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A Wake of Vultures

Page 16

by Patrick Kansoer

  The wealthy and the aristocrats have a fantastic advantage over the ambitions of low social status, lack of education and near poverty. These men have been superbly educated, command immense social prestige and are able to pool astonishing sums of money to carry out their nefarious purposes.”

  Keren shook her head, What Petris just said went against what she had been taught and what she believed ever since she was a young child. It made a mockery, in her mind, of the basis of the country, the bedrock of her profession as an attorney and the ethics behind a free society.

  “That doesn’t make sense Petris. Stalin and Hitler were proponents of Socialism, of state control. The elite families of the world would surely not want to do anything that would take away their wealth and redistribute it to the masses. Agreed, there may be some who are driven by guilt for having inherited their money and that’s why they come across as champions of the ‘little guy’.

  Petris sighed; “Look at the situation with Socratic clarity Keren. The elites are looking for one thing and only one thing, power.

  It’s difficult for the average Joe or Jane Six-pack to fathom such perverted lust for power. The typical person just wants to enjoy success at his or her job, be able to afford a reasonably comfortable standard of living and maybe be able to afford some leisure and travel. They want to provide for their family, to insure against sickness and provide a decent education for their children. Their ambition stops there. Average Joes and Janes have no desire to exercise power over others, to conquer other lands or peoples. They don’t have dreams of being kings or queens or emperors. They just want to mind their own business and enjoy life.”

  Keren didn’t want to hear, let alone believe what Petris was saying. “Aren’t the big-wigs just like that only on a grander scale? Sure, they have bigger houses and fancier cars. They go skiing in Switzerland rather than doing a camping weekend at Six-Flags over Georgia. It doesn’t make logical sense to me to think that there is a vast conspiracy of the elite looking to rule the world.”

  “Keren, at least as long as there has been private property, there has been private plotting, and talk of a ‘deep state’ has been a vernacular way of describing what political scientists like to call “civil society,” that is, any venue in which powerful individuals, either alone or collectively, might try to use the state to fulfill their private ambitions, to get richer and obtain more power.

  The problem with the phrase ‘deep state’ is that it is used to suggest that dishonorable individuals are subverting the virtuous state for their private ambitions. A good Marxist, and even an intelligent liberal, however, knows that under capitalism, ambition is considered a virtue, not a vice, and that the whole point of government is organized subversion. What do you think the “pursuit of happiness” means?

  It’s this public virtue/private vice false opposition that makes so much of the “deep state” writing slide into, noxious tin-foil conspiracy, then ‘we are a republic, not an empire’.

  Over the last few decades, with the concurrent rise of finance capitalism and the privatization of many facets of national security associated with what we call neoliberalism, the “deep state” has grown.

  There is an almost hereditary covert caste, running from the men who in the early days of the Cold War set up the modern national security state to the elite who make up today’s ‘intelligence community.’

  Most people know that a new president gets to name over 4,000 political appointees when they are elected. This political cronyism is partisan politics and fills our bloated government with unqualified employees.

  Some think that these are the people that comprise the Deep State.

  But the Deep State is much deeper than that.

  There is a much more sinister system in place that controls Washington D. C.’s bureaucracies through an actual, organized shadow government called the Deep State.

  It is the heart of the swamp. It is the upper echelon of the Senior Executive Service who were pulling the levers and pushing the buttons that led to last nights’ events.

  That’s not to say that this is a monolithic organization like the ancient Mongols but the bare facts are that there is, what the late President Eisenhower described as, the “Military-Industrial Complex.”

  Almost all the leaders of these segments have gone to the same elite schools, are members of the same clubs, attend a limited number of religious institutions and are involved in the same “not-for-profit” foundations and charitable institutions. Many of the families involved with what we call the “Deep State” have intermarried.

  It is a group with a shared “Globalist” world view. They are basically saying ‘We are going to organize the world in a way that establishes an artificial consensus.’ It’s not enough to say it’s undemocratic. It’s threatening; it’s almost demonic. It is a world organized independently of people’s fundamental religious convictions it is an aristocracy ruling over slaves.”

  Keren looks crestfallen and defeated. There are tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

  “So, what you’re saying is that everything I’ve always believed is a lie. Government and everyone in it are corrupt. The Constitution and the rule of law are a farce. There is not one speck of difference between our country and the numberless dictatorships that we send our troops away to fight to preserve our freedoms. You’re saying that our freedoms are an illusion and we have been played for fools all these years. Is THAT what you are telling me Petris? Because if it is we would have been better off falling out of the sky when the Saudi rebels tried to ram us.” Kerens’ voice climbed in volume and pitch as she became almost uncontrolled during this outburst.

  Petris spoke in a calm and soothing voice. “What I am saying Keren is that everything regarding human endeavor has two sides. A light and a dark; a Yin and a Yang; an order and a chaos. If you will, a good and an evil.

  It is true that there is a dark and evil group looking to wield power over their fellow beings. It is not tightly organized like Satan and his fallen minions, but it is organized enough to be troublesome and painful to folks who just want to go along and get along. I have mentioned some components of this group; the military-industrial complex; the financiers; the elite; many educational institutions and the Senior Executive Service.

  It is what is loosely lumped together as the “Deep State”. Many times, their actions are detrimental to regular folks but that is of little concern to them as long as their goals are being moved forward. You may be familiar with one of the public faces, the law firm of Clifford, Arlington and Buckingham. They are an old-line firm with offices in most major cities.”

  Keren replied in surprise; “I am familiar with the Clifford firm. They are big in public policy cases and government lobbying. I’ve met some of their associates. They are all considered being pillars of the community.

  I understand that the firm evolved from as far back as the late 1600s in England. Deep State? That sounds a bit like a wild conspiracy theory, Petris. If I didn’t know you better, I would question your veracity if not your sanity.

  No offense meant.”

  “And none taken, Keren. You are partially correct in your information on the origin of the firm.

  The original members were a group of ‘high counselors’ to King Charles II of England. Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley-Cooper, and Lauderdale who formed the council's Committee for Foreign Affairs. Through the Foreign Affairs committee and their own offices, the five members were able to direct government policy both at home and abroad.

  The term "Cabal" has a double meaning in this context. It refers to the fact that, for perhaps the first time in English history, effective power in a royal council was shared by a group of men, a cabal, rather than dominated by a single "favorite". The term also serves as the acronym "C-A-B-A-L" for the names of the five. Their successors have continued in positions of power to this day. There are Clifford-Arlington associates who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Comm
ission as well as those holding positions in many governments world-wide. They are members of corporate boards and charitable foundations.”

  “So then when you hear someone complaining that some action or another is the result of machinations of an evil cabal, it’s not just a figure of speech?”

  “That’s pretty close to the truth Keren, although, as I mentioned earlier it’s not ruled with an iron fist from the top down, but like the tentacles of an octopus, they have power and influence to steer the direction society takes.

  It’s getting late and I don’t want you to lose hope. Why don’t we get a couple of hours of rest and we’ll continue this conversation tomorrow? I think I can explain some things to you that will improve your outlook on things and give you a more realistic outlook.”

  “OK Petris, if you say so, but based on what you have said so far, there’s going to have to be some powerfully positive stuff to counter the gloom and doom you’ve laid out tonight. I am feeling a bit sleepy. The tea seems to have had the effect you were hoping for. I’ll see you in the morning. G’night.”

  “Good night Keren. Sleep well. Believe me, everything will work out. You are among friends and there is always a plan.”

  Keren left the dining room and headed to her room while Petris carried the cups and dishes back into the kitchen, rinsed them and put them into the dishwasher, wiped up the counter and went to his room to sleep.

  He was thinking that Keren was one tough cookie to have come through the day’s events and still having herself as together as she did. Most folks would have gone to pieces after being in a gun battle and having to shoot someone. Petris was impressed, and he didn’t impress easily.

  The kitchen clock read eleven fifteen when Petris heard Keren stirring in her room. He figured that she would probably be down in about thirty minutes so he had time to put together a light brunch of eggs Benedict with Mimosas. While the Canadian bacon was warming on the flat top grill and the orange juice was chilling alongside the Champagne, Petris put together a quick blender Hollandaise and poured a few tablespoons of vinegar into the simmering water for the poached eggs.

  “Something smells delicious”, Keren exclaimed as she entered the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”

  “Not too much Keren”, Petris answered, “Everything is just about ready. Perhaps you could grab the carafe of orange juice and the bottle of bubbly from the fridge while I begin to plate the Benedict.”

  “I haven’t had eggs Benedict since,” she paused and choked up just a bit, “since my honeymoon.”

  Petris plated the Benedict and poured out two Mimosas at two parts OJ to one-part Champagne. They each grabbed a plate and a glass and carried them into the dining room. Once they were seated, Keren took a forkful of the egg and savored the flavor for a moment following it up with a sip of the Mimosa.

  “Petris, you would make some gal a great catch. This is wonderful and a great way to start the day. Have you heard anything about how Ted is doing?”

  “Thank you for the compliment M’lady. I’m glad the fare meets with your approval. I had a conversation with the hospital. Ted is doing well. He is listed in good condition and should be able to come home in about forty-eight hours. The medical folks want to keep him under observation in case of infection but he’s a strong guy and should heal quickly. How was your night? Did you get some rest?”

  “Yes sir, surprisingly I slept very well. But I’m full of questions. Not upset, you understand, but you did say that you had more things to tell me that would put matters into a better perspective.”

  Yes, I did say that Keren, and now is as good a time as any to help put your mind at ease. Last night, before we retired, I explained about the deep state group known as the CABAL which is loosely coordinating many of the nefarious activities we have seen, including our little adventure of yesterday. You might term them as the bad guys or the black hats.

  On the other hand, there is another group dedicated to the ethics of individual freedom and what Western civilization sees as righteous behavior.

  This group also has members in the military, some businessmen, some religious, some members of government loyal to the concepts put forth by the Founders of the United States and many rank-and-file peace officers.

  This is, by the design of the members, a lesser known group.

  It is, in its own way, an elite group that a person can join only by asking entrance and sponsorship of another member. It is known to its acolytes as The Brotherhood or The Black Robe Regiment, the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the Founding Era as a backhanded reference to the black robes they wore.

  The members swore to stand boldly for righteousness, justice, and to transform society through spiritual and cultural engagement. Significantly, the British blamed the Black Regiment for American Independence, and rightfully so, for modern historians have documented that: There is not a right asserted in the Declaration of Independence which had not been discussed by the New England clergy before 1763. Though no longer composed exclusively of clergymen, the oath, purpose and vision of the current membership remains consistent and unwavering.

  In many instances this group works at cross purposes to the Deep State, usually when some plot or ploy is considered so egregious that interference is deemed imperative.”

  Keren interrupted, “Would it be accurate to assume that you, Petris, are a member of this Black Robe Regiment?”

  “Keren, there is an old canard that goes; ‘Never assume because it makes an ass out of both you and me’. Members of this group do not broadcast their membership as it serves their purpose better to be sub-rosa to the public. You would not be in error, however, if you were to surmise that I know some members on a personal level and am aware of others. They are spread out over the world in many subdivisions, self-governing each in lodge-like group, similar to Elks or Odd-Fellows.”

  They had finished their meal and cleared the table bringing the soiled dishes back into the kitchen where they worked together to straighten up the area around the range then load and start the dishwasher. Petris suggested that Keren might want to see more of the layout of Totentanz while they continued their conversation. He led her through a locked gate into the area where he studied the mechanics of death, warning her to walk only where he walked and to be cautious about touching anything if she was not wearing protective gear.

  “This is my library of death Keren. The scientific business of Totentanz is as a body farm. Corpses are assigned to particular spots and left to decompose. I then study how environment affects the corpses and their rate of decomposition.”

  Keren was creeped out but her natural curiosity overcame her queasiness.

  “Where do the bodies come from Petris?”

  “When I first started the body farm, I used unclaimed bodies from medical examiners' offices. Later, people started donating their bodies to the facility to help with forensic studies.”

  Keren thought for a moment, then asked; “Don’t you have to jump through a lot of legal hoops to do this with state and county oversight and all?”

  “There's no common set of standards or guidelines that body farms adhere to, other than safety, security and privacy. Even the dimensions of the facilities vary.

  Generally, I accept a body, it's placed in my morgue refrigerator. The body is then assigned an identifying number and placed in a specific location on the grounds. The location of each body is carefully mapped. I will have students from the local technical college who learn how to maintain the chain of evidence when working with the bodies.

  In a criminal case, it's imperative that anyone coming into contact with human remains logs that he or she handled it. This way, no legal questions can be raised about the integrity of the evidence or possible gaps in its custody.

  The bodies are allowed to decompose for various amounts of time. Then the students practice locating, collecting and removing the remains from the area.

  The remains are t
aken to a laboratory and further analyzed. When analysis is finished, the skeleton may be returned to the family of the deceased for burial, if requested. Otherwise, it will probably remain in the college's collection of skeletons.

  I don’t cover the bodies with fencing so that I can study the effect of predation by the local wildlife. If you look over about 300 feet to your left, you will see a number of turkey buzzards near a fairly fresh cadaver.”

  “Buzzards? You mean like vultures? That’s gross and creepy. Vultures are horrible, ugly birds.”

  “Yes, Keren, vultures are birds that feast on the dead, but if it weren’t for them, our environment would be overrun with infectious diseases, rats and rotting corpses.

  Look at them as the cleaning company of nature who keep everything neat.

  As for their baldness, it’s not a hereditary problem that can be treated with over-the-counter hair loss solution lotions. There is, in fact, ingenuity behind it. Their bare necks and heads prevent bacteria and parasites from burrowing into their feathers when they feed on carcasses. This allows vultures to remain healthy while other animals would easily get infected.

  Their digestive systems are well adapted to their dietary habits. Special acids in their stomach will dissolve life-threatening bacteria. Vultures are social animals and often sit, fly and feed together.

  They have excellent sight and smell, which aid them in locating food–they can smell a dead animal miles away.

  A group of vultures is referred to as a venue. When they circle the air, it’s known as a kettle; and when they sit down for a feast, it’s known as a wake. What you are seeing over to your left is a wake of vultures feeding.”

  “All right Petris, is there some point to this biology lesson on carrion-eating birds other than totally creeping me out?”

  “Yes Keren, there is a point to all of this. Just as vultures have to remain alert to survive, because of our recent experiences, you too must become much more aware of what is going on around you. Who is in your environment? What are the chances that they are possible adversaries?


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