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His Dragon Protector

Page 16

by Jill Haven

  “Well, maybe I needed to take some responsibility for myself.”

  I bent and kissed his forehead and then leaned down to kiss his cheek. As I watched him, some of the color returned to his cheeks and he looked less pale overall. I brushed my lips against his and he sighed.

  “I feel better with you here. Warmer.”

  “The mating bond is helping you, I think.” Kissing him again, I didn’t hold back. I needed this. I swiped my tongue over his mouth and combed my fingers through his hair. We stayed together that way for a long while, but eventually he laughed and turned his mouth away. I backed off and he winced and sat up. I helped him up and removed the oxygen completely and disconnected the monitors when I realized he was stabilized and normal.

  “The nurses aren’t going to like that,” Seth said. “You should have heard them yell at me. They threatened to tie me down if I didn’t leave stuff alone. Those nurses are a kinky bunch.” He grinned and my heart twisted a little. What if he’d actually died?

  “You have no idea,” I assured him, and he laughed. “We’re getting out of here. We have to. You’re healing like a dragon, darlin’. This is a clusterfuck.”

  “Escape.” He bounced a little. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He let out a hiss of pain and clutched at his left shoulder. “God, that’s a fuckin’ bitch. Ouch.”

  I knocked his fingers out of the way and my stomach lurched as I examined the emergency room bandage that was slapped over his wound. I pulled it back and there was a sizable hole there, but I could already see where it was knitting closed. “On a human, this would have been nearly a month old, maybe a month and a half.”


  I snorted and shrugged. “The mating bond? Maybe you could have always done this? You laid an egg.”

  He narrowed his eyes on me. “Do not say that ever again. I’m no chicken. You didn’t tell me about any mystical mumbo jumbo. I thought I was a goner. I took a bullet.” His eyes sparkled with mischief and I had no idea what was running through his head, but I meant to put a stop to it.

  “Well, I’m fucking glad you aren’t ‘a goner’. If you ever do anything like this again—I don’t know, Seth. I just don’t know.”

  “I won’t. I promise I won’t.”

  He leaned forward, and I met him halfway, pressing a kiss to his lips.

  He groaned again. “If it hurts this bad now, I’m glad about the mating thing. Jesus.”

  “Come on.” I helped him stand and he clung weakly to me. I thought about swinging him up into my arms but didn’t because I might have jostled him more.

  “Now what?” We glanced toward the doorway together. Voices were loud on the other side. Raised. The cops, maybe? I glanced over my shoulder toward the window.

  Seth blanched. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Not after the fire escape. Please.” He winced and clung tighter to me.

  “I’m just not sure how else to do this.”

  He smacked at my chest with his free hand. “No.”

  “Let’s just take a look.” I eased over and together we had a good look.

  “It’s the ground floor,” he said with a sigh, but he sounded tired.

  We stared out into a parking lot, boring, ordinary, packed with cars. That’s where we needed to get ourselves, out of this spot where Seth was doing something extraordinary to attract attention and back to our lives… and our egg.

  He took a deep breath and I wasn’t sure I liked the manic way his eyes flashed or the set of his jaw. “Fuck, let’s do this shit.”

  “Wait,” I stared at the window, trying to work out how we could get it open far enough for me to squeeze out. “I didn’t think. The cops were here, and they seemed like they knew who you were.”

  He waved his hand in front of himself. “I’ll hack in here later and delete my records, if they figured out who I was. No record means it didn’t exist.”

  “That seems dangerous.”

  “What, you want me to go talk to the cops? Explain how I’m not dead in a ditch?” He whacked me on the side.

  I opened the window and ended up having to push it down and crack the flimsy metal frame to make it big enough. I climbed out first. It was easier than I thought it would be to get him out and when he was standing beside me again—my mate, a sweet little huddle of man—I carefully gathered him close. “You scared me so much.”

  “I’m sorry.” He sniffed and pressed his cheek against my chest. I loved his smell around me and his heat against me.

  “You already said that,” I murmured.

  “Well… I am.” He smiled up at me. “Thank you for coming to find me. You’re all right. I… you know. All that gooey stuff. At you. The… the words that people say.” I was surprised he could flush so brilliantly with the blood loss he’d had, but he managed.

  “I love you too.” I kissed him, a light peck, and helped him hobble to the Jeep.

  Bishop appeared about five minutes later in what passed for a huff with him. His nostrils flared and he glared. “You could have told me what you were up to. They’re searching for him.” He got in, put the Jeep in gear, and we drove right out of New York and all the way back to Carlisle’s, only stopping when absolutely necessary.

  The second we made it in the front door, Seth hobbled directly to our egg. He collapsed by the makeshift nest he’d constructed that was only about a day ago but felt like it had been several lifetimes. Haiden sat there near the egg, but he moved when Seth fell to the floor beside it. Haiden glanced at Seth and pushed his glasses up his nose, and then glanced at me and then back to Seth. He seemed to decide we needed a moment because he patted Seth’s head, scattering some dirt that didn’t seem like it would ever all be shaken loose, and then got up and went back the hallway to the bedrooms.

  Tears rolled down Seth’s face, and I couldn’t stand to have him across the room. I went over and sank down behind him and held him close.

  “It’s okay. You’re home now, and look, the egg is safe. We kept it safe for you.”

  Seth shivered and rested back against my chest, tugging my arms more firmly around himself. “Oh, god. Nonno shot me. I didn’t think he really would. I can’t believe it. What kind of a family am I giving this kid?”

  Kissing his temple, I rocked him. “The best kind. Right here,” I whispered, and he sank back farther into my embrace. “The egg is fine right now. Why don’t I take you back, get you cleaned up, showered, check your wou—”

  He sat up and laughed. “Oh my god, look. Mason!” Seth tried to scramble out of my arms and winced. He pointed at the egg. It shook, barely noticeable, and a crack formed near the top. “It’s hatching!”



  Stretching toward the egg hurt, who cared, though? That was my baby tryin’ to get into the world. “I want to hold it. Now.”

  Mason kissed the side of my face and leaned forward, moving us both. I gasped at being jostled, but he picked up the egg and brought it back so that the weighty little thing was in my lap. Together we watched as cracks spread across the red and gold surface. In what seemed like no time at all, a tiny claw broke through, almost like the little dragon inside was trying to wave hello to us.

  “Oh my god, Mason,” I said in wonder, and touched the little talon. It pulled back inside the egg. “I didn’t think, I mean, Haiden said Charlotte couldn’t shift.” Sniffing I felt like the worst kind of idiot, but I rubbed my cheek against my shoulder.

  “Well, you had an egg, darlin’. No one really knows what will happen. You’re not full dragon, but you have a lot of dragon senses, and obviously you had an egg. Stands to reason there was a dragon inside.” He laughed and I leaned back to look up into his face. He pressed a kiss to my lips.

  “Come on, baby,” I said, heart racing, as there was more rocking and noise from the egg. Not long later, a large part of the shell fell off into my lap and a nose poked out from the gap. Then another piece of the shell fell. And another, until I was picking up a small dragon that looked nearly ident
ical to Mason when he was shifted. The little thing let out a happy trill and came to me, clinging with his claws to my shirt. I gasped as my wound was jostled, and Mason helped me move the baby to my right side. Tears stung my eyes and my throat felt full. I could barely swallow. The baby nuzzled my cheek and curled right there, his tail wrapping around my arm. I thought I might burst with all the feelings bouncing around in me.


  He caressed a hand along the baby’s back, and I noticed that there were no spines yet like he had. “I know. You did this. You’re so amazing.” He kissed me and then pressed a kiss to the baby dragon’s nose.

  “He’s gooped.” I was still awestruck, but the reality of the mess was beginning to make itself known. My shirt was already ruined, though, so I didn’t care too much.

  Mason laughed. “Yeah, there’s liquid inside the egg.”

  The baby huddled there, making that trilling sound. “It’s okay, baby,” I said quietly and rocked from side to side as much as I could without hurting myself too badly. Mason moved with us too. “Is he sad?”

  “No,” Mason said quietly in my ear.

  Minutes went by and my heart felt so full it might burst. Popping noises startled me and the dragon transformed before my eyes into a baby with smooth, pink skin and dark hair. He had Mason’s nose and my mouth, and I still couldn’t quite believe it. “Oh, you’re a little boy,” I said with a laugh. I rubbed my finger along ten perfect toes. A long, sad cry pierced the air.

  “Sit tight,” Mason said. He was up fast, and he brought me back a blanket, which he helped me wrap around the baby. Before long, he handed me a small bottle and when I popped it into the open, squalling little mouth there was silence directly after.

  “Let’s name him Brant, after my Dad. Do you mind?”

  Mason settled onto the floor beside us again. “No, that’s perfect, darlin’,” he murmured. I ignored that pet name, and the shiver of happiness that raced along my spine with it.

  “Brant Hardwick.”

  “I love it,” Mason said with a laugh. Brant finished his bottle and his eyes closed. Mason and showed me how to burp him. “Let’s go get him cleaned up. I bet there are still some smaller diapers from Charlotte around here.”

  “We didn’t plan this very well,” I mumbled. “I was too busy off trying to get myself murdered.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Not long later, we had the baby clean, and Haiden, Carlisle, and Jade had gotten a chance to coo over him. They must have been hanging out away from us to give us space. We didn’t have any baby stuff here except what was around for Charlotte, but there was a bassinet, so Haiden let us use that for the time being. We got everything set up in our room, and I felt like I could sleep for a thousand years as I watched Mason hold Brant. He glanced up at me and he was so happy, it had me smiling. He gave Brant back to me and I leaned over to put him in the bassinet.

  “Would you like to have a party?” Mason asked as I laid Brant down on his belly. “No, wait, like this,” Mason said and shifted the little guy onto his back.

  “Wait, did you say a party?” That question was so out of nowhere that I stared at him probably a little harder than I should. “For what?”

  He smiled and tapped a finger on my nose. I swatted his shoulder.

  “To celebrate the mating. And the baby. Our new life?”

  “Like, a wedding reception or something? Just for us? I’ve never had anything like that.” Running a hand through my hair, I felt grimy and definitely in need of a shower. I didn’t feel like someone who deserved a party right now. I hadn’t done any of the things I’d set out to do before I left, except get shot and almost buried alive, which really wasn’t on my list.

  Mason pulled me around until I was snug in his arms. “You deserve it.”

  “I don’t know all about that… I don’t think I really deserve much of anything.”

  He bonked his forehead against mine and left it there. “You need to stop saying things like that. You’re amazing. You ran away, admittedly I didn’t agree with you going by yourself, but you went to keep him safe. You were trying to do the right thing. You do a lot of noble things, Seth Preston.”

  “Jeez—us, you need to lay off.”

  “I love you.”

  My tongue felt two sizes too big for my mouth and I had trouble doing anything but nod. “Me too.”

  Mason took me into the bathroom, and we showered together. We played around some, but we were too tired to do anything more than cling together while the water ran over us and we slowly jerked each other off. He was hot, heavy, and perfect in my hand and the way he curled his body closer to me made me feel powerful. The gentle wave of release wasn’t the usual for us, but with his lips on mine, coating his hand with my cum at the same time he blew a load into mine seemed just as fucking magical as anything else.



  Seth, absolutely edible in tight jeans and a green silk Henley, had a death grip on my hand. Even though I wanted him to be comfortable, it was kind of nice that he trusted me enough to look to me for support. He never would have done that a month ago. His smile was beautiful and perfect, but I could see the furrow beginning to form between his brow as he shook Larkin’s hand.

  “How are you doing? I must say, you’ve got quite the turnout, Mason.” Larkin nodded, his brown-eyed gaze darting around the packed room while the party lights caught in his blond hair and shimmered. “How on earth did this happen?”

  “Well, Jade and Haiden were planning the party, but then somehow Agatha learned what they were up to, and…” I gestured. We were in the ballroom in Carlisle’s Charleston house. I don’t think it had been used for more than gathering dust in half a century. Real music was played by a string quartet on a raised dais in the corner. The crystal chandeliers sparkled within an inch of perfection, the mirrored walls were shined and spotless, and the spread of food would be enough to feed an army and then some. Chairs and small couches were scattered strategically around the room, but most people were standing in knots with their drinks and plates. A large table full of presents sat in a corner. Agatha flitted around smiling and nodding. There were representatives here from every clan in the Northeast and most of them had talked to us already to wish us well.

  “I’m not entirely convinced it was wise to do this,” Larkin said, and I knew what he meant. I’d caught more than one person looking sideways at Haiden and Seth.

  “It’s done now. Besides, these are our allies, not our enemies.”

  Larking shrugged. “Doesn’t always take much. The Cloud dragons were our allies as well. I would love to hold your baby.” Larkin smiled at Seth, who slid his gaze my direction for a moment. I nodded and leaned down.

  “If you’re comfortable with it, Larkin’s one of Carlisle’s close cousins. He’s fine.”

  “I met him at the house before, I just hate all these people.”

  “You’re safe here.”

  Seth took a deep breath and smiled. I could tell his happiness was partially forced, but one thing he thankfully understood, growing up the way he had, was the politics of a situation. Since this party had been arranged for us, we needed to be seen having a good time, and hopefully this would help solidify Carlisle’s position as Princeps Draco. With all the problems recently, I understood he needed to look like he was still in control. Two hatchlings born not far apart when all the other regions were only having losses were good for him, so at least there was that. On the other hand, wiping out the Cloud dragons was a toss-up. Did it make him seem strong or ruthless? Agatha was a smart cookie to bring everyone together for a happy occasion. She caught my eye as she glided by and smiled my direction.

  Not long later, Seth was back at my side. Brant was tuckered out, sleeping in his arms again, which was probably bad because that meant he’d be up at some weird hour of the night. Thankfully Seth was a night owl anyway, and so far, it didn’t seem to be taking much of a toll on us.

  “How are you hold
ing up?”

  Seth shrugged and leaned against my side. “Fine. How much longer will the party go on?”

  “Probably into the wee hours,” I said and then kissed the top of his head. I inhaled his sweet scent. “We don’t get together much like this anymore.”

  Bishop walked in not long later, with Ace and Tennyson trailing him. They broke away form Bishop and cut toward the tables of food, but Bishop headed right for us, or rather, Seth. He held a small, plain wrapped package.

  “I have something for you,” he said as he came to a stop in front of us. His scar twisted with his smile. “A present for your mating.”

  “Well, jeez. Thanks, big guy.” Seth passed Brant to me and Bishop handed him the package. Seth glanced uneasily at Bishop and unwrapped the brown paper. The front of an old, leather-bound book with a golden sun embellishment came into view. He glanced up at Bishop and held his breath for a second.

  “How? I thought I was going to have to let this go. How did you get it?”

  Bishop crossed his arms. “Dragons always get even. We cleaned out the entire building. Every unit. I sent him a message. Either he lets this vendetta against you go, or he’s going to continue to lose profits, secret toys, and all his precious customers. He was not prepared for the losses he incurred—with regard to both his men and financially—or the leverage we now hold, so he agreed. Are you satisfied?”

  “Holy cannoli, am I ever. This is,” Seth shook his head. “Thanks. That’s all I can say.” His face flushed and he cleared his throat.

  “You’re welcome.” Bishop bowed slightly toward Seth and then more deeply toward me.

  “Knock it off, old-timer.”

  Bishop laughed at that and then smoothed a hand over Brant’s tiny, fluffy head. “Best of luck to you and yours, Mason.”

  I didn’t think it was possible for Bishop to look anything but vaguely amused and goddamned deadly, but he managed wistful for a moment as he patted my son’s head.


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