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Dragon's Hoard

Page 10

by M. A. Church

Avery continued, ignoring the look of astonishment on Warwick’s face, “Did you somehow miss the part of our conversation where I told you I had next to no dating experience?” Avery seethed. “Talk about something coming out of left field.”

  “We’re on a road, not a field.”

  “Stuff it, Puff.” Avery almost laughed at the confused look on Warwick’s face. He’d explain Puff the Magic Dragon later. “Maybe I need to spell it out for you. I have no experience with dirty talk, asshole, nor with playing games. That’s more in your wheelhouse.”

  Warwick blinked. “You considered what I said to be dirty talk?”

  “Damn straight. As I told you”—Avery stressed—“I grew up sheltered. It’s the way it’s done concerning Omegas. Besides, the opportunities for such… intimate talk… were few and far between. You caught me off guard, and I didn’t know how to respond, so I said the first thing that popped into my damn head.”

  More incensed than he’d been in a long time, Avery folded his arms across his chest and took a page out of Warwick’s book by glaring out of the limousine window. Silently he berated himself. And he’d been worried about sounding like an idiot. Warwick was the idiot. Avery fumed, wondering how many brain cells Warwick had fried, since his power seem to be related to electricity.


  “Nope. Take me home.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Avery jerked his gaze away from the window and scowled at Warwick. “You can also stuff that put-upon, exasperated tone of voice right up your—”

  “Avery, please, I apologize. Truly. Forgive me.”

  Avery blinked. Well, now, if that didn’t take the wind right out of his sails, he didn’t know what would. Still, he wasn’t giving in that easily. He sat there, waiting to see what else Warwick would say, because he damn sure was going to make him work for it.

  “I… was wrong.” Warwick smoothed his tie as he talked. “I made assumptions based on—well, a lifetime of experiences—and I judged you wrongly. That was a mistake on my part, and I promise you, I didn’t get to where I am by repeating mistakes.”

  Avery was tempted to roll his eyes. He was beginning to wonder if that wasn’t going to be a state of being for him. “Can you say what you mean without all the fancy and complicated twists and turns?”

  Warwick chuckled softly. “This modern language is so… base. There’s no elegance anymore. What I’m trying to say is, I messed up. I judged your actions based on past experiences and came to a faulty conclusion.”

  “You’re doing it again.”

  “So I am. Please understand, the majority of relationships I’ve had through my numerous years were with individuals of a certain maturity.”

  Avery goggled. “So now I’m immature?”

  “I’m mucking this up. That’s not what I meant. I meant they were well-versed in the games people play. I forgot how innocent you are.”

  How sad was that? He almost felt sorry for Warwick. Almost. Maybe if Warwick hadn’t quite so thoroughly stomped on his feelings while waving his dragon-sized ego around, he could feel a little more forgiving. But still, it did explain his reaction. “I don’t play games.”

  “Indeed you don’t. I forgot with whom I was dealing.” Leaning closer, Warwick stared into Avery’s eyes. “And for that, I am deeply sorry. You didn’t deserve such treatment.”

  Avery licked his lips. Warwick was almost close enough to kiss him. He forced his attention away from those luscious lips of Warwick’s. He had a point to make, and he wasn’t going to be distracted by pouty lips. “No, I didn’t, and I’m not going to put up with that kind of crap either.”

  “Nor should you. You do deserve better.”

  “And I’m a big believer in starting out how I mean to go on.”

  “A worthy goal. As I said, I don’t make the same mistake twice. But please understand, you’re unlike any other person I’ve ever met.”

  Oh dear. Different didn’t necessarily mean good. “Is that a bad thing?”

  Warwick moved a little closer. “Absolutely not.”

  Don’t get distracted. Don’t get distracted. “Don’t do it again. I already felt like a dumbass because of what I said, and you made me feel like more of one. Plus, you hurt me.”

  Warwick lifted his hand and cupped Avery’s chin. “I’ll do everything within my power to wipe away that feeling. If you wish for me to take you home, I will. I have no desire to inflict my company upon you if you do not want it.”

  Dammit, he was getting distracted. “The more uptight you get, the more proper you get.”

  Startled, Warwick laughed outright. Avery was enchanted by the easy, carefree laugh.

  “Are you calling me a stick-in-the-mud?” Warwick asked, his thumb gently moving back and forth across Avery’s chin.

  “Well, if the shoe fits.” Avery smirked at the look of surprise on Warwick’s face.

  Warwick rested his other hand on Avery’s thigh. “Forgive me?”

  “Yes.” Oh gods, his cock had taken notice of where Warwick’s hand rested. It was more than ready to get distracted. “But if you act like an ass again, I’ll call you on it. I want to make that clear.”

  “Please do. It’s been a long time since somebody outside of my close friends had the balls to stand up to me. I find it… challenging.”

  “I can work with challenging.”

  “Good. I’m pleased to hear that.” Warwick brushed a brief kiss across Avery’s lips. “We’ll work on dirty talk. How does that sound?”

  “Fantastic.” Now that he’d made his point, Avery smiled. “Those are lessons I am looking forward to.”

  “Then we should start.” Warwick slowly dragged his thumb over Avery’s lips. “I’m going to enjoy cutting off every article of clothing on you, spreading you out on my bed, and devouring you.”

  Avery shuddered. Talk about being thrown into the deep end of the pool. He was ready to be devoured. In fact, if Warwick didn’t start soon, Avery was worried about how many brain cells of his were currently frying under the heated look in Warwick’s eyes.

  “I… I… I… yes?” Yes, what? Oh, who gives a shit. “Dammit, Warwick, kiss me.”

  Chapter Ten

  “AS you please,” Warwick said, inches from Avery’s lips.

  “I please! I please!”

  Unable to ignore the pleading in those words, Warwick threw caution to the wind and slammed his mouth down on Avery’s. Electricity danced up his spine, and his dragon gleefully pounced, taking over. Unable to stop his other nature, Warwick gave in.

  The need to conquer, to have, flowed through his veins. The damn creature wanted to hear Avery moan in pleasure. The urge to wrap Avery up and protect him was slowly driving Warwick insane. He wanted to shift, to hold Avery close and fly away to his castle with Avery gripped gently in his talons.

  Mine, mine, mine.

  His dragon chanted relentlessly in his head, in case the human side of Warwick didn’t get it. His mouth plundered Avery’s, ceding nothing. Avery was his—his to have, his to take care of. His to protect.

  The heat from Avery was scorching. Warwick yearned to get closer. Avery might not have much experience kissing, but he was a fast learner. Their tongues dueled, and Warwick and his dragon moaned happily when Avery gave up the battle.

  He pushed inside Avery’s hot, wet mouth. He’d lost count of how many people he’d kissed through the centuries, but none of them lit him up like Avery did. Then he heard the sweet, desperate groan from Avery.

  Warwick barely managed to grab hold of the rampaging dragon inside him. His animal wanted to do exactly what Warwick had said earlier. He wanted to strip him, spread him out, and fuck him to a screaming orgasm.

  And it damn well would not be in the back of a limousine prior to him being officially mated to Avery, no matter how his dragon protested. His mate deserved better, and it was Warwick’s duty to make sure he got that, even if doing so nearly killed him.

  Warwick wrapped up the kiss and eased back.
The hazy look in Avery’s eyes pleased him, as did the kiss-swollen lips. Both he and his dragon were satisfied with the results. Warwick knew then that he’d destroy anybody who tried to take Avery from him.

  “Wow.” Avery touched his lips. “That’s the second time you kissed me senseless.”

  “I sincerely hope it won’t be the last.” Warwick glanced outside and noted where they were. “It won’t be too much longer before we arrive at the restaurant.”

  “Damn. Talk about being cockblocked.”

  Warwick agreed. The very last thing he wanted was to be surrounded by people. He quickly checked his watch. “I could inform my chauffeur to make a trip around the block once we arrive. We’re a few minutes early.”

  “No. I…. Don’t take this the wrong way again, but can you scoot back a little? I can’t think with you this close to me, and I’m certainly not going to get rid of this hard-on. Maybe we should turn on the air-conditioning, like down to the arctic-blast setting? And possibly open a window so that yummy scent of yours isn’t scrambling my brain. Gods.”

  Warwick didn’t bother to point out that he was in the same condition. Mentioning how badly he needed Avery wouldn’t help either one of them. “I won’t take it the wrong way. I’m also having the same problem.”

  Well, so much for not pointing it out.

  Avery laughed softly as Warwick backed away. He maneuvered his cock into a more comfortable position and tried to think of things that would deflate it. A quick revisit of a bloody battle in the 1400s helped. Then he remembered the conversation he and Avery had earlier, and whatever leftover happiness he felt below the belt was gone. He had almost messed up. No, strike that. He had messed up, no “almost” about it.

  He jumped to a conclusion based on little to no actual facts and a preconceived notion—something he knew better than to do. He quickly replayed the conversation in his head and came to a screeching halt when he realized Avery had admitted the hurt he felt.

  Warwick hadn’t, and hurt was exactly what prompted his ill-chosen words. He’d thought Avery hadn’t been affected when he mentioned making Avery scream earlier. Which was sheer foolishness on his part, considering he knew what Avery’s desire smelled like and had sensed it. Rarely did he misstep so, but he certainly had with Avery.

  Somehow, in the short time he’d known Avery, he’d fallen for him. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Truer words were never spoken, he mused. Avery had managed to pluck at his heartstrings. Only a select few friends would dare be so honest. Avery wasn’t a friend—not yet, really—but Warwick hoped he would be. A friend and a lover. Avery had taken on Warwick without blinking and had certainly not softened his words.

  What was it Avery called him? A damn lizard. What was even more astounding, his dragon wasn’t the least bit offended. In fact, he found it amusing. A lizard. He’d show Avery a lizard, all right. Then he cringed. That was certainly crass.

  But Avery hadn’t stopped there. He also called Warwick an asshole. Now that Warwick had heard often throughout his life. Dragons could be assholes, there was no denying it. But what Warwick held close to his heart was how Avery hadn’t been scared. Pissed off, most definitely, but not afraid. Warwick knew the stench of fear. He often smelled it when he shifted into his dragon form. Hells, he more often than not noticed it even in his human form once others figured out what he was.

  By the great dragon, how had the fools come to the conclusion Omegas were… passive? Avery was possibly the bravest male he’d ever met.

  Warwick was relieved to see both of them were breathing more normally by the time they parked in front of the restaurant. The chauffeur opened the door. Warwick got out first, then waited for Avery.

  Warwick made a point of holding the restaurant door open for him, earning him a soft smile from Avery. After he greeted the hostess, he gave his name, and they were escorted back to his booth. At the table he helped Avery remove his overcoat, then took his off too. Turning, he glanced at Avery. A mirror behind him caught Warwick’s attention. The two of them looked good together. He smoothed his hand down his coat. His suit was dark gray with a black shirt. The tie and breast pocket were black-and-white striped. A waiter appeared immediately, went through his spiel, then dashed off for their drinks.

  “Love the suit. Who is the designer you’re wearing?”

  Warwick waited until the waiter brought their water glasses. “It’s a Kiton K50.”

  Avery’s water glass hit the table with a loud thump, eyes wide. “Seriously?”

  Warwick shrugged. “Yes.”

  “Yes, he says.” Avery picked up his water, drank, then put it down. “Do you have any idea how much that costs? No, no, never mind. Of course you do. Jeez, did you at least Scotchgard the thing first before wearing it?”

  Warwick smirked. “Isn’t that something you do to carpet?”

  “You’re missing the point.”

  Warwick made a mental note to add such a suit to the list of things he was going to get Avery once they were mated. “I take it you like it?”

  “What’s not to like? I mean, it’s a sixty-thousand-dollar suit.”

  Warwick took the wine menu the server was holding out, also noticing his eyes were about as wide as Avery’s. He asked for a moment to look at it, and the waiter hurried off. “Thank you. I’m glad you approve.”

  “Oh, I approve.” Avery’s gaze lingered on Warwick.

  “Do you know what you want?” Amused, Warwick picked up the menu and opened it. “Have you ever eaten here?”

  “A few times, but not recently. Any suggestions?”

  “Hmm, let’s see.” He listed his favorites, and Avery nodded.

  After they decided, Warwick laid the menu down and the waiter miraculously appeared. He repeated what he and Avery wanted, then selected a good red wine to go with it. Once the waiter had their orders, he took the menus and left.

  Warwick was pleased to see that he and Avery fell back into an easy rhythm of conversing. He couldn’t wait to show Avery his castle. Some of the things there were truly antique and one-of-a-kind. He thought Avery would find them not only interesting to look at, but the stories surrounding each object fascinating. If he did a little bragging, who could blame him?

  As they waited for dinner to be served, he took note of the differences between their speech. Avery was right—his language tended to be a bit old-fashioned, whereas Avery often used slang. They were going to be an odd combination of ancient and new. He rather liked the idea.

  Dinner was served, along with their wine. Warwick enjoyed the silence between them as much as he enjoyed their conversations. Both were comfortable. After dinner, they decided to share a ridiculous confection of chocolate, cake, and ice cream. Avery especially seemed to like it. When dessert was done, they shared an after-dinner drink. Although neither one of them could become drunk, thanks to a shifter’s abnormally fast metabolism, there were certain liquors Warwick enjoyed the taste of.

  The atmosphere was warm, relaxed, and romantic with its low lighting and the clinking of glass in the background. Warwick didn’t want the night to end, but he knew it must. Besides, tomorrow night promised to be even more… thrilling.

  After he paid the bill, he escorted Avery back to the limousine.

  Once they were inside and moving, they removed their coats. Warrick turned to Avery, who sat next to him again. “Your father described the mating ritual for me.”

  “He did? I’m glad. I would’ve probably blushed all the way through it if I had to.” Avery reached out, paused, then clasped Warwick’s hand.

  Not only did the warmth of Avery’s hand feel good, Warwick was happy Avery made the first move this time.

  Since they were on the subject of the ritual, Warwick wanted to ask him something. “I understand the majority of this hunt will take place in the woods, and that you’ll be in shifted form.”

  “That’s right. Why? Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  Warwick took a deep breath. “Before I answer, le
t me ask you a question. Would you be completely terrified if I shifted at some point?” He watched Avery closely, looking for any clues as to how Avery felt.

  “Okay, so there won’t be any misunderstanding, I’m going to tell you I’ve heard dragons are terrifying in their shifted form. Now, I haven’t actually seen a dragon shift, I’ve only heard about them. And I know better to put stock on what are basically rumors, so I’m going to answer your question with a question.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Will you let me see you in shifted form first?”

  Avery surprised him yet again. He knew Avery needed to see him transform, and it needed to be done before the mating. But Warwick hesitated. What if Avery was afraid of what he saw? What if he couldn’t handle it? But wasn’t this something he needed to find out before they took the next step, no matter how much it worried him?

  “I think you should, and it needs to be done before the Chase. Can you promise me you won’t panic, though?”

  “Keeping in mind I don’t know anything about dragons, why are you worried about me panicking?”

  “Besides the obvious? I don’t want you to fear me. I am as coherent as you when you’re in your wolf form. But, I’m bigger than you. A lot bigger.”

  Avery fiddled with the crease in his pants. “Is there any danger to me?”

  Warwick had noticed Avery doing that before and wondered if Avery knew it was a sign that he was uncomfortable. “To you? Of course not. I would no more hurt you than hurt myself. I don’t want you to panic, shift, and take off. Dragons are as much an apex predator as werewolves are.”

  “Oh, I get it.” Avery chewed his bottom lip. “You’re afraid I’ll run.”

  “Yes. As with werewolves, running triggers the chase instinct. But I must stress I would not hurt you.”

  “Got it. No running,” Avery agreed. “Why don’t we go back to your place, if that’s okay? I’m going to assume you do most of your shifting there.”


  “I think it would be best if you shift the first time for me in an environment you’re comfortable with.”


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