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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 32

by Mackenzie Morris

  This doesn't account for why Uriel would be a participant in this. What is his motive?

  "I bet you're wondering why I am telling you all of this. Well, Zodiac Cunningham, you will not be leaving this room alive."

  Honestly, it's not that surprising. "How do you know that's my name?"

  "I know everything. I have the single most extensive spy network in the galaxy. I have agents stretching from Barren Void to Himmel and even on Earth. Nothing happens that I don't know about first."

  "Ah. I see. Well, did your spies tell you that the modifications to my body filter out all harmful substances like cyanide?" Zodiac asks.

  "I don't know why you would be telling me this."

  Zodiac feels something move along the side of his foot, but he can't look down without seeming suspicious. What is that? When another one moves over his other shoe, he knows something is going on. Without knowing what exactly is happening, he pretends to not notice. "Why would Uriel want to help you hurt his son?"

  "The same reason many people do things. Money."

  "I highly doubt that. Does an archon really need money?"

  "Are you insinuating that he is out for his own plans?" Hector asks.

  "I'm only trying to point out the open holes in your story."

  "You're one of the best spies to come in here. I'll give you that. You're much better than your predecessor. And your fake sex stunt with Paris was genius. I wouldn't have thought about going to the lengths you did. You sure managed to fool everyone else. But not me. I saw right through you as soon as you stepped foot in my country."

  "So are we going to sit here talking until one of us dies of old age? Or are you going to get rid of me?" Zodiac spots the black mamba slithering under Hector's chair. This is about to get interesting. Where did it come from? Close behind it is a tan and brown viper and a sandy colored cobra. This entire room is filled with snakes. Hector hasn't noticed yet so Zodiac tries his best to contain his nervousness.

  Hector shrugs his shoulders. "I've never been in this position before. Tell me. How dangerous are you, Cunningham?"

  "That depends."

  "On what?"

  "How long you provoke me until I strike."

  * * *

  "Stand down, Nova. Don't scare them like that." An elderly pure Nymph with long curly white hair and matching beard steps out of a side room. His white lab coat is splattered with blood. "Welcome to my archon development center. It's good to see you up and moving around, Troy."

  How does this strange old man know his name? Troy watches the metal archon turn around and join the man's side. He called her Nova? "Who are you?"

  The man puts a monocle up to his eye. "You don't remember me? I guess you were unconscious the entire time. My name is Daedalus. I'm a nanobot researcher who brought you back from the brink of death."

  Orion groans and rubs his face where the archon slapped him. "Daedalus?"

  "The same. Stand up, Orion. You probably deserved it anyway."

  He growls as he stands and glares at the man. "Daedalus, what are you doing down here?"

  "I could ask you the same question. This is my laboratory."

  "Your laboratory? Your laboratory is fifty miles from here." Orion says.

  "All these ruins around here are my laboratory. They're connected."


  "They were just sitting there so I took over all the ones in this area. I didn't expect anyone to find me here. So much for my electric door. Well, Orion, did you bring me my payment? Debts don't pay themselves."

  "I don't owe you anything, Father."

  Troy looks up at him. "Father? He's your father?"

  Orion helps Troy to his feet and holds him upright. "Something like that."

  Daedalus begins tampering with the silver archon's wings. "Orion, you should know that your brother got into a bit of an argument with Uriel."

  "Why am I not surprised? He should have known he couldn't hide out on that mountain for much longer. Someone was bound to figure out he's not an oracle guard."

  Things are just getting more confusing. "Wait. You have a brother?"

  "Something like that. He's just an idiot who has been impersonating an oracle guard for a few years."

  "Dion is not an idiot." Daedalus says. "If it wasn't for you and your perversions, he wouldn't have had to go to such lengths."

  "Perversions? What in the universe are you talking about?"

  "That girl was eleven years old. You were nineteen."

  Orion crosses his arms on his chest. "She was thirteen."

  "That's a lie, but if it makes you feel better, then say whatever you want. It was still illegal for you to pursue her."

  Passion rises in Orion's voice. "I didn't do anything."

  "You put all of us in danger. You stole that Royal Knight's-"

  "Don't talk about that here."

  Daedalus looks between Orion and Troy. "Oh. I see. So it's him."

  "Yes. Now drop it."

  "And you got that poor slave killed because of it. And you wonder why I gave Dion the cyber implants instead of you. You are far too spontaneous and dangerous. Now look at you. You're a slave. Good job, son."

  "Shut up." Orion's hands tighten into fists.

  "You don't get to talk to me like that. I suggest you two turn around and head back up to the surface. Tell your owner there's nothing down here and to never come back."

  "Can you get us out of here?" Orion asks. "Paris is here too. He's in bad shape."

  "Good. I need Hector to break him and keep him here until Uriel can retrieve him."

  "What? You're working with them?"

  "I believe in Uriel's ultimate plan. Nova wasn't fully compatible with the nanobots for the rejuvenation ring so Paris is the target now. We just had to send him to our friend Hector for . . . training."

  "You bastard!" Orion lunges at Daedalus, but the archon steps between them.

  The metal archon spreads her wings. She grabs her head and twists it. It comes undone like a helmet and she removes it, revealing an impure Nymph woman underneath.

  Troy gasps and nearly falls to the floor again. He was right. It's her. "Nova!"

  "Hello, Troy. Do what Daedalus says or things will get bad. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

  Something is wrong with her. The fire he's always seen in her hazel eyes has faded. It has been replaced with a hollow cold submission. "Nova, what did Uriel do to you?"

  "He made me perfect. I am no longer controlled by thoughts or emotions. The nanobots live through me. I must obey their commands. If you will not submit to the ultimate will of the universe, then I will have to eliminate you."

  "Don't forget, Nova." Daedalus loads a clip into a 9mm pistol. "You will not be perfect until you join with Paris. He should be going through puberty soon so he can gain the much needed muscles for the operation. Then the real fun will begin. I just hope his fragile body can handle the modifications."

  "You are sick people!" Orion yells at him. "Paris never did anything to anyone. He's innocent."

  Daedalus scoffs. "Innocence? There's no such thing."

  "Tell me what a young boy could have done to deserve this. Tell me!"

  "It's his own fault for being weak. If he wants the abuse to stop, then he should have fought back. He should have pulled himself out of that situation."

  Orion's face is red with rage. "Do you hear what you're saying? He's a child! He had no one to help him. If he had fought back, he would have been killed."

  "Death is freedom, isn't it? If he is dead, he will not be suffering. Death is the only true remedy."

  "That's not true. I'm done with you and your evil plans and mind control. I won't let you touch Paris. Come on, Troy. We're leaving."

  No! He has to save Nova. He can't leave her here. "I can't leave Nova!"

  Orion pulls him along to the door. "She's not Nova anymore. She's been brainwashed. The nanobots are controlling her mind. There's nothing we can do to help her."

/>   * * *

  Zodiac watches the snakes slithering around Hector's legs. He has to keep Hector distracted long enough for them to get pissed off enough to bite. This is an extremely dangerous game he is playing. Before he can think of something to say, Hector chuckles and puts out his cigar on one of the saucers.

  "I know you're in here, Paris."

  Nothing stirs in the room.

  "Do not disobey me, boy."

  Paris's voice is filled with hatred as he whispers in the silence. "Sagittarius. Greed is the poison that will bring about your demise. You will be held accountable for your sins. The weight of justice will be brought down upon your soul."

  Hector cries out and grasps his left shoulder as the shot rings out. Another bullet rips through his knee, shattering his kneecap and tearing into the chair. Again, he screams and kicks away the snakes that have latched onto his ankles. "I'm going to kill you!"

  The boy's laughter fills the room. He slips out from the narrow space between the bookcases. "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

  "Yes it hurts, you bitch." He tries to stand, but the toxins are already beginning to set in.

  Guards in power armor kick open the door. "Put the gun down, slave."

  Paris only grins darkly and spins the revolver in his fingers. "You want me to put it down? Okay." He throws the gun into the pile of snakes and lunges for the door. He slips under their legs before their hands can grab him. "Run, Dax!"

  Zodiac dives for the gun, not caring about the snakes and fires three times at the guards. His bullets only ricochet off of their armor. He almost gives up, but then the guards begin falling one at a time in a spray of blood.

  Paris jumps on the back of another guard. He raises his golden high heeled sandal in the air and sends the heel through the back of the man's head. Blood splatters on the walls. "Come on! I'll throw this and blow everything up."

  Zodiac runs after him and feels the heat from the explosion when Paris throws his shoe, hitting the strip of microgrenade tape on the doorframe.


  "Don't watch the explosion. The heroes never watch the explosion!" Paris takes Zodiac's hand as they run down the hall. The building shakes, sending paintings to the floor and vases shatter around them. "Come on. Run faster, Dax!"

  Zodiac reaches into his pocket and retrieves his nanoarrow cubes. "Take the gun. There's one shot left. I hope you have more ammo."

  "Nope. I'll make it count."

  "So, Hector was a Sagittarius?"

  "Yes. I read horoscopes. I made that one up. Pretty smart, huh?"

  "We've got company." Zodiac takes Paris in his arms as the door to the dining hall opens. He lifts him up and puts him on his shoulders.

  Paris giggles and takes some of the nanoarrow cubes. "I wanna throw one."

  "No, Paris-"

  The purple dark matter flies through the smoke-filled air, impaling two guards in the doorway. "Yay! I did it."

  "Good job." Zodiac dodges out of the way of a ball of dark matter that rushes past his face. He spins around and throws a nanoarrow at the tall muscular guard. The guard dodges as well and fires his nanobots at the ground where a hole forms around Zodiac's feet.

  "Get out of here, Dax!" Paris screams.

  He dives forward to avoid the flesh-devouring dark matter and slams into the wall when he loses his balance. It takes all of his arm strength to hold onto Paris's skinny legs and not drop him. Zodiac picks up a vase and throws it at the guard who swipes it away from in front of his face. Nothing is working against this guy. As he darts around the incoming nanobots from the guard's power armor, Zodiac glances around frantically for an answer. There has to be something he can use to defeat this guy.

  "Stand down or I will kill you." The control panel on the guard's power armor glows brighter as it gains power. "Do not fight me."

  "Go to hell." Zodiac decides he has one option. Running isn't going to work and dodging dark matter all day is tiring. He rushes at the guard without hesitation as he screams and thrusts a nanoarrow at the guard's stomach.

  Just as the guard presses the button on his armor, the nanoarrow pierces through his cuirass. A stream of bright red blood splatters on the opposite wall. The guard gurgles and collapses at Zodiac's feet.

  Paris claps his hands. "Haha! You did it. You're such a good fighter."

  Zodiac takes off running towards the grand staircase. He remembers something he needed to ask the boy. "How did you know I was immune to the snake venom?"

  "I didn't."

  "I thought we were friends. What if one had bit me?"

  "Then you'd be dead." Paris playfully slaps Zodiac's arm. "Go, go!"

  "I'm not a horse."

  "I know. Horses run faster."

  "You're a little-"

  "Nuh uh." Paris says. "Name calling isn't nice, Dax. Look out!"

  Three guards race up the stairs, firing balls of dark matter at them. "Stop right there and come peacefully or we will be forced to kill you here."

  Zodiac slides to a stop at the top of the stairs in the main hall. People are screaming from behind them. Sirens blare in the night outside. A crowd of guards has filled the lobby, all with their power armor primed for combat and machine guns pointed up at them. What now?

  Paris whispers in his ear. "Put your hands up to surrender. Then do what I do."

  Should he follow the advice of a twelve year old? What could this kid possibly have planned? This isn't a game. Their lives are at stake.

  "Do it, Dax. It's okay. I promise."

  It's not like he has any better ideas so he holds his hands up in the air.

  "Go!" Paris leaps from Zodiac's shoulders to the railing along the stairs. As he slides down the entire length of the stairs, balanced on his feet, he throws one of the nanoarrows up at the ceiling. The dark matter collides with the chain holding up the chandelier then it plummets to the floor. The guards scream as the metal and crystal crashes around them, killing some instantly and trapping others underneath the heavy gold.

  The remaining soldiers open fire as Zodiac jumps on the railing and follows Paris to the bottom. He throws two nanoarrows at the guards behind him and jumps to the floor.

  Paris reaches under his pink silk skirt and tosses a cobra at the group of guards.

  Whoa. Was that there the entire time? "You keep a snake under your skirt?"

  He grins and fires the revolver into the crowd. "You don't?"

  Zodiac extends one of the nanoarrows and slices at a guard who rushes him. "You're crazy."

  The guard grabs at the purple glowing wound as his severed arm falls to the floor in a shower of blood. Through his cursing and pained groaning, the guard calls out to his comrades. "Kill the kid."

  "No!" Paris throws a vial of perfume to the floor where it breaks, spilling out its slimy contents.

  The guards slip on the slick marble floor, giving Paris enough time to pounce on them and stab their necks with the heel of his other golden shoe.

  Zodiac laughs and ducks below a bolt of nanobots. "You carry perfume with you too?"

  He pulls the bloody heel from the guard's throat. "Hector liked me to smell like strawberries."

  "Where are you keeping all this stuff?"

  "It's a secret. Now, run! Out the door."

  Careful not to slip on the rivers of dark sticky blood, Zodiac dashes after the boy who is drenched from head to toe in the same hot crimson. Where did that kid learn how to fight like that? Could Jarred have taught him those moves? Or was all that simply the incarnation of a young boy's instinctual desire for freedom? As he joins Paris in a patch of tall grass outside the palace walls, Zodiac sees the blazing passion of a ravenous warrior fighting for his life in those large black eyes on such a small person. "Nice fighting back there, Paris."

  "Shh. We have to be quiet. I know of some friends who can help us get out of here. We need to get across town to the stables." Paris holds his trembling arms around his bare chest and sinks down to the dark dirt.

  Zodiac notices the te
ars sliding down the boy's blood-streaked face in the dim glow from the streetlights. "Are you okay?"

  "No!" Paris loses control of his emotions. He grabs onto Zodiac's suit jacket and buries his face in his chest. "I . . . I never killed anyone before."

  While he might be cunning and talented in combat, Paris is still a child. He was bound to hit a wall at some point. After all, he has gone through so much. Zodiac gently pats his back and smoothes his hair. "It's all right. We're okay. I need your help to get us out of here. Can you do that? Be strong for just a bit longer, all right?"

  He wipes his eyes on the back of his hands. "You can get me out of here?"

  "Yes." Zodiac says. "I have a friend named Donnie who has a ship nearby. The guards are distracted and one of my associates hacked their air defense system. We have fifteen minutes before it comes back online. We have to get out of here."

  "Okay." Paris takes Zodiac's hand and crawls out of the dry grass. "Follow me."

  * * *

  Troy hasn't said a word to Orion since they left Daedalus's lab. Why did they have to come back down here at night anyway? For five days, Master Khalid had them abandon that stupid mission to work in a silver mine with the other slaves. Now he wants them to take that stupid box and break into the place? Now what are they going to tell him? Maybe it won't even matter.

  It's been a week since they arrived here, the longest week of Troy's life. Every aspect of his life is falling apart. He thought things were bad when he became Orion's slave. No. Now things are bad. He can't stop thinking about Nova. How can he save her? What if the damage done by the nanobots is irreversible and she's never able to recover and be herself again?

  "Hey." Orion pats him on the back as they exit the entrance to the ruins and step out into the dark night. "It's okay. Don't let it get to you."

  Troy listens to the locusts, their buzzing hymn the only sound around them in the cool stillness of a desert night. "What am I going to do?"

  "There's nothing you can do right now. Once we are able to get in touch with Mistress, I'm sure we'll be able to get a plan together."


  Wait. He knows that voice. Troy looks over towards the stable to see the boy in a pink skirt running towards him. Paris. Giving a short scream of surprise, he sprints towards him and wraps him in his arms. "Oh my gods. You're alive."


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