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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

Page 24

by Susan JP Owens

  Kyle grabbed a plate, forking the meat from the platter. “Deal.”

  After they ate, the guys helped stow the leftovers in the refrigerator. She and Kyle were the last ones out the door and met the crew waiting for them. On the driveway, Shelby questioned how well Garrett and Alessa would get along.

  Garrett grasped Jude’s elbow. “You’re going to make me sit with her?”

  Alessa stilled.

  Jude glanced at his arm then to Garrett. “You’re very astute this evening.”

  Alessa’s eyes squinted. “Never mind, I’ll take my own car.” She wheeled, strode to her sports car, got in and sped away.

  With Joni settled in the front seat, Jude closed the passenger door. “Way to go, Blackwell.” He sauntered around the vehicle then slid behind the wheel.

  Garrett shook his head and folded his very large frame in the back. He patted Joni on the shoulder saying something, maybe an apology she didn’t know.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kyle danced with the love of his life in his arms as the live band strummed a slow number. Across the way, Jude nestled Joni the same way while Garrett and Alessa sat at the table ignoring one another.

  Even though the country-western bar was smoke-free, the smell of liquor mixed in with everyone’s cologne and perfume filled the air. He lowered his head to Shelby’s ear. Ahh, that’s what he liked. Honey filtered to his nostrils. Inhaling her feminine, sweet spring scent, he edged her closer. She melted against him from her head to her thighs. He liked her hips snug to his groin, so did his cock. He’d have to think of something else before his boner would become public knowledge.

  Earlier, when Shelby had asked him about Lisa, he wanted to discuss what had happened in New York, but hesitated. She’d set enough hurdles for him to jump over, for a whole damn track team. He would tell her at a later time. The years of Lisa’s friendship had come to a screeching halt after what he figured she’d done, and to his way of thinking, Garrett’s vision confirmed his suspicions. Lisa had crossed the line one too many times for him to turn the other cheek.

  After he closed the door to her Manhattan apartment, Lisa sounded like a lunatic professing her love for him and Christine. Lisa had been the third with Christine and his buddy. Although he accepted the people who made different lifestyle choices, that wasn’t his. He’d tolerated Lisa throughout the years, understood she and Christine had a bond, but Lisa manipulated him. She lacked character, honor, and as far as he was concerned, all ties had been severed.

  Shelby angled backward while her hands cradled the nape of his neck. “Are you okay?”

  He cleared his throat. “Fine.”

  She tilted her head to the side and her palms cradled his jawline. “You’re keeping something from me, Pressley. Your whole body tensed and you lost your erection.”

  Well at least he was successful at one thing. “Baby, losing my hard-on is probably a good thing right about now.”

  Shelby stopped in the middle of a step. Standing on her tiptoes, she inclined her lips to meet his.

  He accommodated Shelby’s wishes, lavishing his attention on her mouth. His tongue swept across her moist flesh, she opened and he tasted wine and welcomed her affection, her love. Damn, it didn’t take long for him to respond to Shel.

  Breaking contact, he whispered, “I’m so hard, wanting to be inside you, wanting your wet warmth surrounding me. Damn baby, I better sit down, and you need to lead the way.”

  “You got it cowboy.”

  Kyle held the chair for Shelby. Once she settled, he maneuvered his seat a little behind hers. He laid his arm over her shoulders and crossed his legs to hide the bulge straining against his zipper.

  Garrett asked Alessa. “Would you like to dance?”

  Al turned to face him. “I know you don’t like me so leave it alone.”

  The hostility between them weighted the air until a gentleman sidled next to Alessa. “I’d like to dance with the gal unless she’s with you.”

  Alessa stood. “I’d love to and he’s not with me.”

  After several lively tunes, the cowboy guided Al back to their table and she introduced him as Travis. The young man sat beside Alessa.

  Kyle balanced backwards in his chair until the two back legs carried his weight. He listened to the banter between the three sisters.

  That’s when Kyle noticed Garrett’s stone face. His jaw clenched, and the pulse at his throat kicked into high gear. “Garrett?”

  Garrett’s gaze traveled to Travis, then met Kyle’s again and shook his head. Garrett’s alert eyes and an ancestral gift of keen awareness had noted something with Alessa’s new friend.

  Kyle nodded once to let him know he understood.

  Another slow number thrummed, Travis led Alessa to the dance floor embracing her with too much familiarity in his opinion.

  Garrett mumbled. “Not in this lifetime.” He unfolded from his seat, strode to the couple and tapped Travis’ shoulder.

  Above the din of the music, Alessa answered, “No.”

  Travis puzzled by the situation relinquished Alessa to Garrett. Garrett clasped her arm and drew her flush with his body.

  “Baby, did you just see that?”

  Shelby smiled. “Yes. They’re polar opposites, like oil and water, but I think they look good together and would make pretty babies. Our niece or nephew would be beautiful with Garrett’s black hair and Alessa’s blue eyes or her blonde hair with his dark ones.”

  “Yeah, a little person, that’d be cool. Did you ever make up your mind about wanting children?”

  Her eyebrows scooted higher. “Is this a decision that needs to be made right now?”

  He chuckled. “No.”

  “Good. Now tell me what happened between you and Garrett that has to do with Travis.”

  Shelby honed in on everything. Maybe she could warn Alessa. “We want Al to stay away from the guy. Can you talk to her?”

  “She’s an adult and makes her own decisions, but I’ll mention your concerns before we leave.”

  “Speaking of which, are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, definitely. I have a wonderful cowboy, who I haven’t seen in a really long time, and he and I have some major catching up to do.”

  His dick twitched. And he knew exactly how he wanted to make up for time lost, in several positions, all night long.

  With his hand at Shelby’s elbow, he helped her stand and bid everyone good evening. “Garrett, want us to drop you off at the hotel?”

  Garrett stood. “I’d appreciate the ride.”

  Shelby grabbed her purse. “Alessa and I have to use the ladies’ room and we’ll meet you two at the front door.”

  Kyle whispered, “Good luck.”


  Kyle was in hog heaven. He had his brothers and soon to be sisters sitting on Garrett’s back patio, burgers on the grill, with drinks in hand.

  Garrett raised his glass to toast. “To my favorite couple at Pogonip.”

  Annie groaned and rolled on her back, her feet raised in the air enjoying the peaceful evening.

  Everyone laughed then cheered, “Here. Here.”

  Kyle squeezed Shelby’s hand. She had blossomed the last several months. With the May wedding only three days away, she seemed relaxed. She and Joni had meticulously planned the details of the intimate ceremony to be held at an upscale restaurant. His requests and preferences had transformed Shelby into a tiger to insure he’d receive them. Conversely, whatever she wanted he commandeered anything and anyone to have her wishes met.

  Joni had insisted on being their wedding coordinator because of her successful business on the west coast called Your Dreams Come True. The lady had connections. They’d agreed, with Joni’s assurance, she wouldn’t be taking time away from her clients and would conduct most of the details from her office in California.

  Her clientele waited months to schedule around her openings. Joni demanded perfection from herself, as well as her vendors, insisting on impeccable service a
nd products. The multi-million dollar weddings she planned required months of preparations and Joni had assured Shelby she could handle theirs with ease.

  He understood why women liked a big blow-out celebration, but he’d been pleased when Shelby favored a more personal and family-oriented day. A piano maestro would play before they said their vows and during dinner. He’d hired a local country and western band for the evening dancing.

  She’d tied up all the loose ends in Texas. Shelby had been completely flummoxed when she had to hire two people to replace Alessa’s position. She promoted Al to president and had transferred the majority of the company stock to her.

  Kyle winked at Shelby. “To my family.”

  “Salud.” Everyone echoed.

  Jude followed. “To Shelby, may you have the patience of Job. You’re going to need it.”

  Alessa and Joni raised their goblets, but didn’t speak while Garrett boldly proclaimed the cheer.

  Alessa stood. “To my brothers.” She pivoted toward Garrett, her eyes squinted and everyone stilled. “All of them.”

  Garrett’s eyes changed from an intense black to a kinder onyx. He smiled and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Kyle chuckled. He’d bet a considerable sum of money that if they ever got together, they’d fire up the heavens.

  Shelby raised her glass of wine. “I love you all dearly and may you find happiness just as we have.”

  Tears welled in Joni’s eyes and she held the stem, barely audible. “I love you all.”

  Another female voice rang over Shelby’s sister. He recognized it and rose from the chair. Out of the corner of his eye, Jude did the same and grabbed his arm.


  Lisa strode toward Garrett, gave him a hug and kissed each jaw. Jude was next then him. She stopped in front of Shelby. “I wanted to extend my congratulations and best wishes personally.” She bent down and gave Shelby her right cheek. “You take care of him.” And she gave her the other side. “You hear me?”

  Shelby replied, “You can count on it.”

  Lisa straightened. “Kyle, I was hoping you’d allow me to give you and Shelby a party. Just a small get-together of family and friends, a way of saying I’m truly happy for you. Would you let me do that?”

  Kyle stalled, what was she up to now? Was she trustworthy? Did he misjudge her in New York? Was he really a victim of foul play? Or did he say and do the things she enumerated on that God awful morning? He couldn’t remember what happened. The aches and pains didn’t subside until twenty-four hours later and he’d bet his last dollar, the hangover wasn’t due to alcohol. He couldn’t fault Lisa for his actions unless she was the one who slipped the mickey in his drink.

  He’d not dwelled on what she’d said behind her closed door, all of it was history including her. Lisa needed to get on with her life. Only because there never seemed to be the right time or the correct opportunity, he still hadn’t told Shel…yet. “It’s up to Shelby.”

  Lisa tilted her head, batting her eye lashes. “Would you please let me do this as a way of making amends?”

  Shelby shrugged. “Sure.”

  Kyle gleaned the admission of guilt and it ruffled his feathers. “Lisa…Never mind. Small, very small. Shelby and I don’t want one of your blow-out parties.”

  Lisa smiled as if the cat ate the canary and strolled over to the grill. “Garrett, would you like to have it here? I noticed you still have some security.”

  “I’m not the one to ask. Fine with me, if it’s all right with them.”

  Jude hiked up several inches of his jeans and sat. “Not my decision.”

  Kyle faced Shelby and she answered him with a nod. His stomach jerked.

  Lisa beamed. “Great. How about Friday evening? Are you having a bachelor party or a wedding shower?”

  Shelby responded. “No wedding shower and no presents.”

  Kyle slipped in his chair wanting to touch Shelby, needing the physical contact. He clasped his fingers over her thigh. “And no bachelor party, I prefer time with Shel and our family.” Kyle had allowed Shelby to choose. Now, Lisa had one more chance to redeem herself. He had a feeling he’d regret this decision.

  Garrett flipped the burgers. “I don’t think they want that kind of get up. Leave the shindigs to your mom and dad.”

  “Well, a small get-together would be easier to handle and I’ll be sure to mention no gifts.”

  With the spatula, Garrett chucked the last patty on a serving platter. His fingers tightened on the utensil, his knuckles turned white.

  Lisa wrapped her hand over Garrett’s. “Are you all right? Garrett? Are you having one of your visions?”

  Garrett panted, sweat beaded on his upper lip and brow. “I’m fine. Yeah…It’s… I’m going to go upstairs for a bit. Supper is ready. Everyone go ahead and eat. I’ll be down later.”

  Kyle followed Garrett into the house. He wound his arm around Garrett’s waist and helped him up the steps to his room and sat him on the bed. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m experiencing physical and mental exhaustion after my visions. This one was a bitch, but fucking A, it’s not good.”

  “Shit. What happened?”

  “There was a dude with a gun, then he pointed and fired the weapon.”

  Chills slithered over his body. “Where was it? Who wielded the firearm and what the fuck did he shoot?”

  “I can’t replay the scenes like I use to. Going from my memory there’s no distinguishable facial features and I can’t tell the location. The only things I can recall are tree branches and a rental car.”

  “License? Make or Model?”

  “No. Dammit. I’m losing control. You know I have the ability to manage my mental pictures, especially when I fly.”

  Garrett had the capability to stop the projections and summon them back at his discretion. The gift allowed him to hold and discern each snapshot. He dissected each scene, face and extrapolated where, who and most of the time could analyze motive. Kyle feared the battles of the First Realm had already begun.

  Kyle heaved a sigh. “The cause?”

  “The last two visions I’ve been powerless to stop. I’m unable to investigate each illustration.”

  “A common thread?”

  “Each time, Lisa has been the topic of conversation or had been around. What would she have to do with this? She knows about my abilities.”

  “I’m not liking this one bit. Especially after what she did to me.”

  Garrett’s hands clenched into fists and his angry gaze connected with his. “Three things don’t bode well. Her dicking with you. We have a man who will shoot a pistol in our future and the possibility the connection is to Lisa, our supposed fucking friend.”

  Kyle shook his head. “Get some rest, and we’ll try to figure out the mess later.” He left Garrett and hoped like hell the vision was wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning Shelby shoveled Julia’s southwestern scrambled eggs into her mouth. The spicy dish was delicious, and she’d asked for the recipe.

  Dawn had not fully broken, and the crew had gathered in the kitchen watching the flat screen television. Casper’s meteorologist promised a beautiful day ahead for the entire state.

  Kyle had suggested a ride and Joni added a picnic to his idea. With everyone on board, Garrett texted Grey and his uncle replied, “c u @ daybreak.”

  By the time they arrived at the stables, Uncle Grey had the horses saddled and he promised if Lisa arrived he’d tell her where to meet them. To be honest, she could do without her presence, but she’d keep the peace.

  Once mounted, Garrett led the group. Kyle kept to her side and she was glad he stayed near. More importantly, she appreciated his constant attention to details, both minor and the major ones. What would seem insignificant to some meant the world to her. The day before, he had massaged her temples when a stress headache had pounded her skull until she drifted off to sleep.

  During her nap, the restaurant call
ed with a problem. The chef had a death in the family and would be unable to prepare the menu for the wedding. Kyle had telephoned a friend and within the hour had another culinary artist on his way. Shelby could pull a lot of tricks out of the proverbial hat, but she wouldn’t have been able to manage that one.

  An eagle squawked circling high in the dawn sky, the silhouette contrasted against the bright sapphire blue streaked with pink. A few wispy clouds scattered here and there looked as though an artist had taken a palette knife and dabbed the oils on a canvas.

  Annie, who had been diligently following the horses, woofed. A rabbit stood stock still in front of the caravan. The hare had to make a horrifying decision. Eagle or dog, either predator didn’t bode well for the furry creature. The long, slender ears laid back, the bunny darted. Annie barked and gave chase. The white-cotton tail nosedived and Annie yelped her frustration. Shelby sighed. One life saved, but the hungry bird of prey had to continue to search for food.

  Garrett made a few runs to check on water troughs. Each time, he easily caught up with the slow moving group. Finally arriving at the copse of trees outlining a beautiful stream, Kyle helped her dismount. He took care of the horses while everyone pitched in and unloaded the pack horses, except for Alessa.

  This trip was the first time Al and Garrett had been together since the Austin fiasco. Her little sister had been trying to make amends and Shelby was proud of her. Sometimes pride was a hard pill to swallow, but Alessa had. Deep down Shelby had to admit, she wished for them to get together and make babies. Yeah, she was a sucker for romance. Shelby cast a sideways glance watching the couple without being too obvious.

  Al held the reins of her horse, waiting for Garrett to tether the mare. “It’s beautiful here.” When Garrett didn’t respond, she put a hand on her hip. “Look, I’m trying to be civil at least until the wedding is over this Saturday, will you try also? Or should I just not talk to you at all?” Still no answer, Al stomped her foot. “Fine, I’ve put out the olive branch and you’ve rejected it.”

  She released the leather, leaving the horse to munch on the grass. Al spun and walked over to her. “He’s so exasperating.”


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