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Terror at Sea: Three mysteries aboard a cruise ship

Page 33

by Debby Mayne

  Nothing to do about it, but persevere. She followed Lance to the water’s edge and laid her camera case next to his backpack, before kicking off her shoes and shedding her outer clothing. The sand was powder beneath her bare feet.

  “Race you to the water!”

  She dashed away at Lance’s shout.

  A few sunbathers lay spread on colorful beach towels. Others carried snorkeling gear or body boards into the water. Molly splashed in up to her waist.

  “You cheated.” Lance plowed through the surf. The scar from his wound pink against his tanned skin.

  Molly averted her eyes away from his muscled physique. How would she be able to concentrate? She sighed. “Okay, what’s first?”

  “First, I tell you some things you can do. Please don’t try them on me.” He winked. “They aren’t pleasant.”

  She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. “Do tell.” This might be fun after all.

  “The elbow jab you gave me was good. Here’s another move if the assailant is behind you.” Lance wrapped his arm around her neck. Molly’s nerves tingled at his closeness. He smelled of sea air, and suntan lotion. “Grab the uh…groin area as hard as possible, and yank upwards. Believe me that hurts.”

  She giggled. “Experienced it first hand, have you?”

  “No, but I’ve seen it done.” He faced her. “If your assailant is in front of you, take the palm of your hand,” he grabbed her right hand, spread her fingers and moved her arm up. “And thrust upward on the nose, shoving the bone into the brain.”

  She shivered and hoped no one got close enough for her to use the techniques. She’d rather run.

  “There’s always the two fingers to the eyes. And, if you’re feeling particularly strong—” He leaped behind her, grabbed her arm, thrust his hip against her pelvis, and tossed her over his shoulder, dunking her.

  Salt water filled her nose, and she rose to the surface, sputtering. “You could’ve given me some warning!”

  “An assailant won’t. The element of surprise will be your greatest weapon, Molly.” Lance crossed his arms, cocked his eyebrows, and grinned slyly. “Now you try to flip me.”

  “No.” She struggled to reach the shore.

  “What’s wrong?” Lance followed. “I thought you wanted to do this?”

  “I do.” She thrust her hip into his abdomen, bent, and flung him over her shoulder. She probably should’ve told him she grew up with male cousins and tended to pick up self-defense moves quickly. Within seconds, he lay on the sand, breath knocked from him, while she laughed down at him. “Just wanted the element of surprise.”

  He resembled a living statue portraying the epitome of man. Molly turned before he could read the emotions on her face. How could she even think of a man after her disastrous relationship with Vince? Inconceivable. Or was it? Maybe her time with Vince was so she’d know the real thing when she saw it.


  She was a fast learner. Lance’s laugh escaped him in a wheeze, then shut off as if someone had flicked a switch. The sun highlighted Molly’s slicked back hair with gold. Water glistened from her skin like jewels. White teeth flashed from between rose-colored lips.

  He yanked her down and claimed her mouth with his, tasting the salt from the sea. She stiffened, then relaxed, matching his ardor. Lance gentled his actions, pulling her against him and moving to nuzzle her neck. When her lack of breath matched his, he released her. “How’s that for surprise?”

  Her eyes widened. “Not funny!” She rose and kicked sand at him, coating his wet skin.

  He couldn’t help it. She’d looked so lovely standing over him. A vision from heaven to light up his world. Less than five days and he was hooked as badly as the heroin addicts he busted back home. Molly was a drug he didn’t want rehabilitated out of his system. He propped his upper body on an elbow.

  She strolled along the shore, red one-piece bathing suit accentuating rather than hiding her feminine curves. She might be petite, but Molly Nicholson screamed woman. Lance shook his head. He’d been an idiot in the past, focusing his attentions on women he’d thought had class and style. Molly put them all to shame.

  Breathing back to normal, he rose and jogged down the beach to her side. When he reached her, he took her hand in his. They strolled in silent communication more eloquent than any words. Lance’s heart hitched. He loved Molly Nicholson. No way would he allow her to walk away at the end of the cruise.

  “Do you think Hilga was dead before being tossed overboard? Maybe that wasn’t her that screamed.” Molly’s whisper cut through the silence. “Passengers goof around all the time. Maybe some kids were playing. I’d hate for her to have had the fear of drowning.”

  “We can hope so.” Lance squeezed her hand. Despite her quick willingness to smile, he knew Molly’s heart carried a weight of fear. He’d give anything to lessen her burden. Lord, show me what to do.

  Sure, his presence would deter danger, but for how long? Desperate people tended to take desperate measures. He hadn’t found any new clues since protecting Molly. Should he just leave things to Cohn? He was on vacation, after all. Sitting back and letting the FBI handle things on their own, assume responsibility for deaths that occurred onboard, would prevent him from stretching himself too thin. Leaving him strengthened to protect Molly. He itched to investigate further. No, he wouldn’t drag Molly around while he searched for her friend. His investigating would have to be done at night after she returned to her cabin.

  He couldn’t not do it. It wasn’t in him to sit back while people died. Always the desire to play hero ran through his veins. Even as a child when he’d rescue every stray animal that crossed his path. Somehow, he’d help Cohn and keep Molly safe at the same time. God willing.


  M olly slicked Firebomb lipstick on her lips, then stepped back to study her reflection in the mirror. The cocktail dress flowed around her knees when she moved. The front plunged enough to be alluring, yet still remain modest. The back draped in graceful folds to her waist. Her hair lay in a smooth bob, the curls tamed. At least for now. Around her neck, she wore a simple diamond teardrop to match the ones in her ears.

  “Not bad.” She smiled, knowing she’d leave Lance speechless. The thought gave her a chill. For the first time in a long time, she felt beautiful. Looked beautiful. After clipping her I.D. badge to her waist, she slung her camera over her shoulder.

  Lance’s familiar, one-two-one-two-three knock sounded. With one more smile in the mirror, Molly answered the door.

  If she thought she’d knock his socks off, he sent her spiraling into outer space. Lance leaned against the door jamb. His inky hair was slicked back and a dark Armani tuxedo covered his muscular frame. A cologne, smelling of the night and the sea, assaulted her, sending her senses reeling.

  His lip curled, causing his dimple to flash. “If you don’t close your mouth, beautiful, a fly will get in.”

  She closed it quick as a snapping turtle. And she thought he’d be the speechless one. “Aren’t you conceited?” Her gaze scanned him from head to toe. Laughter burst from her and she pointed at the price tag dangling from his sleeve. “Two hundred dollars?”

  His face reddened as he pulled the tag free. “It was the cheapest I could find.”

  “I’m not laughing at the price, silly. Just the fact you left it on.” She tucked her arm in his. “You weren’t planning on returning it after the cruise were you?”

  “Maybe.” He laid a hand on the small of her back. “You look stunning.”

  “So do you.” If she thought his looks sent her flying, his touch sling-shotted her to another galaxy. She gulped a deep breath to control her breathing.

  “Do you think we could get someone to take our picture tonight?”

  His gaze focused on her with such intensity, all moisture left her mouth.

  Molly peered into his face, stunned by the soft look in his eyes. Could he possibly care for her as much as she did him? She should stop and pray about the situation b
efore she found herself in another heartbreak. “I think that can be arranged.”

  At least she’d have something to remember him by when he left. The thought threatened to steal the evening’s enjoyment and sent her heart to the pit of her stomach.

  Lance leaned closer and peered into her face. “What’s wrong?”

  She forced a smile to her face. “Nothing.”

  His expression told her he didn’t believe her, but decided to let the matter lie. Lance opened the door to the dining room and they entered into an atmosphere of muted conversation, candlelight, and the quiet presence of waiters. Mouth watering aromas of prime beef and seafood greeted them.

  A feeling of enchantment filled the air on the cruise’s first formal night. Passengers filled the dining room, decked out in their finery. Women were clothed in gowns in every hue of the rainbow. The men’s attire ranged from suits to tuxedos, but in Molly’s opinion, none of them matched the grandeur of Lance. She stood taller entering the room at his side. He placed a kiss on her forehead and slid away to claim an empty chair at the nearest table.

  Molly smoothed the skirt of her dress and lifted her camera before moving to an elderly couple holding hands on top of a crisp white tablecloth. “Photograph?”

  They nodded. “Tilt your heads together, just a little bit, and smile like you’re sharing a secret.” Molly grinned. “Perfect.” She snapped the shutter button and moved to the next couple.

  Contributing to the pleasurable experience of others lifted her spirits; until she turned and caught the icy stare of Robert Morrison from across the room. Her skin crawled as if millions of tiny spiders trekked up and down its surface. She sought out Lance. A few yards away, he watched her over the rim of his water glass. He nodded, and she relaxed. While in his sights, nothing could happen to her. Let Morrison stare. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her fear.

  Molly returned to her job and did her best to ignore the man. Instead, she felt his gaze burn a hole in the back of her head. Always there, leaving a mark while she traveled from passenger to passenger. Like a predator waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

  Daniella circulated the other side of the room, snapping pictures. Molly worked her way around to her co-worker. She wanted a photo of her and Lance on deck with the moon rising behind them. “Daniella?”

  “Hey, Molly.” Her grin faded. “Sorry to hear about Hilga. Very tragic.”

  “Yeah.” Molly sighed. “What did you hear?”

  “That she jumped.” Daniella scooted closer. “Her boyfriend is devastated. Said he had no idea she was suicidal.”

  Molly chewed the inside of her lip. Hilga didn’t jump anymore than Antonio tied a bag around his face. What was wrong with these people? “I’m wondering if you’d be willing to take a picture of Lance and me on deck?”

  “Sure. Give me ten minutes.”


  Lance sipped his ice water and watched Morrison’s gaze follow Molly. The intense stare turned Lance’s stomach to stone. He wanted nothing more than to leave his post and smash the creep’s face in.

  Although Molly flitted from table to table, her too-wide smile and the way she fiddled with her hair told him Morrison’s attention frightened her. Almost as much as the way she looked in that little black dress scared Lance.

  When she answered the door to her cabin, he thought his heart had stopped. He’d wanted to grab her in his arms and kiss her until she was nothing more than putty. He set his glass on the table and swallowed the chuckle. Thankfully, she’d noticed the price tag he’d overlooked. So much for being Detective Observant. Not to mention his ego taking a hit.

  The arrival of his filet mignon didn’t draw his attention away from the vision she made. Lord, he had it bad. Falling hard for a woman was the last thing he expected when ordered to take a vacation. What would they do when he went back to work, and she continued traveling?

  The woman next to him placed a hand on his arm. “What’s bothering you son?”

  Lance turned to face the gray-haired woman. A kind smile radiated from her wrinkled face. “Why do you ask?”

  “You look like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.” She nodded toward Molly. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with that lovely girl you’re staring at, would it?”

  At least she hadn’t asked about the tragic occurrences onboard. “Yes, ma’am. It might.”

  The woman’s husband leaned across his wife. “I’m Dick, this is Jane.”

  Lance stared at the couple. Honestly?

  The old guy grinned and shook a finger at Lance. “No smart aleck comments now.” He crossed his arms on the table. His craggy face open and caring. “Tell us what the problem is. We’re celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Now, that may not make us experts, but we probably have a word of wisdom to bestow on a young man such as yourself.”

  “I’m Lance Spencer. Problem is, I work on the mainland. The woman I find myself falling in love with, works on a cruise ship. Under contract.” He straightened his utensils. “I’m not sure how a relationship between us will work.”

  “Are you a believer, son?” Jane patted his hand.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Have you prayed about this? Have you asked God’s will concerning a relationship with this young lady?”

  “Not exactly.” Leave it up to a kindly stranger to point out something he should’ve known himself. Lance shook his head and lifted his knife and fork to cut into his steak. Prayer could’ve saved him a lot of heartache. What if God said no to Molly? What if she wasn’t the one for him? Could he turn and walk away?

  “Don’t struggle with this, son.” Jane gave him another pat then removed her hand. “Give it up. God can handle this.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I will.” Lance dug into his steak with a renewed spirit. God could handle his love for Molly and the danger that surrounded her. Lord, speak to her heart as you have spoken to mine.

  Jack Morley entered the room, his white uniform jacket pristine and pressed. He stopped and surveyed the room, before heading toward the captain’s table.

  “Excuse me, please.” Lance nodded to his new friends, tossed his napkin on his plate, and rushed to the meet the SVP. “Morley!”

  “Mr. Spencer.” Jack squared his shoulders.

  “Have you discovered any news on the whereabouts of Hilga?”

  “No. Best we can determine is she’d gone overboard. Probably jumped. Without knowing the time or location, we’ve no way of finding her.” He tugged on the bottom of his jacket and glanced over Lance’s shoulder. “Most likely she’ll wash ashore in a day or two.”

  “Does this happen often?”

  “What?” Jack’s gaze finally met his.

  Was that a flicker of alarm?

  “The disappearance and death of crew members. Seems common onboard the Destiny.” Lance clapped the other man on the shoulder. “Your marketing department might want to put a warning in your next brochure.”

  Molly appeared at his side and glanced from Morley to him. “Daniella will take our picture.”

  “Wonderful.” He placed an arm around her waist and steered her from the room. As they stepped out the door, he glanced back over his shoulder. Morrison continued to stare.

  What was that old adage? If looks could kill.


  L ights from the ship blocked the stars, leaving the sky a flat expanse of ebony velvet. The moon rose above the gently rolling ocean, tipping the waves with silver.

  Molly leaned her elbows on the rail and sighed. No camera could capture this beauty. The picture would be nothing more than a cheap imitation of God’s handiwork. She turned in the circle of Lance’s arm and smiled, ready for Daniella to capture their likeness for eternity.

  “You two make a great couple. Tall, dark, and handsome. Petite and fair. Just lovely.” Daniella held up a finger. “Freeze. I’m taking two to make sure they turn out all right.”

  Heat rose to Molly’s cheeks as Lance squ
eezed her waist. He bent and put his lips to her ear. “Tonight’s the night for romance.” He straightened, waved Daniella off with a thanks, and wrapped his arms around Molly. “Let’s make the most of it.”

  Her heart leaped into her throat as he pulled her close and swayed to the music drifting from the open doors of the nightclub on a deck above them. Lance laid his cheek against her hair, and Molly breathed deep the scent of him.

  She wanted him to kiss her because he wanted to, not as camouflage against anyone watching. The direction her thoughts wandered shocked her, but not as much as the revelation that Vince’s abuse hadn’t affected her ability to feel again. She thought she’d been broken beyond repair.

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she accepted the gift God gave her. The gift of a heart still capable of emotion.

  “I spoke with a wonderful old couple at dinner. They were full of wisdom.” Lance’s chest rumbled. “They told me to pray about how we could work out a relationship between the two of us.”

  He wanted a relationship with her? Molly’s spirit soared.

  “I’ll know it’ll be hard with you sailing and me on the mainland, but we can do this. See where it takes us. If you want?”

  She pulled back and searched his face. “You would do that for me? Wait until the ship docked and my contract was fulfilled?”

  Lance squeezed her close; his body firm against hers. Safe in its solidarity. “In a heartbeat, Molly Nicholson.”

  She allowed the music to move her, and kept her face against his chest, content to listen to the rhythm of his heart.

  “Well? Do you want to see where this thing goes?” Lance held her at arm’s length. “You haven’t said.”

  “I would love to.” Molly leaned her elbows back on the railing and stared at the water moving past the ship. “But I haven’t heard much good about long distance relationships. We haven’t known each other long enough to build a foundation.”

  “God’s all the foundation we need.” Lance leaned with his back against the rail. His teeth flashed white against his tanned face.


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