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Taming Mariella

Page 17

by Dara Girard

  Moments later, he was sitting in the living room trying to blend into the background as Velma, Mariella and Isabella talked in the kitchen when Kati came up to him with a ribbon and brush then turned and sat down in front of him. He stared down at her perplexed; when he didn’t move she looked up at him and smiled and said, “Make me pwitti.”

  He still wasn’t sure what that meant, but when Alex came in and saw them he explained. “She wants you to put the ribbon in her hair.”

  Ian shook his head. “Go ask your mommy.”

  She frowned. “No.”

  Ian glanced at Alex. “She really likes that word.”

  “Yes,” Alex said. “But the ribbon means she likes you.”

  “But I don’t know how to put a ribbon in a little girl’s hair.”

  “She doesn’t care. I do it wrong all the time.”

  Ian scratched his head then said, “You’re going to regret this, little one.” He pulled up her braids and wrapped them in a bow. “There. You’re done.”

  She jumped up to her feet. “Daddy, I’m pwitti.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  She skipped out of the room announcing how pretty she was.

  Alex laughed. “We’ll tell her about having a good personality later.”

  Isabella came into the room holding Kati’s hand, with Mariella behind her. She looked at Alex surprised. “Did you do this?”

  Alex shook his head then pointed to Ian. “He did.”

  Ian moved uncomfortably. “She asked me to.”

  “I’m impressed,” Isabella said. “She looks lovely, where did you learn to do that?”

  “Watching my mother with Candy.”


  “Yes, uh…a close friend of hers. She likes to do her hair all the time and I guess I picked up a few things.”

  Isabella jerked a finger at her husband. “Perhaps you could teach him something. Every time she goes to Alex she ends up looking like a madwoman.”

  “I do my best,” Alex said. “I’m not good with hair, but give me a good piece of wood and I can work miracles.”

  “Yes, well it’s time she goes to bed.”

  To everyone’s surprise, Kati didn’t protest. Instead she grabbed Ian’s and Mariella’s hands, determined that they would tuck her in.

  They obliged and took her to her room. Kati jumped into bed and fell back. Ian stared at Mariella hoping to follow her lead; fortunately she knew exactly what to do and even listened to an unintelligible story Kati shared with her. When Kati glanced at him he managed a smile that seemed to satisfy her because she turned on her side and went to sleep.

  After tea and dessert, Ian and Mariella headed back to the city. Alex and Isabella stood on the porch and watched their car disappear.

  “What did you really think of him?” Isabella said.

  Alex wrapped an arm around her waist. “He seems nice, but he didn’t say much.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “Did you notice the way he looked at her?”

  “That look of terror is normal.”

  “He didn’t look at her that way.” She pinched him. “Be serious.”

  He rubbed his side. “How do you think he looked at her?”

  Isabella was quiet a moment then said softly, “As though he’d finally found something he was looking for.”

  “I’m exhausted,” Mariella said, opening her front door.

  Ian fell on the couch. “It’s a longer drive than you’d think.”

  She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “And thanks for the pictures.”

  “I’m glad you liked them.”

  “I loved them.” She stood and pulled off her blouse. “I’m tired.” She unhooked her bra and grinned at him. “Could you tuck me in?”

  Ian stood. “Certainly, little girl.”

  She placed her bra around his shoulders and pulled him toward the bedroom. “Do you promise to tuck me in nice and tight?”


  “And make sure that I’m safe and warm?”

  He lifted her in his arms and walked into the bedroom. “Absolutely,” he said, placing her on the bed.

  She undid his shirt. “And you’ll check for any monsters under the bed?”


  She pulled his shirt off. “And in the closet?”


  She pressed her lips against his. “Good.”

  “Now there’s something I want to ask you,” Ian said, thinking this was the best time to ask her to marry him.

  She brought him close and arched her pelvis toward him. “Ask me in the morning.”

  He immediately responded. “But—”

  “I’m not in the mood to talk.”

  Soon neither was he.

  Mariella woke up early the next morning and noticed her message light blinking. She took the message off and recognized it was from Todd Fitzgerald, the man who’d discovered her. “Hi Mariella. Sorry this is short notice, but I could really use your help. We want to promote a new project for a difficult client I’ve just signed with, and having you a part of the project would give us the recognition we need. I’m not sure we can pay you your usual fee, but we’ll come up with something. Let me know what you think.”

  Ian came out of the bedroom. “What are you doing so early?”

  “Todd, an old friend of mine, needs me for a modeling job.”

  “Tell him you’re not available.”

  “I’m not going to turn him down.”

  Ian stilled. “I thought you weren’t going to model any more.”

  “I’m doing a favor for a friend.”

  Ian slowly nodded. “I see, and this is just once.”


  He sat down in front of her. “What if another friend asks you?”

  She set her pen down and folded her arms on the table. “Would that be a problem?”


  “On what?”

  “Whether I’m going to date a model or a photographer.”

  “Because you don’t date models?”


  “Oh, I see,” she said slowly, considering each word. “So I’m just a career to you. I’m not a woman.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. You’re giving me an ultimatum. As a photographer I’m welcome in your life, but as a model I’m not. It doesn’t matter that I’m the same woman.”

  “You won’t be the same woman. A career defines you. It links you to your past.”

  “You mean it links me to your father. That’s the real problem. You’re Ian, the serious one. You date photographers and women of action. It’s your father who dates vacuous models and you don’t want to have any association with him.”

  “Photographers don’t usually get their names in the tabloids. I want to live my life quietly.”

  “We’ve already had our names linked in the papers.”

  “I know but that will die down soon, but the minute you start modeling again the world feels they own you.”

  “A few modeling jobs won’t change my profile. And this is just one job. I may do a few more down the road. I don’t know, but I won’t be dictated to or given ultimatums. I’m a grown woman. Now if you want to be in my life you’ll have to accept that.”

  He stood. “I’m not sharing you with the world.”

  “You’re not sharing me with anyone.”

  “You say that now but you don’t mean it. I had to share Jeremiah with the world. I had to share Cathleen with her work. I want someone I can claim as my own. Completely mine. Someone with whom I don’t feel like I’m in second place.”

  “You’re not in second place, but I’m not going to turn down a friend just to prove that. You’ll have to trust me.”

  He grabbed his jacket. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  She watched him head toward the front door, her hea
rt sinking. “You can’t trust me?”

  “No, I can’t go through this again.” He opened the door. “Goodbye.”


  He turned to her. “What?”

  “Every time we argue you walk away and close a door in my face. I hate that.”

  “Fine.” He released the door handle.

  “I just need to know one thing.”


  “Were you going to ask me to marry you last night?”

  He looked ready to deny it then gave a terse nod.

  “I would have said yes.” She hugged herself. “Sad, isn’t it?”

  He took a step toward her. “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “Yes, it does. Because saying ‘yes’ to you means saying ‘no’ to part of myself. I can’t do that.”

  He backed away. “I understand.”

  She shook her head, heartbroken. “No, you don’t and that’s the saddest part of all.”

  “Thanks for doing this,” Todd said at the end of the shoot.

  Mariella only nodded.

  Todd watched her, concerned. She’d been professional throughout the shoot. Arriving on time, doing as instructed although Mariella rarely needed any instruction. She was a natural in front of the camera and could exude any mood required of her. But she seemed less vibrant than usual. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” she said, gathering her things.

  “Because if you’re interested in restarting your modeling career I know of an agency…”

  She vehemently shook her head. “No, that’s not it.” She softened her tone. “But thanks.”

  “Hey, I’m always here for you.”

  She smiled sadly. “I wish all men were like you.”

  “If you’re having men troubles there’s only one cure.”



  Mariella took his suggestion to heart. She buried herself in work and traveled. She spent a week in France, then Portugal and flirted with as many men as she could, getting a number of proposals. When she returned to the States she felt renewed. Thoughts of Ian always brought pain, but she was careful not to let them enter her thoughts too frequently. No man would claim her. She was a free woman and that was the way it would always be. She couldn’t wait for the gallery opening in less than three days; then she’d never have to deal with Ian Cooper again.

  Before reaching home, she stopped in a store close by and bought a few items. Then she saw a picture on the cover of a tabloid that nearly made her scream.

  Chapter 19

  “You could have stopped him.”

  Ian stared at his mother across the dinner table. She’d been staying with him the last week since she and Otis were “off again.” He wasn’t thrilled with her visit or her new companion, a Shih Tzu she called Muffin.

  “Gen is a wonderful woman.”

  “But she used to be a—”

  “No one needs to know that and he only told you because he thought you should know.”

  “I wish he hadn’t.” She stroked Muffin who slept on her lap. “My only consolation is that you broke off that infatuation you had with that woman.”

  “Her name is Mariella.”

  “I know perfectly well what her name is,” she snapped. “You don’t know how awful it is for a mother to worry about her sons.”

  “When are you going back to Otis?”

  “Maybe never. He still wants to marry me, but he can be so oppressive.”

  “You have a week.”

  She stared. “What?”

  “I’m only giving you a week to make up your mind.”


  “No. Every spring or summer you argue with Otis and end up here. I’m tired of it. You either decide to marry the man or don’t.”


  “He’s a good man and he loves you and if you can’t see that then you don’t deserve him and should just surround yourself with little dogs you can dress up and order around.”

  Shirley stared at him, openmouthed.

  Ian threw down his napkin. “Personally, I’m sick of babysitting you and I’m not going to do it anymore. Grow up and support Josh on his choice. God knows you never supported me on anything.”

  “Ian,” Shirley said, hurt by his words. “That’s not true.”

  “Then act like our mother. Not Jeremiah’s victim. You have a man and two sons who love you. You’re soon going to have a daughter-in-law who will hopefully be blind to your faults and learn to love you as well. Now stop finding reasons to be miserable and start to live your life.”

  Shirley sat paralyzed, unsure how to respond to her son’s tirade. “You’ve changed.”

  Ian picked up his napkin and resumed his dinner.

  Before she could say more, Josh burst into the room. “I told you that you couldn’t trust her.”

  Ian looked at him. “What are you talking about?”

  Josh tossed down a magazine that showed a picture that Mariella had taken of Ian outside the Vermont house smiling up at her. It was splashed on the cover under the headline “Their Private Hideaway.” “I’m talking about this.”

  “Where did they get this photo?” Mariella demanded, pacing her living room.

  Gen sat on the couch with her hands clasped in her lap. “I don’t know.”

  “How could this have happened? I kept it hidden.”

  “Someone must have seen it.”

  “That’s impossible. No one has been in this apartment except Ian and myself and of course you. I just invited the Stantons over one time for dinner…” She stopped.


  “No, it couldn’t be.”


  “Hannah searched the house for a missing earring.”

  “You don’t think she—”

  “It’s possible. She doesn’t like me very much.”

  “Do you think she would do this?”

  “It’s possible.” She picked up the phone and dialed the Stanton residence. Hannah answered.

  “Hello, Hannah, did you see a certain paper today?”

  “The one with Mr. Cooper on the cover?”


  “Do you know how that picture got there?”

  She lowered her voice. “I might. Oops, I hear Mom coming. We can talk later.” She hung up.

  Mariella gripped the receiver, listening to the dial tone.

  “Well?” Gen asked.

  Mariella carefully set the receiver down. “Hannah had something to do with it. She wants to talk later.” Mariella opened her laptop to book a flight to Georgia. “But I want to talk now.”

  “I didn’t see it as a big deal,” Hannah said without remorse. “Personally, I think it’s a sexy picture.”

  “How much did you get for it?”

  Hannah shrugged. “I don’t remember. Wasn’t much. It’s not like you’re that popular. I mean if you were a real celebrity—”

  “That’s enough,” Gregory said.

  Yolanda looked devastated. “Mariella, I’m so sorry.”

  “Yes, but you’re not the one who should be apologizing.” She looked at Hannah who boldly stared back. With a secret smirk that said “next time you won’t mess with me.”

  Yolanda sighed. “If there’s anything we could do. She’ll definitely be punished.”

  Hannah didn’t look concerned by the threat. Mariella resisted the urge to slap the smug look off of her face. She rose to her feet and calmly said, “No, there’s nothing. Goodbye.”

  Mariella had reached her car when someone called her name. She turned and saw Tatiana. “I’m so sorry. Hannah can be such a bitch. I heard her tell a friend that she was going to get you back, but I didn’t think—”

  “It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”

  “But it is my fault. I’m so stupid.”

  Mariella stilled. “Why?”

  “Because I took the picture. Hannah has a habit of going through people’s drawers and I saw her
in your room and told her to leave and she did. Then I saw the picture in the drawer and I saw it was curling at the end and I thought it would be nice to frame it for you. It was going to be a surprise. So I made a copy and returned it after we went shopping.” She lowered her head miserably. “This is all my fault.”

  “No,” Mariella said with a sad smile. “It was my fault.” She turned and opened her car door. “I shouldn’t have taken his picture in the first place.”

  Back in New York Mariella stared at the phone. Twice she’d picked it up and put it down again. She wanted to explain, she wanted to defend herself, but she knew there was nothing she could do after destroying his trust. When the phone rang she jumped then checked the number and answered.

  “What’s going on?” Isabella asked.

  Mariella told her everything, tears streaming down her face.

  “Have you told him?”


  “Call him.”

  “I can’t,” she said in a small voice.

  Isabella paused then said, “What are you afraid of?”

  She closed her eyes against tears and bit her lip until she felt the salty taste of blood on her tongue.


  “I’m useless,” she whispered, gripping the phone until her knuckles paled.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am. I’m nothing better than a finely sculptured statue. Nice to look at but useless. You know that’s true. When Dad was dying he called for you.”

  “Mariella, he just wanted something to drink. He didn’t know he’d die.”

  “When Mom was dying she called for you.”

  “I was like her nurse.”

  “The last week of Jeremiah’s life he wouldn’t let me see him. He didn’t want me around. And then he…”

  “Mariella, that didn’t mean they didn’t love you.”

  “No, but they didn’t need me. I was useless to them. I loved them, but there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless and I hate feeling helpless and I feel helpless now. No one has ever needed me and Ian certainly doesn’t. He was able to walk away from me without looking back. And now he has the perfect reason to prove that his decision was right. I caused this problem and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. The picture is out there for everyone to see. I betrayed his trust and he must hate me now more than I hate myself.”


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