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Beastmaster: Omnicide: A LitRPG science fantasy adventure (Beastmasters Book 2)

Page 6

by Kory Shen

  "Nah. Got to keep those Avatars happy, right?" I motioned to the carrot stick Mia was feeding the turtle tucked under her arm like a football. I let go of Zoe, trying to calm my nerves from what I had just learned.

  "Actually, Koopie's on a strict diet, like myself." She wagged a finger at her turtle. "This is the last one for today." The turtle slowly snatched the last piece of carrot from Mia's hand.

  "So what're you up to?" I asked.

  "I planned to get in a workout before dinner. Want to spar?"

  Beating the shit out of each other's Beastforms was exactly what I needed to clear my mind.



  Mia and I were standing opposite each other in one of the smaller training rooms. Mia still held her turtle under one arm. Zoe rested her head on my feet.

  I double-checked how close I was to my next evolution.


  I gained one percent? I haven't fought since I last checked.

  A lot has happened. Could be the stress of what you're facing.

  "Anything in particular you want to work on?" Mia asked. "Any tactics, defense, offense?"

  "Let me see…" Any suggestions, Zoe?

  If you want to evolve, I would suggest basic sparring.

  "Nothing fancy," I said. "Let's just spar, and don't go too easy on me. I want to hit my next evolution."

  "Very well." Mia gave a short bow, then melded without waiting for me.

  I melded and attacked immediately, swiping my claws at Mia's exposed face. I managed to place one hit before she retracted into her shell. I poked at the large green shell, then bounded away.

  Great. She's doing her turtle thing.

  Patience, Dustin. Don't feed her absorption ability needlessly.

  I crouched and waited.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  Some people played a game of chicken. We played a game of…turtle.

  Did anyone ever tell you how annoying turtles can be?

  You just did.

  Mia can probably do this longer than me. Hell, she's probably sleeping in there.

  At that moment, Mia's shell swiveled and spun into me, a leg emerging at the right moment to kick me in the side. I tumbled away. By the time I recovered, Mia was back in her shell.

  "You sneaky bitch!" I covered my jaws with a paw. "Sorry! I didn't mean it like that."

  Mia's head snuck out from the shell. The monstrous turtle smiled at me. Then, the head retracted into the shell again.

  I backed away several feet and stared at the inanimate object.

  ENERGY: 577/600

  I hadn't lost much energy to Mia's attack, but this was going to drive me crazy.

  Zoe, I can't take much more of this. Any ideas?

  Aim for the shell's openings. Or flip her.

  Flip her? Is her belly weaker?

  Not necessarily, but it could disorient her and force her to react.

  I stared at the entrance where her head and front limbs had retracted. The bottom and top of the shell had clamped close, and I couldn't make out any obvious seam in the green armor. I tried attacking the invisible seam anyway, sending a Sonic Screech at it.

  Mia's shell pulsed with a faint glow, absorbing my attack, but nothing changed.

  I dashed forward and raked my claws in a parallel line with the seam, searching for a crack in the armor.

  Still nothing.

  Then, my claws sunk deeper into the shell, barely, but it was enough for me to notice. I pounced on the weakness, inserting the claws of my left and right front paws into the seam, trying to pry the shell open.

  I strained hard and something moved. I could see a thin opening now, not even a fraction of an inch. I opened my jaws and sent another Sonic Screech into the gap.

  This time, Mia reacted. Her shell burst open, but I was ready for it. I let go and flipped away.

  Her head shot out, but her beak snapped shut on empty air.

  "Too slow," I purred, waving my tail at her.

  Mia charged. I easily sidestepped her, but she spun around at the last moment, swiping her own short tail under my legs to trip me.

  I rolled, recovering my footing instantly, but a shockwave burst forth from Mia's shell. It wasn't strong enough to hurt much, but it was enough to distract me.

  My back leg exploded in pain as Mia pounced, grabbing it with her powerful jaws. I Phase Shifted immediately, then jumped to the nearest wall and climbed.

  ENERGY: 504/600

  I had lost a sixth of my energy. Mia had a massive reserve, not to mention her absorption abilities. There was no way she had lost a similar amount.

  I stopped climbing a short distance from the ceiling and hung against the wall, watching Mia.

  Mia's never used a ranged attack, has she?

  Well, she has the wide range blast. Not very focused, though.

  Perfect. I watched and waited.

  Mia didn't move. Neither did I. I sent a Sonic Screech, but Mia didn't even bother to hide in her shell. She took the brunt of the attack without flinching.

  Mia grunted. "Leave the turtling to me, Dustin."

  "A taste of your own medicine," I replied, sending another Sonic Screech.

  "You realize you'll deplete your own energy doing that before you make a big enough dent in mine?"

  ENERGY: 494/600

  I mean, she was right. But it was oddly satisfying making her stew for a bit. I sent one more Sonic Screech.

  Mia waited patiently. After a while, she retracted into her shell.

  So that's how it was going to be. What now, Zoe?

  If your goal is to evolve, you need to attack.

  I can't try the same thing. She'll be ready for me this time.


  I wracked my brains for any ideas. There was one combo I had used before on a Mekanic…

  Can I Phase Shift through her shell?

  That will hurt. A lot.

  As long as I'm dishing it out, too.

  I ran down the wall straight for Mia. She didn't move.

  I leaped and Phase Shifted, timing the move so I would end up within Mia's shell when it ended.

  At the last moment, Mia extended her limbs and scrambled to the side. I activated my Claw Whirl, but Mia had dodged most of the attack. I managed a few swipes past her shell's defense, but most of them scraped against the protective exterior.

  Mia backed away. "I was sure you would try that."

  "You knew?" And I had thought I was being clever.

  "I've studied your moves. Everyone's moves."


  "You can request access to video recordings of our combat."

  Whoa. Mia was one dedicated soldier. I had Zoe's mental video playback, but someone like Mia would keep pace with me, even without that advantage.

  "So you know all my moves, huh?"

  "But you don't know mine yet." Mia charged again. I leaped away, careful to put more distance between us to avoid her tricky sweeps.

  This time, though, Mia turned on the edge of her shell. And rolled.

  She shot forward like a bowling ball. I couldn't dodge in time, so I Phase Shifted. Mia's shell crashed into the wall behind me with a heavy boom.

  I yelled and leaped out of the way again as she ricocheted off the wall and came flying back towards me like some kind of billiard ball.

  I thought turtles were slow!

  Mia didn't relent, hurtling back and forth across the training room.

  Use your superior mobility. Go for her underside?

  The next time Mia rolled past, I dodged to the side of her with her belly and struck with my two rear feet. The claws bounced off the tough armor, but I kicked hard anyways.

  Mia wobbled, but her rapid spinning kept her stable enough. I sent another Sonic Screech at the edge of her belly. This time, she lost her balance, skidding across the floor on her back.

  I didn't give her a chance to recover. I pounced on Mia's flipped Beastform, pinning her wit
h my weight while clawing at her.

  I couldn't have been doing much damage, but I must have been doing something. Several seconds later, a surge of pleasure coursed through my body.

  I stopped attacking and screeched.

  Mia used the chance to flip me off her. She readied another charge, but I held up a paw.

  ENERGY: 700/700

  "I did it! I got my evolution," I said.

  Mia stamped on the ground with one foot in approval. Then, she unmelded. I followed suit.

  "Congratulations," Mia said.

  "Thanks, Mia." I shook my head. "You've been holding back this whole time? That spin move was crazy."

  Mia smiled, then lowered her voice. "Don't tell the others. It's not wise to reveal your full strength."

  I blinked in surprise. "Even to your squadmates?"

  Mia's eyes widened slightly. "Surely you would understand? After Staccato? We don't know who else is out there. Who else is watching us?"

  "But you showed me the move." I gestured to the walls around us. "They're watching us here, too, aren't they? They're always watching."

  Mia bit her lip. "Not today. Dr. Hill said our training session would be private. No surveillance."

  "Dr. Hill?" I sputtered. "Wait, what?"

  Mia stepped closer to me. A light sheen of sweat coated her forehead, and her long black hair clung to the sides of her face. She reached out to take my hands in hers. Her fingers were warm.

  "I respect what you've accomplished here," Mia said. "Your courage, your strength. You're a good person, Dustin."

  "Um, thanks?"

  What's going on?

  I believe she's hitting on you, in her own way.

  Shit. "I respect you a lot, too, Mia," I said. "You're the most dedicated person I've met. Courageous and selfless. Always protecting others."

  Mia lowered her eyes for a moment, blushing. She took another step forward. Her body was a few inches from mine, her petite breasts almost touching my chest.

  "Will you take me?" she whispered. Her eyes flicked up to mine, then back down.

  I stared at her. Mia, fierce Mia, acting all coy? Was she asking what I think she was asking?

  Dustin, your mouth is open.

  I closed my mouth and counted to ten. "Hold on. Dr. Hill set you up for this, didn't she?"

  Mia didn't reply immediately. I held her by the shoulders. "Mia. I know you won't lie to me. Did Dr. Hill make you do this?"

  Mia took a deep breath, then stepped backwards, breaking our embrace. "This was my most difficult assignment," she said in a small voice.

  "What? She made you do this?" Fucking hell. I was ready to storm out of there and give Dr. Hill a piece of my mind.

  "It's not like that!" Mia caught my arm as I stepped away, then hooked her leg around mine. Anyone else would have tripped, but I twisted and rolled behind Mia, trapping her in a headlock. I immediately let go.

  "Sorry, reflexes," I muttered.

  "Same," Mia said.

  Koopie and Zoe were sitting quietly on the ground, staring at each other. Zoe reached over and patted the turtle's shell. It snapped at her slowly. I think she likes me. The turtle, that is.

  "Dr. Hill gave me a choice," Mia said.

  I shook my head. "Yeah, I know how that works. Mandatory volunteers, right?"

  "It's our duty." Mia reached for my hand again.

  I pulled my hand away. "Duty? Christ, Mia. Don't you care about what you want?"

  "Maybe I do want this. But it doesn't matter. Duty comes first."

  "Mia, it does matter. Besides. I don't know how much Dr. Hill told you, but we're not getting the full story."

  "No one does, Dustin. It's why we follow the chain of command. Like Drake told Julie."

  I raised an eyebrow. "You don't approve of Julie, do you?"

  Mia pursed her lips. "Julie is a warrior, willing to do what's necessary. We disagree on exactly what's necessary, though."

  "I'm sorry, Mia, I can't go through with this like that."

  Zoe made a noise and got up to leave. I looked up at the walls hiding the cameras. Dr. Hill was probably watching. Well, the show was over.

  I moved towards the exit again. "Thanks for sparring, Mia. I really appreciate it and would love to do it again. Just none of Dr. Hill's bullshit."

  As I reached the door, Mia raced up to me. "There's one thing I do want," she said.

  I turned around in confusion. She grabbed my face and kissed me on the nose. By the time I regained my senses, Mia had dashed past me with her turtle, giggling in a very un-Mia-like way.

  I watched her long hair swaying as she ran down the hall.

  Zoe meowed. Who said turtles are slow?


  I headed back to my room. The inspection was over, but they had taken away my computer without replacing it. Without much to do, I grabbed an early dinner by myself then headed back to my room. I could have trained more after dinner, but I hadn't lived a life of hard discipline like Mia or some of the others. I needed a break.

  I typed a message on the command console to the quartermaster, requesting a new computer. Meanwhile, I beckoned to Zoe.

  Hey, Zoe. I want to watch a movie.

  Of course. Which girl?

  No, not like that. You're always watching stuff on my computer while I sleep. Anything interesting to play back for me?

  Yeah, I was asking my alien princess cat to serve as a home recording device. I mean, she knew everything I did. Everything. It's not like I would be shy about asking for what I wanted.

  It turned out that Zoe had spent most of her online time watching romantic comedies. Ugh. Zoe streamed some modern Cinderella story to me in bed until I fell asleep.

  The next day, we were back in the main training room with Drake. He was scowling. His eyes skipped across the others until they landed on me. His scowl deepened.

  What did I do?

  I'm not sure, either.

  Julie leaned in to whisper. "Looks like he's got the hots for you today."

  "Yeah, fuck you, too," I whispered back.

  "Hunter!" Drake shouted.

  Julie snickered. Someone else giggled.

  "Yes, sir?" I ventured.

  "You've had experience with a bond disruption, correct?" Drake asked.

  "Bond disruption?"

  "When your Avatar was quarantined."

  When Hill caught you by the balls.

  Gee, thanks. I appreciate the reminder.

  I nodded. "For a brief time, yes."

  "Can you explain to the others what it was like?"

  I thought back to the time. "It was…lonely? I felt like I lost a limb. I was powerless."

  "Why's that?" Drake asked.

  "Uh, because Zoe's always by my side. With her around, I can take on any ordinary threat."

  "Precisely. Come here, Hunter."

  I stepped forward cautiously. "Sir?"

  "Hit me, Hunter."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Do I have to repeat myself? Hit me."

  I looked at the girls, then shrugged. I threw a fist half-heartedly at Drake's stony face. It's not like I wanted to hurt him for real. The older black man caught my fist in his palm. He squeezed my fist tightly until I grimaced in pain. He let go, and I rubbed my sore knuckles.

  "Hunter, you punch like a girl," Drake said. "Kim!"

  I immediately regretted that I hadn't socked him when I had the chance.

  Mia stepped forward. "Sir!"

  "Punch me."

  Mia feinted a jab at Drake's head, then delivered a flurry of three rapid punches in a row. Drake blocked each strike with his arms. Mia threw an elbow at his face, then tried to stomp his leading foot. Drake dodged the attacks and countered with a furious blow to Mia's midsection. The loud thump of the impact echoed across the training room. Mia doubled over but didn't make a sound. I winced in sympathy.

  Don't worry. She has her Armored Defense ability.

  "I said to punch me," Drake drawled. "Punches use hands." />
  Mia nodded in apology, then stepped away.

  "The problem with most of you," Drake said, "is that this—"

  Drake melded. "—is what you think a Beastmaster is," he growled.

  "But isn't that true?" Claire asked. "It's what makes us special."

  Drake unmelded. "What happens if you can't meld anymore? Like what happened to Hunter here. Or worse. What if your Avatar dies?"

  "Isn't that irrelevant?" Stella asked. "Our value as a military asset would be over."

  It was harsh but true. I didn't doubt that the upper brass would see it that way.

  "She's right," Kayla said.

  "Is she?" Drake asked. "You of all people should know better, Fisher."

  Kayla's face grew dark red.

  "Yes," Drake said. "Staccato."

  Wow. He really is an asshole.

  But he's right.

  "Staccato lost his Avatar, as you all know. Powerless. Helpless. Or was he? He still managed to fuck us all over."

  "Staccato was a traitor," Julie called out.

  "Damn right!" Drake shot back. "But before that, he was the best of us. No one, no one should be surprised that he fucked us over." Drake shook his head. "Imagine if he had used that grit and determination to fuck over the enemy instead."

  We were quiet. I didn't know how to respond to that.

  "What do you think a Beastmaster is?" Drake asked. "A master of what?"

  "His beast?" Nikki tried.

  Drake ignored her. "What? Tell me!"

  "Melding. Battle tactics," Julie said.

  "Master of what!" Drake shouted.

  "Teamwork," Claire said.

  "Herself," Mia said.

  Drake pointed at her. "Exactly. A Beastmaster is a master of himself. Your goal is physical and mental perfection. All the time, not only when you're melded." Drake thumped his chest.

  Julie looked over at us and rolled her eyes.

  "What you do without your Avatar is as important as what you do with it," Drake said. "Keep that in mind. Now, the fun part."

  We groaned.

  "Pair up!" Drake shouted.

  I sighed and walked over to Drake as usual, but he shook his head. "You sit out the first round."

  "Will there be needles?" Claire asked nervously.


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