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A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

Page 8

by Matthew Mitchell

  Robert shook his head, "Amelia always forgets to be proud of her skills. She could challenge most alchemist in abilities." Amelia blushed at his compliment. "I am a gleam smith. I work with all sorts of precious metals and gems. Mainly I make jewelry for decoration or ritual." He pulled out an amulet much like the one Tulip wore. "I also make things for other wheel workers."

  Raven grinned, "That was one thing that Ott failed at completely. He tried to make some for us both."

  I chuckled and nodded, "It was one of the ugliest things I had ever seen made. The only way you could tell it was an amulet was it hung from a chain."

  Robert grinned, "Not many can do it. It is a greater challenge than most think."

  Amelia beamed, "Robert's work is sought out by many. Both wheel handlers and others simply seeking a beautiful item."

  Ruth grinned, "I think it is a good match. Robert's work calls for a lot of ingredients that Amelia will be able to create. A good strong partnership is based off of many things, one's work is one of them." She leaned back and stretched, "Another question. Will you two be in grafted into the people? If so that means you most likely will be living on the road for a long time. So you will need a good wagon. Most likely Tulip has mentioned this, we have a relative who has some good wagons. I think I saw a family one that was new, not yet finished out that might work." She looked at Amelia and Robert. "These two already have a wagon, they have been working on it for the past month to get it ready."

  "I would love to see your wagon. We will be living on the road, probably for the rest of our lives. If what Stain says is true." I answered Ruth's question. "And I believe he did mention something about an in-grafting"

  "Good!" Amelia exclaimed, "But that means we will have to get you some gifts. We can figure out what all you will need for your wagon and work from that list."

  Robert nodded, "I bet you can expect that your wagon will be pretty much loaded for the road when you get in grafted It will be a fun day."

  "Which will occur sooner than I anticipated. Stain's token is opening doors." Tulip entered the camp with Stain just behind her.

  Stain nodded, "I think they are going to do an in-grafting celebration next week. After that you will be considered part of the large flock that is here, as well as the flock that wanders the roads." He sat down. "I do believe it is getting time to eat. Shall we fix a meal?"

  We all agreed with this idea and set about putting a hasty meal together.


  After the meal everyone pitched in to help clean up. We then sat around the fire talking. Asking questions and discussing what might lay in the future for all of us.

  "What is this in-grafting that we will be doing?" I asked during one moment.

  Stain answered, "It is a ritual that makes you part of the people. You get attached to a family who looks after you like one of their own. You have the same rights and privileges as someone born into the people."

  Tulip chuckled, "You make it sound so serious and boring. You become part of us and we become part of you. We celebrate, as if you had just been born. There will be dancing, singing, and food. So much food. It is a large party. It is not every day that someone joins our family on the road. People will talk about it for years. There will be gifts given, expect to be embarrassed. Also since you are a young betrothed couple, most likely some people will gift you with things to help establish your life on the road." She looked at Ruth, "I think that I will in graft them into my family, as if they were my children."

  Ruth looked surprised at this. "Are you sure? I figured you would ask someone else to be the vine."

  Tulip smiled gently, "I think that with all things considered, I want to have the pleasure of bringing them into the people." She looked at Stain, "If that is alright with you?"

  Stain nodded, "I am honored that you would be willing to put yourself forward for the vine. I had planned on doing so, however the situation has changed and I appreciate your offer. I do have contributions to make to establishing their futures. I have the funds to purchase the wagon and to obtain the pulling team."

  Tulip grinned, "Good. We can settle that later." She turned and looked at me and Raven."You both will have minor things to do during the day. Most of it is simply a celebration of two new lives joining us on the road. Certain vows will be taken, however they should not interfere with any previous vows or promises." She looked at Amelia and Robert. "I expect you two to help them get used to life among the people."

  Robert and Amelia nodded. "I think that is best." Robert commented, "We can provide introductions to others our ages."

  "We need to make a list of details to pass around." Amelia stated, "Everyone will be wanting to make sure the gifts are suitable and the colors match."

  Ruth grinned, "I will need to make a few new items for your wagon. Knowing what colors you two desire will make things much easier to customize."

  Raven blushed, "I like black and purple." She held out her amulet, the purple stone flashing. "I also like metals. It has to do with the knives."

  Ruth laughed gently, "I like earth tones, which is one reason I enjoy working with clay. To each their own taste. I am just glad it is a vibrant color, so many people pick lazy colors."

  "What about you Ott?" Amelia asked.

  I pulled out my matching amulet, "I like green. The kind of green that is only found deep in the woods."

  Tulip laughed, "That works well, you being trained as a healer. So, rich purple and deep woods green. What else do we need to put on the list so everyone can work on gifts?" This question was directed at Amelia.

  Amelia thought a moment. "A lot will depend on what kind of wagon they plan on getting and the customizations they will make to it. What kind of cooking? What kind of storage will you need?" She looked at us. "What about your companions? Do they need anything special?"

  I thought a moment, "We have been discussing it and we know a few things that we need to do. I think the large family wagon is the direction we will be going. We need to outfit it for living in full time and also to have plenty of storage. We will need to store lots of healing materials and equipment." I looked at Raven and smiled, "Raven did point out that we will need a method to cook inside the wagon during bad weather. I asked my friends what they needed. There are only two things we need for them that might be special; a hammock for Pat and a hook for Mophar. He likes to hang while he sleeps."

  Ruth smiled, "I think those are all good ideas. We will make up a short list to pass around. Everyone will be wanting to have a gift, this way your life on the road will start out with many things you need. Expect some things that are purely for pleasure. Not everything is to be useful. You must have beauty in your life to be complete." She stood up, "I am getting tired. I will see everyone tomorrow morning." She hugged Amelia and then walked off to her wagon.

  "There goes one of my best relatives." Tulip sighed. "Expect to receive a lot of gifts. Some will be mere tokens. Others might take your breath away." She stood up. "Tomorrow things get started. I think we will talk to the wagon master tomorrow. We might as well get everything rolling, so to speak." She grinned and went into her wagon.

  Amelia and Robert stood up. "We will see you in the morning. Welcome to the campsite." Robert led Amelia to her mother's wagon and then went on to his family's campsite not too far off.

  Stain sat and stared into the fire. "There will be many gifts given to both of you. Some will be given with the thought of manipulation." He looked off into the camp. "Tulip is very powerful in the camp. With anyone of power there are always those who disapprove or oppose. We met one earlier. We shall meet others, I imagine." He looked at both of us. "Do not go anywhere without one of us who was at the fire tonight. I fear that there might be a danger lurking inside the camp." He stood up. "Tomorrow we will take care of the wagon and then start getting it ready for you two. I think you both will enjoy working on it together." Walking to his tent I could hear the smile in his voice as he paused, "Make sure the fire is taken care of bef
ore going to your own tents." He ducked into his tent and we shortly heard him snoring slightly.

  Raven sat there and looked deep into the fire for a long time before speaking. "I have not had a family in a long time. Not one that I wanted to be a part of anyway." She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "I was jealous of you for that. You had your father. I had no one who I could call my own. No one who loved and cared for me." She wiped her eyes. "I think I will need your help to make it through the next few days." She smiled gently, "I might get overwhelmed."

  I nodded and put my arm around her shoulders, "I will be there for you. If things get too emotional just let me know." I looked around, "This is all new to me also. I hope that it is as much fun as Tulip said."

  Raven chuckled softly. "I think Amelia takes after Tulip. They both are excited."

  "I do believe you might be right about that." I smiled. "So, do we need to talk about any other ideas as far as wagon design or things needed?"

  Raven sat a moment, then replied, "I think we have discussed most things. Those things that we have not figured out yet can be discussed later. The most important thing is that the wagon will work for our needs." She shook herself and stood up. Putting out her hand, she smiled. "I think we both need our sleep."

  I grasped her hand and let her pull me to my feet. I hugged her for a long moment before stepping back. "Goodnight Raven." I kissed her on the forehead and took a deep breath of her hair. "I hope you sleep well."

  She grinned gently and headed to her tent. "I am so tired that I know I will sleep solidly tonight." She ducked into her tent. "Goodnight Ott." Her voice gently called out from the depths of her tent.

  I sat down and worked to make sure the fire was set for the night. Finally I laid down on my cot and stared up at the tent. Tomorrow we would be getting a wagon. Something to finally call 'ours'. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.


  "I only have the two new wagons right now. I do have a few used ones, but they are really used." The short, balding man told Tulip the next day. His name was Simon. "The used ones I bought for parts, honestly. The bodies are so worn that the only good you might get out of them is for firewood." He looked nervous. "I can show you the two new ones. Those are the only real options I have."

  Tulip looked happy, "That will be fine Simon. Show us both wagons so we can figure out if one will work for these two." She grabbed Simon's arm and turned him out of the tent. "Where do you have them parked?"

  He pointed off to the side, "I have the new ones just over there, behind the old ones." He led the way past wagons that literally had pieces hanging off, they looked to be falling to pieces. "See what I mean? These are just broken down." He stepped around one last old wagon. "Now this is the merchant wagon. I have had it a while, yet not many have expressed an interest. Too specialized for many." He stepped up beside a large, ugly wagon. It looked like a ship stuck on land. "It was designed to haul a great amount of goods. The idea was the drivers would sleep in a tent that stores under the seat." He pointed at the seat mounted at the front of the wagon. "This wagon takes at least double the normal animals to pull it, if it is fully loaded."

  "I do not believe this would work for our young couple." Tulip stated this dryly. "However, I believe that Nathan will be entering camp in a few days. He might have need of such a wagon."

  Simon looked relieved to hear this news, "That is good. I need to get rid of this thing." He turned and walked around the large wagon. "Now this wagon might just work for you two." He led the way up to a much smaller wagon, one slightly bigger than Tulip's own wagon. It was based off the same design as Tulip's, a barrel shape. However, it was slightly longer and unpainted. "This beautiful wagon needs work to be ready for the road, but for a young couple it would be ideal so that things were done the way they desired." He pointed to the front of the wagon. "The front seat has a storm awning, so it can be driven during bad weather if needed. It also takes only two beasts to pull it." He led the way around the back to the steps. "Let me show you the inside." He opened the hatch, swinging it outward. "As you can see the door is in two parts, an upper and lower. This allows it to be left open for ventilation if needed, but keeps the animals and such out." He waved us up into the wagon. "Take a look. It is largely unfinished. No real furnishings or storage. Just a bare wagon ready to be worked on by someone."

  We climbed up into the wagon, it was very spacious inside. So much so that Tulip, Stain, Raven, and myself had plenty of room to stand without touching each other. Tulip and Stain looked around and opened some cabinets.

  "This would be an excellent wagon." Tulip said quietly. "I fear he will be charging a hefty sum for such a wagon."

  Stain nodded as he poked around, "That is fine. Better to pay a lot for a good wagon than for a lot of repairs."

  Tulip grinned, "I guess you have had that problem before, from your tone." She turned to Raven and myself. "Well, what do you two think?"

  I looked around at the bare wagon. There were some windows and a few cabinets. Other than that there was not much there to see. "I think it leaves a lot of room for us to do what we want."

  Raven smiled, "I agree. It looks like a good wagon for what we need. Large enough for us and all of what we need." She sat down. "I just worry about all the things we need to do to get it ready for the road."

  Tulip laughed gently, "We will take care of that, trust me on that." She looked at Stain, "Be ready for a high price. He might be family, but he is still a merchant at heart."

  Stain grinned wolfishly. "Have no fear." He stepped down out of the wagon. "Simon, What is your price for this wagon?"

  Simon turned serious, "Why, for such a wonderful wagon I have to charge an amount that embarrasses me. I even hesitate to say such a figure out loud."

  Tulip frowned at Simon, "Oh please. Do not haggle and such with us. Spit it out."

  Simon blushed and frowned at Tulip, "Very well. Two stone of gold is the cost of the wagon."

  Tulip looked shocked at Simon's price, Stain nodded. "I understand." He pulled a pouch out of his pocket. "I assume that pure gold is fine?"

  Simon turned red and then white. "That would be desirable." He was shocked at Stain's behavior.

  Stain opened the pouch and proceeded to pull out handful after handful of gold nuggets. After a moment he had a nice small pile on the ground. "I believe this is your asking price?"

  Simon looked down and nodded, "It looks about right. I would have to measure it to make sure."

  Tulip's expression changed and she grabbed Simon. "You behave this moment young man. I might not be your mother, but I am your elder. You are behaving like a brute."

  Simon stepped back and nodded, "My apologies I do believe that is the right amount."

  Stain looked at Simon a moment and pulled out a few more pieces of gold. "Measure it and make sure. If you find it off, please come to me and I will address the problem." He stood up and handed a large single nugget of gold to Simon. "I expect delivery to be included in such a price. We are camped with Tulip in the third ring, on the south side."

  Simon nodded and accepted the gold. "I will make the arrangements immediately You can expect it to be there by tomorrow night." He kneeled down and collected the pile of gold nuggets. "A pleasure to do business with you." He turned and rushed away.

  Tulip watched him go, "I never did like that side of the family, but his behavior was most unusual. He normally is such a nice man."

  Stain grinned, "He disapproves of me." He headed away from the wagon yard. "Now I believe we need to make arrangements for a team to pull the wagon?"

  Tulip sighed and nodded, "We need to figure out what is available and if you can afford it. That was a lot of gold."

  Stain stopped and looked at her in shock, then realizing she was serious he started laughing. When she gave him a dirty look he laughed even harder.

  "What is so funny about what I said old man?" Tulip was getting upset.

  Stain struggled to gain control of himself. T
alking through his mirth he held out the pouch, "Open it and look inside."

  Tulip took the pouch and bounced it in her palm. "It feels empty. Why would I open it if it is empty?"

  Stain shook his head, struggling to contain his laughter. "Just humor me please?"

  She sighed and opened the pouch. She looked down into the opening and her jaw dropped. "How is such a thing done?"

  Stain took the pouch back and closed it. "One of the mages in our kingdom figured out a spell to store many things in a pocket of empty space. I simply altered the spell to attach it to an existing space instead of empty space. Everything I put into the pouch ends up inside a massive vault that is buried under a mountain. It was sealed up many years ago and only through this spell have I recently gained access to it once more." He tucked the pouch away. "The vault was an experiment I conducted. I wanted to see if I could cast a spell that would, over time, slowly pull precious metals up from the earth and deposit them in one central location. What you saw in the pouch was the vault filled with gold nuggets. Two stone barely made a dent in what the vault holds. Ott's father gave me a great sum to provide for Ott, however I feel that I hold that for him. I have no need for it myself." He continued walking. "Shall we find some excellent animals for a most excellent wagon?"

  Tulip smiled and put her arm through Stain's arm. "Let me take you to a different dealer in animals. He only has a few, yet his are the most excellent animals in all the camp." She turned Stain and led us through the camp. Once we were outside the camp she headed around the hedges until a small wagon came into view. "Mort! Mort! Where are you?" She called out.

  "I am here you magpie." A man seemed to appear before our very eyes. He was dressed in such a way that his clothes blended into the surrounding forest. "What do you want you old crone?" His words sounded harsh, but his tone spoke of an old affection of Tulip.

  She grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "I bring a most unusual customer for a most unusual purchase. They need a good pair of draft animals."


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