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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

Page 22

by Susan JP Owens

  Jude rose. “On that positive note, it’s time for me to leave.”

  Garrett followed. “Same here.”

  “We could stay and have a few drinks at the bar and dance a little?” Lisa pleaded.

  “Nope.” Jude and Garrett responded at the same time.

  Kyle hadn’t had one-on-one time with Lisa in a while. The twenty-something brat had turned into a kinder woman. “Sure, sounds great.”

  Jude and Garrett kissed Lisa’s cheek and said their goodbyes.

  Kyle guided Lisa into the dimly lit room, the piano and violin playing soft jazz. He gently helped her petite body up on the stool. She placed her evening purse on the high table for two.

  The cocktail waitress appeared. “Would you care for a drink?”

  After giving their orders, Lisa asked, her sky-blue eyes hopeful. “Want to dance?”

  He flashed back to the gangly girl of ten. Her jet-black hair plaited in a braid, dirt smudged along the smattering of freckles dotting her face asking to play with the guys. Back then, he’d always watched over her, protected her.

  Of course, there was more history. Lisa and Christine had become lovers and chose another lifestyle, choices that would eventually be too much for Christine to live with. He’d finished his masters, withdrew from life into the bottle, until he had enough of alcohol-dazed memories. Then he had joined the Navy, never looking back.

  When he’d returned from his last mission, Lisa made a special point in contacting him. He’d helped her come to terms with what had happened. Life had a strange way of healing, at least for her. How could he refuse a simple dance with a long-time friend?

  Although her feet gracefully caught her weight when she slid from the chair, he balanced her frame with his hands on her waist. He led her to the waxed floor, grasped her fingers and with his palm gently held the small of her back.

  Moving to the music, he wished that Shelby was in his arms instead of Lisa. He missed Shelby. Her note designating him as a friend had sliced open new wounds he’d rather not analyze. He wanted her as a lover, a committed partner, a woman to share his days and nights, a wife.

  A shudder traveled down his spine and landed low in his belly. His stomach tensed. What he truly wanted, she had denied him outright, walked away, and refused to answer his calls. Damn, he should be able to change her mind. There was only one way to alter her course to his benefit, mind walking, and admitting his desire to do so, ripped his soul apart.

  No, he wouldn’t use his ability. He’d given an oath, a vow. Besides that, he didn’t want to alter Shelby’s path. She had to freely give herself to him, relinquishing her body and spirit for a lifetime commitment. He wanted, no, needed the bond that would last not only here on earth, but in the next world, the First Realm.

  Earlier, while waiting to be seated, he’d asked Garrett to head to Texas for a surprise visit. Of course, Jude in his brief interrogation inquired exactly how he had planned to get back with Shelby. He didn’t have a clue, but he’d think of something. With a brief, okay, it was damn well skimpy game plan, he relaxed.

  Lisa laid her cheek against his chest. She stopped dancing, stood on her tiptoes and kissed the skin between the V of his shirt, making her way to his throat.

  He released her and took one step back. “Don’t. I’m in love with another woman.”

  Her chin lowered. “Are you speaking of Shelby?”

  He shuffled marking more distance between them. “Yes.”

  “She’s a lucky woman. Let’s sit down for a while.”

  The last call issued, Kyle dropped from his stool and stumbled, but gained his feet again. The room spun. He grasped the table for support. “Whaa tha he-ell? Jus thwo dreenks...all naght.”

  Lisa steadied and lowered him to his seat. “I’ll ask the maître d’ for a cab.”


  Kyle blinked to relieve the blurry sheen covering his eyes. The sun’s rays and heat penetrated through the windows. His head throbbed as he attempted to rise from the bed then fell to his back again. He studied his surroundings. Kyle panned the room with no recognition of where he was.

  He lifted his back off the mattress. His abdomen muscles clenched holding a half sit-up. Kyle quickly placed his elbows to brace his upper body. Movement to his left drew his attention and the lacy cover drifted down revealing the small bump underneath the pink quilt.

  “Lisa?” He licked his parched lips.

  She stretched. “Good morning, how are you feeling?”

  “What in the hell happened?”

  “You don’t recall?”

  “Redundant question.” He clenched his jaws together from the pounding headache.

  “Oh my, you are grouchy this morning.”


  “You’re breaking my heart. You wanted to get back together.” Her seductive voice cooed. “You sure do know how to make a woman happy. You’re an exquisite lover.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You asked me to call and break up with my fiancé, Bill, last night.” Her lower lip pouted. “I’m truly hurt you don’t remember.”

  He flung the covers off then slung his feet to the floor and sat. He swayed, waiting for his equilibrium to balance. Kyle peered at his body. He was buck naked. First thing in the morning, he normally had a boner, but his cock was flaccid. Strange he’d noticed that.

  “My head is killing me.” He rested his elbows on his knees, cradled his forehead in his palms. “This isn’t good.”

  Lisa bounced out of bed. “Let me get you some aspirin and water.”

  The mattress coils rebounded, his belly churned, and he moaned. His pulse surged under an intense heart palpitation. He took a deep breath to level out the rapid beats. What Lisa told him didn’t add up. His love for Shelby coursed through his veins into the very marrow of his bones. What did I just do? What am I going to tell Shel and how am I to explain this to her?

  Lisa returned without a fucking stitch of clothing on, he grimaced. She’d tried to hand him a glass and two pills, which he refused, then she bent down to kiss him.

  Any other time when he accompanied women home and stayed the night, he would have initiated morning sex. His mind and his dick were in agreement, there was only one woman who rang his chimes. He turned away. “No. Don’t. I don’t know if you are telling me the truth, but I can assure you nothing will happen ever again. You should call your intended and try to make amends. I’m getting the hell out of here.”

  He stood. The room spun. This wasn’t a hangover, it was something else.

  “What are you saying? You said you loved me, not Shelby.”

  He fumbled into his pants, tucking his shirt tail inside his jeans. As he tugged, the metal zipper filled the silence because he declined to acknowledge such an inane comment.

  “Please don’t leave. I’ll make some breakfast.”

  When he bent down to pull his boots on, his eyes watered. Thank God, they slipped on with relative ease. He found his cell and tapped Jude’s speed number.

  Without any modesty, she claimed a spot right in front of him. “Why are you being like this? Talk to me.”

  His brother’s leave a message routine echoed in his ear. He gave Lisa his best go-to-hell look, which was pretty easy considering his state of mind and left.

  Through the closed door, Lisa ranted. “You bastard, I loved you both with all my heart and soul. We wanted you in our bed, not your stupid college friend, but you returned home early and destroyed my dreams. I would’ve done anything for you and for her. I wanted to be your sub.” Then she cried out, “Christine, I miss you.”


  Kyle unlocked the door to his Manhattan penthouse apartment. The click of the deadbolt reverberated inside his head like a jack hammer breaking concrete. He wanted a shower and to lay his aching body down.

  Jude lips curled into a smirk.

  The ones he wanted to slap.

  “Girl in every city?”

  Yep, he would’ve
liked to smack the shit-eating-grin off his face. “Something happened last night.”

  Jude gazed from his hand-combed hair to the eel boots that were now scuffed beyond repair. “Yeah, I would say so, thought you decided not to dip in that well again?”

  “Kiss my−”


  He sighed. “I think Lisa gave me a mickey, a GHB, a fucking date drug. She told me we were together last night. I had two drinks all evening, and I don’t have any recollection after the first thirty minutes at the bar.”

  Jude stoned his features. “You do understand the implications you are making?”

  Kyle clenched his fists at his side. Sometimes Jude really pissed him off. “I’m fully aware.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I can’t prove a damn thing, so nothing, for right now. After we’re done here, we’re going to Texas.”

  Jude’s brows drew together. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  Kyle shrugged. “Got to.”

  Garrett rose. “I’ll get a flight plan scheduled and filed, when did you want to leave?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning. We have a few more things to finish up here and I have a feeling I’ll need tonight to get over this shit-ass headache.”

  Jude ran his hand through his military style haircut. “Think you can make it through the meetings this afternoon?”

  “Yeah, but I’m going to lie down for a few hours.” Out of the corner of his eye, Garrett had grasped the edge of the desk with both hands and sweat beaded his brow.

  Kyle waited until Garrett relaxed. “A vision?”


  “Anything I need to know about?”

  Garrett nodded. “I’m inclined to agree with you about Lisa. My images appeared like an old-time silent movie, you seem to be unaware of what’s happening. At the bar, you are dancing and in the next sequences, your head is on Lisa’s lap in a limo.”

  Garrett bit his lower lip then released it. “Your boots skidded across the concrete and marble tile. She had help getting you to her condo and your clothes off. They put you in a bed. A damn frilly one, I might add.”

  Garrett heaved. “I have to interpret the scenes, but I’m positive you were unconscious.”

  “I knew she played games, but not like this.” Kyle shook his head once, then wished he hadn’t.

  Jude rose from the couch and growled. “You guys are full of shit.”

  Jude’s eyes met Garrett’s with condemnation. “Visions.”

  Then his gaze panned to him with the same reproach. “Mind-walking.” He whirled a one-eighty and strode to the door. “I’m fucking out of here. See you at four.”

  “Don’t—” The door slammed shut. Kyle winced as the sound waves vibrated in his head, bouncing from one side to the other, then echoed in his ears. “—slam the door.”

  Garrett’s eyebrow rose.

  Kyle nodded. “One day he’ll understand. Until that time comes, he’s hell to live with.”

  That night, Kyle hung up with his conspirator in arms. Alessa had said Joni was in town, staying with Shelby and Joni would help. Together, they had come up with a plan, an impromptu barbeque dinner with friends. He’d rent a car and follow Alessa to Shelby’s ranch.

  The sisters reveled in their devious scheme. According to them, Shelby hadn’t been the same since she returned from Wyoming. As much as he hated Shelby not doing well, he savored the idea that she’d had problems adjusting without him. It was like drinking an ice-cold beer on a hot, summer day, hydrating with liquid, but not quenching the thirst. The only way to relieve his dry mouth was to see Shelby, to ask for another chance, hold her again and never let go.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Shelby placed the wine glasses on the counter and hoped she’d get through the evening.

  Joni strode to the door. “Alessa and her friends just arrived. I’ll help bring in the food.”

  Shelby inched her chin higher to acknowledge Joni.

  “Why don’t you open some Spanish red?”

  “Got it.” She trudged to the tiny wine room, more like a closet, but it was hers. The red digital temperature and humidity gauge read the space was perfect. She grabbed a bottle and plodded back to the kitchen.

  Her sisters had been worried about her and she guessed this get together was for her benefit. She appreciated their concern, but wasn’t in the mood for a supper gathering.

  All she wanted to do tonight was to get a shower, read a book, preferably in her T-shirt and shorts. She sighed. Sprawled across her bed with pillows behind her back would be heaven, but that would have to come later.

  They were driving her crazy. If her siblings didn’t leave her alone soon, she’d take a week off and go be somewhere, anywhere.

  She shook her head, yesterday was a prime example. They took her and her step grandchildren to see a comedy. Joni jabbed her elbow in her side to join in the laughter. She’d laughed and wanted to reciprocate the loving gesture except with a little more enthusiasm. Maybe then, she’d get a reprieve. Of course the children were oblivious, in their own cute worlds, enjoying the time with their aunts, but for her, the outing proved tiresome.

  Her energy had hit the lowest level in years. She recognized the symptoms of emotional withdrawal; nonetheless, she didn’t have the strength or fortitude to put the pieces of her heart together again. Maybe when she felt a little stronger, she’d forget the two men who had taken a piece of her soul. For right now, dark clouds with thunder and lightning stormed inside her mind and body. Unlike what glared at her through the window at this very second. The sun shone, the wispy clouds floated against the azure sky, she grasped the bottle tighter. She could get through this.

  The commotion at the front door let her know Alessa’s friends had arrived. She pasted a grin then her lips flattened in a straight line. Fake smiles wouldn’t get her any brownie points and she wanted her sisters to stop hovering. She wiggled her cheeks, drew in a deep breath and tried again. Yep, this should work. Since she was a happy drinker, after a couple glasses of wine, the bogus act would come naturally.

  Alessa yelled, “We have enough food to feed the cowboys on a month-long cattle drive.”

  Shelby shook her head and spun to help. “You always buy too much food. That’s par for the−”

  Jude held a sack in each arm. “We couldn’t resist. Hope you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not, you’re always welcome here.”

  Garrett peeked around Jude. “Me too?”

  “You too.”

  She panned the room and zeroed in on Kyle. Awareness scuttled around her heart, she did an about face unwilling to define what was in his eyes. “I’ll pour the wine, who would like some?”

  Joni stepped up. “I’ll do it. Alessa, would you start putting the food on the table?”

  Jude and Garrett volunteered to help, removing the barbecue from the paper bags, leaving Shelby to weather the uneasy air floating in the room.

  “I’ll get some more wine.” Shelby sidestepped Kyle.

  Kyle’s footsteps followed her. Her hand shook as she touched one bottle then the next, picking up a Tempranillo, she put it back. Or did she open a Rioja?

  Kyle inched his way until he was beside her. He placed his palm over hers, settling the wine back on the rack. “You’re trembling, baby, I’m—”

  “Shh, Pressley.”

  Moisture welled. She blinked to keep the tears at bay. Unsuccessful, a stream ran down both cheeks, dropping on her blouse. Kyle gently grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. He cradled his hands around her jawline and wiped the salty liquid with both thumbs.

  She scrunched her eyelids shut. His touch radiated warmth, caring, and yes, she could feel his love. How was it possible? Her soul brightened with his light, the ugly storm was gone. With a simple brush of his fingers, a beacon of renewal shined. Her spirit wanted to hang on to his lifesaving gift. But she had to remember, this was the same man who could take her down to the pits of
emotional hell. For survival, she had to be strong, without him. Did she have the strength?

  He whispered, “I was an asshole, forgive−”

  “Is that why you came?” She opened her eyes, squared her shoulders, taking one step away from him. “It doesn’t matter. You’re forgiven. Your work is done here so go back to the crew. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She needed more time than that to get it together, maybe a walk would help. To see him again, all the pain and sorrow roared back to life, rearing its hideous head, making fun of her failures. The lack of success surrounded her on a daily basis. Every day her inadequacies seared her skin and zapped her strength.

  The knowledge of Chris paying a crony to kill Tim crushed her. Then the five-star general blackmailing her if she didn’t follow through with his orders grated against everything she stood for.

  She’d turned her back on the visions of the medicine man, walked away from the miscarriage of justice with Ten-Butterflies’ baby and the infant to come. Shelby refused to believe she could handle the First Realm’s quest and succumbed to the belief she could do nothing about the wretched curse of her Comanche grandfather.

  The latter crawled all over her. Her spirit guide revealed she and her sisters were direct descendants of the nefarious man who used black magic against his own family. She didn’t see any recourse but to accept what had been handed down by numerous generations.

  Her hand traveled toward Kyle, and her palm rested over his heart. A significant milestone occurred, Shelby finally admitted she still loved Kyle even though he had hurt her and broke her heart. Of course, she would forgive him.

  The problems they were encountering weren’t his fault or hers. All of their strife had derived from a baneful man, her ancestor. They had wonderful times together enjoying passion and devotion, but their relationship had been doomed from the beginning.

  “You are not to blame for any of this. At Garrett’s, you were only trying to protect me. Although, I would’ve preferred a nicer response from you, but I understand you had more things on your mind than me.” She nudged him marking additional distance.


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