Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 37

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Xanthos did that?" Orion asks.


  "How do you know?"

  "Just wait until I finish the story." Troy says. "So, I went looking for Xanthos. I also stopped by the crime scene. Since the victims were women, I had every right to investigate. Sure enough, they all had glowing purple wounds over their bodies from the dark matter. That was all the proof I needed. I returned to my room in the hotel to find Xanthos and Leto whispering in the corner. That's when his fate was sealed. I quickly subdued him and dragged him down to the wine cellar where I knew no one would hear us. I chained him up and began interrogating him. I wanted a confession and I got one. I beat him until he was bleeding and covered in bruises. After he confessed, I was so overwhelmed by anger that I began stabbing him with my gladius. He was vomiting blood, but no matter how many times I stabbed him, he wouldn't die. Eventually, I grew nervous that someone would come down there and find what I had done, so I unchained him and carried him to my horse. I took off into the desert to find a place to hide the body. But I was young and terrified. I didn't want to do a shoddy job of burying him just for some guard to ride along on patrol and see him. So for a week, I rode and stayed in a cave with his corpse until I felt that I was significantly safe to bury him. When I returned to Athens, everyone was overjoyed that I had returned. They believed Xanthos had killed me too. I told them I had been abducted by him, but had killed him and managed to escape. I was a hero."

  "Troy, there's something I have to tell you."

  "What is it?"

  Orion pulls the blanket up over his head. "Don't hurt me. Promise me you won't try to hurt me. Like you, I am a different person than I was in the past. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. Please don't hurt me."

  "What is it? I won't hurt you."

  "Xanthos didn't steal that power armor or kill those women."

  "How do you know?" Troy asks. "Who did it, then?"

  "I did."

  He rolls his eyes. "You're fooling around. You can't be serious."

  "I had been in Kyro trading for some supplies when I met a group of women at the bar. They were all friends and they all wanted me. They told me to meet them in that field. I wanted to impress them so I looked around for something to make me look manly. It was then that I saw a group of Royal Knights on horseback with their shiny metal power armor. I had to get me some of that. I was just going to borrow it and return it. I stole the armor then went to meet with the women. They weren't raped. It was all consensual. They weren't murdered. It was an accident. After we had sex, I put the armor on and it discharged. The dark matter killed them. I couldn't stop it. I didn't know what to do so I hid the armor and ran."

  Troy wants to run and never stop. He wants to scream and tear at his hair. He wants to kill Orion. But he doesn't do any of those things. Instead, he lies back in the cool sand and looks up at the sky. "I killed an innocent man."


  Troy takes a few deep breaths to calm himself enough to ensure he won't kill Orion right here. "Xanthos was my friend. I had only owned him for about a week, but I counted him among my group of close friends."

  "I'm sorry."

  "I don't know what to say. What should I say? Words can't fix this. I doubt there's anything I can do to make this right. This is exactly the problem with vigilante justice. I thought I had come to that conclusion before I had made this mistake, but it seems as though it was already too late."


  The delicate scent of honeysuckle fills the elegant bedroom along with the bright yellow midmorning sunlight cascading through the multi-panel windows. The white lace curtains gently billow in the warm breeze as Paris stirs beneath the down comforter. Opening his eyes, he peeks out from his blanket cocoon. Where is he? He looks at the silver tray on the side table next to the bed, piled high with golden sponge cakes, fresh strawberries, and a bowl of whipped cream. The teapot is still steaming with the fragrance of green tea. Paris sits up and examines his bare chest and arms. All of his wounds have been bandaged cleanly. The pain has dulled and faded. Whoever tended to his injuries knew what they were doing.

  Paris slides out of the large bed. The thick rug is soft under his feet in contrast to the cold wooden floor. He spots some clothes laid out on the back of an armchair that are his size. A smile spreads across his face. Pants. No more stupid skirts. He slowly dresses in the black slacks and white buttoned silk shirt, careful to not aggravate his injuries. He combs though his hair and ties his black polished shoes. Looking in the full-length mirror, he smiles again. But then he notices. Paris gasps and touches his nose. The septum ring that Silver had given him is gone. That was his most prized possession. Now it's gone.

  The bedroom door opens and Uriel steps into the room, carrying a covered box in his arms. "Good morning, Paris. How are you feeling?"

  Oh, that's right. Paris belongs to Uriel now. "I'm okay, Master."

  "That's good to hear. I see you found your clothes. It's nice to dress as a boy again, isn't it? Don't worry. You won't be wearing makeup here. I'm not like Hector. You are a child in this house, not some object of a perverted man. You will be protected here and cherished as the wonderful gift you are."

  A dark question fills his mind, urging him to say something. "Master?"


  "Aren't you the one who sold me to Hector's slavers?"

  Uriel's smile vanishes. "What an incredibly hurtful thing to say. If I had done that, why would I come to save you? What happened was a terrible thing. I am not a terrible person. Right? Would a terrible person give you all of this and take care of you?"

  "Well . . . "

  "Would a terrible person make you cake for breakfast?" Uriel asks.

  He has a point. Terrible people don't make cake. "I guess not."

  "There you go."

  Paris glances out the window at the green fields of grass and purple violets stretching far to the base of the snow-capped mountains. "Where are we?"

  "This is my manor on the IGR planet of Friedhof. Contrary to what many people believe, Friedhof is not entirely frozen. Remind me to show you the hot springs later. For now, you should eat breakfast. I know you're hungry. I've been giving you nutrients in your sleep, but nothing takes the place of actual food. You don't have to get permission from me. Eat up, son."


  Uriel picks him up and sets him on the bed where he joins him and pours a cup of tea. "I believe it's time for you to know the truth. I was able to fabricate DNA with some of my traits. Then I slept with your Nymph mother to produce you. I am your father, Paris. Don't call me Master. Call me Dad."

  He's his father? All this time, Paris had believed his father left before he was born. In a way, he was right. But an angel? "Why am I not an angel like you?"

  "I'm an archon, not an angel. I'm basically a humanoid robot with wings. You are special in your own way. Soon, you will have a grand purpose beyond any other person ever." Uriel hands Paris a plate with cake and strawberries on it. "Eat up. We have a lot to do today."

  Despite his shock and surprise about Uriel, Paris can't deny his hunger any longer. He quickly eats the entire plate of food. He even licks the bowl of whipped cream clean then finishes off the pot of tea. "That was good. Thank you."

  "I have some more food." Uriel holds up a small white mouse. "But it's not for you. Who would eat this?"

  "Um . . . a snake?"

  "Not just any snake." Uriel goes to the dresser and lifts the cloth from the box, revealing a glass terrarium. He reaches inside and pulls out a black king cobra.

  "Snakey!" Paris runs to him and takes the snake in his arms. He kisses the snake's head gently. "I missed you, Snakey! That you, Dad. Thank you so much!"

  "Does this make you happy?"

  "Yes! I was afraid he was dead."

  Uriel arranges a few vials of liquid and syringes on the dresser then holds up a large needle. "You and Snakey play on the bed while I explain some things to you right quick. You haven't had a good education, so your
next few years will be dedicated to literature, art, mathematics, history, and science. You will become an educated and well-rounded man. We will also hone your combat abilities. You will learn to play the musical instrument of your choice and to speak a second language. By the time you are eighteen, I need you to be an upstanding member of society, intelligent, cunning, and able to manipulate any situation to your advantage. There are so many things I want to teach you. As long as you follow my rules and do what I tell you, then you will be happy here. Welcome home, Paris."

  * * *

  The bed is creaking as Leto gasps and two male voices are laughing from under the blankets. Boots and other articles or men's clothing are scattered around the darkened room. What the hell is going on in here? Well, he has some ideas, but why? He closes the door behind him and turns the light on.

  Leto gives a tiny scream as she hides her naked body under the blankets. Two men hurriedly gather their clothes and climb through the open window without getting dressed. They run off into the night.

  Zodiac blushes and hides his eyes. "Leto? What . . . what was that? Why were those men in here?"

  Leto slides out of bed and pulls on a red silk robe. "You could have left."


  "When you saw me working, you could have waited in the hall or something. You scared them off. Poor guys." She shrugs her shoulders and goes to the vanity where she brushers her hair. "Oh well. It's not like I give a damn about those gullible idiots. Some people never learn. At least you're different from them. You're not swayed by the charms of a beautiful lady like me. I've seen you looking at me, but you've never tried anything even though you could. You're a good man, Dax."

  "I would never force you."

  She tosses him a bag of coins. "Here's your money."

  "Uh . . ."

  "You didn't think I was just some powerless slave girl, did you? Here's your money."

  Zodiac stares at the money then looks back at Leto. "I'm not a pimp."

  "And I'm not a whore. Take a close look at that money."

  Zodiac holds up one of the silver coins and studies it in the light. "It looks like a typical silver Olympian coin."

  "Brilliant, isn't it? Run your finger along the edge of the coin."

  He feels the edge of the silver coin and something peels off. The coin splits in half, revealing a tiny compartment. A thin strip of clear film is curled up inside. "What is this?"

  "You said earlier in passing that you needed some information about a certain man and I obeyed your orders."

  "I didn't order you to do any of this."

  "But you've been such a kind master, so I figured I could show some initiative and get that information for you. It's all there. Each of those coins contains a roll of microfilm."

  "Nicely done. Who were those men?" Zodiac asks as he scoops out some ground coffee and pours it in the coffee maker.

  "Two of Evans's informants. Like I said, some men are too easily swayed by sex. It's kind of sad, actually. I told them I would do whatever they wanted in exchange for that microfilm. You'd think that someone with as much power as Evans would find better lackeys then those idiots. I'm just glad it's not my ass on the line when Evans inevitably finds out."

  "Do you do this sort of thing often?"

  "Only when I really want something." Leto says. "The difference between me and other girls is that I know how to get what I want. Plus, I'm just stubborn enough to do whatever I have to do in order to accomplish my goals."

  He pours water in and sets it to percolate. "How do you know this stuff is legitimate?"

  "Please. You think I would go through all that trouble just to give you some fake information? That's not the way I work, Dax. I already reviewed all the information beforehand. You'd better go fetch your bow and get packed."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "After you review that film, you'll want to make a move on Athens before Evans gets his hands on one of our most valuable assets. Yes, my information is that current."

  "I'm still not following you." Zodiac says.

  "Do you want to read it for yourself, or do you want me to spoil the surprise?"

  "Tell me. If it's that urgent, I need to alert the others as soon as possible."

  Leto wipes her smeared lipstick from her face. "Your father has gone off the deep end. He has run off to Athens on some solo suicide mission. He stole a ship from the Himmel military five hours ago and he was last spotted entering Olympus's outer atmosphere."

  "That crazy bastard." Zodiac tosses the bag of coins on the table and removes his boots. "So, you want to go get something to eat? I'm starving."

  "What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to go after Silver?"

  "No. If he wants to get himself killed, then I'll let him. The galaxy will be a better place without him."

  "Why do you hate him so much?" Leto asks.

  "Because he left me and my sister ten years ago. I will never forgive him for that. No matter what happens from here on, what he did to me is unforgiveable. I told him that night that if he left, I would hate him forever. I intend to make good on that promise. Besides, he's no longer a member of the resistance. No one cares what he does. One man can't make a difference."

  "Noah built an arc and saved his family as well as two of every animal on Earth. Moses led his people out of slavery. David killed Goliath. When even a single man is inspired by a force greater than himself, there is no limit to the feats he is able to accomplish. There's also no limit to your father's stubbornness."

  Zodiac rolls his eyes. "It's stupidity."

  "It's sheer desperation and unconditional love for that little boy. Can't you see that he would do the same for you? Whether he knows how to show it correctly or not, Silver loves you dearly. You still have family alive. Love them while you can. You never know when they will be gone and you can't love them anymore."

  He finds two ceramic mugs on the shelf below the coffee maker. "Who is Noah?"

  "Are you serious?"

  "Who are any of those people? What is that from?"

  "It's from an old Earth religion. I thought Silver would have at least told you about it when you were little. According to my information, he is a devout follower. He's probably one of the last ones."

  Who cares? "And he can stay that way. I don't want anything that has to do with him. How do you know all of this personal information?"

  "When you've been doing this kind of work for as long as I have, you find out a lot of interesting information about a lot of different people."

  "Oh, I almost forgot." Zodiac reaches into his pocket and retrieves a ring. "I spoke to Samuels about ways to mark you as mine and he said a ring. Well, I don't want to hurt you so I got this kind of ring." He holds out his hand to reveal a platinum ring engraved with his name. "I hope this works."

  Leto gasps and picks up the thin band. "Dax . . . it's lovely."

  He gently pulls the back of her robe down and places his hand on her bare back. "I never asked you what your last name was."

  "The truth is, I don't know." She reaches up to touch his arm. "What are you doing?"

  "Shh." Zodiac pushes her hair over one shoulder then leans down and kisses the back of her neck. She smells like flowers. "Did you sleep with them?"

  "You kind of interrupted that."

  "Good." He spins her around and kisses her pink lips.

  Leto's robe falls to the floor as she stands in front of him. She pushes him to the bed and sits on his waist as she unzips his shirt. "What is it? Seeing me with other men make you jealous?"

  This is so hot. He completely forgets about any other woman he's ever been attracted to. Zodiac's mind goes a hundred different directions, but they all end up with her. He pulls her down to kiss her again. "You should know I've never done this before."

  Leto pins his wrists to the bed. "Then let me take control. By the way, when I said I get what I want, I meant from everyone. If I do this, you have to go after your father."

exactly what he wants to think about right now, his father. Really? That's her price? He can't resist any longer so he smiles. "Whatever you want, darling."


  Nova flies over the sleeping city of Athens where the streetlights twinkle in the darkness. Only a few stray cars drive on the streets, filled with lost souls going to only gods know where. An aura of emptiness now hangs over this city she used to love for the life it had. Now it has been suppressed to the point of suffocation under the demands of a tyrant. Even the stars above seem dimmer here. Perhaps the spirits know the sadness that resides in the hearts of the citizens here.

  She lands inside the coliseum where so many have died, all for the entertainment of the masses. The dirt here is now stained crimson from so many battles. The air is heavy here with the grief and loss of loved ones, both guilty and innocent. No one deserves this kind of death. At least let the condemned die with dignity and with the chance to repent for their sins.

  Nova slips along the dark corridors below the empty arena, sneaking past two guards who are bickering over some television show and not paying any attention to their jobs. She makes her way to the prisoner cells where she had seen Troy what seems like years ago. In the one at the end, she spots a man. She goes up to the cell door and reaches through the bars. "Blice McSage?"


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