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Tempting the Badman (Russian Bratva #5)

Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  “Ashley,” he murmurs, bending down to kiss each of her cheeks. He then turns to me and wraps me in a warm hug.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks. As soon as he steps back, his eyes focus on mine.

  “Good,” I say.

  “You lie. But physically, how is everything since the incident?” he asks.

  “I’m okay, uncle,” I murmur. He shakes his head.

  “He hurts you, I’ll have him killed,” he grunts.

  I can’t help it—I throw back my head in laughter and am holding onto his bicep laughing as Dominik comes up behind me. I know it’s him because my body relaxes and chills rush over me as soon as his heat is at my back.

  “What’s so funny?” Dominik asks, wrapping his hand around me from behind, placing it protectively on my stomach.

  “Nothing,” I quickly say.

  “I told her if you hurt her, I’d have you killed,” Uncle Pavlov announces. All the women’s eyes go wide except for Tatyana, who smiles.

  “Pavlov,” Dominik rumbles.

  My uncle shrugs and then walks away, as if he didn’t just threaten Dominik. There is an announcement for dinner, and we all pair off with our respective dates before walking outside to white tents that have been set up.

  I’m worried about it being too cold, but once we step into the tent, I’m blasted with warm air. There are heaters placed all around, and it’s just as warm as the house was. We all find our place cards, and I’m happy to discover that Dominik and I are sharing a table with the group we were talking to inside.

  “There was an incident?” Ashley asks as soon as a short speech is made and dinner is beginning to be served.

  “I fell,” I murmur so that Dominik can’t hear.

  “Was it him?” she asks. I can tell it’s not out of judgement, but only out of concern. I shake my head.

  “One of the—women,” I whisper. “It’s fine.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she practically grunts. I watch as her eyes narrow on my husband.

  “It is, I promise,” I chuckle.

  We don’t talk about it again, our attention focused on the delicious meal being laid out in front of us. The rest of the evening is fairly drama-free.

  Dominik wraps his fingers around the back of my neck while his thumb massages the side every so often. He doesn’t necessarily talk to me much, as he is engrossed in conversation with the men, but I like how he constantly touches me. Those touches keep me on edge all evening long. I want nothing more than for his hands to touch me other places as well.

  Once dinner is finished and we all move back into the house for conversation and relaxation, I excuse myself to the restroom. I quietly walk toward the bathrooms and I see a woman being pinned up against a wall in the hallway, a man pressed tightly to her, her hands above her head and his face inches from hers.

  “Ziven,” she whimpers. My eyes widen and I step back into the shadows, not sure of where to go.

  “I told you, you’re mine Quinn,” he grunts, pressing himself even closer to her.

  “No, no,” she whispers as his head slants and his mouth presses against hers. I watch the exact moment she gives in. It takes about two-seconds, and her body sags as her mouth opens and she lets him inside.

  “You leave me again, and I’ll just keep coming after you,” he murmurs.

  I turn away from them and decide to go up the stairs to find another restroom. I don’t know who they are, but they obviously are really into each other and need some quiet space to talk, or—whatever.

  Inessa is gone far too long for my taste. I start looking around for her but don’t see her. It shouldn’t take this long for her to take a piss and come right back. I glance over at the women she’s been huddled with all evening and notice that she still hasn’t returned.

  I decide to go after her.

  I make my way toward the downstairs bath only to find two people fucking against the wall. Christ, what is this, a college party? I shake my head with a chuckle and figure she’s gone upstairs to a different bathroom.

  A door opens and she steps out looking like a dream. She is, my dream, my fucking dream come true.

  “Dominik,” she breathes. My cock presses against the seam of my suit pants.

  I reach out, wrapping my hand around her hip and pushing her back inside of the bathroom, locking the door behind us as I step through. She lifts an arm and grabs hold of my shoulder, probably for balance, but I can see nothing past her gorgeous eyes.

  “You’re gorgeous, yagodka,” I murmur, like a pussy.

  “Nik,” she breathes.

  “Turn around, hands on the sink,” I instruct. Without even blinking, she does as I’ve ordered.

  I walk up behind her and wrap my hand gently around her neck, my cheek against hers and my eyes connected to hers in the mirror.

  I lift the hem of her dress with my other hand and skim my fingers along the waist of her lacy panties. I dive my hand down in front and skim her clit with my fingers as I work my way to her cunt.

  “Nik,” she murmurs on a tremble as I slide one finger inside of her warmth.

  “Look at you,” I say. Her eyes widen. “Pregnant with my baby, my wife, all fucking mine.”

  She whimpers as I add a second finger to her soaking center. I press the heel of my palm against her clit as my fingers continue to fuck her. She rolls her eyes back as her head falls against my shoulder.

  I grunt as she rides my hand. I then move my other hand from her throat to the top of her dress and tug it down, releasing one of her tits before grabbing it roughly. Her legs shake when I do, and I can’t help but grunt.

  “I’m close,” she gasps.

  I know she is. I can feel her pussy walls around my fingers. They flutter and then she moans as they clamp down around me. I continue to move in and out of her, drawing out her orgasm until her body relaxes.

  Gently, I glide my hand out of her panties and wrench her dress further up her hips before I pull her panties down. Then I unbuckle, unzip and shove my own slacks out of my way before I grab onto her hips, yanking her back as I thrust deep inside of her.

  Inessa’s head flies back and her eyes connect to mine in the mirror. I hold them while I fuck her. I try to tell her everything I’m feeling without saying the words. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to, but she must know, she must know what she means to me by now.

  There’s nobody else for me but her.

  There’s no other woman’s body I want but hers.

  Just her.

  “Nik,” she gasps. I watch as her hand slips between her legs.

  “Make yourself come,” I murmur as I start to pound inside of her a little harder.

  She doesn’t say anything else. Her body starts to shake, and she lets out a squeak before she moans. I move one of my hands from her hip to her pussy and I start to play with her when I notice her fingers have stopped.

  “No, too much,” she whimpers.

  “Look at me,” I grunt. Her eyes fly up to mine.

  “Give me your body,” I murmur, hoping she understands everything I’m trying to convey with just a look.

  She nods as she bites her bottom lip, her eyes squinting with the slight pain I’m causing by touching her extremely sensitive clit.

  “It’s yours, Dominik,” she moans.

  I fuck her hard, relentlessly slamming inside of her and stroking her clit. When she starts to sob with her third orgasm, squeezing me so fucking hard I swear to god I see fucking stars—only then do I let go. I fill her full of my cum, and I bite on my bottom lip so that I don’t roar with my release.

  “I love you, Dominik,” she whispers as she lets her head fall back before she kisses the underside of my jaw.

  My arms tighten around her, my fingers squeezing her breast, holding her close to me, my cock still buried inside of her.


  This is my home—inside of my Inessa, my yagodka.

  I STRETCH WITH A yawn before I curl into Dominik’s side a little more, snug
gling against his warm, hard body. I feel his arms tighten around me, one at my hip and the other around my back.

  Last night, after we shamelessly screwed inside of the bathroom at Pasha’s home, we talked and enjoyed the rest of the party until well after midnight. We were the last to leave, along with Haleigh, Emiliya, Tatyana, Ashley, and of course their husbands.

  “You sleep okay?” Dominik rumbles above me.

  “Mmm,” is my only response as I relish in him holding me.

  “Did you have a good Thanksgiving?” he asks as his nose skims my temple.

  “The best,” I whisper into his neck before I press my lips against his warm, scruffy skin.

  “We have brunch,” he grunts as his hand moves from my hip to my ass, where he squeezes gently.

  “Do we have to go?” I ask as I hitch my thigh over his and feel his smooth, hard cock press against my center.

  “We do, Inessa,” he hisses.

  In the next breath, I’m on my back as he slowly slides inside of me. Dominik’s eyes are on mine, focused with intent as he slowly rolls his hips, his cock sliding in and out of my center, dragging against my clit with every movement.

  “Nik,” I whimper, moving my hands up his arms and gripping onto his biceps.

  “Every inch of you is gorgeous, my wife,” he murmurs. “I took you hard last night, now let me take you gently,” he offers as his head dips and his lips brush mine.

  I close my eyes with a sigh as his tongue gently sweeps through my mouth. Nothing about what we’re doing right now is animalistic or primal like we usually are. He’s making love to me, and it’s absolutely perfect.

  Dominik lifts his head and just stares at me, his eyes watching me with an intensity I’ve never seen before. I want to ask him if he loves me, but I’m afraid it will ruin this moment. Right now, I feel like even if he won’t admit it, he does. It’s the him not admitting it, being afraid to admit it, not only to me—but to himself that has me worried.

  One of his hands moves to grab around my knee and lift my leg higher around his waist. He then glides the same hand up my body and gently rests it at the side of my neck. He drops his head so that his forehead is resting against mine as he thrusts a little harder with each slow stroke of his cock.

  “Nik,” I gasp, feeling my body climbing toward my release.

  “Let go, Nessa,” he breathes.

  I do a second later, as if my body needed his permission to come. I don’t scream or cry, I simply whimper with my release. Once I’m breathing normally, Dominik picks up his pace and buries his face in my neck as he groans out his own climax.

  We stay wrapped in each other’s arms for a few moments before he rolls to his back, bringing me with him, keeping our connection as he does.

  “Now we must get up and get ready,” he murmurs as his fingers dance along my spine.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “After brunch, we’ll come home and do this all over again; except, you’ll ride me,” he suggests. I lift my head to look at him. He’s got a bright twinkle in his eye and a grin playing on his lips.

  “I will?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “You will. You love to torture me so, don’t think I’ve forgotten,” he chuckles, causing me to lose him.

  “It’s the only time in our relationship I get any control,” I say, climbing off of him.

  Dominik’s arm snaps out and wraps around my waist, pulling me back onto the bed, gently but quickly.

  “I concede with your whims much more than I have to, Inessa. Am I such a hard man?” he asks.

  Though his jaw is clenched in what appears to be anger, the only emotion I see on his face is that of hurt.

  “No, I was half-way joking, Dominik. I’m sorry,” I say quickly. I want that hurt look off of his face as soon as possible.

  “It’s the half-way I’m concerned with,” he mumbles. I reach out to cup his cheeks, but he evades me and sits up before getting out of bed around me.

  “Dominik,” I call out as I follow him into the bathroom.

  I repeat his name, but he ignores me. After I grab his forearm, he stops and finally turns to me. He looks pissed, impatient, and still hurt.

  “Dominik,” I say soothingly as I slide my palms up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck. His eyes look past me and his jaw ticks.

  “You make me very happy, Nik,” I whisper as I press my lips to the underside of his hard jaw. “I know you could make me quit working, you could control every single thing I do, everywhere I go, and every person I come into contact with, but you don’t. You let me be me. You let me continue to work a job that I love, and these are some of the reasons I love you.”

  It takes only a beat before his hands wrap around my waist and his lips press hard against mine. He grunts as he releases me and then he steps back and wordlessly takes my hand, tugging me into the shower he’s already started.

  Together, we take a warm, thorough, shower and then dress for brunch. We’re meeting Haleigh, Emiliya, Tatyana, Ashley, and their husbands, along with Oksana, her brother Timofei, and Pasha. A mini-after-party of sorts. Though, this time, we’re meeting at the Oleandr, where Pasha has rented the whole back room for us.

  I dress in a tight-fitting, cream sweater dress with a wide scoop neck that shows off more cleavage than I probably should. I also slip on a pair of dark brown, almost black tights for warmth. On my feet, I grin, as I put on my two-toned, soft suede, brown ankle booties with a pointed toe and a four-inch heel, that I shouldn’t be wearing either—but I love them so much I can’t help myself. Then I finish my makeup, run my fingers through my curled hair, and walk into the closet to grab my cream coat with the fur collar.

  “Why do you insist on those high spiked heels?” Dominik asks as soon as I walk into the living area.

  “They’re pretty,” I say as I take his offered arm. He’s wrapped in a knee length, thick wool coat with the collar popped, and he looks delicious.

  “You’re going to break your neck in them,” he grunts as we walk to the elevator.

  “I’ve been wearing high heels daily since I was eighteen years old, Nik. I’ll be okay,” I chuckle softly.

  “But now you have my baby, and I worry about you both. Can you do me a favor, hmm?” he asks. I look up to him as the elevator continues its descent to the parking garage.

  “Don’t wear them when I’m not around to catch you if you fall,” he murmurs.

  I swear my heart swells before it explodes with warm-squishy feelings. His tone isn’t warm; in fact, it’s the exact opposite, but his meaning, his expression of worry, that makes me feel—good, even loved. I press a little closer to his side and sigh when his hand moves to wrap around my waist. I close my eyes when his lips touch the top of my head and reopen them when the elevator doors slide open.

  It doesn’t take us too long to get to the Oleandr. Traffic is light after the busy holiday, and it seems like it’s almost quiet in the busy city, or as quiet as New York can get.

  Dominik drives in silence, with one hand on my knee the entire drive. I don’t mind the quiet. It’s actually refreshing. I know that as soon as we arrive at the restaurant, it will be all talking, cheering, and excitement, so the quiet right this moment is nice.

  Dominik parks and then comes to my side of the car to help me out. His hand wraps around mine before he pulls me close to his side, and I slide my arm around his back as we walk side-by-side into the restaurant. The girl at the front checks our coats before she leads us to the back of the restaurant, where everybody else has already arrived.

  Cheers and shouts of greeting meet my ears as soon as we are seen, and then all the men stand as Dominik helps me to my seat. I love how old fashioned the men’s manners are, even if they are badmen. I’m seated next to Ashley, with Oksana directly across from me, and the other women along each side.

  The men are all seated together, making us divided into a boy’s side and a girl’s side. It makes me giggle. Luckily, Dominik sits on the other side
of me, and his hand gently rests on my thigh as he turns his head to talk to his friends. He eases any discomfort I might have unknowingly had at coming to this brunch.

  “Okay, tell us,” Ashley whispers loudly across the table.

  Oksana’s eyes widen and she looks down toward the end where her date from the evening before is talking with a handsome blonde man that I was told was her brother, Timofei. I didn’t get a chance to meet him.

  “He’s nice,” she says softly.

  “Nice?” Emiliya asks, scrunching her nose up like she’s eaten something that tastes badly.

  “Nice,” Oksana nods.

  “What is it?” Ashley asks, pushing to get more information out of her.

  “I don’t know; he didn’t want to tell me anything about himself. I like that he wanted to know about me and talk about me, but if I’m going to agree to marry someone, I need to know things about them as well,” she says before she sighs and looks down at her plate.

  “He was probably afraid to tell you his occupation. I should have just told you ahead of time,” Haleigh murmurs as she chews on her bottom lip.

  “What—what is it?” she asks.

  “He runs a strip club in LA,” Tatyana announces. I watch as Oksana’s face pales.

  “Is that a deal breaker?” Ashley asks with concern.

  I want to tell her to run—run far, far away. It takes a strong, trusting woman to have a man in that type of environment day-in-and-day-out. I am not that strong of a woman, and I despise that everyday Dominik goes to a whore house to work. I want to trust him, he’s given me no reason not to as of late, but I don’t trust all those women—especially that Alla woman.

  “I—I honestly don’t know,” she whispers. I can see that it’s truly upsetting to have learned this.

  “If this wasn’t how you met, if he was just some guy walking down the street and you guys started dating and you found this out about him, how would you feel then?” Tatyana asks.

  “It wouldn’t matter how I met him. His job would be his job. At the end of the day, he’s doing something that I don’t know if I can live with, not with him as my husband. I feel like an awful person for even thinking it, let alone saying it, because it shouldn’t matter,” she says. Her shoulders start to shake a bit and Tatyana, who is sitting next to her, wraps her arm around her for comfort.


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