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Brother's Keeper I: Declan

Page 3

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “So…uh, Trinity.” She approached cautiously, hoping he would feed her something to make sense of everything. “Can you tell me why? Why we need to get to her and involve her? Doesn’t that put her in…danger?”

  “Trinity will become leverage if we don’t intervene. He will use your sister to get to you, just as he would Jax. It’s time to disappear, make him think you’re…”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted him to finish his thought, but she knew she needed him to. “Make him think what, Jason?”

  Hesitation stood between him and the truth. There was no easy way to deliver what she wanted to hear, and she had already been through so much. “You’re going to die, as far as he is concerned. He needs to think you’re dead, or he will come looking and won’t stop until he finds you, Jax, or Trinity.”

  “And you…” she finished, reminding him that he was now a bigger player in this than originally planned.

  “And me. It has to be this way, Lydee.”

  An unfamiliar pinch settled in his heart when she turned her head, leaning it against the window, and began to silently cry.

  THE AIRPORT THEY landed in was much like the one they took off from. Small, single runway, one hangar, and heavily armed. It wasn’t made clear exactly where they were or who all the armed men and women were, but it was apparent that this was some sort of military or government facility, given the security and fact that both were in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

  Jason mentioned he worked for a part of the government that nobody had heard of or knew about – one that the government denied existed. That was exactly how both airport-like facilities appeared – non-existent.

  Lydia had asked where they were before boarding the plane, just as she had when it was time to unload. Each time, she got the answer that seemed to be the theme of the night – the less you know, the safer you are. They were quickly moved from plane to vehicle and on the road within minutes of landing. The fastest airport transaction she had ever experienced.

  As the city came into view, Lydia’s anxiety rocketed. She really needed her sister right now, but the guilt that went along with why crushed her. Trinity hadn’t asked for any of this – she never liked Esteban – even tried to talk Lydia out of marrying him. Now she was as deeply involved as Lydia, or was about to be.

  “She lives in the upper west side, but you probably already knew that,” Lydia offered, trying to rid them of the painful silence.

  “We’re going to Greenwich Village,” he replied.

  “Greenwich, when did she… How do you… Never mind, I don’t know why I bother asking. The less I know…” Defeated was exactly how she felt in the moment as her life was spiraling and a practical stranger knew more about her life and loved one’s than she did.

  “I put people on her the minute I came after you. They’ve been tailing her all night, making sure she’s safe. I know Esteban keeps tabs on her, so I got to her first.” He turned to her briefly, wishing he could be more forthcoming and give her what she wanted, or at least just make it easier for her. “She’s been, out tonight, so she’s probably not going to be excited to see us at this hour.”

  “Oh.” That was all Lydia could muster. While her sister was out on the town, living her life, enjoying it – Lydia was crashing murder parties, running for her life, all while unknowingly dragging her sister into her mess. Sister of the year.

  Despite New York traffic, even late at night, they managed to get to Trinity’s building rather quickly. Nerves were tense as they pulled into an underground parking garage reserved for the elite upper crust who lived in the building and could afford a parking fee equal to most people’s mortgage. It didn’t go unnoticed that Jason had a code and was able to get in without any trouble at all, nor was it a surprise to see a handful of men and women waiting for them near a row of several matching vehicles.

  A private elevator quickly took Jason and Lydia, with baby Jax in tow, to the penthouse suite at the top of the building where Trinity apparently lived these days. A man and woman, who Lydia had never seen or met but clearly knew Jason, accompanied them to Trinity’s, while a handful of others began to move things from car to car. She didn’t bother asking what they were doing, why they were doing it, and what all of the stuff was – she knew the answer – the less you know, the safer you are. It was a sign that things were about to get more chaotic perhaps.

  The fancy building and posh interior suggested the Prescott trust fund was being put to good use, and Trinity was wanting for absolutely nothing. Several long, heavy-handed knocks brought Trinity to the door, slightly hung over, half asleep, and very confused.

  “Lydee? Oh, my God, what are you doing here – what time is it?” She yawned, rubbing her eyes and looking around, trying to get her wits about her. “I don’t understand why you’re here. You’re here, right?”

  “Yes, Trin, I’m here…uh…we need to come in,” Lydia awkwardly replied. Her sister was standing there half-dressed and only half coherent – she was about to sober up quickly.

  “We?” she looked around the doorway and caught a glimpse of Jason holding the baby carrier, and her eyes went wide. Then the equally large man behind him and woman, who she wouldn’t want to be caught with in a dark alley, had her jaw on the ground. “What the…who the heck are they, Lyd?”

  “They’re with me; they’re safe…promise. Now can we come in? We need to talk.”

  “Oh! Yeah, sorry…still a little, you know…sleepy. Champagne and all that.” Trinity moved to the side to let everyone in and followed them to the living room.

  Jason gave quick instructions to the extra man and woman who were tagging along, and they disappeared down a long hallway toward the bedrooms.

  “Uh, excuse me? Where are they going?” It seemed sober was coming a lot faster than expected. “You don’t have permission to go down there. Lydia?”

  Jason set the baby carrier on the large nearby sofa, Lydia taking a seat next to it. He began to close blinds and curtains while checking the landline phone sitting near the entry they had just passed through.

  “Um, hello? Big guy? What are you doing? Do I need to call security?”

  Lydia felt bad for surprising her sister with such an intrusion, especially when she was slightly inebriated. “Trinity, I promise he’s okay. I need you to listen. Something happened tonight, or I guess…it’s morning now, so last night.”

  “Lyd, why are there strangers in my home, and why won’t the big one talk?”

  Jason turned to Trinity after making sure the place was secure and it was safe to talk. “They’re packing. They won’t be long, only grabbing the necessities.”

  “Uh, packing? They know that’s my stuff, right?” Trinity tossed a thumb down the hallway, indicating the two strangers in her room. “I mean I don’t mind lending her something if she needs a change of clothes, but I doubt I have anything that will fit the man…he needs a tent or something.”

  “They are packing for you. You’re leaving, tonight, with us.”

  “Whoa…whoa…come again? Leaving? Where exactly are we going? Lydia, are you in some sort of trouble?” Trinity walked closer to her sister, pulling the baby carrier closer to Lydia in a protective move.

  “Yeah, sis, I am. It’s bad, too. You were right, all along – you were right.” Lost to tears, Lydia couldn’t say another word. She was overwhelmed and exhausted.

  “You might want to sit down for this. Hate to rush a family reunion, but we don’t have much time.” It wasn’t like him to be curt, but time wasn’t on their side.

  “I’m fine standing…someone needs to start talking though. Wait, aren’t you the bodyguard, or driver or something?” Trinity went to Florida shortly after Jax was born and stayed with them for a few weeks. The champagne was wearing off, and things were coming into focus, or at least Jason was. She remembered him hanging around, accompanying them absolutely everywhere – he never spoke, just stood in the background.

  Lydia raised her head and delivered the punch. �
��Esteban killed a man – I saw him…kill a man, maybe two.”

  Trinity dropped to the couch next to her sister, in pure shock, and pulled her into an embrace. “I better sit down.”

  Jason carried the load for Lydia and began to explain while the man and woman from down the hall joined them, one with an overnight bag, one with a trash bag. There was no way to soften this kind of a blow, not in the least, so he delivered every hard fact in detail. It was important for Trinity to know the whole truth and to be afraid so she wouldn’t do anything stupid that could compromise their cover.

  Trying to be strong, Trinity’s response fell in a tearful voice. “Okay. We can deal with this, right? That’s why you’re here. Now, how do I fit into this. I’ll gladly go with you, but what is my part in all this?”

  “He’ll use you to get to Lydia. He already has men here watching you – they’ve been here for some time. You’re a threat to him, the one-person Lydia could and would turn to.”

  “Watching me? He’s insane,” Trinity said between angry gritted teeth.

  “He is, and that’s why we all need to get out of here before he realizes where Lydia went and we get made.”

  As painful as it was to say, Lydia had to say it in order to wrap her own mind around their new reality. “We have to run – hide – until it’s all over. Somewhere where he can’t find us.”

  “Okay, we can go anywhere – we have the means.” Trinity stood with confidence, ready to get her sister and nephew out of there and to safety, wherever that may be. She grabbed her cell phone, ready to dial. “I’ll have the jet ready in…”

  “Put the phone down. It’s not an option; he’ll find you. As long as you use your resources – phones, credit cards, even planes – he’ll find you.” Jason held his hand out, asking for the phone. “Yours, too, Lydia. You guys will get new phones and an entirely new identity. You cannot, under any circumstances, share the information with each other. It’s imperative that you don’t know where the other is…it’s too dangerous.”

  “Wait, we aren’t going together?” Trinity asked in a frenzy. “I’m not leaving her. We have to stay together!”

  “Here are your new identities,” he began, handing each a new wallet while the man and woman put both women’s purses in the large garbage bag, making it clear what that bag was intended for. “You have to forget this life, for now, or you’ll be found. He has endless resources. There is no room for error. Do you understand?”

  Trinity nodded as she dug deep for the strength she knew her sister needed her to have, or she wouldn’t leave in the way they were being told to. “Okay. Where are we going; how are we getting there?”

  Impressed with her response, Jason nodded. She seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, no nonsense and up for the challenge. It was going to make the transition easier, especially after he delivered the final blow that was going to shake Lydia to her core and drag her to rock bottom before the night was over.

  “You guys will be escorted by a driver until you…uh…sober up. Your vehicle will be followed until just outside your destination to make sure Esteban doesn’t pick up your trail. At that time, you will be debriefed, and you guys will be given your final destination and instruction along with emergency protocol and contacts.”

  “You guys? I thought we weren’t going together?” Trinity questioned.

  And here came the blow, “You and Lydia are not going together. You and Jax are, Trinity.”

  Lydia let out a loud painful sob that lead to hysterics, “What? Jax? She has to take Jax? I’m not leaving my baby! I’m not leaving him!”

  “Lydia, there isn’t an alternative here. You are the primary target, should the plan fail. As a key witness, we need to keep you moving and alive. If he gets wind that you are still alive and testifying against him…he’s coming hard. Jax is safer with Trinity. He won’t expect it, and they will be hard to find and heavily guarded. If Esteban makes a move their way, we’ll know long before he gets to them and can get them out of there. If he comes for you, Jax is a distraction. Your instinct will be to protect him.”

  “Lydia?” Trinity gently interrupted. “Honey, I think he’s right. We’re a means to get to you. Even if he finds us, he won’t kill us…he needs us to find you.”

  An eerie calm crossed the room as Lydia sat quietly, staring at her sleeping son. What an odd circumstance to be in, to think that your sister and infant son are safer in the hands of your predator than to have him hot on your own trail. It felt almost selfish to send them off with that knowledge, even if it was the most logical approach to an illogical situation.

  “Lydee, I promise to take care of Jax as you would. I’ll talk about you and make sure he remembers. We can do this, Lydee. I swear to you, I will protect him with my life.”

  They were right, and Lydia knew it. She was just struggling with how to say okay, and kiss her son goodbye for who knew how long. The reality was, she had no choice, and the only people in the world who she could trust at that very moment were in that room.

  “Lydee?” Jason asked, anxious to get everyone out of there before they had to fight their way out.

  “What if he starts looking?” Lydia knew the answer to that but needed another moment with her son, and it was the only way she knew how to get it…stall.

  “He won’t if you both keep your cover. He won’t even know you’re alive.”

  Shock raged through both women at Jason’s last statement, and though they wanted to know what he meant, neither asked. They had enough to process tonight; they’d figure out the rest when they had to.

  “Trinity, your car is waiting. Everything you will need is already in it. Financial resources have been set up for you – only use what is provided. Do not, under any circumstances, try to access your personal accounts. And whatever you do, nobody knows who you are or where you’re from. Just remember, you’re always being watched…let’s make sure it’s only by the good guys.”

  She nodded, “I’m trusting you on this because my sister trusts you. How do I know it’s safe where we are going?”

  “Because I arranged it myself. Only myself and your escorts know where you are going,” he said with confidence.

  “I wish I felt confident in that right now.” An awkward chuckle escaped Trinity as she gathered the courage she needed to leave and take her sister’s baby with her.

  “Trin, he’s a target, too, now. He is risking everything to help us. He’s safe. If he arranged it, you’ll be safe.” A weak smile skimmed her face, and she stood, holding Jax’s baby carrier. A single tear slid down her cheek. “It’s time to go.”

  Huddled around the cars, the sisters said their tearful goodbyes while their escorts waited in the distance. Lydia peppered Jax with kisses, trying to remember every last little detail, down to that unmistakable fresh baby smell.

  “I’ll figure it all out Lydia. I won’t let you down. I won’t let him down,” Trinity added to assure her heartbroken sister.

  Jason gently took the carrier from Lydia and whispered something to him before placing him in the back seat of the car they were to leave in. He nodded to Trinity, holding the door for her so they could be on their way. She stopped just before climbing in, giving her sister one last encouraging smile before ducking down into the car next to Jax.

  Lydia turned away, unable to watch them drive away. It was too painful – more than she thought. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had days, or even weeks, to ready herself for this – how do you prepare for your heart to be ripped from your chest? You don’t.

  Jason swiftly lead Lydia to the car they would be leaving in, one much like the one that just left with her family in it. It was all a blur, watching the second car leave, following her sister. When her car pulled out of the parking garage and up to the street, she could see the two cars traveling down the eerily semi-vacant street until her car turned the opposite direction, and they disappeared into the night’s traffic. Then, she cried herself to sleep.

IDE OF what looked like an abandoned gas station, Lydia woke up in the car, alone. Sleeping in a car for who knew how long wasn’t her best idea. It was damn painful. She tried to stretch and work out the knots that her odd sleeping position created, and that’s when she saw him.

  Jason was standing outside of the car, talking to the two men who had followed them. When she stepped out of the car, their conversation stopped and all eyes were on her. As different as the two men looked from one another, there was something oddly similar, too. Something familiar even, but she couldn’t put her finger on it, nor did she have the energy or desire to figure it out.

  “Are you okay?” Jason asked, seeming genuinely concerned.

  When she nodded, he handed her the duffle bag he had packed for her and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. “You can change and clean up a bit while we finish up here.”

  Politely being dismissed – that was new, but she didn’t feel much like protesting when she looked down and realized she was still wearing the dress from the night before. She suddenly felt a little too exposed and even a little trashy, given it was daylight in the middle of nowhere. Slowly stalking toward the restroom sign he had pointed out, she took in her surrounding, looking for clues as to where they might be.

  There was nowhere to go, no one to talk to. What would she say if there were? Hey, I voluntarily got in the car with muscles over there because my husband might want to kill me and feed me to the sharks, but I feel a bit trapped, kidnapped, and imprisoned…can you help me? Oh, and I’m not crazy at all.

  All three men were watching her; she could feel their deep judgy stares. They were still silent, too, waiting for her to get out of earshot before they resumed whatever they were discussing. What the hell did they have to say that she couldn’t hear? It was her rescue mission; she was the victim they were protecting as a witness; she deserved to know. Tossing a dirty look over her shoulder, she made sure each saw her judging them right back before she walked into the restroom.


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