Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga)

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Unchained Hearts (Baxter Family Saga) Page 14

by Palessa

  Just then, Brandon’s new phone rang. They both stopped eating as he answered it.

  “It was Jillian. She needs us back at the house.” They both got dressed and headed out.


  At the house, Maven directed them to the library where Jillian and Roxy were mulling over something. Cass came in later and greeted them both.

  “Okay,” Jillian said, “we don’t have much time. We found some additional bugs in certain items like a photo portrait you had and a lamp. Your car was clean and so was your phone. The compound is completely clean so you’re safe here.”

  Brandon sat heavily. He had that picture with him since he was eighteen. He had taken it himself and his father had it blown up and framed it as a surprise for his birthday. The lamp was one of the first pieces of furniture he’d bought for himself.

  “These bugs have some range, like about three to five miles and they’re still active.”

  Sensing Brandon’s impending protest, Roxy stepped in. “We need to use them to draw her out.”

  “Like set a trap?” Kyle asked.

  Jillian slowly shook her head. Cass knew what she was about to say and he didn’t like the idea of using his son to lure this woman, but he had no better idea to counter.

  “Here’s the deal,” Jillian said. “We’ve figured out she has some professional ties to Baxter Chemicals. She could be anyone, so it’s not practical to go through employment records for a name she’s likely discarded. She’s fixated on Brandon. She wants him to suffer, but the fact that she’s been in contact for this long means she still has feelings for him. I want to trigger her out of hiding in a way that she will have no choice.”

  “Basically,” Brandon intervened. “You need me as bait.” Cass had been right about his son, Jillian thought; he was sharp and blunt.

  As much as Jillian hated that word, it was true. The question was how and when.

  Brandon whispered something to Kyle, who was about to protest when he spoke.

  “I may have an idea,” he said.

  Cass listened, and despite his objections, he had to admit it might just work. Jillian and Roxy were also of the same mind. The problem was that it was tricky and possibly dangerous. Jillian’s experience with these types like Soraya Munroe was that while they were methodical, clinical, if faced with unexpected misfortune, they could become violent. Brandon and Kyle already knew that from experience.

  Jillian looked at Cass, who sported a rare look of worry. She walked over to Cass and they huddled. She had to make sure they had a security team in place and just in case, she needed to include an EMT as well. Again Cass voiced his worry, but couldn’t come up with a better idea. Jillian couldn’t guarantee nothing would go wrong, like Cass asked, but she assured him that if it did, it would be handled quickly.

  “All right,” she said, glancing at Brandon and Kyle. “You’re on.” She walked over to them and focused all her attention on Brandon. “You follow the script. Take no unnecessary chances. We clear?”

  Brandon nodded. She might be small, but she was a little scary.

  “Roxy and I will coordinate with Cass’ team. Both of you...” She pointed to Kyle and Brandon. “Be ready.”


  The auditorium was rented and the announcements had been circulating for about a week now. The Vice President of Baxter Pharmaceuticals had a few special announcements for all of the employees along with bonus payments. It would be broadcast throughout their offices around the country. Brandon was a well-liked member of the senior management staff, even more so than the President. He commanded the attention of all employees, especially the women.

  Kyle was backstage, helping Brandon rehearse his speech and going over the plan. “You ready?” she asked, straightening his tie. He held her in his arms and gave her a sound kiss. Some of the staff smiled at them.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  She laughed. The truth was, he couldn’t wait to get her back home after all of this was over. He had made arrangements to sell his Biscayne condo, and they both agreed they would live in her place until they found one of their own. Brandon never knew he could be so happy.

  “Ten minutes, everyone,” said the sound engineer.


  Carene milled around, chatting with a few of her colleagues. It would be the first time in years she would be so close to the man she loved. Would he recognize her? She wondered, but it didn’t matter. After tonight, he would be hers. She patted her pocket and smiled.

  As the ceremony began, she took her seat. The first part was a report on how the business had grown and was continuing to trend up, thanks to some promising new trials. They had found new markets to explore and were hiring more regional managers.

  Brandon had scanned the crowd, but because of the lights, he couldn’t easily recognize anyone. Next, he gave out the bonus checks to the top managers and reps for each territory. Finally, it was time for the special announcement.

  “Finally, I have a special announcement to make. A lot of things have happened and as a result, I’ve decided to take a six month leave.”

  The audience sounded shocked and in denial. Brandon held up his hands to quiet everyone. Jillian and the team scanned the crowd and got ready for anything. “I’ll be back before you know it, but there’s another special announcement I wanted to share with you.” He indicated for Kyle to come out. She took a deep breath and walked out on stage. The crowd clapped.

  Carene’s blood boiled. She thought he’d finally come to his senses and given her up. Dammit, she screamed internally. She sat back. He had the chance to redeem himself, to secure her forgiveness for his transgressions, but this, this was the last straw. Since he couldn’t keep his hands off of her, he would pay. She fished through her bag and found what she needed.

  “This beautiful woman right here is Kyle Avery, CEO of Mama Avery’s and she’s agreed to marry me.” The crowd erupted in cheers. They kissed and the audience was on their feet. Brandon looked at Kyle for a long while.

  “Let’s do it,” he whispered to her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Let’s make this real. Marry me, Kyle.”

  The noise from the audience sounded far away and their claps seemed to happen in slow motion. She saw only him as she slowly nodded.

  “Yes,” she said, giving him a kiss, and his heart leapt.

  “Well, that’s all, everyone. It’s time to party,” he said and turned to Kyle. “You ready?”

  “Let’s do this,” she said.

  They stepped down hand-in-hand and mingled with the crowd. The security team kept a loose but hawkish eye on the couple.

  Carene watched them come closer and got the syringe ready. This was not the plan, but the minute she saw KC walk across that stage, she knew she had to end it. But her impatience was too powerful. She slowly made her way to them, gently pushing through her colleagues. She uncovered the syringe as she got closer. She was almost face-to-face with Randy as she looked straight at him.

  “I warned you,” a disembodied voice cried as Randy looked for the source of those words.

  He blinked. “Soraya!” he shouted.

  Looking at the woman before them, Kyle saw something hidden in her hand. As Soraya’s hand reached back, she saw it glint in the light and Kyle’s instincts kicked in. She reacted by stepping in front of him. They locked eyes. As the syringe hit Kyle in the lower back, her body pushed forward as her eyes registered the shock. It took him a moment, but as her body fell, he started screaming for help. Jillian’s team grabbed the woman who tried to fight her way out.

  “I told him,” she screamed. “I told him!”

  Some of the employees put their hands over their mouths in shock and confusion as Soraya was apprehended and held down by security officers.

  Kyle fe
lt like her blood was on fire. She looked at Brandon and reached up weakly to touch his face.

  “I love you,” she whispered shakily.

  “I love you too,” he said, tears freely flowing as he held her head to him and rocked her.

  “Please, baby, hang on. Please.”

  She nodded slowly as her eyes closed. The paramedics came and took over, removing and bagging the syringe and setting up her IV as they rolled her into the truck with Brandon next to her.


  At the hospital, Cass found Brandon leaning helplessly against the window, watching the medical staff mill around the woman he loved.

  He called to his son, whose eyes were puffy and far away. He held him tightly, just like he did when he was a little boy.

  “They won’t let me be with her,” he said with a shaking voice.

  “They’re working on her, son,” Cass said, fighting back his own tears and fears.

  Brandon looked at her again. “She’s so pale, Dad.” He turned to his father. “I can’t lose her. I just can’t. Not like this. Not again.”

  The doctor came out of the room. Dr. Benedict immediately recognized Cass and shook his hand, then explained the situation to him.

  “We have the syringe the medics took from the scene, but we have no idea what’s in it. Preliminary tests show it’s not a virus or bacteria and the structure is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.”

  The doctor looked at Kyle. “We’re doing everything we can, but whatever this is went directly into her left kidney and its wreaking havoc with her entire system.”

  Brandon leaned against the window and just stared.

  “Dr. Benedict,” Cass said, “can I see the syringe?”

  “He pulled the bag from his pocket and looked at it. A set of numbers gave him a clue and pulled out his phone.”

  “I’m sorry, doctor,” he said, referring to the use of cell phones in the hospital. “I think I may have something.”

  Cass stepped away and dialed. After a few rings, a male voice answered. “Dr. Evigan.”

  “Kim, it’s me.”

  “Michael...” Dr. Kim Evigan was the man who’d helped him during that dark time when he was Michael Kent. He was the only one who called him by that old name. “What’s wrong?”

  Cass filled him in and gave him the number on the syringe. Kim was a neuroscientist and psychiatrist. When he was looking for a head for his research center in Georgia, he was the only name that came to mind.

  “Off the top of my head, it may be one of ours. Have the doctor send me Kyle’s data and I’ll get back to you.”

  He hung up and Cass gave Kyle’s doctor the message. Within minutes, Kyle’s data was transmitted and not too long after that, Cass got a call.

  “Michael, it’s me. It’s a drug we tested named Anaben. It showed some promise, but one of the side effects was that it caused red blood cell apoptosis. She’s going to need a coagulant cocktail and a transfusion. Let me talk to the doctor.”

  Cass handed Dr. Benedict the phone and he nodded. “I’ll get it immediately.”

  He called for a nurse and gave her the directions for the coagulant and then turned to Cass.

  “You both need to be typed; she’s going to need a transfusion.”

  “No need,” Cass announced the doctor. “I’m a perfect match. She’s my daughter.”

  Dr. Benedict nodded and ushered him to the next room. The nurse brought in the bag of blood and hooked it up to Kyle’s arm. Brandon was finally let in to her room. He held her hand and closed his eyes in silent prayer. He told Kyle how much he loved her and needed her. The nurses checked her vitals and reported the results to the doctor.

  Cass stood outside and looked at his children. After all they had been through, they deserved as much happiness as he and Lila had. Maybe even more.

  Dr. Benedict stood next to Cass. “It looks like it’s working. It’ll take some time, but she may have beaten this thing.”

  Cass let out a harsh breath and turned from the window. He didn’t realize he’d stopped breathing through this whole ordeal. He walked in and put his hand on Brandon’s shoulder. His son looked up and Cass gave him a nod. Brandon squeezed and kissed Kyle’s hand, whispering a sincere ‘Thank You.’


  “It looks like a bean,” Jo declared as she looked at the picture.

  “That’s exactly what the doctor said. I wonder what Randy will think.”

  “You mean, I saw this before him? Nice!”

  She gave Jo the picture and straightened her dress. Her friend Mel had designed the perfect wedding gown before she was put on bed rest. Jo looked at her watch. “It’s almost time.”

  “Can you give me a minute?”

  “Yeah.” Jo gave her friend one last look and thought how Kyle’s luck finally changed.

  The day was perfect, well almost. She looked at the engagement ring. This was the same ring Cass had given her mother. How she wished her mother was here. But at least she had Cass to walk her down the aisle. Ever since that day at the hospital, he’d been nothing but supportive. Over the past three months, she’d gotten the chance to know her father. Even though they had a long way to go, she was glad he was in her life. Taking a deep breath and smoothing her dress once more, she grabbed her bouquet and gave herself one last look in the mirror before walking into her new life.

  At the reception, the bride and the groom were doing their traditional dance, smiling and canoodling. Cass stood in front of the buffet table and looked at Brandon and Kyle, keenly aware of how bittersweet the moment was. Lila, my love, he thought. You should be here. We should have given away our little girl together. He closed his eyes and pictured his Lila with a smile on her face.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Jillian said.

  With a slight smile, he said, “Just wishing for things that can’t be.”

  Jillian sighed and thought maybe this was as good a time as any. “Listen, Cass, I may have some news about her case.” Jillian’s emphasis on the word ‘her’ made Cass stand up straight.

  “Okay, let’s sit down,” he said as he pulled out a chair for her at the nearest vacant table.

  “When we were going through Joan’s papers we had pretty much deciphered her codes, but there was some new stuff.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Joan made references to lawn, grass, and other code words during the last two years...around the time of Virgilia’s accident.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I don’t believe in coincidences.” Jillian looked at her drink and twirled the glass. “Virgilia’s body was too burned to be properly identified by anybody. Around the same time Joan starts using new codes after decades of the same pattern...”

  Cass felt a well of hope spring inside him, but he held back. “So you think Lila—”

  “I don’t know,” Jillian said. The last thing she needed to do was to give him false hope based on a couple of word variations. “The question needs to be asked...if you want to ask it.”

  Cass looked at Brandon and Kyle. This was the happiest day for both of them, but he knew his daughter well enough to know that she wished her mother was there. If there was any chance...

  “Let’s ask,” Cass declared.

  With that response, she wished him a good evening and left the table.

  Cass walked over to the couple and placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “May I?”

  Brandon stepped aside and Cass danced with his daughter. The guests looked at them, some of them murmuring, others smiling.

  “Are you happy, Kyle?” he asked her. To him she was the little girl who looked so nervous on the stage before she wowed them at her piano recital.

  She nodded. “I know you and Mom never got this.

  “This wasn’t meant for us the first time around.”

  “I just want you to know, I’m glad you walked me down the aisle, Dad.”

  Cass swallowed hard and relished hearing Kyle call “Dad.” He didn’t dare say anything as he fought back tears of joy. He just kissed her forehead and held his little girl close. He thanked Virgilia silently for making him one of the happiest men in the world. And whatever questions needed to be asked, tomorrow was good enough.




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