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Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga)

Page 9

by Palessa

  Soraya had nothing to fear from her; Randy was all hers.


  For the better part of two weeks, Randy and KC worked together. She drilled him relentlessly, but it worked. His professor even commented on his improved assignments and class participation. There were times during their sessions that he could sense her hesitation when he tried to get more personal. He suspected she wanted to keep their relationship professional, but he found himself wanting to know more about her. He was able to get a few pieces of information, like how she loved Chinese food and most sports, but other than that, she was tighter than a drum.

  On a lark, he decided to invite her to a tailgating party. He’d scored some tickets to a Falcons football game and was looking forward to just hanging with friends.

  “Thanks, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Look, you can invite a few friends, bring some food. Soraya’s making some brownies, I’m bringing some burgers, Kirk and Josh want wings. It’ll be fun.”

  He could tell she wanted to go, but was fighting herself.

  KC was running out of excuses not to go. Since she could bring her friends along, there was really no reason to refuse. Jo and Mel loved a good party and had been bugging her about her pathetic social life for too long. It would be good to just hang out with people. Besides, Randy’s girlfriend was going so that would give them enough distance.

  “Okay, what time?”

  Randy’s heart leapt at the thought of just having her there with him. He gave her the details and grabbed his gear. On his way to class he found himself whistling. He didn’t even realize he knew how.


  Game day saw the heavy presence of face paint and foam fingers. Josh and Kirk unloaded the grill and supplies from the truck and got to work. Kirk’s mother was Caribbean, so his wings were hot and spicy, just the way Randy liked them. Soraya placed her brownies in the back and returned to the truck to flip on the fan. It was too hot and sticky for this, but she’d decided to go when she found out Randy was planning on inviting his tutor. His attraction to the girl didn’t bother Soraya as much now as it did before. She had made sure that Randy’s mind was too occupied on her bedroom acrobatics to even contemplate another woman, but she still wanted to keep an eye. It wasn’t that KC was pretty or anything. To her, she was a bit plain. It was that she was unattached and had a certain air about her that could be a problem for her and Randy.

  Randy Hall was a catch in many ways. The minute she’d laid eyes on him, she knew he had the kind of potential that could give her the life she’d always wanted.

  Soraya had always known she was born to have that life. The houses, the maids—it was all within reach if she was willing to work for it. If there was anything her mother had taught her it was this, it’s just as easy to marry a rich man as a poor man. The difference is how much you’re willing to work for it. Married twice, Maggie Boyd Cabot Hutchens was no stranger to hardship until she focused her efforts. She taught Soraya how to spot, lock and snag and after more than a few misses, she knew it in her bones that Randy was a winner. And there was no way some homely mutt was going to get in her way.


  Speak of the devil, she thought.

  KC and Jo walked up to the gang with bags and aluminum trays in hand.

  She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and pasted on a quick smile. “Time to make nice,” she whispered to herself.

  The conversation was a mixture of trash talk, memories and prediction, in between bites and swigs. Soraya made sure she sat as closely to Randy as possible.

  Even though Jo was in deep conversation, she could see Soraya’s attempt to graft herself onto Randy, who was in an animated conversation with Josh and KC, while Kirk was manning the grill. Soraya flipped her hair like a pro and exposed her neck, classic signs of an insecure girlfriend trying to get her man’s attention. Jo cut her eyes and stifled a smile. Randy was too busy to notice, but that didn’t stop her from trying. Poor thing, she thought.

  As they made their way into the stadium and found their seats, Jo, KC and Kirk were in the seats behind Josh, Soraya and Randy. Randy would steal glances at KC and found himself loathing the fact she wasn’t next to him.

  KC sensed his eyes on her and tried to avoid them. The few times she couldn’t, they held each other’s stare until she broke away. She was grateful for the distance between them because this was harder than she thought it would be.

  The beginning of the game was slow, but as both teams got their bearings, the crowd responded. Randy could hear KC’s enthusiasm and found it refreshing. Soraya was sitting on the edge of her seat and looked lost. He had no idea why she even came. More than once she had mentioned how much she hated sports.

  During halftime, the crowd milled around and chatted. The camera scanned the crowd and landed on Soraya and Randy. Randy was in deep conversation with Josh, but Soraya spotted them on the jumbo screen. She tapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into a possessive kiss. Randy was barely able to catch his breath and the crowd hooped and hollered. Soraya broke off and smiled sweetly.

  KC clapped with everyone else, but inside it stung. She needed to step away.

  “I’m doing a snack run.” She turned to Jo and Kirk. “You want anything?”

  “I could go for some chili fries and nachos,” Kirk yelled.

  “Damn, that sounds good,” Jo exclaimed. They both offered money, but KC refused as she nimbly made her way through the row and up the stairs. From the corner of his eye Randy saw her leave. He mentally kicked himself for being caught off guard by Soraya’s impulsive streak. He didn’t know what that kiss was all about, but it was so awkward to him. As he watched her disappear into the corridor, Randy was compelled to apologize to her for some reason. He didn’t quite understand the feeling of guilt; he just knew he needed to make things right.

  “I’m going to get some nachos. Anybody else want anything? My treat,” he declared.

  Josh asked for the same and a soda, while Soraya just shook her head. Randy practically ran up the stairs, scanning the crowds, looking for KC. He saw her and went to meet her in the line. “Hey,” he announced as he tapped her on the shoulder. KC gave him a quick smile. “Had a hankering for some nachos.”

  “So does everybody else, apparently. I’ll grab a few more orders. It’s not a problem.”

  They made small talk as the line moved. “Don’t you hate those jumbo screens?” Randy said, trying to find a good way to broach the subject.

  “Yeah, they can be annoying.”

  “Especially if you’re caught on them. Sorry you guys had to see that.”

  KC swallowed and stated, “No need to apologize. Soraya is your girlfriend, right?”

  “I guess,” he uttered as her words fell like lead. It wasn’t an inaccurate statement; it just felt wrong.

  KC swallowed hard. . Whatever she did she had to force herself to acknowledge the truth that Randy belonged to someone else. Somehow, she had to find a way to keep reminding herself of that fact regularly so she didn’t risk making a fool of herself with him.

  They both got their food and went back to their seats. Randy was less animated during the second half while KC threw herself even more into the game. She was determined to enjoy herself even more than before, despite her emptiness.

  After the game, they made their way to the parking lot. Randy saw Josh and KC laugh together as they squeezed through the turnstiles and experienced an unfamiliar bitter taste rise in his mouth at the sight of them.

  Soraya followed his intense gaze and narrowed her eyes. He was attracted to her. It was no crime, if you’re into plain Jane girls, but later tonight she would have to do some damage control.

  “Hey guys,” Josh yelled. “We’re headed over to Stucky’s for some fries and wings. You in?”

  Just as Ra
ndy was about to respond with a yes, Soraya jumped in. “It’s been a long day and I’m exhausted.” She turned to Randy. “We’re going to head home.”

  Randy and Soraya said their goodbyes and headed back to the truck. In his rear view mirror he looked at KC as she and Jo started toward their car. She was single and had every right to be with whomever she wanted, he told himself. But the anger he felt seeing her with Josh confused him. Things were wrong.

  Feeling Soraya’s hand on his thigh as she slowly moved her way up his groin told Randy he was in for one helluva night. Soraya always knew when he needed to be distracted, but this time feel-good sex might not be enough to get KC out of his mind.


  Over the next few weeks, KC and Randy worked steadily, preparing for his upcoming midterms. The tension between them became a comfortable chasm that came to the surface every time their hands brushed or the conversation strayed. KC used the image of Randy and Soraya kissing to keep her on track. They still hung out, but things were different between them. Randy could feel KC holding herself back and it frustrated him to know she was separating herself from him.

  It was KC’s turn to host the weekly sports party at her apartment in the Maddox House complex. Even though she was excited, she tended to spend a fortune on food and her stove worked over time. Guests trickled in, bringing dips, chips and other party foods. The amount of leftovers would be a record this time. It’s a good thing she had neighbors who were always hungry for free food. Randy brought the drinks with Soraya in tow with some brownies, but the space between the two of them was distant. KC could tell Randy was a bit annoyed, but he put on a good face for the group. KC spent most of her time in the kitchen, finishing up her special dips and desserts. She was grateful for the distraction of cooking to get her mind off of Randy, even if it was just for a few minutes at a time.

  As the game started, she found a corner of her sofa and focused on the TV. She sensed Randy’s wayward gazes and fought the urge to return them. Being in the same room with him was getting harder and harder, but KC had made up her mind not to give in. During a lull in the game, she stepped out on her balcony with her drink and just breathed. After blistering hot days, she was glad for cool nights. The sky was inky blue and there were even some stars bright enough to outshine the city’s lights.

  Despite the festivities, Randy was miserable. He had been feeling it for a while now and he couldn’t explain it. Things had gotten ridiculous and wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on a reason. He and Soraya had been arguing a lot lately. It was like she was deliberately picking fights and Randy found himself enjoying time away from her even more. The tension between him and KC made him feel worse, primarily because he didn’t understand why she was pulling away from him. Tonight, she didn’t even look at him and wasn’t as animated as she normally was.

  Randy looked at KC standing on the balcony. The sounds of his friends cheering and the announcer calling plays all faded as he looked at his Chelsea girl. While everyone was glued to the TV, he quickly excused himself and headed to the balcony.

  Kyle closed her eyes. The night air helped to steel her resolve. Randy wasn’t hers and it did no good to fantasize about him. She opened her eyes when she heard the sliding door.

  “So you decided to spare yourself the embarrassment of watching your team take a dive,” Randy pronounced.

  She chuckled. “I’m not worried. It’s still early and unlike your guys, no one’s been taken off the field in a stretcher.”

  “Ugh! Even in the face of defeat she’s still talking smack.”

  KC smiled and then looked back. Soraya sat in the corner, arms folded, legs crossed. “She seems to be enjoying herself.”

  “Soraya hates sports, but has this need to be with me,” he said. KC noted his emphasis on the word “need.”

  “Ah,” KC whispered.

  “You don’t like her, do you?” Randy asked, leaning against the railing.

  “What I do think is that your personal life is not my concern,” Kyle answered steadily.

  This was tough ground, but Kyle was determined not to let her true feelings show.

  “Bullshit,” Randy declared irritated. Every time he asked her something personal, she gave the politically correct answer and he was not going to let her get away with it this time.

  “Okay,” she replied, taking a deep breath and choosing her words wisely. “Soraya is always giving off that ‘he’s mine’ vibe like she expects me to jump on you any minute.”

  “You mean you’re not?” Randy asked with a grin.

  “I don’t do relationships well, so it’s probably for the best.” She took a sip of her drink and left it at that.

  Despite his flirting, Randy experienced a sliver of disappointment. Soraya was fun and cool, but he realized he wanted more than what she had to offer. “Who told you that?”

  “Let’s just say, I’m a realist who doesn’t believe in fairytales or forever. Someone always leaves, and it’s best if you figure out how to be on your own.”

  Her response bothered him. Randy didn’t like the idea of her being on her own, without him. That thought startled him, but he couldn’t deny it anymore. The ‘more’ that he needed was with her. He wanted her with him and he wasn’t going to let her just slip away. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Soraya’s lilt. “Well, you two look all cozy out here.”

  Randy cleared his throat. “I was just ribbing her about her team losing.”

  “Night ain’t over yet,” KC sassily confirmed, grateful for the interruption. “I’ll get back to the party and leave you two lovebirds under the stars.”

  With that, KC walked back into the living room and closed the sliding glass window. Randy cursed under his breath and gave Soraya a quick smile as he leaned back on the railing.

  “So what were you two really talking about?”

  “We were just chatting, that’s all.”

  “Well, it seems more than that.”

  “Soraya,” he said, mildly annoyed, “she’s my tutor and a friend. Of course we talk.”

  She twirled a strand of her strawberry gold locks around her finger and gave him that look. He knew it and it annoyed him. He’d realized over the course of a few weeks that Soraya was a bit on the possessive side and he didn’t care for it. He had contemplated breaking it off with her, but she knew how to work her charms on him. Well, enough was enough. “Look Soraya,” he said, turning to face her. “This isn’t working.”

  “What do you mean?” Soraya asked, straightening her spine.

  “I mean ‘us.’ I think we need to take a break.”

  “You’re breaking up with me? Because no one breaks up with me!”

  “Fine, then I guess I’m the first. Soraya, we’re done.” Randy hadn’t planned to make it final, but he found he had no choice. Even in the dark, he could tell her eyes were ablaze and he could feel the heat emanate from her.

  Soraya’s blood boiled. “Is it because of her?”


  “Are you fucking her?”

  “Soraya, watch your mouth. She’s my friend, and no, I’m not sleeping with her or anyone else.”

  “I never pegged you for the “homely girl” type, Randy.”

  “That’s enough, Soraya,” he muttered, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck come to life. He didn’t realize just how protective he was of KC, and he wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect her.

  “But, Randy...” She sauntered up to him, pressing her body into his. “You know we’re so good together.” Her hand brushed his arm and made its way to his crotch. Randy groaned in surprise at her boldness. “You know I know how to show you my appreciation.”

  “But what else do we have, Soraya?” Normally, Randy would have loved her play, but tonight, his mind was made up. Gently holding her away,
he looked at her. “I mean, we sleep together, maybe go out so you can show me off to your sorority sisters. When we do manage to hang out with my friends, you’re huddled in the corner...what is there between us but just sex on the regular?”

  It wasn’t until he asked her the question that he realized he didn’t even know himself. Soraya was pretty; some men considered her gorgeous and she knew it. Sometimes, he tried to talk to her about things he liked and she just tuned out. All that time, he had let the sex just blind him to all of it. But tonight, he was forced to realize he needed more than just a place holder relationship. Randy needed to focus on school, get back home and KC. The very thought of being with her lifted his spirit, but first things first.

  Soraya roughly shrugged off his hands. “You may think we’re done, but we’re not. Not by a long shot.” And with that she pushed the sliding glass door and left him on the balcony. A few guests turned and just watched her storm out, slamming the door behind her. Randy and Kyle looked at each other and then he turned to look at the city.

  “Well, that sucked,” he mumbled and took a ragged breath.

  Kyle was torn, but decided that if anything, she and Randy were friends. She went to him.

  Randy heard steps out on the balcony and felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He knew Kyle’s touch and put his hand over hers.

  Kyle had touched him before, but this was the first time she had ever let herself feel him and that spark in the pit of her stomach.

  Randy didn’t know that the slightest touch could say so much and he was grateful and glad she came to him. “Not the way I planned it, but it was long overdue.” Randy closed his eyes and tried to shake Soraya off. “So how much is my team winning by?”


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