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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 4

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Do not speak about that, please." Apollo says as he pours a cup of tea.

  She leans closer to Zodiac and whispers to him. "He was flogged in front of the guards he commands to put down any rebellions that might have resulted from his actions."

  "Xanthe, enough. Shouldn't you go lie down? The doctors want you on bed rest until you go into labor."

  "Darling, I'm fine." She says with a tender smile. "The baby is doing well. Don't forget that I've done this ten times already. I'm an expert at this point."

  Troy calls down to her from upstairs. "Mom, come here, please. I need your help with something."

  Xanthe takes a cup of tea from her husband and goes to the stairs. "I'll send him down when he's ready."

  "Thank you." Apollo says. "Get some rest, love."

  "I will."

  A few minutes pass in uncomfortable silence until Troy comes down the stairs in his power armor and drops of water still clinging to his spiky white hair. At least he has calmed down at this point. "Zodiac, I want you to go home and stay there until I get back. There's no reason for you to come along for this."

  "Wouldn't you feel better with your right hand man at your side?" Apollo asks.

  "No." Troy sends a dark, cold glare at Zodiac. "He needs to learn that he can't do everything he wants. If he wanted to help, then he should have done something to save my queen."

  "He couldn't and you know that. If he had tried to do anything, he would have been punished. As his owner, it is your responsibility to keep him safe."

  "Whatever. I've just changed my mind anyway. If he wants to risk his life to come with me, then so be it."

  "What is your plan, Son?" Apollo asks.

  "I'm going to leave Olympus."

  "You can't." Apollo says as he sets the tea kettle down. "Desertion is punished by death in the arena."

  "They'll have to hunt me down and fight me to get me back here. I can't do this. I didn't take a vow to tyrants. I vowed to serve, comfort, and protect my queen. Now that my queen is dead, I have no allegiance to these murderers and I will not take orders from them."

  "I will not have a son of mine be labeled as a deserter. You are better than that, Troy. Not to mention that if you do that, you will never be eligible to be king."

  "I can't be king now." Troy says.

  "Things could happen to Evans and his son. Then you would unquestionably be crowned king. You have to think rationally about this before jumping into anything you will end up regretting. If you value your queen so highly, then I would think you would listen and take her advice to heart. What is the one thing she always told you?"

  "That I have to be steady, gentle, and slow to anger."

  "Exactly. You have the ability to be those things, unlike me. That is why you are Royal Knight. You must always be balanced and calm."

  "I know." Troy sighs and stares down at the steam drifting up from his cup of tea. "You're right. I'm trying, but it's difficult sometimes, especially when I want nothing more than to avenge her death."

  "Violence is not the way to resolve this." Apollo pours another cup of tea and hands it to Zodiac. "You are being very quiet, Zodiac. Are you all right?"

  For some unknown reason, Zodiac looks to Troy first, waiting for him to tell him what he should say. Honestly, their little argument before the ball is still grating on his nerves, even more so because Troy made him stay in the submissive and silent position behind him as they walked here from the palace. They haven't spoken a word to each other.

  In a sudden surge of rage, Apollo grabs Troy's shoulders and pins him up against the wall as he shouts at him. "What did you do to him?"

  "Nothing. Get off of me!"

  "I warned you when I signed ownership of Zodiac over to you that you were never to treat him like this."

  "I didn't do anything." Troy says as he pushes against his father's arms.

  "Look at him! It's all too obvious that something changed with him. He's an android, Troy. Hurting him is a felony offense."

  Troy pushes him away. "Don't you think I know that? I would never hurt him. Zodiac is my friend. I swear that I haven't done anything to him like that. He's just mad at me."

  Zodiac sips his lavender tea and enjoys the shift in the balance of power. It's always fun to watch Troy squirm and knowing it's because of him makes it even sweeter. "He called me a slave and said that he makes me go to all those fancy parties because I'm worth a lot of money and I'm a status symbol."

  "I don't care how much he's worth." Apollo says. "Zodiac is a living, thinking, and feeling man just like us. Yes, he has his place in our society of traditions and classes. Yes, he is both dependent on and submissive to you. However, you have no right to regard him as an object. We Nymphs have long taken pride in the humane and protective treatment of our slaves."

  "I know and I already apologized for that. I didn't mean anything by it and it just slipped out. You know I care about you and regard you as my equal when we're not in public, right Zodiac?"

  Before he can think of some witty comment to really make Troy sorry, there is an authoritative sounding knock on the front door and he goes over to answer it. When he pulls it open, a sickening feeling spreads over him.

  "Hey there."

  Zodiac is tempted to slam the door shut when he sees Blice McSage standing there with a stupid grin on his face. What could he possibly want? He's probably the last person in the galaxy that he wants to see right now.

  "I wanted to talk to Troy." Blice says.


  "Um . . . just some really important political stuff. Can you let me in? It's kind of urgent."

  "Let him in, Zodiac." Troy says.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. I'll speak with him. But if he tries anything, you have my permission to kill him."

  Zodiac reluctantly steps to the side and lets the man inside the house. He watches him closely just to ensure that he isn't carrying any weapons. Though those purple eyes are indicative of dark matter magic. That's one shade of purple that Zodiac can see very clearly. Even Nymphs, with their high tolerance towards nanobots and affinity for technology, don't take chances with the destructive nanobots in that stuff. Dark matter is deadly, even in small quantities, and those who wield it generally have tempers and quite a bit of practice using it. The only experience Zodiac has had with it was when he watched Troy training in his power armor that could use a milder form of it. The training dummies simply vanished, leaving nothing but bits of straw on the ground.

  Blice reaches into his t-shirt and pulls out a small voice recorder then tosses it into the fireplace where it quickly melts. "My father made me wear that so he could listen in on this conversation, but I don't play like that."

  "And what rules do you play by?" Apollo asks as he pours another cup of tea. "I know who you are and I know what you have done in the past. Do you like your new body?"

  "It's a whole hell of a lot better than when my consciousness was in that butterfly body. You don't know how good it feels to actually function as a human again. Are you the one who designed this body?"

  "Yes. I worked with some scientists to make it as close to your original body as possible."

  "I'm grateful that you modeled it after how I was when I was thirty." Blice says.

  Troy eyes him curiously. "How old are you exactly?"

  "Let's see . . . seventy? Yes, I think that's about right. Dear God, I feel old." Blice takes the teacup and sits next to Troy at the table. "But I didn't come here to discuss myself. Troy, you and the rest of the Royal Knights are now my personal guards. As such, I need to know that I can trust you."

  Troy's deep-seated disdain reflects in his dark eyes. He only shakes his head and stares into the flames dancing in the hearth. "So the traitor begs for friends. You don't read much, do you? The only friends traitors have are traitors as well who will turn on each other like ravenous wolves."

  "I know why you have this hatred towards me, but I ask you to trust me. I didn't have anything to do
with your aunt's death. My father is absolutely insane."

  "So I take it that you won't contest my claim to the throne, then."

  "I never said that." Blice says.

  Troy scoffs. "Of course not. You think you can just show up here and take over. That's what Evans is doing. Oh, what a great ruler he is. Inciting riots all across Olympus, murdering a woman in cold blood, and making us join the IGR without taking a vote from the council. Perfect. I see a bright future in store for us."

  "Your sarcasm isn't going to help."

  Troy slams his fist on the table. "My sarcasm? The galaxy is collapsing and you see the need to condemn my sarcasm."

  "I don't have time for this." Blice says. "The other knights are already on ships going over to the five major cities except for Pax. That's where we're going."

  "Hold on. We?"

  "Yes. You and I are going on Zodiac's cargo ship."

  Zodiac looks at Troy, making sure he knows the problem with this plan. Even if he wanted to fly to Pax, they can't just take that ship without permission from Mr. Helios. He was already angry the other day and hasn't let Zodiac come back to work yet. He keeps claiming that there aren't any new orders for shipments, but Zodiac has been watching cargo ships entering and leaving the atmosphere during the day. Will Troy make good on his promise to help him and Nova? Though, it's not like he has a choice. As his owner, Troy has to provide everything for Zodiac.

  Troy nods as he read the concern in Zodiac's eyes. "And do you expect to steal a cargo ship?"

  "No." Blice says. "I expect to buy it and give it to Zodiac."

  "Why would you give him a ship?"

  "He's the one who knows how to fly it. Plus, I have a lot of birthdays to make up for not giving him a present." He motions for Zodiac to sit at the table next to him. "You don't happen to remember me, do you?"

  "If I knew you at all, I would remember." Zodiac says. "I can remember things from the time I was only weeks old. It's blurry and most of it doesn't make any sense, but the earliest thing I remember is being in what I can only describe as a laboratory of some kind and I was on a blanket with a bunch of men watching me."

  Blice smiles. "Incredible. That was in a science laboratory on the IGR capital planet of Himmel. Do you remember any angels?"

  "Angels? No."

  "What about a purple butterfly?"

  Now he remembers. "Oh my gods. You're the one who stopped those people from killing me. You must have used your dark matter."

  "You really remember that? You were only about a month old."

  "After that, I don't remember much until Nova and I were playing with Troy around this house when we were living here with Apollo and our father."

  "Even I don't remember much from back then." Troy says. "There's no way you could have known Blice."

  "Well, either way, I knew you, Zodiac. I knew both of your fathers as well." Blice says.

  Zodiac holds Jayce's necklace in his hand. "You knew Jayce?"

  "No one aside from Jarred knew him very well, but he was a part of our group of rebels down in Paradise."


  "It was a failed utopian style city." Blice says. "It's no longer important. Jayce was a quiet but strong man who valued love and freedom more than anything else. It was tragic that he died as a slave to a cruel man who erased all memories of the only person he ever loved."

  "I will never be a slave." Troy says. "Anyone who dies as a slave to someone like that deserves to die anyway because it's their own fault for not being strong enough or smart enough to get out of it."

  In a flash, Blice jumps up and lunges at Troy, taking his neck in his hands and strangling him. "No one gets to talk about Jayce like that! What the hell is wrong with you? No one asks to be a slave!"

  Apollo pulls Blice off of him and pushes him back down in a chair. "Don't touch my son. I agree that he doesn't have any idea what he's talking about, but you can't hurt him. Troy, are you okay?"

  Troy rubs his neck where marks from Blice's fingers have appeared. "I'm fine. Don't we have a job to do other than sitting around here doing nothing?"

  "One day, you will realize how wrong you are about slavery, Troy." Apollo says. "I am sincerely thankful to the gods that you have been spared the fate of being a slave. Now, everyone get out of my house and go do what you need to do."

  "Can I go too?" Nova runs down the stairs from where she has been babysitting Troy's youngest siblings. "I like to help Zodiac fly the ship. I'll be a good help."

  "Sure. It will get you away from your illegal activities. Plus, you can keep Troy and Blice from killing each other. Maybe with a woman around, Troy will behave and remember the vows he made about being a gentleman, especially around women."

  * * *

  As soon as Zodiac lands the cargo ship in the shipping yard of the city of Pax, he knows that something is wrong. It's still the middle of the night when most of the cities on the western hemisphere of Olympus should be asleep, but all the lights in the homes and lining the streets are on. Before they can even exit the ship, a large crowd of citizens, both pure Nymphs and their impure slaves, surrounds the ship and call out for Troy by name. But they don't appear to be in trouble. No. Instead, they bow as the door opens and Troy steps out to meet them. The women throw narcissus flowers at his feet and the crowd parts as he makes his way towards the elderly woman in white robes at the end.

  Troy stops in front of her and bows as he takes her hand and kisses it. "Milady Governor, shall we adjourn to a private place to discuss the recent events?"

  "Dearest Troy, have you brought better news to our city? We were told of the attack on our queen, but no word of her fate has reached us. We are forever indebted to your brave attempts at helping her. Did she survive?"

  Troy looks back to the ship as everyone else is exiting. He sighs and turns back to her. "Milady, I think it would be best for us to discuss everything else in private. Zodiac and Nova, you two stay in the ship while I finish things here."

  Blice jumps down from the wing of the ship. "I'm coming with you, Mr. Shiny Pants."

  "Shiny Pants? Shut up and be respectful." Troy snaps.

  "Don't talk to me like that, boy."

  "Now is not the time for bickering, old man." Troy snaps at him. "Now behave like a gentleman if you want to come with me."

  * * *

  Troy tries his hardest to ignore Blice as they follow the governor towards her modest house. While he should be focused on doing the best job he can to ensure safety in the city as well as all of Olympus, he just can't get over how much he hates this man. There is a snobby, pretentious, and absolutely annoying aspect to him that grates on Troy's nerves. Everything about this guy is the exact opposite of how Troy was raised and trained to behave. When Blice pulls a handful of assorted pills out of his pocket and casually takes all of them, Troy loses any last bit of respect he may have had for him. He leans close to him and whispers. "Are you taking drugs?"

  "Depends." Blice grins. "You want some?"

  "You're an addict."

  "You say that like you're surprised."

  "I say that with disdain for the man who wants to take over my beloved planet."

  "Don't judge me, boy." Blice says. "Everyone has their own demons."

  "Forgive me for not wanting a drug addicted, simulated, artificial intelligence being to control my people."

  "I'm surprised your mother decided to have more children after finding out how much of a smartass you are."

  Troy's hands tighten into fists. "Don't you dare speak about my mother."

  "Excuse me, gentlemen." The governor pushes open the door to her house and leads them inside. "Forgive me for interrupting."

  Troy bows. "Oh, no, Milady. Forgive me for not being attentive."

  "No matter." She closes the door behind them and leads them into an elaborately decorated dining room where candles are flickering in ivory candelabras around the large table. "Have a seat and we will discuss things."

  Troy sits down
and grits his teeth as Blice sits right next to him. Really? The table is huge. Why does he have to sit right here?

  The governor gathers up her long white hair and pins it up on top of her head before reaching over and taking Troy's hand. "Please tell me the fate of our Queen Helen."

  With a sad heart, Troy has to form the words he never wanted to say. "Our queen is dead."

  "I see. You did all you could and for that, we are eternally grateful."

  "I only did what I had to do." Troy says. "We were her personal guard and we did everything for her and her alone. Now we don't even get to give her a proper funeral. It's insulting and completely awful. I should have done more. I failed in my duty to protect my queen."

  "No. You did everything you could. No one blames you, Troy. I know how close you were to my cousin and she would be proud of you for what you did. You are a hero to our people. No matter what happens from here on, know that the Nymphs of Olympus fully support you as our future king."

  "I will never be king. There are too many opposing forces that are out of my control. Like this guy here who still adamantly believes that he will claim the throne."

  "I never said that either." Blice says. "Don't try to pin this entire thing on me. I had no hand in Queen Helen's death."

  "You had no hand in saving her either." Troy says coldly.

  The woman gasps as her eyes grow wide and she tries to back away from him. "No. Go away from here. Don't hurt our people. You're him? You're Blice McSage?"

  Blice shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "I am Blice McSage, but you shouldn't believe every rumor you hear. I have no plans of hurting anyone. Just ask Troy. I came here with him and his little android slave. If I wanted to kill him off, I would have done it already."

  "Milady, please calm down." Troy reaches out and touches her arm comfortingly. "If he tries anything, I am right here to protect you. As a Royal Knight, protecting women is my job."

  The governor crosses her arms and sits back down as she avoids looking at Blice. "Then tell me, Troy. What are we Nymphs going to do?"

  Troy squeezes her hand and holds his other hand over his heart. "I swear to you that the Royal Knights will never abandon our people. I do not know what Blice has planned, but I will personally defend my people with my life. That's why I came out here from Athens. I had to ensure that things were going well in the city."


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