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Tempting the Badman (Russian Bratva #5)

Page 14

by Hayley Faiman

  When my thighs start to shake uncontrollably, I know that I’m close. He sucks my clit deep into his mouth and thrusts two fingers inside of my pussy, making me explode. I come on a sob and a scream. He doesn’t stop until I’m a pile of twitching flesh beneath him; only then does he kiss my thigh and lean back.

  I look at him through lowered lids, and he looks smug—but his expression is also mixed with one of awe. Though I don’t know why. He always, always, makes me come, and hard.

  “I need to be inside of you,” he murmurs. “Roll over.”

  I do as he asks and roll over to my stomach, bent over the coffee table with my ass in the air and my knees on the soft rug beneath us. I start to spread my thighs for him, but he taps my ass and tells me, no. With my legs pushed together, I feel his cock press against my entrance, and then he gently fills me. He stretches me and he feels even bigger than he usually does. He’s already the biggest I’ve ever had. No man could compare to him; not just the size of his cock and what he knows how to do with it—but also how he makes me feel every time we’re together.

  Dominik’s hand slides up the center of my back and tangles in my hair before he wrenches my head backward. My lower back arches and I groan as I feel his cock slide just a little bit deeper inside of me. His other hand wraps around my hip to hold me still, and then he starts to slowly fuck me.

  “Dominik,” I whisper.

  “Fuck, Nessa. You feel like fucking heaven,” he murmurs, sounding almost in awe.

  I close my eyes and imagine the look I saw on his face not too long ago. This expression and his voice, I’m not used to it, not at all. He doesn’t say anything else, not as his cock pistons in and out of me, stretching me. I gasp with each pinch of slight pain, but the pain doesn’t overshadow the exquisite bliss as he takes me toward another climax.

  “Touch yourself, yagodka. Make that pussy squeeze me like only you can,” he says between grunts.

  I slip my hand between my legs, but I don’t have to. I’m ready—so damn ready that all it takes is two strokes and I come with a squeak.

  “Fuck. Yes,” Dominik shouts. He becomes frantic, wild, and uncontrollable as he pounds into me.

  I quickly move my hand as he thrusts deep and hard, my hips pounding into the edge of the glass table, surely leaving bruises, and my scalp screaming, as his hand has tightened in my hair. Then he plants himself deep inside of me with a long, loud groan.

  He releases my hair as he folds against my back, his chest pressing mine into the table, and his lips on the back of my neck. I sigh as his hips continue to slowly, lazily, and sweetly slide in and out of me.

  “I hope this is the moment we made a baby,” he whispers against my skin. I open my mouth to ask why, but he continues to speak. “This is the moment I fucked my gorgeous wife. This is a new beginning for us. Just you and me, Inessa. No other fucking shit holding us back.”

  I reach my arm behind me and thread my fingers in his hair, holding onto the back of his neck as I arch my back and feel him fuck me. Our connection is wet, evidence that we’ve both come, and come hard, something that could have very much conceived a child.

  I don’t think we’re all fixed. We have issues to work through, along with serious expectations, and there is going to have to be compromise on both of our parts to be happy. But for the first time ever, I feel—hopeful and happy.

  “I hope we did too, Nik,” I whisper as I close my eyes.

  Dominik slides out of me and reaches down, picking me up and carrying me to the sofa. Then he lies down before arranging me on top of him, grabbing the throw blanket I have on the back and tossing it over our naked bodies.

  “Get a little rest before I fuck you again,” he grunts. I can’t help but giggle.

  “Okay,” I whisper against his chest.

  My fingers trace his dagger tattoo along his shoulder as my eyes grow heavy. I’ve had a horrible week, and it’s left me absolutely exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for a year, and still, I wouldn’t be fully rested from the emotional turmoil of the week I’ve had.

  I run my fingers through Inessa’s hair as she snores lightly against my chest. The mixture of food, booze, and my cock have exhausted her. I’m glad that sleep finds her easily, as she looked very tired this morning. I’m not so lucky. I gently shift from beneath her and walk over to my clothes. I slip my boxers on and then grab my cigarettes and lighter from my pocket before I quietly head outside.

  The sky is dark, but the lights of the city are so bright that they twinkle all around me. I would normally take this moment to check my phone, but not tonight. Konstantin is in charge of the whores. I sent their client lists to them late last night, and they’re good until I go back in tomorrow to start all over again.

  Though I don’t necessarily like Konstantin, he’s good at his job, and he’s trustworthy. He knows what’s expected, and he’s yet to cross the line. Although, I’m waiting for it to happen so I can kill him, just for the threat he made about taking Inessa and fucking her.


  Her sweet voice rings through the air and I look back to her. My heart squeezes in a way that it’s never done before as I take her in. Inessa is wearing my white shirt. It’s buttoned, yet open at the chest, covering everything, but still showing off her long, lean legs. Her hair is a wild messy mass, and her makeup is nonexistent. She’s never looked more fuckable, more beautiful—more mine.

  I hold out my hand for her and she quickly walks to my side. Inessa tucks herself into my side, resting her head against my chest. I continue to take a drag from my cigarette and she sighs.

  “I didn’t know you smoked,” she says quietly.

  “Only one at night, usually. It calms me,” I shrug as I slide my hand down and lift the shirt. I stroke the flesh of her ass with my fingers as I continue to smoke.

  “Okay,” she breathes.

  I look down at her and smile. She’s got her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open as I caress her soft skin. I feel myself growing hard as I watch her gentle face, her face that shows every single emotion she feels. I don’t understand them all, but I see them.

  I tap her ass with my hand as I snub out my smoke and walk over to the chair she has out here, dropping my boxers before I sit down. Her eyes widen and then she licks her lips as she stares at my cock. She loves it. She’s fucking starved for it.

  “Come here,” I mutter. She jerks before she walks over to me. “Fuck me, Inessa,” I whisper.

  I take my hand and run it up the front of her thigh. Then, when I reach her pussy, I gently stroke her clit with my thumb. She moans dropping her head slightly as her legs flex. I dip my thumb inside of her damp pussy and rub her clit again.

  “We’re outside,” she whispers.

  “Thirty stories high, yagodka. Fuck me. Ride my cock,” I encourage, keeping my voice low and even.

  Hesitantly, Inessa spreads her thighs and straddles me. I hold the base of my cock as she places her hands on my shoulders and slowly sinks down. I groan. I couldn’t hold it back even if I tried. She wraps around me to perfection, every single time.

  I look into her eyes and hold her waist. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, and she’s mine. I don’t let her move, pinning her gaze with mine and just feeling her cunt snug around my cock.

  “Dominik,” she whispers before she bites down on her bottom lip.

  “It’s only you, Inessa,” I murmur as I cup her cheek and glide my thumb along the apple of her cheek.

  “I wish that it could always be only me,” she whispers. She sounds so fucking sad that if I had a heart, it would break just by the sadness in her expression.

  “Don’t get bitter about something I haven’t even done yet, yagodka,” I say, trying not to growl or become angry at her words.

  “You will do it, though,” she sighs as she leans her head against my palm. Her actions and her words are contradictory, and it’s pissing me off.

  “Stop thinking. Move. Feel me moving i
nside of you. How do I make you feel right now? How am I looking at you, and only you? Don’t condemn me for crimes I have no intention of committing.”

  Inessa slowly rolls her hips, her eyes open and focused on me, her expression a mixture of confusion and wonder.

  “Lean back. Put your hands on my knees,” I rasp.

  She does, and the arch to her back pushes her tits out in a beautiful way. I push my thumb between my lips and lick it before I press it against her clit. She gasps as her hips continue to move and she fucks me, slow and gentle.

  “Fuck your cock, Inessa,” I growl.

  Her head drops back and she grinds down against my thumb before she does as I’ve asked. She fucks me. She holds back nothing as she takes from me. I let her. She deserves it all and more. Right now, the power is hers. I’ll take it back later, but she needs some control, and I aim to give her what she needs.

  “I’m going to come,” she says on a shiver.

  I continue to apply pressure to her clit as she moves on top of me. Her body is jerky and erratic, and she’s so fucking close. I groan when I feel her pussy clamp down around me and she gasps as her head shoots up and her eyes meet mine as she stills.

  I wrap my hands around her waist and I move her body for her. I guide her up and down on my cock until my back tingles and my balls tighten. I then groan as my cum shoots up inside of her. I yank her down, pressing her chest against mine, and shoving her face in my neck as I try to catch my breath.

  I close my eyes, thinking about her insecurities. I think about the fact that she’s so sure I’ll fuck other women. I also think about the fact that she’s probably right. I don’t want her to be.

  Deep down, I hope that I can stay faithful. I want to, for her.

  I want to make her happy, because when she lets go and she smiles, it’s gorgeous. Then, when she’s wild and trusting as she fucks me, it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

  I WAKE UP AND the first thing I see, aside from the wall of hard chest I’m lying against, is my ring. I stare at the gigantic piece of jewelry, still in disbelief that I got married yesterday—to Dominik. I’m officially Inessa Markova. A smile tugs on my lips when I think about last night.

  Dominik and I have never had so much sex before. Ever. I can’t even count how many times I came. After we had sex outside, we came back inside, took a shower and went to bed; but before we fell asleep, he fucked me again. That time, he was inside of me and on top of me, his eyes never once breaking contact with mine.

  It was absolutely beautiful.

  Then, he woke me up with his hands, bringing me to climax before he fucked me on my side from behind. The entire evening was spectacular, for lack of a better word. My body is thoroughly fucked and completely sore. I don’t think I could have sex again for another week, maybe two.

  “You’re awake,” Dominik rumbles as his hand starts to caress my ass.

  I close my eyes, because I simply love it when he does this. Then I feel that tingle between my legs and all thoughts of abstaining for any period of time roll out the window.

  “Nik,” I breathe.

  “How’s your pussy, yagodka?”

  “Sore, but I don’t care,” I murmur as my hand slides down. I wrap it around his semi-erect cock, stroking him gently as his fingers dig into the flesh of my ass.

  “You need a rest,” he murmurs.

  “How about you lick me while I take you in my mouth?” I ask, looking up at him.

  “Nessa,” he hisses.

  Sitting up, I swing my leg over him, my front away from his face, and I back up his body. My pussy is at his face and his cock is at mine. I slowly lower down against his mouth as I take him deep inside of mine. It doesn’t take long until I’m coming against Dominik’s tongue, and then he fucks my mouth until he comes deep down my throat. I rest my head against his thigh as I catch my breath, and he continues to lazily lick me.

  “Dominik,” I murmur.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he groans.

  “Like what?” I ask on a moan.

  “Like mine,” he growls.

  I come again before we decide to try and keep our hands to ourselves and take a shower. I’ve never wanted a man like I want Dominik. The way my body feels in his presence is overwhelming. Now that he’s here and he’s promising me more of what I envisioned a marriage being, I can’t stop myself from starting to think big, from wanting every dream I’ve ever dreamed to come true.

  “The movers will be here around four,” he announces as I pour him a cup of coffee.

  “I don’t have anything packed,” I practically screech.

  “They do all the packing,” he chuckles as he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me against his chest. I tip my head back and stare at him. He’s smiling. It’s huge and blinding, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy before.

  “I have to run down to my office. Konstantin, Matvey, and Stas will be here any minute. You’ll be okay?” he asks as his thumb traces my bottom lip.

  “I’ll be fine,” I murmur.

  “Okay, yagodka. Konstantin has the access code to get into my building, and the key to my apartment. When the movers are done, he’ll take you there,” he announces before he gently brushes his lips with mine.

  “Will you be home tonight?” I ask, sounding small, insecure, and worried. I don’t like it one bit.

  “Late, but yes, I will be,” he murmurs as a knock sounds at the door.

  Dominik squeezes me to him one last time. His lips brush mine, and then he walks over to the door. He’s dressed in a clean suit, shirt, and tie, and he looks fantastic—his hair brushing his collar.

  I shiver, thinking about last night, about this morning, about how my pussy aches because he fucked me, ate me, and fingered me so many times I lost track.

  If this is what being married to Dominik entails, then I’m kind of mad at myself for fighting it for so long.

  I jump when Konstantin’s laugh fills the air, and then I turn to see him strolling into the kitchen.

  “You okay there?” he asks as he pours himself a coffee.

  “I’m good,” I whisper, looking down at my own cup.

  “I bet you are,” he chuckles. I turn to him with narrowed eyes.

  “Can smell the sex, kroshka. Glad you had a good wedding night,” he winks before he walks away.

  “Konstantin,” I cry out as my face heats bright red. He throws his head back laughing.

  “You happy?” he asks in a more serious tone, his head turning slightly to face me.

  I lift my coffee up to my lips and take a sip. I think about his question. Am I happy? There is only one way for me to answer that.

  “For now,” I whisper.

  I didn’t know it could be so hard to leave Inessa, but it is. She’s my wife now—mine—and walking out the door after having exhausted both of us all night long, it was fucking difficult. Then, thinking about the fact that when I get home tonight, my home, she’ll be in my bed waiting for me, I grin.

  “What’s got you so happy?” Alla asks as I walk inside the house and make my way toward my office.

  “I got married last night,” I shrug as I continue to walk past her.

  “Married?” she breathes. Once, that used to be sexy. Now? It’s just not.

  “Married,” I say as I unlock my office door.

  “What about us?” she asks. I turn my head slightly to look at her.

  Alla is pretty, but right now, she looks confused. I don’t know why. I’ve fucked her, sure, but I’ve also fucked other women that live in this house. I have never made promises, not before Inessa. So I’m unsure as to why she’s asking me anything about us, something we’ve definitely never been—an us.

  “There has never been an us,” I state, as its painfully obvious to me.

  “You always come to me, though,” she says.

  “When I want a whore who won’t attach herself to me, yeah. Just like I go to other whores for the same thing. This is your
profession, Alla, you can’t seriously think that we were anything but professional and client.”

  “Dominik,” she says, rearing back as though I’ve slapped her. “The way you always came to me, I thought it meant you wanted more.”

  My eyes widen in disbelief at her words.

  “Alla, I can have my choice of almost any girl I want in the organization, from the age of sixteen up, and marry her tomorrow. There’s just no way I would have a whore,” I explain, trying not to sound like a total dick. Even so, I’m sure I’m coming off that way.

  “I’m not nobody. My father was a Shestyorka.”

  I stare at her, trying my hardest not to laugh, and then I shake my head.

  “Go back to work, Alla. I’ll send you your schedule, make sure you get a good client tonight, yeah?”

  “Whatever,” she mutters before she walks away.

  I ignore her little stomp, because I’m not babysitting whores here. My job is to manage them, protect them from violence, and make money—above all, make damn good money.

  Alla may be the daughter of a Shestyorka, but she probably doesn’t know that her father is the lowest man in the organization. She probably doesn’t realize that she’s lucky to be where she is at all. She’s the age where she could have very easily been taken and sold off to someone in another country. I could explain all these things to her, but I don’t. It’s not my concern. My only concerns are those of the Bratva, my work with the organization, and my wife—specifically at the moment, fucking my wife.

  I work until late. So late, in fact, that I wonder if Inessa will even speak to me tomorrow. The house is quiet, the women all out for the evening if they’re working, or asleep in bed if they aren’t. I wave at the few Byki that loiter around, keeping a watch on the premises, and I head home.

  I make my way inside of my apartment, and it feels good to be home again. I exhale a breath as I unlock my door and see Konstantin sitting in a chair, staring in my direction. He stands and shoves his phone in his pocket as I move further inside my place.


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