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A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

Page 15

by Matthew Mitchell

  "The fire is not feeding on the wagon. Someone threw some form of liquid fuel onto it's surface. Once that is burned up the fire will go out." Stain was angry. "Without Mark's warning I might have waited, the wagon would be ashes by now." His anger burnt as hot as the fire. "We will let the fire burn. That way all the fuel they threw on the wagon will burn off." He turned and walked over to Tulip. He had a few words with her and she shook her head. He spoke harsher, more severe and she finally nodded. She stood up and left the campsite. Ruth followed her, obviously upset.

  "What did you say?" I asked Stain as he came back to his tent.

  He looked at me and shook his head, "I insisted she fetch all of the elders. This attack has gone too far. Whoever did this was able to penetrate the shields and protections of three experienced mages. This is not the actions of a disgruntled person, it is a planned attack on us by someone who knows what they are doing." He went into his tent. "You would make yourself presentable, we shall have guests shortly."

  I looked down and realized I was in my sleeping shirt. I looked over at Raven who grinned at my expression. She was wearing a sleeping gown. She blushed slightly at my silent gaze and stepped back into her tent. I went to mine to put on more clothes.

  "I am so sorry." Mophar sat on my cot. "I heard the fire start and could not think of anything to do other than wake you up."

  I picked him up and hugged him. "Thank you for that. You did what you should." I sat him down and started getting dressed. "The wagon will be okay, it is protected."

  Mophar nodded, "I get that now."

  I grinned, "I forgot also. No harm done with your warning."

  I finished getting dressed and went outside. I was met with the fire slowly burning out, just a small fire licking at the wheels was all that was left. Tulip was standing there with a group of maybe ten people. Each looked to be an elder. They all looked annoyed to be called out of their beds in the middle of the night. Stain stepped out of his tent and looked around. He frowned and walked over to the group. "Where are the rest?"

  One of the elders stepped forward, "You are a guest. You can not command us to appear when you so desire. Those of us who have appeared did so out of honor to Tulip. Now, what do you want?" This was the same elder that had welcomed Tulip back from her time on the road.

  Stain stood up straighter and pulled out a medallion. "I feared having to use this." He handed it to Tulip.

  She looked down and her face showed shock. She held up the medallion and examined it closely. "Is this real?"

  Stain nodded, "It was awarded to me years ago. I was chosen out of five hundred. I hold this medallion in trust for my people."

  Stain's words sent ripples through the elders and those watching. Each elder stepped forward to examine the medallion. Some showed shock, some disbelief, some anger. The same elder stepped forward, "What proof do you hold that shows this is truly yours and that you posses the right to hold it?" His anger was a burning brand that he swung with great passion.

  Stain's anger at everything tonight finally showed through, he grabbed the medallion and held it high. "This does!" He cried and I could see him pour magic into the medallion. It started to glow, turning brighter and brighter until I expected Stain's hand to burn. Suddenly beams of light shot from the medallion. Each beam reached out and struck someone on the chest. Beams shot throughout the entire camp, reaching out to pierce tents, wagons, passing through all obstacles to land on the hearts of all of those who belonged to the people. "This light touches all of those who have sworn the oath. It touches all of those who are part of the people. This medallion carries a name, 'All Heart'." He cried this last out loudly. We stood there for a moment, all stunned. He lowered his arm, bringing darkness to the medallion once again. "I am the sworn protector of all of the people. By my oath and charge I have the right to call a meeting of all the local elders. Fetch the rest this very moment. I will wait for just moments before I fetch them myself. If I must then I will judge them guilty of violating their oaths." He stood there and waited while others rushed off to fetch the rest of the elders. Others wandered into the campsite to watch everything unfold. We waited mere moments till more elders started pouring into the campsite. When they had all arrived perhaps thirty elders stood waiting. "Tonight there has been an attack. This is the second attack on this campsite. The first happened when no safeguards were in place, it could have been anyone attacking us." He turned and pointed to the wagon, "Tonight someone was able to pass through the protections put in place by three strong wheel handlers and set fire to this wagon. It would surely have been engulfed and destroyed if not for the protections woven into it's very structure." He spun and faced the elders. "I demand that the culprit is found this very night. The list of those able to bypass such protections should be small, the culprit should be found easily enough by you." He pointed at the elders, "An attack has occurred against guests at your fire, against ones that are going to be in grafted as part of the people. It is your responsibility to find the culprit or to be held responsible for the attack." He sat down and looked at the elders. "I give you till the in grafting ceremony to find and detain the person or people who have attacked those I hold most dear. Do not dare to fail." His voice was dry and taut with his anger. The elders were obviously upset, yet some understood and those nodded and left the campsite to find out what they could. The rest slowly filed out of the campsite and into the camp at large. Noises showed that the camp at large was waking up from the excitement of tonight.

  I sat down beside Stain, "What now?"

  He looked at me and gave me a grim smile, "Now we wait for the enemy to be brought to us. They have no other choice. I have forced their hand." He looked up at Tulip, who looked almost sick at the events.

  She walked up to Stain, "Why have you hidden who you truly are from me until now?"

  Stain looked worried and hurt, "I hide many things. Some because of oaths, some because of wisdom. This is one of those things that is a bit of both. Also, I wanted you to get to know me as who I am, not my authority." This last was said quietly.

  Tulip nodded and turned away, "I understand. Give me time." She walked off.

  I watched her walk away and pondered what all had occurred Raven came over, dressed in her leather fighting gear. "What does all of it mean?" She pointed to the medallion.

  Stain smiled a gentle smile, "Until you are one of the people I can not tell you this story. Just understand that it holds the same authority as a crown might in some lands. An absolute authority in certain situations."

  We both looked at him in shock. He looked back and started laughing. "No, I am not a king. Not by any standard. It is just the same authority that a crown represents. In certain situations all of those of the people must obey me. Very specific situations."

  We nodded and sat there quietly, waiting.


  "We could not find the culprits, we did however find out who was behind the attacks." One of the elders stood in the campsite with a few other elders. "We are ashamed to say it was Artimus who instigated the attacks against you. He and his cohorts have fled into the night. We will be sending out word about his actions to all the people. When he is found he will stand trial." The elder looked upset. "Perhaps he can earn forgiveness at some later date."

  Stain frowned yet was diplomatic. "Very well. I agree that all that can be done for now has been done." He nodded. "Thank you for pursuing this quickly."

  The elders all left, leaving behind an odd silence in the dawn of the day.

  "Well, after all of that excitement I am famished." Tulip walked up. "You are cooking breakfast today old man." She tossed some eggs to Stain. "It is the least you can do for all the surprises you gave me this past night."

  Stain smiled and stood up, "If you desire food, I shall attempt to provide you the best food you have ever had." He headed for our supplies and spent the next bit of time cooking an amazing amount of food. It was quite possibly the best breakfast I had ever had.


  We all were tired that day, things were happening too fast. Deliveries occurred throughout the day and we were busy loading all the various items into and onto the wagon. The awnings were brought to the campsite and installed. The material was beautiful and strong enough to withstand all sorts of weather. While we worked we talked and discussed many things.

  "Why do you think Artimus decided to attack us?" I asked Ruth at one point.

  She stopped and frowned, "Artimus has always been a very traditional person. I have been struggling with why he might have attacked your group." She sat down and looked very sad, "The only reason I can fathom is that he feared your in grafting He wanted to chase you away." She looked around. "I fear we shall never know his true reasoning. Even if he is caught. For what he did there will be a price. Most likely he will be banished from the people and marked an oath breaker." Tears formed in her eyes. "We live mainly at peace with each other and even with the outside world. I can not understand Artimus deciding to make trouble."

  Tulip walked up and put her hand on Ruth's head, "I fear it is more complex than even that. He desired power and control. That has been his way. I think he felt that I was gaining power in the camp and that I would gain more control of the people once again. He dared not attack me directly, but if he could prevent the in grafting then perhaps my influence would be damaged." She shook her head sadly, "Which is all stupid. I desire no influence or power any more. Those days are behind me." She walked off to finish packing away the kitchen.

  Raven walked by carrying a load of linens. "Why he did what he did is not as important as keeping it from happening again. Hopefully after the in grafting, since we will be part of the people, this kind of attack will not be an option." She climbed into the wagon to pack the linens away.

  I stood up and picked up another sack of food, "I guess worrying about it would be a waste of time. We have too much to do before we leave." I carried the sack into the wagon and tucked it into a small cask, made for just that use. I looked around the inside of the wagon. Curtains now hung in the open windows, the mattress was laying in the sleeping berth, small hammocks swung from hooks high up on the walls, the wagon was filling out and looking more like a small cabin. I smiled and went to gather up more food to put into the correct spots. Almost every item had a set place to be stored. As we worked through the piles and loaded the wagon we stopped occasionally to discuss daily life with a wagon. The most interesting thing to me is how well designed the entire operation of living in a wagon had been done. Each thing had a place and often multiple uses. All of it was designed to work well together. Life traveling in a tent was about packing and unpacking all the time. Life living in a wagon was about making sure all the various objects were in the right spots. Failing to put some stuff back would cause chaos within a short period of time. For those things used the most, they were stored in the handiest of locations. Those things that were to be used outside the wagon most times, were stored in chests that hung from the bottom and sides of the wagons. Those things that would be used for setting up a healing tent were all in one chest, ready to be pulled out and set up hurriedly While each thing had a place and a purpose there was also beauty in each item. Some were simple tools, yet so finely made as to seem to be a piece of art. Others carried touches of creativity in their finish. A touch of scroll work or a decoratively made handle could be found in many things. The function of the object was often accented by the decoration. We each worked in different areas so that we would not trip over one another. Slowly the piles of supplies and tools shrunk as we loaded then into the wagon. Yet the wagon seemed to absorb each item without losing space. The outside of the wagon gained more items and many added beauty and whimsy to the exterior. The lamps were perhaps my favorite. Each lamp hung from a hook around the wagon. They would provide a nice glow in times when a fire was not desirable. Each lamp looked like a different type of fruit made from glass. They looked fragile, yet we found out how tough they were when I dropped one. It bounced across the rough ground, looking like a fallen fruit. I picked it up and looked closely at it, yet failed to find even a scratch.

  "I think it is time for some food." Stain sat down heavily on a stool. As we all sat down a small group of people walked into the campsite carrying baskets.

  "We bring a peace offering from Artimus's family. He acted on his own, yet we feel we owe a debt to your group." A tall woman with dark eyes stepped forward. "Artimus might have been our elder, however he acted as foolish as a child. We renounce his leadership and I have been voted in as the new elder. I come to offer a hand of peace and friendship to you Master Stain and also to your young apprentices. I hope that our family and your's might never be at odds." She stood there, waiting for Stain to reply. Those behind her looked nervous, worried about how this gesture would be accepted.

  Stain stood up and faced the woman, he smiled and pulled her deep into an embrace. She stiffened, surprised by his actions. "I absolve your family of responsibility in this matter. Artimus will be held responsible for his actions." He let her go and stepped back, a grin on his face. "Let us join in a meal together and put the past behind us." He motioned for them all to join us at our meal.

  Each person brought forward a basket and soon food was being passed around. We talked and had fellowship with this family. I realized that some were in despair at the actions of their elder. I motioned Mophar to come over close to me. I pointed out those who seemed the most despondent. "Perhaps they could use a little laughter today?" I whispered to Mophar. He looked around and smiled. He suddenly flew through the air and landed on Raven's lap. She screamed and jumped, causing Mophar to fly into the air again. He bounced around, landing on different laps, startling some. Soon everyone was laughing at his antics. The mood lifted and before too long the meal was over. Some of the family left, carrying off baskets. A few stayed and talked. The new elder stayed the longest, talking late into the afternoon with Stain. When she left Stain was satisfied that things were settled with her family.

  "Shall we finish loading the wagon?" Stain stood up and stretched. "I am glad they came to talk."

  Tulip nodded, "That is a proud family, mainly because of Artimus. Perhaps now that he has been brought low they will rise to their true potential." She poked Raven, "We need to finish with the kitchen things. There are a lot of small items in that group. That way I do not have to carry a lot." She smiled as she said this.

  The rest of us resumed packing the wagon. Before the sun set we had managed to pack almost all the items into the wagon. The campsite felt much larger without the piles of supplies and materials crowding it. I stopped loading so that I could prepare our evening meal. We still had all our personal items that were in the tents and loaded on Tag and Evins to move to the wagon. That would happen in the next couple of days. Just before the in grafting ceremony and wedding.

  "The food is ready!" I called out.

  Raven and Tulip climbed from the wagon, carrying wrapping material out to be added to the pile of waste material to be picked up later. Ruth finished loading a chest and closed it's lid, placing a lock in place. Stain came from around the front of the wagon, where he had been packing items into the storage under the driver's seat. Amelia and Roger had been finishing up their packing today also. Their wagon was pretty much loaded, they just lacked a few personal items to load today. They walked into the campsite carrying a basket and a small cask.

  "We bring bread and juice to add to the meal." Roger set the cask down and proceeded to pour out cups of juice for everyone. Amelia started passing out fresh baked bread, still steaming from the oven. We all sat down and ate.

  "That was a lot of stuff." Raven looked around at the campsite. "I almost can not believe it all fit into the wagon."

  Tulip grinned, "We Wanderers design very good wagons. They hold more than most people would ever believe." Ruth nodded around her food in agreement.

  Roger smiled, "You did it in such a short time you were able to see almost everything piled up. Ou
rs was delivered and packed at a much more leisurely rate. Perhaps, one merchant would bring over a small cart each day full of stuff. A mere hour or two of loading to put it into the wagon." He looked at Amelia, "I believe we have almost as much as you, just different things. No healing for us, other than basic bandages and such. I do have a portable forge and storage for raw materials. Amelia has more storage and a folding workbench to do her mixing. Our wagon is slightly smaller, but of the same design as yours."

  Pat, who along with Fiosrach, sat on the wagon's roof called down, "Someone is coming."

  We looked towards the entrance of the campsite and waited a moment. A short man walked into the campsite, dressed in brilliantly decorated robes. "I seek the ones desiring to be in grafted into the family of the people." He stood leaning on his staff, waiting.

  Raven and I stood up and held hands. I answered the man, "That would be us, sir."

  The man nodded, "Who stands as your vine?"

  Tulip stood, "That would be me, Bernard"

  The short man grinned slightly at her naming him. His face turned serious again, "So let it be started. In two dawns you shall be in grafted into the people. A part of a different whole. A joining that is welcome." He handed us a basket. "You must fast tomorrow, taking nothing but what this basket contains as food. You may drink water or juice. Be prepared on the morrow after your fast. You shall be in grafted and become as one of us." He nodded deeply and walked out of the camp.

  "What is in the basket?" Raven asked.

  I opened it and realized the next day would be a trying day. The basket contained four loafs of bread and a few containers of food. Nuts, seeds, and a few dried fruit.

  "The traditional food that was available on the road. Those foods that could be gathered along the trail and prepared while traveling." Tulip grinned at our expressions. "It will only be a few days, you will survive. Plus at the end you will have a party full of wonderful foods, be married, and a part of my people." She grinned wider. "The next few days shall be interesting."


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