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Daddy Needs a Date

Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “Oh, that sounds great. I’d love to. The soup smells amazing. Seriously. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “The soup is done, and the sandwiches just need to go in the pan when we want them—they’re already built. How about grabbing a couple glasses from the last cupboard on the right there and opening the wine? It’s in the fridge.” Alex stirred the soup. “I’m good at soups. I get them and have figured out how to turn almost anything into a soup. It stretches the food, you know? A good skill to have in the places I work.”

  “I understand. My girls love soup.” Stop talking about your kids. Not sexy.

  “Yeah? You make a lot of your own?” Alex adjusted the heat under the pea soup and stirred it, closing his eyes for a moment and breathing in deeply. He smiled and hummed, the sound happy.

  Ryan found the glasses, then the wine. “Quite a bit, yeah. Especially in the winter.”

  “Cool. This is going to be a good one. It’s mostly fresh peas with hardly anything else. That’s the best way if you’ve got fresh ingredients. Spices are good, but I kind of associate them with covering up iffy flavors or lack of product.”

  That spot of chocolate was still trying to tempt Ryan to clean it off with his tongue.

  “Yeah? I like to experiment with spices, but I have to go easy.”

  “You got a sensitive tummy?” Alex asked. He grabbed a pair of bowls out of a cupboard and ladled the soup into them. It was a brilliant green color.

  “No. I have three of the under-ten set. Mel will eat anything, but the little ones are… well… little.”

  “Oh right! Of course! Sorry.” Alex shook his head and shot him a wry grin. “I’ll remember one of these minutes, I swear.”

  “It’s okay. I know it’s not so common.” And Ryan felt a little old and jaded.

  “No, but they must be a huge part of your life, and I seem to keep forgetting how they’ll affect everything for you. I don’t want you to think I’m an obnoxious jerk.” Alex moved the soup bowls to the kitchen table. “You mind if we eat here? That way I don’t have to leave the room to make the grilled cheeses.”

  “Of course not. I’m not a formal kind of guy.” He poured the wine, giving himself a scant glass. He wasn’t sure that he hadn’t been a little ambitious, changing his sheets for his mom.

  They sat across from each other at the little kitchen table, and Alex grabbed his wineglass and held it up. “To a second date that begets a third.”

  “To date number three.”

  Their glasses clinked together, and Alex took a sip. “That’s not bad at all. Of course, I’m not exactly a connoisseur, so it could be not that great. Hopefully you like it too—that’s what counts, after all.”

  “I like it.” It was cold, crisp, a little like biting into an apple. Ryan approved.

  “Let’s hope you like the soup as much.” Alex grabbed his spoon and dipped it into the soup. He didn’t bring the utensil to his mouth, though, instead looking expectantly up at Ryan. “Go ahead. I can’t wait to know if you like it or not.”

  Ryan chuckled softly and spooned up a bite. It could taste like death and he’d pretend to like it. He was good at that. He had a five-year-old who wanted to be a chef and a fifteen-year-old who thought it was fun to help. The pea soup was good, though, fresh and green in his mouth, with a hint of mint. It looked like he wasn’t going to have to fake it after all.

  His expression must have given him away, because Alex beamed at him before he said anything. “Good, you like it!” Then Alex began eating his own.

  “It’s lovely. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I love how fresh the ingredients are at the moment. How easy it is to get them all. I do okay improvising, though.” Alex took a few more mouthfuls, licking his lips after each one.

  It was good, but it looked like it would taste even better from Alex’s lips.

  Be good, Ryan told himself. That was a little forward for a second date, right? Maybe not. They’d kissed already, hadn’t they?

  He realized Alex was studying him—he had a feeling he’d been caught staring.

  “What?” Alex asked. He wiped both sides of his mouth, getting rid of the smear of chocolate. “Oh man. You should have offered to lick it off.” Alex’s dark blue eyes twinkled at him.

  “I thought about it. Seriously.”

  “You could come sit next to me instead of across from me. I’d like that.”

  How could he refuse that offer? Truth was, he couldn’t. So he moved to sit next to Alex. The first thing Alex did was lean in and give him a peck on the lips. Then Alex leaned in again, and this time the kiss lingered, Alex’s lips sliding along his own.

  Ryan hummed, melting into the kiss, bracing himself with one hand on Alex’s thigh. That had Alex groaning, the sound opening his lips, which let Ryan slip his tongue right in. Alex’s tongue slid against his, welcoming him.

  Oh, so much nicer than stealing kisses.

  They were devouring each other. The kiss was deep, heady. Now Alex hummed, hand coming up to cup Ryan’s cheek and tilt his head. That let them go even deeper, and Alex’s soft moan filled Ryan’s mouth.

  When their mouths finally parted, Alex leaned their foreheads together, each panting breath soft against Ryan’s face. “God, kissing you is amazing.”

  “We do have chemistry, don’t we?”

  “Yeah, we really do.” Alex stole another quick kiss, then straightened. “I think we should go ahead and finish our soup before we decide the kitchen table is the closest flat surface and get busy on it.”

  Ryan laughed, Alex surprising him, amusing the hell out of him.

  Alex’s low chuckles joined his laughter, and Ryan liked how they sounded together.

  Grinning, Alex grabbed his spoon and began feeding himself with exaggerated speed.

  “Be good, you,” Ryan ordered. He started eating too, letting himself enjoy the soup.

  “There’s more if you want it,” Alex noted as he finished his own bowl. “But you need to save room for the grilled cheese sandwiches. They’re not just cheese and bread. I made them gourmet.” Alex got up and took his bowl to the sink, then turned on the stove under a large cast iron pan.

  “Gourmet? What makes them gourmet?”

  “Well to start with, there’s a couple of different kinds of cheeses. Along with caramelized onions, tomatoes, and basil. Anything else would be a secret ingredient.” Alex waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Mmm. I love basil.” Ryan wandered over, rinsed his bowl, and then wrapped his arms around Alex’s middle, cheek on one shoulder. “Too much?”

  Alex leaned back a little, supporting himself on Ryan’s lovely frame. “No, I like it. You… fit.” Then Alex put the two sandwiches in the pan, the butter on the outside of the bread sizzling enticingly.

  “That smells great.” Ryan let himself rest there, feel.

  “I love grilled cheese sandwiches, but I kind of wanted to do something a little special.” Alex laughed softly. “Does that make it sound like I’m trying too hard?”

  “It feels special, thank you.”

  “Cool.” Alex adjusted the heat of the burner, then turned in place so they were face-to-face. Sliding his hands around Ryan’s waist, Alex took a kiss. “Mmm. Good food, chocolate for dessert, and you. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking this is the best second date I’ve ever had.”

  “Totally. Thank you for the invitation.” The kisses were slow, heady, sweet as pie.

  “Believe me, it’s my pleasure.” They shared another kiss before Alex turned again to flip the sandwiches. Cheese oozed out of the side of one of them.

  “Those look magical.” He’d bet Daffy would love them. She was his cheesy girl.

  “Magical. I like that—hopefully you’ll associate me with all things magical.” Alex glanced back, grinning. “One of us needs to get down a couple of plates. They’re in the cupboard by the fridge.” Alex rubbed his ass against Ryan.

  “I’m on it.” The place was obvio
usly an older lady’s and totally not kid-proof like his.

  “Thank you, sir.” Alex bumped back against Ryan again before he moved off, then focused on the sandwiches. “They’re almost at that perfect crunchy and melty point.”

  Together they managed to get the sandwiches off the heat and cut and on plates, and then they were back at the table again, sitting next to each other right off the bat this time.

  Alex slid his finger through some of the melted cheese that had oozed out onto the plate and held it up to Ryan’s mouth. “It’s havarti and brie.”

  Ryan leaned forward and sucked the cheese off Alex’s finger. Then he dared to suck harder, pull rhythmically. A low, needy moan escaped Ryan, and Alex rubbed their thighs together.

  “Oh my God, and I thought the kisses were good,” Alex said.

  “They are good.” Ryan nipped the tip of Alex’s finger. God, he hadn’t felt so sexual in years.

  “Ryan….” His name was more of a groan, Alex curling his fingers into Ryan’s palm. “We should eat. I can’t remember why. I’d rather show you to the bedroom if I’m honest.”

  “Because you made sandwiches for us?” Maybe they’d heat up.

  “The cheese’ll remelt. But if you’d rather eat them now, that’s cool.” Alex sat back in his chair, blinking.

  “I… I don’t want to sound like I’m a slut, but….” He wanted. It had been years.

  “If you’re a slut, then so am I. Besides, I don’t think that you are. I’m just too much of a stud for you to keep your hands off.” Alex gave him a wink, eyes twinkling away. Then he stood. “Let’s throw these back in the pan. That way they’re ready to be reheated when we’re ready to eat them.”

  “Sounds perfect.” And it did, even if he was a little nervous.

  Alex got their sandwiches back in the pan, then held out his hand. Ryan took it, their palms sliding together. It made him shiver a little.

  “You’ll have to remember that this isn’t my house, and while I call it ‘my room,’ it’s actually the guest room, so it’s not my taste in decorations.”

  “Fair enough.” He got that, sort of. He and Mel had lived with his mom until Mel was six. You did what you had to.

  The living room they passed wasn’t too old lady, though the halls were done in flowery wallpaper with a series of dated pictures on the wall. They went too quickly for him to pay too much attention to them, though.

  When they reached the bedroom and Alex flipped on the light, Ryan understood immediately why he’d been warned. The place was a study in pink and yellow and so girly.

  “You have taste,” he teased.

  “I sure do. Pink chic.” Alex turned on the lamp on the side table, then turned the overhead off. “If you close your eyes really tightly, you can pretend it’s blue. Or green or anything you want that isn’t pink.”

  “I don’t mind pink. In fact, I’m pretty sure my toenails are pink. At least on one foot.”

  “Oh yeah?” Alex looked down at his feet as if he could see. “That’s very, uh, interesting.” Then Alex laughed. “I’m sure I’ll get to see for myself since I’m hoping to see you naked very soon.”

  As if to prove his point, Alex slid his hands along Ryan’s shoulders, pushing the open shirt off. As the brand-new shirt fell to the floor, Alex leaned in to bring their mouths back together again. This kiss felt loaded with intent, given that they were in Alex’s room now; they weren’t just kissing, they were kissing as a prelude to more.

  Alex didn’t seem the least bit shy, touching Ryan’s belly, his hips, beneath the edge of his T-shirt. Then Alex grabbed the hem and tugged it up. Ryan raised his arms, letting Alex pull the soft cotton tee right over his head. Groaning, Alex touched him, hands warm on his skin.

  “You’re fine. Do you work out?”

  Ryan chuckled. “I do sit-ups and push-ups. One hundred a day. Simple.”

  “Well, it looks good on you. Feels good too.” Alex traced his abs. “Pretty, pretty.” Bending, Alex took one of Ryan’s nipples into his mouth and sucked gently.

  “Oh Jesus.” Ryan’s eyes went wide, the sensation utterly shocking.

  Alex hummed at that, then sucked on the other nipple, tongue lapping at it.

  Ryan didn’t know what to do, not exactly, but his cock sure did. He was hard as nails.

  Alex kissed his way back up, lips settling against Ryan’s. Still touching him, Alex stroked and rubbed, tracing Ryan’s muscles and teasing his nipples. “Is this okay?” Alex asked against his lips.

  “God yes. I never…. No one’s done that.” His experiences had been quick and surreptitious.

  Alex pulled back a little, looking at him in surprise. “Seriously? That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Well, no, actually, the saddest will be if you tell me you’ve never had a blow job.”

  “I have done that. It’s been a long time, but I’ve done it. I had to get it when I could, if I could.”

  “Well, you can get it now,” Alex told him, eyebrows moving up and down.

  “You’re going to make me embarrass myself.”

  Alex frowned and tilted his head. “Because you haven’t done it that often?”

  “Because I’m going to cream my jeans.”

  “Oh!” Alex laughed, fingers going to Ryan’s waist. “I can help make sure that doesn’t happen. We’ll just take them off, and then you won’t cream them.”

  The touch of those fingers at his waist had Ryan harder than ever. He chuckled softly, sucking his belly in to give Alex access.

  Alex bent to drop a kiss on Ryan’s belly, right below his navel but above the jeans. “I could become obsessed with your tummy.”

  Oh, he would be doing more sit-ups. He would. “I could live with that.”

  Alex laughed softly, the sound happy. The next thing Ryan knew, his belt was undone, and Alex pulled it through the loops slowly until it was off altogether and dropping to the floor. His about-to-be new lover didn’t linger there either, instead popping open the top button of Ryan’s jeans.

  “I can smell how much you want me. You know how hot that is?” Alex whispered.

  Ryan stared at Alex, his eyes getting big in his skull.

  Alex groaned as he pulled Ryan’s zipper down. “Oh God, it’s getting even stronger.” Alex went to his knees, peering up at him. From this angle, his eyelashes looked so incredibly thick.

  “Please.” Ryan was going to topple over.

  Alex nodded. “I’ve got you.” Then he turned his attention to Ryan’s jeans, tugging the fly apart, then reaching into his underwear to tug his cock out. The touch of Alex’s hand came first, fingers wrapping around him.

  “Look at that. Fat, thick, so pretty.”

  Was this real? Did people say things like that in real life?

  Alex stroked him a few times, and whether people actually said things like that in real life or not, the words accompanied by the actions were enough to nearly make Ryan come.

  He went up on tiptoe, moving into the touch.

  “Oh, that does great things to your abs.” Alex laughed softly and warm air wafted across Ryan’s cock. Then Alex kissed his navel. It was the next kiss, the one to the tip of his cock, that had Ryan catching his breath, though.

  Alex’s moan was louder than his, and then Alex took his cock in, lips closing over the head, tongue sliding across the tip in a long, slow swipe.

  Oh God. It had been forever since Ryan had stolen a moment to do this, and this wasn’t quick and furtive. It felt like Alex was going to take his time—wanted to, anyway. Ryan wasn’t sure there was going to be any more time than it took for his brain to catch up to his cock, and then boom, that would be all she wrote.

  Alex was right about one thing—if he wasn’t wearing his jeans, he wouldn’t be creaming them.

  Ryan’s body rocked, completely without his permission. Alex hummed again and let him in deeper. He didn’t remember mouths being so damn hot, but Alex’s was like a furnace around his cock.

  “Please.” He su
cked in a breath, trying to pull himself back from the edge.

  Nodding, Alex took more of him in, head beginning to bob. Lips tight, Alex increased his suction.

  He wasn’t going to be able to hold it in. No way. Alex’s suction seemed to increase, making him even surer he was coming any second now, because whoa, that was incredible. Sensations were shooting through him, lighting up his entire body.

  “Close. Sorry. So close.”

  Alex hummed again and his head bobbed faster. That had to be permission to come, right?

  He stroked the top of Alex’s head, then he closed his eyes and came. He could feel each of Alex’s swallows around his cock, and they made it go on and on, or brought out little aftershocks. Whatever, it felt amazing.

  His knees threatened to buckle, his eyes rolling back.

  Alex cleaned him, tongue licking at his cock, playing with the slit.

  He’d never felt that… that little ache, that throb. Never, and he couldn’t quite focus.

  Alex rubbed his cheek against Ryan’s cock, another new sensation. He’d never really had time like this to indulge, to do more than just come. Then Alex leaned back and smiled up at him.

  “Thank you. God. That was…. God.”

  “Careful now, you’ll give me a swelled head.” Alex’s lips twitched.

  “I hope so.” Ryan could tease right back.

  Alex laughed for him, the sound a little breathless. Then Alex tugged down Ryan’s jeans, right to his ankles. “Your jeans won’t go over your shoes.”

  “Oh.” He toed out of his shoes, careful not to knee Alex in the chin.

  “Well done.” Alex got his jeans off the rest of the way, followed by his underwear. Then Alex perused him from his toes all the way up and smiled. “Nice. Very nice.”

  “Thank you.” Ryan felt a little out of his league.

  “No, thank you.” Alex stood and shrugged his shirt off, then pulled up his T-shirt, stripping down for Ryan.

  His mouth went a little dry—Alex was long, lean, tanned, and fine. “Wow.”

  “You think? I don’t get a chance to work out or anything.” No, but hours out in the sun helping build things clearly was good for a body. Alex looked fantastic.


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