Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 38

by Mackenzie Morris

  The thin black-haired man with deep purple eyes looks up at her. His bare chest and legs are streaked with dirt and dried blood. His hands are shaking as he crawls to her feet. "N-Nova?"

  "Oh, Blice. What have they done to you? You're withering away to nothing. I see your ribs." Nova spots the plate of oatmeal in the corner that is completely untouched. "Why aren't you eating?"

  "I can't." Blice grabs her legs and pressers his face against her armor through the bars. "I can't keep it down without the drugs. I need them. Go get them for me. Please go get them. I know they're out there. They need me too."

  "Uh . . . what drugs?"

  "I need them! Go. Hurry before Evans comes back. He'll give me a little, but not enough. He keeps me addicted to control me. Please! I need them."

  This meeting is obviously not going anywhere with him like this. This goes against everything she feels is right. The thought of helping someone get drugs isn't one she wants to deal with. Nova has seen personally what mind-altering drugs can do to someone, but now isn't the time to play enforcer. "Where are the drugs?"

  "You'll help me?" Blice asks with wide blood-shot eyes.

  "I need you up and moving or at least capable enough to carry on a conversation with me without doing . . . whatever this is. Where are the drugs? I'll go and-"

  "In the cupboard in the hallway. Go! Hurry. Please."

  Nova goes to the cupboard and retrieves the vial and syringe. This better be what he wants.

  "Yes! That's it. Give it to me." Blice holds out his arm.

  She fills the syringe with the black liquid and injects it into his arm. "There."

  He sighs. "Ah. That's so much better. Thank you."

  "I need your help."

  Blice wipes the blood from his lips. "What could you possibly need my help with? Looks like you've got that archon armor. What do you need a beaten down old fool like me for?"

  "You know your father better than anyone else. I want to end this today. I believe I'm strong enough to take him down. You know something you're not telling me. Go ahead. Spit it out. I don't have time to play games!"

  "You aren't the first person to come here begging for my help today. I don't know what possessed you people to do this now. Paris isn't here. I have no way of knowing where he is. Kids go missing all the time. I've been down here for months. Everyone is coming to me for information. My entire life is suffering down here at night then fighting in the arena during the day. I know nothing else. Unless you're going to break me out of here, then I suggest you leave before Evans comes back down here."

  "Are you truly that pathetic and useless?" Nova asks, getting overly disgusted with his attitude. "I thought the great Blice McSage was one of the most intimidating men in history. You led a country when everyone was against you. You saved humanity on Earth from extinction. What happened to that man? Where is that Blice McSage?"

  Blice sinks back down to the dusty floor and leans back against the cracked wall. "You don't have any idea what you're talking about. I can't do anything in the state I'm in. You're on your own."

  She grabs the bars. "No! You can't let Evans win. You have to help me. He is about to kill everyone on this planet."

  "Where did you hear that? You think that's news? That lunatic has been trying to kill off everyone since before I was born. I've come to the conclusion that he's not gonna die until he gets what he wants. Do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you. I warned Jarred, too."

  "My father was here?"

  "About two hours ago." Blice says. "He kept saying how he was going to save Paris and that he knew Evans had him. Who knows if he does or not? If there was a boy here, he would probably be in here with me to fight in the arena tomorrow. Apparently, having people come to watch other people kill each other is a lucrative business. Believe me, I will be the first in line to dance on my father's grave so if you think you've got the balls to take him on, then be my guest. He keeps me so weak that I can't put up a fight against him then he injects me with other drugs to get me going for the arena fights. God, I hate him so much. Tell you what. You go get Gabriel down from the palace gate and give him some of that drug concoction you have there. It will help him recover to the point where he can fight alongside you. If and only if you get that far without getting slaughtered or caught and thrown in here, come get me and I'll tell you some information that will help you move around the palace undetected."

  Can she accomplish all of that on her own? Seeing how bad off Blice is, she knows she can't drag him around with her. Nova decides to do the only thing she can in this situation. "I'll do it. Where is he keeping Gabriel?"

  "The north gate. You'd better get done with this before dawn. It could get messy."

  She checks the display on the arm of her armor. One hour to midnight. "I'll keep that in mind. You had better be here when I get back."

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  * * *

  "Ego will be conducting the ceremonia hoy en English so the nuevo men can understand todo. Parakalo, todo be friendly et observans." Chief Seri holds out his arms in the light from the raging bonfire. "Tonight, we welcome two new members into our tribe. Though they were merely strangers only hours ago, we greet them as brothers. Centuries ago, when this tribe was first established, the elder chief set a decree in place to make Delphi a sanctuary for all Nymphs, both pure and impure, who seek deliverance from whatever plagues them. We are to greet anyone who comes into this holy oasis with open arms. On this night, we extend this brotherhood to Kirios Orion and Kirios Troy. Upon completion of the initiation, they will be one of your own blood, spirit, and life force. No matter where this life leads them, their souls will be bound to this peaceful place, content that they can always come back home. I have spoken privately with each of them to discover what position they can take to best serve the tribe as a whole. As you know, no color is lower than any other. Even purple, the chief's color, has its burdens. We must all come together to paint the full picture of harmony in our world. The first step in the ceremony is stripping away the clothing of the outside world. Kirios Orion, parakalo approach the fire."

  Troy's nervousness rises to an entirely new level. All these men, women, and children, are all going to see him naked? While it doesn't seem to be any issue amongst the members of the tribe, it still bothers him. He watches as Chief Seri removes Orion's clothes then turns him around in a circle for all to see.

  "Join us, Kirios Troy."

  Oh hell. Well, he's already here and there's nowhere he can run to so he stands and walks up to stand beside Orion. He closes his eyes as his clothes are removed from him. The crowd begins singing as Troy is spun around and his hand is placed tightly in Orion's.

  "Open your eyes, Kirios Troy. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all one body now."

  Troy opens his eyes to see all the tribe members moving closer with clay pots in their hands. What now?

  Chief Seri puts his hand on their backs. "The second step is to be painted with sacred mud to symbolize our bond with the fertile planet. Every tribe member will administer the mud so that they too are bound to you."

  And now they're going to be rubbing mud all over him?

  The tribe members continue their singing as they surround Troy and Orion.

  The mud is slick and cold on Troy's skin in contrast to the warm rough hands moving all over his body, not sparing a single space, including his face. Surprisingly, it feels good and soothing on his sunburned skin. He watches them all, making eye contact with each person whose smiles and calm eyes show nothing but care and acceptance. As the brown mud covers him, Troy's nervousness and insecurities melt away. There is something natural and instinctual in this bonding ritual, almost as if he is feeling the tribal connections of his ancestors from many centuries before they were nobility in the cities. This is Nymph identity down to the most basic form.

  Once they are completely covered in mud, Chief Seri gathers everyone around the blazing fire. "The third step is rebirth by fire. Yo
u will jump through the flames and emerge a new Nymph and part of our family. The mud given to you by the tribe members will protect you on your journey."

  After watching Orion go through unscathed, Troy knows he can do this. The heat makes him sweat, but the mud has caked on thick and cool. He can do this. More than that . . . he wants this. He needs to leave his other life behind. He has to be cleansed of the murders, the mistakes, the failures of it all. He will no longer be that boy who hurt so many people. No. Now, he will be born anew. With a surge of courage, Troy leaps through the flames and is caught by Chief Seri.

  "I will now proceed with the final and most sacred step of the ritual." Chief Seri says. "The bestowing of colors. Kirios Orion, you are first."

  The tribe members begin weaving the bright green glass beads into the ends of the braids in Orion's hair.

  "Kirios Orion, you are hereby given the color green. Green is the color of energy, life, and fertility. Prosperity and virility are your key virtues. You will inspire growth and reproduction in all things. It is with these green beads that I name you one of the few tribal breeders. Your job is to populate the tribe by mating with the women you choose. You will be the father to many Nymph children. You must nurture them, feed them, and maintain their happiness. Will you accept this honorable title?"

  "I will."

  Troy bites his lip to keep from laughing hysterically. Now Orion gets to sleep with all the women he wants? Sounds like the perfect job for him. But then Troy's amusement turns to horror. What if he got the same job? There's no way he can do that.

  Chief Seri takes two strings of orange beads from a warrior and ties one on each of Troy's upper arms. "Kirios Troy, you are hereby given the color orange. Orange is the color of renewal, honor, and leadership. Justice and inspiration are your key virtues. You will inspire cohesiveness and teamwork in all people. It is with these orange beads that I name you my one and only tribal guardian. Your job will be to promote peace and unity while providing insight and leading my warriors in strategy in both hunting and on the battlefield. You will cultivate overall morale as a leader. Will you accept this honorable title?"

  Troy breathes a sigh of relief and watches the flames dance on the orange beads around his arms. "I will."

  Chief Seri raises his hands above them. "I present to you your new brothers. Dress them in loincloths in preparation for their first hunt. Warriors, you leave with Kirios Orion and Kirios Troy in one hour to begin your hunt in the savannah. I am looking forward to seeing what animal they each select to wear on their bodies. For now, we celebrate."

  * * *

  Zodiac lands the space transport in a wheat field a few miles away from the city to avoid detection. Not only that, but now he gets to use his new toy. He opens the loading hatch and jumps down to the cargo bay. He strips off the protective covering to reveal his baby. A midnight black and chrome motorcycle, specifically designed for him from the top of the line manufacturers on Himmel. It even has his signature Scorpio zodiac sign in red on the sides. It's supposed to be a nearly silent mode of transportation with how it's been designed. Now's as good a time as any to test it out.

  He secures his bow on his back then sits on the motorcycle. He can't help but smile as he revs the quiet engine. This is going to be way too much fun. Dirt whips up around him as he speeds through the fields. The wind in his short hair sends a chill of pure excitement over his skin. When he hits two hundred miles per hour, he throttles it and hits the turbo. Up on the right side, he spots the glint of silver power armor in the headlights. Can he do it? Without stopping, he draws his bow and extends a nanoarrow with the flick of his wrist. He draws it back then lets it fly as he speeds past, leaving a cloud of dust and blood in his wake. Too easy. "Yeah! I'm coming for you, Evans!"

  * * *

  After weaving through the backstreets of Athens, swerving to miss the stray dogs and chickens, Zodiac spots the man in cargo pants with a sniper rifle on his back standing up against an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. He rolls his eyes and brakes, sliding to a stop inches away from his father. He jumps off of the motorcycle and glares at Silver.

  "Whoa. Nice ride!" Silver whistles as he looks it over.

  Zodiac tosses him the key. "Shut up. Take it back to my ship. Then stay there and let a competent agent work."

  "Boy, I've forgotten more about infiltrating enemy strongholds than you've learned."

  "I bet. That tends to happen to people in old age."

  Silver shakes his head. "Oh. So not only have you grown up to be a smartass, but you're stupid as well."

  "You're one to talk. Just what were you planning to do out here by yourself? I thought snipers worked in pairs."

  "What do you say? How about a little father and son tag team killing?"

  Zodiac clasps his hands together. "I've been waiting my entire life for this."


  "It was sarcasm."


  He points back towards the city gates. "Leave now before you need to take a nap. I'll handle this."

  Silver holds up his finger threateningly. "One more."


  "You get one more before I put you in your place." Silver warns. "No one talks to me like this, is that understood? You can be angry at me all you want. You can even hate me as you claim. That doesn't give you the right to insult me like this. I am still your father and you will show me some respect."

  "Maybe you should earn it."

  "I would try to do that, but you said it yourself. Nothing I do can bring you back around to love me. I get that. I won't try to change the way you feel. But know that I'm here now. That has to count for something. I could have been like my father and completely disowned you. I tried to get back to Athens for you and Nova, but I couldn't. It would have put all of our lives in danger. I might not have been there physically, but know that I never stopped caring. I have thought about you every day since that night. You can push me away, you can yell and scream, you can shun me out of your life. But there is one thing you have to know. You are my son, Zodiac. Nothing will ever change that. You may have given up on me, but I will never give up on you. I will fight and I will die just to see you smile again. You've become such a harsh and cold man. Where is that spark of passion and innocence you had as a child? You were so plagued by nightmares and emotional issues, but you still had that need for life. That's gone now. It's like I don't know you anymore."

  Zodiac turns his back on his father. "You don't know me anymore. You never did know me. You come back into my life after ten years and expect me to embrace you with open arms. That's not the way I do things."

  "Let go of that hatred in your heart."

  "I'll let it go when I get my revenge."

  "On me?"

  "Yes. I will be the one to take your life. I swear it."

  Silver flips a coin in the air. "Heads or tails."

  What is this? "Tails. Scorpios have stingers. Remember that."

  He catches the coin and slaps it on the back of his hand. "Heads. When the time comes for you to enact your revenge, I will be the one to set the terms. I'm calling a duel, Zodiac Byron Cunningham. Sometime in the next ten years, I will call you out on your threat. You'd better be prepared to fulfill that promise. If you want to play hardball, I'll step up to the plate. Just be aware that I'm not afraid to kill you. Do you accept?"

  "Gladly. One thing, though. Never call me that again."

  "Your great-grandfather was a good man. That's why you carry his name as your middle name. He would love to have met you. He loved children."

  Who gives a damn? "Shut up. I don't care about some drunkard who blew his brains out with a shotgun. He was a coward who deserved the death he received. I hope he is burning in hell along with Jayce."

  There is a loud sound and an impact that sends Zodiac to the pavement. Before he can react, there is something hard and cold in his mouth and something heavy on his chest. He opens his eyes to see the barrel of a .44 Magnum between his l
ips and Silver pinning him down. Oh shit. He struggles for a second, but then chokes on the gun as his father presses it deeper down his throat.

  Silver's hands are shaking violently as his finger tightens against the trigger. "I should kill you right here. I should watch your brains paint this sidewalk all kinds of pretty colors."

  Zodiac can only whimper under the man's weight.

  Silver cocks the gun. "How about I send you to hell where you belong?"

  There is a gust of wind and the moon is blocked out for a second before the shadow falls over them. Metal hits the pavement beside them. "How did I know I would find you two trying to kill each other?"

  Zodiac looks over and whimpers again. It's Nova.

  Nova sighs and waves her hand over the control panel on her armor. She grabs Silver's shoulder and throws him backwards. "Stop it, both of you. You are adults. Now act like it."

  "Nova!" Silver embraces her while keeping the revolver aimed at Zodiac. "How are you, sweetheart?"

  Zodiac picks himself up from the ground and brushes away the dirt from his leather pants. "Nice. So you hug her and try to shoot my head off. That seems fair. Way to not show favoritism, Silver."

  "Silence. You're stupid enough to say shit like that with a gun pointed at you? Are you sure you're my son?"

  "Now who's the one being insulting?" Zodiac asks.

  "One second, Nova. I have a heartless asshole to kill." Silver tries to pull away from her, but Nova holds him back.

  In a flash, the gunshot rings out, echoing through the city among the brick walls and white marble columns. A flock of white doves flies up, startled from their roost, into the night sky. The city streets instantly become alive with sirens and people yelling. The stagnant silence has been ignited with murderous intent and the smell of blood.

  Nova screams. "What have you done? Zodiac, get up. Silver, go get a doctor. Hurry. Oh my gods. Zodiac, stay with me. I won't let you die. You can't die now!"


  Dressed in only a loincloth and armed with a single spear, Troy feels all too similar to how he did in the arena. Only this time, he will be killing animals instead of people. Also, the entire atmosphere tonight is electrifying. There is a vibrant energy and pulsating excitement coursing through the cool air. It's not foreboding. It's not something to be feared. Instead, Troy wants to hunt. He needs to hunt.


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