Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga)

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Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga) Page 13

by Palessa

  Randy stopped as he laid her on the bed. He pulled off his shirt and pants, revealing a strong erection. Kyle couldn’t help but lick her lips at the sight of him. Randy pulled her panties off and buried himself between her legs. Her hips lifted and a moan escaped his mouth. Her lips were thick and slick. She was so ready for him, but he wanted to play just a little. He opened his mouth and let his tongue lick the length of her. A sultry scream escaped her lips and he buried himself deeper, sucking and licking her until she practically levitated off the bed. As hard as he had been, his dick was like granite now and reaching for her.

  Randy lifted her hips, spreading her legs wide. With as much self-control as he could muster, he eased himself in her and heard her gasp. Shutting his eyes, relishing the sensation, her sensuous grip tightened around him and it was all he could do to not cum. Rewarding her with every inch of him he started gliding in and out of her slowly. Closing his eyes, Randy just let his body savor the feeling of being inside her again. It was better than when they were first together. Kyle cried out for him. All the time they spent apart, all the nights he could have been loving her like this, they had so much lost time to make up for and tonight was only the start. As his strokes grew more powerful Randy could tell that she was close. Her body stiffened and her vagina held him tightly, which was all it took for him to cum hard, screaming her name. His hips pushed and his hot seed shot inside of her.

  Breathless and slick with sweat, they lay beside each other, their legs entangled, still intimately linked.

  “I love you...” Randy declared with not just his heart but his entire being. “I can’t be without you, not again.”

  “Not again.” Kyle reached out and kissed him deeply. “I want more.”

  Randy chuckled and begged his body to hurry and recover. Kyle straddled him, braced herself against the pillows and kissed her love, letting her tongue caress his teeth. Gripping her thighs, her wetness caressed his stomach. His hands traveled up her legs, to her hips and found her breasts. Randy loved holding them, tasting them, sucking them, partially because of the look of bliss on her face as well as the sensual squeals of delight. Kyle’s hand stealthily reached back and she ran a finger across his dick. A low moan escaped from him and this time she held him a little tighter. Straightening herself and moving back until her face was right over his crotch, Kyle saw some life creep back into him. She wanted him at the ready and just let her tongue lightly caress him. Randy inhaled sharply. That seemed to work, as Kyle continued by running the tip of her tongue up from the base.

  “Oh, baby, yes,” Randy bellowed.

  She covered him with her mouth and created a warm, pulsating suction. Randy couldn’t believe the sensations running through him. Kyle gently moved her mouth up and down slowly, paying special attention to the shiny tip. He was getting harder with ever lick and she caressed his balls gently as she sucked his length. Brandon was beside himself as he looked at the woman he loved go down on him, and he spread his legs even wider, running his hand through her thick, curly hair. He knew he was going to come soon and so did she. She quickened her strokes and his balls slowly harden. As much as he wanted to come, he wanted more to be inside her when he did. With quick movements, he maneuvered himself so that he was behind her. She was practically dripping as he slid inside her.

  Kyle had always loved when he entered her from behind. The rhythm of their bodies synced and she could feel his raw, powerful thrusts. She held on to his back and guided his hand to her vagina as he thrust and caressed her at the same time.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered, stroking her with every word as he held her tighter to him. His thrusts were becoming more intense and she could feel his heart thud against her back. She held on to him tighter, his fingers doing their work between her legs and on her nipple. Kyle experienced nothing but pure pleasure and she gave over to it with deep, sensuous moans.

  Brandon was in awe. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known and there was no way he would ever let anyone or anything come between them again. His hips gave one master thrust as he exploded inside her.

  They both lay on the bed, slick with sweat, woozy from their uninhibited pleasure, and ecstatically in love. A part of him couldn’t help but hope they had conceived a child. He’d never thought about having children before having her in his arms, and he wanted nothing more than to be a family with her. Even if they hadn’t conceived, there would be plenty of trying.

  They fell asleep naked and nestled together. Neither could remember the last time they got such peaceful rest. Kyle was the first to stir as she sat up and watched him sleep. She had never dared believe having him in her life, much less in her bed, was possible again. She loved him wholly and completely which made the idea of not having him crippling. Now, that voice inside her which told to soldier on was quiet.

  “Where are you, my love?” he muttered as he raised himself up and kissed her forehead.

  “I was just thinking of how things worked out after all.”

  “Yes, they did,” he said with a tone of seriousness. “How many people wish for a second chance and never get it.” He brushed her hair back and kissed her shoulder.

  “I love you so much,” she declared as he kissed his way from her shoulder to her neck. As he was about to make his way to her lips, his phone rang. His pants were on the other side of the bed which meant he had to get up. He growled slightly and Kyle giggled, watching his gorgeous body with half raised mast answer the phone.

  “We’ll be right there,” he said, then hung up.

  She raised herself out of bed. “What’s up?”

  “Dad wants to see me about the notes I gave him yesterday. Apparently, he’s got some news.”


  “You don’t know Cass Baxter. The man could move the pyramids if he needed to.”

  “I guess I don’t know him that well,” she said with a hint of regret. Randy’s hand slid around her and drew her close. The heat of his nakedness brought her back to the present.

  “I know yesterday was a tough day, but he’s not a bad man. Not many men would raise another man’s son as their own, even after being manipulated by people he trusted. Surprisingly, he’s not bitter or angry about it, and I think Virgilia had a lot to do with that.”

  “I understand, but I just don’t know what to say to him. I grew up without a father and now, here he is. I don’t know what he wants from me or how he expects me to be...”

  Randy kissed her nose, letting his hands rove her nakedness. “I think he just wants you to know he’s there. That you’re not alone. That he loves you.”

  His hands wandered beneath the sheet and rested between her legs. He played with her and her body blossomed under his touch.

  “Don’t we have to get ready?” Kyle whispered between sexy sighs.

  “What exactly do you think I’m doing, love?” Randy asked as he continued his erotic play. They had to make up for lost time, and the world, including his father, would just have to wait.


  Cass looked at his phone. His son’s use of “we” wasn’t lost on him and he smiled. Now that things were right with Brandon and Kyle, they just had to take care of one loose end, and this time, it would be once and for all.


  Jillian Poe was not what you would expect a P.I. to look like. She was all of five foot two, short jet black hair and bright brown eyes full of piss and vinegar. Cass had the pleasure of meeting her through Aurora Monroe, head of ISYS. The ink wasn’t dry on her first invoice when he’d decided to put her on permanent retainer. That was more than five years ago. She had been invaluable to him and his family, thanks to her military training and connections.

  Kyle and Brandon walked into Cass’ office, hand in hand. He looked at them and smiled, remembering how happy he’d been with his Lila. After brief introductions of Jillian and
her assistant Roxy, who was setting up a makeshift station on the other side of the room, everyone had a seat.

  “Cass, told me about what you’ve been going through over the last few years with this Soraya woman,” Jillian started. She wasn’t one for small talk. “With the poison pen letters you gave us, we have some ideas which could be useful.”

  Roxy got up. “The lettering from the first note is likely from a local fashion trends magazine which has circulation in Augusta and includes areas around Charleston South Carolina.”

  “That sounds familiar,” Brandon said. “I think Soraya said her family is from Charleston and they have a house in Lake Murray.”

  “Good,” Roxy said. “So that tracks. Now about two-and-a-half to three years ago the letters seemed to stop, then pick up, then get less frequent. The lettering got pretty erratic. We’re still doing a search, but we’re looking at stuff that’s all around the map, particularly in the north east. It also looks more like type from medical and trade magazines as well as some of the bigger ones.”

  “So what does that mean?” Brandon asked.

  “Well, it means she’s not in one place. She may have different interests now, subscribed to different magazines or traveling to those areas. We do see some hint of the Georgia area. We’re also seeing hints of south Florida. I recognize some of the typesetting from local publications like Ocean Drive Magazine. She’s definitely on the east coast.”

  “You mean she’s here, in Miami?” exclaimed Kyle.

  “Maybe,” Jillian stated bluntly. “She does spend some time here, which jibes with what Brandon mentioned about her knowing things about your company and your life which others may not be privy to.”

  Furrowing his brow, Cass asked, “Jillian, do you think she’s watching him?”

  “It’s possible.” In reality, Jillian was almost sure she was. She wouldn’t be surprised if this girl had his place bugged. But the business information, that’s what made her hackles rise. Soraya may very well be working for Baxter Chemicals.

  “Well, there’s no way she could have gotten here on the island,” Cass said.

  “You can’t say that, Cass. You have maintenance people, helpers. She may be paying someone for that information about Brandon. That’s why we need to sweep for bugs, and I’m going to need to check out your phones.”

  Cass had made sure all the compound employees were well vetted. A majority of them had been with him for years and were like family. The idea that one would betray them was hard to swallow. But if there was one thing he knew about Jillian, it was that her instincts were usually spot on.

  “What about Kyle?” Brandon asked, holding her hand even tighter. “Could she be on Soraya’s radar?”

  “We can’t rule it out, but it’s not likely. You were her focus. She sent you a fake obituary, sent you the letters...her objective was to get to you.”

  Roxy walked over to them with a small black box and Jillian yielded to her. “This will help us find any listening or tracking devices in your apartment by honing in on the frequency range.” Just as she walked closer, she heard it let out a prolonged screech. The room went still. She looked at it and waved the wand again. She isolated the screech as she walked closer to Brandon. She made a few sweeping motions and found the screech loudest at his wrist.

  “May I have your watch, Brandon?” Roxy said.

  He took it off and practically threw it at her. Roxy opened it and lifted off a thin film from the inside part of the back covering. She held it up to the light.

  “What is that?” Cass asked, standing straighter.

  “It’s a location device. It’s old, but it still works.”

  “Brandon,” Jillian began, “we’re going to need immediate access, phone, car, all of it.”

  “Of course,” he replied, looking at his father as he took out his phone and handed it to Roxy.

  “Cass, here too,” she said.

  Cass nodded, reluctant to believe what she implied, but unable to deny her after what he just saw.

  “In the meantime,” Jillian said to Brandon, “find some place to stay until we get in touch.”

  “Here,” his father said, tossing something to him. “This is my second phone. Hardly anyone knows about it, so just use it until we have some news.”

  Brandon hugged Kyle while they walked out of the office.

  Brandon was more than angry. He felt betrayed, manipulated and more so than ever, he regretted the day he ever laid eyes on that red-headed bitch.


  Carene Lewis checked her phone for her next appointment. She was Terra Pharmaceuticals’ top sales rep and there was no way she was going to lose a sale to her competition from some no name outfit. It had taken her the better part of two years to make the money she needed to get certain projects done. Being a pharmaceutical rep was not what she’d planned, but she knew how to make lemonade, as they say.

  After her appointment at Baptist, she was on her way to Jackson Memorial. It was a typical muggy south Florida day and she made sure to crank the A/C in her Lexus up extra cold. At this time of the morning, traffic was reasonable, but the lunch hour rush was coming soon. She made her way to the parking garage and found a spot. Digging in her handbag, she activated her other phone. Having two phones was more than handy because the last thing she wanted to do was mix business with other business, just in case. She pulled up the map and saw a stationary blip on the screen. It looked like it was sitting on Sawgrass Island.

  All this time and he still had no idea, she thought.

  It had taken a pretty penny for her to make the changes she needed after that fiasco in Georgia. It was a stain on her family and her mother had disowned her because of it. It took her a while to get herself back on track and as she did, she made sure her love remembered her. She changed her identity, going by family names instead of her own, finished her classes at night at some local podunk college, where she found this opportunity. At first she had no idea what she was doing, but pretty soon, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. A lot of her prospects were men, who could be easily persuaded one way or another. Women were different, but once she figured that out, they too were putty. She earned her first bonuses within two months of starting, got to travel up and down the east coast, eating at the best restaurants on the company dime...it was great. She still didn’t plan on doing this forever, though. She just needed a way to hook a big fish. And there was no bigger fish than the head honcho’s son, her ex Randy Hall aka Brandon Baxter. When she saw him at a few company meetings, she couldn’t believe her luck. She had her hands on a Baxter scion; she knew he was special. She pursued her job with even more fervor, doing whatever necessary to snag those bonuses month after month. After all, she had a debt to repay. Brandon Baxter was the object of her desire and rage, thanks in part to that KC girl. Rumor had it that he was single again after breaking off his engagement to some chef. She might be in a position to forgive him, for the right price, but not just yet.


  Kyle awakened and found the bed empty.

  “Randy,” she called.

  “I’m out here.”

  She grabbed her robe and went to the living room. For the past two days they had buried themselves in each other, reinforcing their love and making up for all those nights they weren’t together. Kyle couldn’t remember the last time she or her body had been so satisfied and loved. Brandon was her love and her feelings for him were so much stronger now than what they had been in college. They had been through so much and still found their way to each other. His touch, his kisses had made her forget about the last few years and she found herself grinning from ear to ear at the thought of him.

  It had been two days since they’d spoken to Jillian and Roxy, and even though they were both on edge, they did their best not to let it interfere with their carnal utopia. The real worl
d would do that soon enough, but right now Brandon just wanted to be in the arms of the love of his life and enjoy every minute of it.

  “I had no idea you could cook,” she stated, finding him in the kitchen.

  “Well, I picked up a few things from Dad over the years. He’s a fantastic cook. Plus, I figured, if you’re going to jump me every chance you get, I’m going to need to keep my strength up. “

  “So you’re complaining?” she replied as she playfully threw a kitchen towel at him. He caught it, and used it to hook her closer to him.

  “Never,” he said, kissing her languorously. With a quick sniff, he turned back to the stove. He plated the food and she smiled. “What?” he asked.

  “My mother used to make this. She said my father loved it. It was one of the few times she talked about him.”

  She tasted it and nodded her approval. “Almost as good as hers.”

  They ate in silence for a while and Brandon was the first to speak. “So, now that you’re on leave from Mama Avery’s, what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to take some classes, do some travelling. The last few years have been non-stop work and I haven’t really taken a vacation in a long time.”

  “Want some company?” He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “Love some. I just need some down time to figure out what I want to do. It’s been so long since I asked myself that question.”


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