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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 49

by Mackenzie Morris

  "It probably doesn't mean much to you, coming from me, but you have my sympathy."

  It's far beyond time to change the subject. Silver sits up against the rough wall and looks at the thin black-haired man across the room from him. "You look better than the last time any of us had contact with you."

  "I just got done in the arena for the day. I'm still hyped up on drugs. I'll be worse off in a few hours."

  "I take it that I will be fighting as well."

  "Probably. We fight for our lives, though the rules have changed since you've seen a fight. We don't get out. We fight to be allowed to continue breathing down here in this awful cell while we are beaten and starved. But they won't let us give up. I see your tremors. You on drugs or something?"

  Silver holds up his shaking hands. That would explain his headache. "Alcohol."

  "Just like your grandfather, huh? Byron could never get past that. Your withdrawals will only get worse. That's how these bastard guards control us. They'll give you what you need then take it away until you do what they say. When did you have your last drink?"

  "About twelve hours ago, I think. It was right before I was arrested at the wedding."

  "Now you're really starting to feel it. I've been tortured like this for seven years. It doesn't get easier."

  Silver knows one thing. He's not going to be stuck down here for seven years. "You got a plan?"


  "Do you have a plan? Surely in seven years, you've been able to figure out something."

  "No. I don't have a plan. Lucky for you, you aren't a simulated intelligence program so you can actually die from old age. That's the fate you get to look forward to." "Not me. When I die, I will decide the terms. I'll go when I'm good and ready. I'll find a way out of here. I always have. Cells can't hold Jarred Silver Cunningham."

  "Your little nickname isn't going to help you here. Even if you did miraculously get out of here unscathed, everyone knows who you are and they will report you to Paris in a heartbeat for a reward."

  "Paris expects us to die, or in your case, be imprisoned here and fight forever?" Silver asks.

  "Exactly. From the looks of it, you're not in any position to be trying to find some crazy half-baked way to break out of here. Our best bet is to lie low and wait until our allies can dethrone Paris and make Troy king. For now, you should get as much sleep as you can. You will more than likely be fighting tomorrow. They won't go easy on you because you're wounded. That only makes it more entertaining for everyone if you go out there already bleeding."

  * * *

  Troy finishes his tea then changes into a pair of sweatpants and a comfy old t-shirt. Everyone was right. There is no reason to be uptight about things right now when he can't do anything about them. So, he might as well try to relax and do his best to recover more. Speaking of recovering, it's time for his next dose of nanochems.

  He fills the syringe with the clear liquid then injects it into his left arm. He winces as the nanobot solution burns under his skin. Troy will be glad when he doesn't have to do this anymore. He replaces the medicine back in the drawer of the bedside table and turns off the lamp. In the darkness, he lies back on the comfortable bed and closes his eyes. As he clears his mind and feels the cool air on his skin, he curls up under the blanket and becomes lost in the silence.

  His peace is soon shattered when a soft hand covers his mouth, waking him instantly. Troy tries to scream, but a rag is shoved in his mouth, held in place by duct tape. The attacking hands rip the sensor from his arm then pull him out of bed. His arms are lifted above his head until he is hanging by his wrists with his toes barely touching the floor.

  The lamp is turned on, revealing the woman in Zodiac's studded leather pants. Troy looks up to see the rope around his wrists pulled tight through a hook in the ceiling. When did that get there? This is bad. Who is this woman? Wait. He has seen her a couple of times, though only briefly. She is Zodiac's slave.

  She comes up to him and takes his chin in her hand. "I will kill you in the same slow and agonizing way that you killed my brother."

  Her brother? No. It can't be. Troy tries to voice his protests behind the gag, but only a scared squeal comes out.

  "That's right, Troy. I am Leto. You killed my brother, Xanthos in cold blood. Now, you pay for your sins. Where is that gladius of yours?" Leto rummages through Troy's room until she grins and pulls the sword from underneath the mattress. "Ironic. You keep your gladius under the bed to protect yourself, but how well did that work for you?" She moves around him, examining her prey with murderous eyes.

  Now he remembers. It's her. He couldn't believe she was the same person after so many years. So now she wants revenge. Rightly so. Troy would feel the same way, but treason in exchange for revenge is unforgivable. They are supposed to be working towards an ultimate goal, one that transcends petty vows of vengeance. He is her rightful king. How dare she do this to him? It doesn't matter what he did. She has no right to attack and threaten him like this. There are other ways to solve these issues. He's not going to die here. Placing his weight on his wrists, Troy uses all of his muscles to deliver a quick kick to Leto's stomach, sending her screaming and crashing over the coffee table.

  * * *

  Zodiac turns on the shower and waits until the steam fills the room before unzipping his shirt and tossing it on the tile floor. His pants and boxers follow and he steps into the shower. As he shampoos his short hair, he abruptly stops when he hears the bathroom door open. Leto knows to knock first. The footsteps sound lighter than hers as well. Thinking quickly, he silently drops down to his knees.

  A butcher knife digs into the wall of the shower, pinning the torn shower curtain where Zodiac had been standing. Too close. He jumps out of the shower and scoops up a nanoarrow cube from the hidden compartment by the trashcan. He extends it and rears back to strike. "Annette?"

  Annette, in her pencil skirt and stiletto heels, slashes at him with another knife. "Lie down and die!"

  "Not a chance." Zodiac kicks at her knees and throws the nanoarrow at her, slicing through the arm of her white blouse.

  She screams and clutches her arm as the purple dark matter eats through her skin. "You bastard!"

  Zodiac takes this chance of weakness and leaps at her, knocking her to the floor of the bathroom and tightens his hand around her neck. He pries the knife from her hand and places it against her throat. "Orion, Dion, get in here!"

  Within seconds, the door to his room opens and they run inside. "What is going on? Annette?"

  "She tried to kill me. Go get Mistress."

  Dion runs off and Orion kneels down to help hold Annette down. "Why are you naked?"

  "I was taking a shower. Now, restrain her so I can get my pants on."

  Mistress enters the room and immediately handcuffs Annette. "What is the meaning of this?"

  Zodiac hurriedly gets dressed. "Strip her. We're doing a full body search."

  Annette spits at him.

  "Oh? Don't like that idea very much, do you? Have something to hide? Do it." Zodiac works on removing the knife from his wall and cleaning up as Mistress searches her.

  "Found it."

  That didn't take long. "What did you get?"


  Screaming comes from next door and there is a loud crash.

  "What now?" Orion asks.

  Zodiac runs to the door. "That's Troy's room."


  Zodiac kicks the door open and spots Troy hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. "Oh my gods, Troy!" He immediately springs into action. He runs up behind Leto, twists her wrists behind her back, kicks the back of her legs, and pushes her to her knees in one fluid motion. "What have you done?"

  "Let me go! I have to end him. He will pay for what he did to my brother!"

  "Nope." Zodiac tightens his grip around her wrist until she squeals and drops Troy's gladius. He hands her to Orion then goes to Troy where he slices through the rope. "Orion, get Leto in handcuffs while I tend
to Troy."

  "Yes, sir." Orion pushes the cursing Leto down and secures the handcuffs around her wrists.

  Zodiac catches Troy in his arms then carries him to the bed. Troy's eyes are closed and he's barely breathing. A stripe of bright red blood runs across his cheek. "Troy, say something." Zodiac rips the duct tape off of his mouth and shakes him.

  Troy groans and rubs his mouth. "That hurt. I have facial hair now, you meanie."

  "Oh, Troy. Are you all right?"

  Troy sits up and rubs his wrists where the coarse rope has scratched him, leaving his wrists red and sensitive. "I'm fine. Thanks for coming to save me. What are you going to do about Leto?"

  "Why did she try to kill you?"

  "I killed her brother many years ago in Kyro after I thought he had hurt some women. Turns out, I was wrong. I found the true culprit. Orion."

  "Orion?" Zodiac asks.

  "It was one big accident. Leto, I didn't know Xanthos was innocent. I thought he had killed a group of women. What else was I supposed to do?"

  She glares at him and pulls against Dion's arms. "You could have asked. You could have investigated or turned him in for questioning. What gives you the right to enact your own view of justice? You're a horrible person who deserves to die just like my brother did!"

  Mistress enters the room and points a pistol at Leto. "Enough of this. Leto, you have no right to do the same, either. We have zero tolerance for threats or attacks against Troy. If you cannot abide by these rules, then you must be dealt with. Orion and Dion, take Leto down into the bunker for the night. Zodiac will have to decide her fate tomorrow night before we make final preparations to leave. I have looked over the microfilm that Annette was hiding and I have some disappointing news. She had an accomplice. Zodiac, come with me, please."

  Zodiac helps get Troy back into bed and gives him some water before turning off the lamp and following Mistress into his own room next door. "What about Annette?"

  "Annette and Samuels have both been working with Paris and the Nymphs on Barren Void to develop a final weapon powered by nanobots to destroy the galaxy. Why? I don't know. However, we can't take any chances. Despite their help in the past, traitors cannot be allowed to go free. I need you to deal with them."

  Zodiac looks at Samuels and Annette on their knees with their arms bound with leather straps and gags stuffed in their mouths. They both look pathetic and terrified. "Deal with them? Samuels is my boss. I work for him."

  "Do I need to eliminate you as well, then?"

  "No, ma'am."

  Mistress hands the pistol to Zodiac. "Good. I did not suspect for one second that you were in any way involved with this plan. Do not make me regret letting you live. I want these two dead."

  "I'll do it. Anything else?"

  "When is there not some new crisis around here? Atlas is missing. According to a message I found on Samuel's communication sensor from an unknown sender, Atlas was taken a few hours ago when everything was quiet around here after our meeting. Atlas was sold to some Nymphs on Barren Void, more than likely to be put to work on the computer systems to control the weapon development. While I am here helping everyone pack and move our things down to Pax, I need you and a special strike force to infiltrate the Nymph colony on Barren Void and recover Atlas. I will give you more specific details of this mission in the days to come. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I want everyone to take a break for a while. We've been running ragged until now. So kill these two and get some rest."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  * * *

  Frost clings to the windows like icy spider webs, stretching from the corners and hanging in lacy patterns across the surface. Nova's breath fogs on the pane, not even warm enough to melt the ice. The sweet smells of cinnamon and cloves fill her senses as the fire crackles in the large bedroom. She sips her wassail and watches the bright stars glimmering in the night sky after the snow has stopped falling. The electricity has been off for hours, but it's peaceful with the candles lining the walls and tables. It reminds her of Christmas Eve with Troy's family so many years ago when they would stay up all night singing songs and making snow ice cream and gingerbread cookies.

  All of Athens is silent tonight as families are together in their homes by their warm fires and huddled beneath blankets. Nova wishes she could be with the ones she loves right now instead of imprisoned here, forced to play a role in Paris's puppet show. The strings are too tight for her to run. He can control her body and pollute her mind, but Paris can never control her heart. Her soul will always know where she should be.

  Paris joins her side and puts her arm around her back. "I love Christmas."


  "What kind of question is that? Everyone loves Christmas."

  "I don't . . . not anymore."

  "You need to cheer up." Paris bounces on his toes. "Here. I'll get you a cookie."

  "I don't want a cookie."

  "Cookies solve everything."

  Such a child. "No, no they don't. I'm not in the mood to play around, Paris."

  He looks out the window and jumps up and down. "Look at that star. It's so pretty. That reminds me of something." Paris runs off down the hallway. "I'll be right back." He returns in a few minutes and hands Nova a dusty leather-bound book. "Here."

  She holds it up in the light of one of the candles near the window. Something about this seems familiar. Has she seen this before? The leather is soft and worn in her hands. "Where did you get this?"

  "It was Silver's. He said he got it from a good friend of his who used to be a priest in the wasteland down on Earth. The star reminds me of a story. Will you read some verses for me?"

  Nova flips through the well-worn pages and she instantly know what this book is. "Do you believe in this, Paris?"

  "Not really. They're just stories, aren't they?"

  "I'm not sure."

  Paris presses his hand on the cold window as he watches the sky with wide wandering eyes. "Find something and read it."

  "Let's see, here's this. It has been highlighted. 'For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince Of Peace.' Do you know what this means?"

  "A baby was born who saved everyone."

  "That's why this old Earth religion celebrated this night." Nova says. "It is supposed to be as holy as the birth of the son of God."

  "That baby was the gift for humanity. I think all babies are gifts, don't you think?"

  "Yes. Children must be protected and nurtured."

  Paris scrapes his fingernails across the window. "Or killed off before they can suffer."

  * * *

  Zodiac slides open the heavy door to the staircase and heads down into the bunker where the holding cell is in the far back. He spots Leto curled up in the corner farthest away from the door, holding her knees to her stomach and shivering in the cool air. He steels his emotions and prepares himself for what he has to do.

  Leto looks up and reaches out to him. "Zodiac, you've come to listen to my side of the story."

  "No." He unlocks the cell and slides the bars open.

  "What are you doing, then?"

  "You're coming with me." Zodiac twists her hair in his hand and drags her out of the cell.

  "Zodiac, listen to me. Stop. You're hurting me."

  "I don't give a damn. This ends now. No one hurts my friends." He leads her forcefully up the stairs then out the back door into the blowing snow of the frozen night. There is no turning back now. The guilty must pay for their sins. Zodiac drags her through the freshly fallen snow into the darkness of midnight to the rows of trees surrounding the back of the guild hall.

  Leto continues to beg as she struggles to keep up with his pace. "Please, don't. Zodiac, please."

  "Say your final prayers."

  "Don't do this. I'm sorry. Have mercy!"

  "I don't show mercy to demons." He throws her down in the snow
and draws his combat knife from his belt.

  Leto crawls to Zodiac's feet and holds onto his legs. Tears stream down her face, glittering in the light from the lamps back at the guild hall. Her hair becomes speckled with snow as the wind picks up.

  Zodiac backhands her, sending her backwards into the pile of snow. "Don't touch me. You brought this on yourself."

  "Look!" Leto digs in her pocket and holds up a piece of paper. "This is your child! The drugs didn't work. I went to the doctor two days ago to make sure. This is a picture of your baby girl. Don't kill her too. Please. Look at her, Zodiac. She has tiny hands and feet. I listened to her heartbeat. She's alive. She's alive, Zodiac."

  No. Not this. Why can things never go the way they're supposed to? Enough. "Enough!" Zodiac slaps her and pulls her to her feet. "I'm done with you and I'm done with your lies."

  "It's not a lie!" Leto cries as she trembles in his grasp. "I saw her myself. She's beautiful. Please. Kill me after I give birth so she can live. Don't do this to an innocent child."

  "Innocent? No. No one is innocent, Leto. We can't keep pretending that life can exist and protect those that need protecting. The life awaiting this child is one of pain and hatred. That's not a life for anyone to live." He presses the razor edge against Leto's throat while running his hand over the bump in her abdomen. He thinks he feels the baby move, but he can't stop now. "Forgive me, little one."

  The pure white snow grows red as the steaming blood spills out of the wound. Leto eventually lies motionless below the bare trees. The snow falls silently, covering her body and hiding the blood that has sullied the purity of this holy night.

  Zodiac wipes the blood from his hand onto his pants and bends over to pick up the ultrasound picture. He touches his daughter's face with his fingers. As he thinks about the life that could have been, he fights back the feelings of regret, but his fortitude waves until he can't cope with this anymore. Zodiac tears the picture into pieces and drops the scraps onto the snow.


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