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His Other Wife (Beautiful Lies Book 1)

Page 14

by M. L. Ray

  Chapter Twenty

  Knox felt sick, reliving Lily’s murder. So utterly senseless. Meaningless. All that potential, that kindness, that beauty, just ended. Lily, Griffin and six other people had died that terrible day. For nothing.

  He felt his father’s hand on his shoulder. He hadn’t even seen Gregory get up. “Son… it’s only natural to feel like that when you’ve lost someone so dear, so violently, so suddenly. But Anouk will be fine, you know. Bad luck like that doesn’t strike twice.”

  Knox wanted to tell Gregory about Shawn Simon, about his suspicions about the man, but Anouk had asked him not to discuss her past with his family yet. “I want to get to know them as me,” she said to him, “not as some sob story. People always look at me differently after they’ve heard about what happened.”

  “I didn’t,” he told her and she’d kissed him, then smiled up at him.

  “No. You didn’t, my darling love.”

  And he understood where she was coming from. After Lily had died, first there had been the sympathy, then the endless curious stares, then the suspicions. Had he something to do with his girlfriend’s murder? Eric, his former friend, had fueled that fire, by trying to suggest that he and Lily had been carrying on an affair behind Knox’s back. His story fell apart, however, at the first hurdle, and Eric had been ostracized by the community.

  Lily… Knox still missed her easy smile and happy ways. Weirdly, he longed for Lily and Nook to meet. He knew they would have been friends.


  He blinked and looked up at his father. “Sorry, Dad.”

  Gregory smiled and handed him a glass of scotch. “Here. Why don’t you relax, enjoy some of my best whiskey, and tell me about this arts center you’re opening.”

  Anouk tapped quietly at Flynn’s bedroom door, half-expecting no answer, but when she heard her quiet “come in”, she pushed open the door and smiled at Knox’s sister. The teenager was curled up on her bed, her long legs tucked under her, but she sat up and smiled at Anouk. “Hey, Nook, this is a nice surprise.”

  “We were going mad, snowed in at the studio, so we thought we’d come visit. Are you okay?”

  Flynn did look pale, and there were violet shadows under her eyes, but she nodded. “Just a little sick. I had chemo yesterday and it didn’t agree with me. Probably my own fault. I went out for oysters the day before.”

  Anouk grimaced and Flynn laughed. “Hey, it’s Seattle. You have to like oysters on the shell.”

  “I’d rather chew on an old sock.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  Anouk laughed along with Flynn. “I’ll bet. Seriously though, Flynn, how are you?”

  “I’m not going to lie. The big C is a big old drag.”

  “Are you in pain?” Anouk reached out and took Flynn’s hand. Flynn squeezed it.

  “Some, but they’ve given me morphine. They’ve given me the option of surgery. Complete hysterectomy.”

  “Oh, Flynn.”

  Flynn nodded. “But it would probably do the trick. I’m simplifying, but the doctors are confident they could get clean margins.”

  “But you’re hesitating.”

  Flynn nodded, and although Anouk couldn’t be sure, she thought she saw the gleam of tears in the girl’s eyes. “It’s just… I have to decide now, Anouk. When I’m not even sure if I ever want kids, and it’s not a decision I should have to make at nineteen, you know?”

  “I know, bubba.”

  Flynn sighed. “I keep looking at it like this. It’s Stage II. I’m lucky. They thought it had spread to outside of my womb, but it hasn’t. So, if they take it all out, I could be in remission just like that.”

  “There are other ways to have kids,” Anouk said, feeling useless, “I know that’s lame to say, but it is true.”


  Anouk got up and sat beside her on the bed, wrapping her arms around the girl. Flynn was so thin now, she felt like she would snap, but she hugged Anouk back tightly. “Thanks for coming to see me,” she mumbled, her face buried in Anouk’s shoulder. “Dad and Levi try, but they don’t get the girl thing. I might be a tomboy, but I’m still a woman. I want to feel like one.”

  “Hey, listen,” Anouk felt almost fierce, “the ability to have kids is only one part of what makes us women. It does not define us. It does not. You’re smart, kind, strong, funny and that doesn’t even scratch the surface of who you are, Flynn.”

  They held each other for a long time, lost in their own thoughts. Anouk kissed her young friend’s forehead. “You look exhausted, boo. Why don’t you get some sleep. Or would you like something to eat?”

  Flynn made a face, then smiled. “Sleeping will do fine. Will you still be here when I wake up?”

  “I will be if you want me to be.”

  Anouk pulled the comforter over Flynn as she laid down. Flynn grabbed her hand. “Love you, Nook.”

  “Love you too, shorty.” Anouk grinned, as Flynn, easily almost a foot taller than Anouk, laughed.

  Anouk closed the door quietly behind her and went downstairs to find Knox.

  Much later, after they’d shared a good dinner with Gregory, and a well-rested and starving-hungry Flynn, Knox drove them back through a darkened, quiet city to their home. At the studio, they cranked up the heat and curled up on the sofa under a comforter. Anouk rested her head on Knox’s chest as he kissed her hair. “You were quiet in the car.”

  “I was thinking about what I should do.”



  Knox snorted. “Ignoring him would seem to be the way to go.”

  “But he won’t go away. He crossed an ocean to find me.”

  She felt Knox tense up. “You make him sound like some romantic wanderer.”

  “Absolutely not. I want him out of my life for good. But I think he needs to be made to understand that I’m never coming back to him, and the only way to do that is to talk to him.”

  Knox sat up, and Anouk moved as he leaned forward. “Nook, this man has already lied to you. It’s very likely he broke into your home. He’s even been a suspect in Tom and Ramon’s deaths. His kids were murdered. Probably his other wife is dead, too. We know for a fact he tracked you down. Imagine what it takes to do that, the level of obsession.”

  “I know, and I’m not going to go into this with my eyes closed.” She hesitated. “He’s not the only one who could hire a detective.”

  Knox studied her for a long moment. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m still going to tell him to leave me alone, that’s for sure. It’s just, I want something in my back pocket to hold over him. Like what happened to the other wife. I should stop saying ‘other’. She was his wife, not me.”

  Knox picked up her fingers and kissed them. “Look, I’m not going to go Neanderthal and tell you what to do, but god, Nook, I hate the fact that you’ll be anywhere near that asshole.”

  “Public place, middle of the day. I’ll be fine.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Anouk didn’t feel so confident three days later, waiting for Shawn to show up at the coffee shop they’d agreed on. The three vanilla lattes, with an extra shot in each, probably didn’t help and her body felt tensed and jittery. She jiggled her leg almost unconsciously, and had to apologize to the woman at the next table who looked at her in irritation. “Sorry. Seeing the ex.”

  That was the understatement of the year, but at least the woman looked a little more sympathetic. There was a cold rush of air as the door to the coffeehouse was pushed open, and Anouk looked up to see a familiar face. He nodded to her, then found a seat at a table across from her. Anouk hid a grin. Knox had sent a guard dog. Jeremiah didn’t look at her again, but his presence had the effect of making her relax a little.

  The next time the door opened, it was Shawn. Anouk didn’t bother to get up as he approached, so he had to bend down to kiss her cheek. She ducked away at the last minute, so
that his lips smacked against nothing but air. She saw the flash of anger in his eyes, but she didn’t want him to touch her, however briefly. “Shawn.”

  “Darling.” He took off his coat, draping it on the back of the chair, and signaled the waitress. Anouk studied him as he attempted to charm the girl, who had clearly seen and heard it all before.

  She nodded when he gave his order, and looked at Anouk curiously as if to say ‘Him? Really?’ Anouk smirked and asked for a decaf green tea, thanking the girl.

  Shawn waited until the girl was gone before he smiled at Anouk. “You look beautiful, darling.”

  “Thank you,” she said smoothly. “Shawn, I thought we should get this over and done with. You want closure. I want assurances that you will never bother me again. Ever.”

  Shawn sighed and leaned back. “So, really, you want our time together to mean nothing?”

  Anouk fixed him with a steady look. “You made sure it meant nothing, Shawn, when you married me, but neglected to tell me that you already had a wife.”

  The woman who had glared at her earlier looked up sharply and turned that glare on Shawn. Anouk could have laughed as he squirmed uncomfortably. The woman gathered her stuff and shot Anouk a sympathetic look as she left. Anouk smiled at her, then looked back at Shawn.

  “You know, don’t you, that I’m never coming back to you?”

  “You say that now, but there was something so…” He cast around for the right word, “electric about us as a couple. Everyone used to say it. We were perfect for each other. We still are.”

  Anouk snorted. “Shawn, I can’t tell whether you’re deluded, or just really fucking nuts. You are a liar and a cheat. For all I know, you might be a murderer. I don’t know who the fuck you are, and you certainly don’t know me.”

  “A murderer?” Either he was a great actor, or he really was shocked by her accusation. “You really think I could kill someone? My kids?” He pounded the table suddenly, and Anouk jumped. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jeremiah half-rise from his seat. She shook her head at him, and Shawn followed her gaze. Jeremiah stared back at him and Shawn sighed.

  “So, you brought a bodyguard then? Not your boyfriend, I notice.”

  Anouk flushed at the insult on Knox’s behalf. “You should be glad. If he were here listening to your bullshit, you’d be on your back.”

  “Threats? Nice.”

  “No threat, but if you lose your shit, what do you expect?” She studied him. “Shawn, I’m tired of this. We have nothing more to say to each other, except goodbye.”

  He shook his head. “I love you.”

  “I doubt you know what love means.”

  “How can you say that?”

  She gave a humorless snort, but didn’t answer. Shawn leaned forward. “Do you love him?”

  She met his eyes, then. “Very much.”

  “Can he give you everything you ever wanted?”

  Anouk half-smiled. “He already has.”

  Shawn gave her a strange grin. “Really? Everything?”

  “What does that mean?”

  He shrugged. “I’m just asking. What happened to your boss?”

  Anouk felt a cold jolt of fear. “What?”

  “The guy you accused me of murdering, as if I knew who the hell he was.”

  Anouk stared back at him. “What does Tom have to do with this?”

  “I’m just saying. You tell me Knox Zapata would give you everything. Has he?”

  Don’t get angry. He’s just trying to rile you. “You really have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Shawn tilted his head to one side, his smile patronizing. “I heard your boyfriend isn’t as well off as he’d like you to believe. That your recent… windfall has proved very useful for him as leverage with the bank. That swanky new studio…”

  “Okay, we are done here.” Anouk got up, but Shawn grabbed her wrist, forcing her to sit back down. Again, Jeremiah looked as if he were about to come over, but she held up her hand to him.

  “I’m sorry.” Shawn let her wrist go. “But you have no idea what it’s like to see the woman you love with that man. I looked into his past. You know he’s whored himself around Europe for the last few years? Even had a sugar mama in Paris at one point, then just up and left her to come back here. She was devastated. His high school girlfriend was shot and killed, did you know that?”

  “Of course,” Anouk felt as if her throat would close. “But that was hardly Knox’s doing.”

  “Really? Word is he sent her out to negotiate with the shooter, and hid himself away.”


  “Has a pleasing symmetry, doesn’t it? He sends her to negotiate with a killer, and you come here to negotiate with the man you think is a killer.”

  The threat in his words didn’t escape her, but Anouk was mad now. She made a show of checking under the table. “What, no gun pointed at my gut, Shawn?”

  “As if I could ever hurt you, my sweet love.”

  “Spare me. Shawn, you wanted closure, here it is. I’m not even going to waste time on hating you. I’m not going to think of you, period.”

  Shawn shook his head. “You can’t just cut me out of your life like that. It’s not fair.”

  This time she laughed openly in his face. “You really are a piece of work.”

  “I’m not saying we have to be a couple again. I know I burned my bridges, but if we could be friends…”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Friends? You’re staying in Seattle?”

  “For as long as needed to convince you, again, that despite my mistakes, I’m a good guy. That I should be in your life. Anouk,” he leaned forward and put his hand on hers, “I can’t let you disappear from my life. I won’t allow it. You mean too much to me.”

  The same old story. “I don’t want to be your friend, Shawn. You broke me, do you understand that? You broke my trust. Whatever ‘friendship’ you are imagining we could have, you’re delusional.”

  “I will never let you go.”

  Anouk had had enough. She stood up, careful to avoid being within range of his reach again. “Goodbye, Shawn. Have a nice life.”

  She stalked out, hoping he wouldn’t follow her, but when she turned back to look, his egress had been blocked by Jeremiah. Shawn backed off immediately. Another man got up and followed Anouk, and it wasn’t until she’d walked almost a block before she rounded on him. “Look, douchebag, if Shawn sent you to follow me, you’re not being so subtle about it.”

  The man behind her looked up from under his baseball cap, and tugged off the bushy beard he was wearing. Anouk started to laugh. “You’re an absolute lunatic!” She went into gales of laughter as Knox smiled sheepishly. He tugged off the rest of the beard.

  “Come on, it was a great disguise. You didn’t recognize me.

  “Because you look like a hobo. God, Knox,” she hugged him tightly and kissed him. “Thank you. I needed that laugh.” She rolled her shoulders. “Ugh, I feel like I need some antibiotics and a shower to get that meeting off of me.”

  “I can provide the shower… with benefits,” Knox chuckled and leered at her, and she grinned.

  “Save that, though. Here’s Miah.”

  Jeremiah caught up with them, rolling his eyes. “Anouk, I have to say, your man picker is a whole lot better nowadays.” He cut his eyes at Knox. “Well, a little.”

  Anouk grinned. “Thanks for being my bodyguard, Miah. Knox here might have tripped over his beard.”


  She chuckled. “Come on. I owe you both a pizza.”

  Jeremiah came back to their studio, and Anouk enjoyed getting to know the big German better. He had a very silly sense of humor, and he enjoyed ribbing Knox as much as she did.

  After he left, Anouk took a long, hot shower, while Knox worked in his studio. He was finishing up some pieces for a new show in Amsterdam. Only two or three pieces, but the muse had grabbed him, and
he was still deep in concentration when Anouk, wrapped in her robe, sat down on the iron staircase and watched him work. She cradled a hot cup of tea in her hand and watched her love work, and for the first time in a long time, she felt at peace. Shawn was in her past, and he would have to be an idiot not have gotten the message now, wouldn’t he?

  Anouk sat there in the studio, wondering at the direction her life had taken in such short a time. She was a gallery owner, living with her artist boyfriend in her beloved Seattle. She had a right to be happy now, right?

  “Hey, gorgeous.” Knox had spotted her sitting on the stairs and was smiling up at her. “Why don’t you come on down here and let me paint you?”

  She laughed, but put her cup down on the stairs and went down. “Well, you’re overdressed for once thing.” He grinned as he slipped her robe from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her hair, still wet from the shower, was wound up in a bun, and he pulled a few tendrils from it to frame her face. Anouk grinned as he picked her up, setting her down on the table. “I’ll get covered in paint.”

  “That’s the idea.” He picked up a paintbrush and swirled it in a thick glob of yellow paint. He drew the brush from her throat down between her breasts and circled her navel with it. Anouk giggled.

  “You mad man.”

  But Knox wasn’t finished. He continued to paint her, using a myriad of bright colors, which looked sensational against her dusky skin. He kissed her continually, and nibbled at her ear lobe as he murmured, “Open your legs for me, baby.”

  Anouk spread her thighs slowly and he dropped between her legs. He drew the paintbrush, soaked in a vibrant blue paint along each of her inner thighs. Anouk watched him. The whole thing was so absurdly erotic; even if every time he came close to touching her sex, he would grin and back off, teasing her.

  “When you said you wanted to paint me… this isn’t what I thought you meant.”

  Knox chuckled. “I want to paint you in every way, my Nook. You are my muse.”

  “Well, okay,” she whispered, “but you better fuck me real good afterward.”

  Knox gave a growl and dropped his paintbrush, pulling her legs around his waist. Anouk giggled. “And now you’re covered in paint.”


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