a person of interest. Only then, will I let you know the full extent of how they got around security.”

  “Fair enough. So, what do you want to do for the next couple of hours?”

  “We could work out or—” Kyle winked. “Mend and heal.”

  Shelby smiled. “I should exercise, but I’d like the last better.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  By the end of the week, Kyle received a phone call. Garrett had returned from a trip and offered his ranch to him and the crew. Kyle had jumped on the invitation. Even Jude was ready to blow the joint since the extra bodyguards never made it. Side by side with Marcus and his brother, he labored over the security details.

  When Shelby entered the dining room, plans lay scattered on the table with the three of them huddled diligently working over the fine points. Kyle stood and the rest of the gentlemen chased his lead.

  Hesitation eclipsed with Shelby because her mouth opened then closed. She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’d like to speak to Kyle for a minute.”

  He grinned. “Excuse me…I have a beautiful lady who needs my attention.” He strutted from the room feeling like the winning stud.

  Following her into the living area, he leaned on one shoulder against the arched entry. “What’s up?”

  One-half of Shelby’s curvaceous ass inched over the back of the sofa. “I’ve updated both of my sisters. When I told them about going to Garrett’s ranch, Alessa wanted to come. She has some documents for me to sign, although, I think my little sister needs to reach out and touch me…kind of thing. Al wants to come as soon as it’s okay. To be perfectly honest, immediately wouldn’t be soon enough for her. Is this something doable?”


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