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Heart of the Sunset

Page 7

by Rex Beach



  "You probably know why I wished to see you," Alaire began.

  Longorio shook his head in vague denial.

  "It is regarding my ranch, La Feria." Seeing that the name conveyednothing, she explained, "I am told that your army confiscated mycattle."

  "Ah yes! Now I understand." The Mexican nodded mechanically, but it wasplain that he was not heeding her words in the least. All his mentalpowers appeared to be concentrated in that disconcerting stare which hestill bent upon her. "We confiscate everything--it is a necessity ofwar," he murmured.

  "But this is different. The ranch is mine, and I am an American."

  There was a pause. The General made a visible effort to gather hiswits. It was now quite patent that the sight of Alaire, the sound ofher voice, her first glance, had stricken him with an oddsemi-paralysis. As if to shut out a vision or to escape some dazzlingsight, he dosed his eyes. Alaire wondered if the fellow had beendrinking. She turned to Dolores to find that good woman wearing anexpression of stupefaction. It was very queer; it made Alaire extremelyill at ease.

  Longorio opened his eyes and smiled. "It seems that I have seen youbefore--as if we were old friends--or as if I had come face to facewith myself," said he. "I am affected strangely. It is unaccountable. Iknow you well--completely--everything about you is familiar to me, andyet we meet for the first time, eh? How do you explain that, unless amiracle--"

  "It is merely your imagination."

  "Such beauty--here among these common people! I was unprepared."Longorio passed a brown hand across his brow to brush away thoseperverse fancies that so interfered with his thoughts.

  In moments of stress the attention often centers upon trivial thingsand the mind photographs unimportant objects. Alaire noticed now thatone of Longorio's fingers was decorated with a magnificentdiamond-and-ruby ring, and this interested her queerly. No ordinary mancould fittingly have worn such an ornament, yet on the hand of thissplendid barbarian it seemed not at all out of keeping.

  "Dios! Let me take hold of myself, for my wits are in mutiny," Longoriocontinued. Then he added, more quietly: "I need not assure you, senora,that you have only to command me. Your ranch has been destroyed; yourcattle stolen, eh?"

  "Yes. At least--"

  "We will shoot the perpetrators of this outrage at once. Bueno! Comewith me and you shall see it with your own eyes."

  "No, no! You don't understand."

  "So? What then?"

  "I don't want to see any one punished. I merely want your government topay me for my cattle." Alaire laughed nervously.

  "Ah! But a lady of refinement should not discuss such a miserablebusiness. It is a matter for men. Bother your pretty head no more aboutit, and leave me to punish the guilty in my own way."

  She endeavored to speak in a brisk, business-like tone. "La Feriabelongs to me, personally, and I have managed it for several years,just as I manage Las Palmas, across the river. I am a woman of affairs,General Longorio, and you must talk to me as you would talk to a man.When I heard about this raid I came to look into it--to see you, orwhoever is in charge of this district, and to make a claim for damages.Also, I intend to see that nothing similar occurs again. I have delayedmaking representations to my own government in the hope that I couldarrange a satisfactory settlement, and so avoid serious complications.Now you understand why I am here and why I wished to see you."

  "Valgame Dios! This is amazing. I become more bewildered momentarily."

  "There is nothing extraordinary about it, that I can see."

  "You think not? You consider such a woman as yourself ordinary? The menof my country enshrine beauty and worship it. They place it apart as aprecious gift from God which nothing shall defile. They do not discusssuch things with their women. Now this sordid affair is something foryour husband--"

  "Mr. Austin's business occupies his time; this is my own concern. I amnot the only practical woman in Texas."

  Longorio appeared to be laboriously digesting this statement. "So!" hesaid at last. "When you heard of this--you came, eh? You came aloneinto Mexico, where we are fighting and killing each other? Well! Thatis spirit. You are wonderful, superb!" He smiled, showing the whitestand evenest teeth.

  Such extravagant homage was embarrassing, yet no woman could be whollydispleased by admiration so spontaneous and intense as that whichLongorio manifested in every look and word. It was plain to Alaire thatsomething about her had completely bowled him over; perhaps it was herstrange red hair and her white foreign face, or perhaps somethingdeeper, something behind all that. Sex phenomena are strange and variedin their workings. Who can explain the instant attraction or repulsionof certain types we meet? Why does the turn of a head, a smile, aglance, move us to the depths? Why does the touch of one stranger'shand thrill us, while another's leaves us quite impassive? Whencesprings that personal magnetism which has the power to set the veryatoms of our being into new vibrations, like a highly charged electriccurrent?

  Alaire knew the susceptibility of Mexican men, and was immune toordinary flattery; yet there was something exciting about this martialhero's complete captivation. To have charmed him to the point ofbewilderment was a unique triumph, and under his hungry eyes she feltan adventurous thrill.

  It is true that Luis Longorio was utterly alien, and in that sensealmost repellent to Alaire; moreover, she suspected him of being amonster so depraved that no decent woman could bring herself to accepthis attentions. Nevertheless, in justice to the fellow, she had toacknowledge that externally, at least, he was immensely superior to theMexicans she had met. Then, too, his aristocracy was unmistakable, andAlaire prided herself that she could recognize good blood in men asquickly as in horses. The fellow had been favored by birth, bybreeding, and by education; and although military service in Mexico waslittle more than a form of banditry, nevertheless Longorio haddeveloped a certain genius for leadership, nor was there any doubt asto his spectacular courage. In some ways he was a second Cid--anotherfigure out of Castilian romance.

  While he and Alaire were talking the passengers had returned to theirseats; they were shouting good-byes to the soldiers opposite; theengine-bell was clanging loudly; and now the conductor approached towarn Longorio that the train was about to leave. But the railwayofficial had learned a wholesome respect for uniforms, and therefore hehung back until, urged by necessity, he pushed forward and informed thegeneral of his train orders.

  Longorio favored him with a slow stare. "You may go when I leave," saidhe.

  "Si, senor. But--"

  The general uttered a sharp exclamation of anger, at which theconductor backed away, expressing by voice and gesture his most heartyapproval of the change of plan.

  "We mustn't hold the train," Alaire said, quickly. "I will arrange tosee you in Nuevo Pueblo when I return."

  Longorio smiled brilliantly and lifted a brown hand. "No, no! I am aselfish man; I refuse to deprive myself of this pleasure. The end mustcome all too soon, and as for these peladors, an hour more or less willmake no difference. Now about these cattle. Mexico does not make warupon women, and I am desolated that the actions of my men have causedannoyance to the most charming lady in the world."

  "Ah! You are polite." Knowing that in this man's help alone lay herchance of adjusting her loss, Alaire deliberately smiled upon him. "CanI count upon your help in obtaining my rights?" she asked.


  "But how? Where?"

  Longorio thought for a moment, and his tone altered as he said:"Senora, there seems to be an unhappy complication in our way, and thiswe must remove. First, may I ask, are you a friend to our cause?"

  "I am an American, and therefore I am neutral."

  "Ah! But Americans are not neutral. There is the whole difficulty. Thismiserable revolt was fostered by your government; American moneysupports it; and your men bear arms against us. Your tyrant Presidentis our enemy; his hands itch for Mexico--"

  "I can't argue politics with you," Alaire inte
rrupted, positively. "Ibelieve most Americans agree that you have cause for complaint, butwhat has that to do with my ranch and my cattle? This is something thatconcerns no one except you and me."

  Longorio was plainly flattered by her words, and took no trouble tohide his pleasure. "Ah! If that were only true! We would arrangeeverything to your satisfaction without another word." His admiringgaze seemed to envelop her, and its warmth was unmistakable. "No onecould have the cruelty to deny your slightest wish--I least of all."

  "Why did you take my cattle?" she demanded, stubbornly.

  "I was coming to that. It is what I meant when I said there was acomplication. Your husband, senora, is an active Candelerista."

  For a moment Alaire was at a loss; then she replied with some spirit:"We are two people, he and I. La Feria belongs to me."

  "Nevertheless, his conduct is regrettable," Longorio went on. "Probablyevil men have lied to him--San Antonio is full of rebels conspiring togive our country into the hands of outlaws. What a terrible spectacleit is! Enough to bring tears to the eyes of any patriot!" He turned hismelancholy gaze from Alaire to her companion, and for the first timeDolores stirred.

  She had watched her countryman with a peculiar fascination, and she hadlistened breathlessly to his words. Now she inhaled deeply, as if freedfrom a spell; then she said:

  "Pah! Nobody pays heed to Senor Ed. We do not consider him."

  Dolores lacked diplomacy; her bluntness was often trying. Alaire turnedupon her with a sharp exclamation, conscious meanwhile that the woman'stone, even more than her words, had enlightened Longorio to someextent. His lifted brows were eloquent of surprise and curiosity, buthe held his tongue.

  "Am I to understand, then, that you rob me because of my husband'saction?" Alaire asked.

  "No. But we must combat our enemies with the weapons we have--not onlythose who bear arms with Candeleria, but those who shelter themselvesbeyond the Rio Grande."

  Alaire's face fell. "I had hoped that you would understand and help me,but I shall go to Mexico City and demand my rights, if necessary."

  "Wait! I SHALL help." Longorio beamed enthusiastically. "It shall bethe object of my life to serve you, and you and I shall arrange thismatter satisfactorily. I have influence, believe me. A word from LuisLongorio will go further with my chief than a protest from yourPresident. General Potosi is a man of the highest honor, and I am hisright hand. Very well, then! Duty calls me to Nuevo Pueblo, and youshall return with me as the guest of my government. Dios! It is amiserable train, but you shall occupy the coach and travel as befits aqueen of beauty--like a royal princess with her guard of honor." Herose to his feet, but his eagerness soon gave place to disappointment.

  "Thank you," said Alaire, "but I must first go to La Feria and get allthe facts."

  "Senora! It is a wretched journey. See!" He waved a contemptuousgesture at the car, crowded to congestion. "There is no food; you haveno one to wait upon you. In my company you will be safe. Upon my honoryou will enjoy the highest courtesy--"

  "Of course. But I must go on. I have Dolores and Jose to look afterme." Alaire indicated Sanchez, who had edged his way close and nowstood with admiring eyes fixed upon his hero.

  "Yes, 'mi General," Jose exclaimed, eagerly, "I am here."

  Longorio scrutinized the horse-breaker critically. "Your name is--?"

  "Jose Sanchez."

  "You look like a brave fellow."

  Jose swelled at this praise, and no doubt would have made suitableanswer, but his employer held out her hand, and General Longorio bentover it, raising it to his lips.

  "Senora, one favor you can grant me. No! It is a right I shall claim."He called one of his subordinates closer and ordered that a lieutenantand six soldiers be detached to act as an escort to Mrs. Austin'sparty. "It is nothing," he assured her. "It is the least I can do. Haveno uneasiness, for these men are the bravest of my command, and theyshall answer with their lives for your safety. As for thatteniente--ah, he is favored above his general!" Longorio rolled hiseyes. "Think of it! I could be faithless to duty--a traitor to mycountry--for the privilege he is to enjoy. It is the sacred truth!Senora, the hours will drag until I may see you again and be of furtherservice. Meanwhile I shall be tortured with radiant dreams. Go withGod!" For a second time he bowed and kissed the hand he held, then,taking Jose Sanchez intimately by the arm, he turned to the door.

  Dolores collapsed into her seat with an exclamation. "Caramba! The manis a demon! And such eyes. Uf! They say he was so furious at losingthose two sisters I told you about that he killed the soldier with thevery weapon--"

  Dolores was interrupted by Longorio's voice beneath the open window.The general stood, cap in hand, holding up to Alaire a solitary wildflower which he had plucked beside the track.

  "See!" he cried. "It is the color of your adorable eyes--blue like asapphire gem. I saw it peeping at me, and it was lonely. But now,behold how it smiles--like a star that sees Paradise, eh? And I, too,have seen Paradise." He placed the delicate bloom in Alaire's fingersand was gone.

  "Cuidado!" breathed Dolores. "There is blood on it; the blood ofinnocents. He will burn for a million years in hell, that man."

  Longorio made good his promise; soon a grizzled old teniente, with sixsoldiers, was transferred as a bodyguard to the American lady, andthen, after some further delay, the military train departed. Upon therear platform stood a tall, slim, khaki-clad figure, and until the carhad dwindled away down the track, foreshortening to a mere rectangulardot, Luis Longorio remained motionless, staring with eager eyes throughthe capering dust and the billowing heat waves.

  Jose Sanchez came plowing into Alaire's car, tremendously excited."Look, senora!" he cried. "Look what the general gave me," and heproudly displayed Longorio's service revolver. Around Jose's waist wasthe cartridge-belt and holster that went with the weapon. "With his ownhands he buckled it about me, and he said, 'Jose, something tells meyou are a devil for bravery. Guard your mistress with your life, for ifany mishap befalls her I shall cut out your heart with my own hands.'Those were his very words, senora. Caramba! There is a man to die for."

  Nor was this the last of Longorio's dramatic surprises. Shortly afterthe train had got under way the lieutenant in command of Alaire's guardbrought her a small package, saying:

  "The general commanded me to hand you this, with his deepest regard."

  Alaire accepted the object curiously. It was small and heavy andwrapped in several leaves torn from a notebook, and it proved to benothing less than the splendid diamond-and-ruby ring she had admired.

  "God protect us, now!" murmured Dolores, crossing herself devoutly.


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