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His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

Page 17

by Maggie Ryan


  He turned his head away from the bridge and looked up. "You heard me, and you need to stop yelling." She opened her mouth and he shook his head. "Not another word." He waited until she nodded before he turned his attention to the mare.

  Once they reached the bridge, he moved to stand in front of the mare, slowly lifting the reins over her head. "Good girl," he said again, looping them over the railing and tying them off. Only then did he step to the side and lift his arms. Teresa momentarily considered stating that she would remain in the saddle but wasn't even given the chance as his hands closed around her waist, lifting her from the horse. She couldn't squelch the soft groan when her feet reached the ground and her ankle throbbed.

  Roger immediately dropped to one knee, running his hand under her skirts, wrapping strong fingers around her ankle, palpating it gently. "Does that hurt?" he asked when she winced.

  "A little," she said, "I couldn't get my foot free."

  "You're very lucky you didn't break it or worse," Roger said. "It's just tender and will most likely be bruised. Can you walk on it?"

  "I think so," Teresa said, taking his hand when he straightened and walking a few steps. "Yes, it doesn't hurt that badly."

  "Good, then you'll be able to ride."

  "Oh, no, I'm not gonna ride," Teresa said.

  "Yes, Tessa, you are. If you don't get back in the saddle, you never will…"

  "But that horse hates me!"

  "No, that horse expected you to be able to guide her and pay attention to what you were doing. Instead, the moment you mounted her, she could sense your anger and you kept kicking her to go faster instead of stopping when I called for you to do so. Did you even see that wagon?"

  "I did but she wouldn't stop."

  "Not when you continued to kick her," Roger said. "You had no business getting in the saddle when you were so upset."

  "I'm upset because my whole life is ruined!" She yelped again after stomping her foot, forgetting that it was already aching.

  "Tessa, I understand you are disappointed, but your entire life isn't ruined."

  "All I ever wanted was to teach and now that… that bitch…"

  "Don't cuss…"

  "How can you not care? You saw the children! She and that… that stranger were scaring them!"

  "I do care but—"

  "No you don't! I bet you are happy…"

  "Teresa Goldman, I guarantee you that I am most definitely not happy. I just watched the woman I love have her dream broken and before I could even comfort her, she just ran. Not only that, you got on a horse, wearing the wrong shoes, and galloped out of town. You almost hit a wagon and, God forbid, what if some child had wandered into the street? You had absolutely no control over either yourself or Whinny."

  "It's not my fault!"

  "It is your fault," he corrected. Hearing Buster neigh, he looked up to see a wagon approaching. "We are going to finish this discussion at the cabin…"

  "I don't want to go…"

  "Do you want me to turn you over my knee, lift your skirts and spank your bottom right here in the middle of the road?"

  "Roger! You can't spank me…"

  "I most certainly can, and will. The question is simply the location."

  "Damn it, that's not fair…"

  "Utter one more curse word and you'll be getting a spanking here, right now, and another at the cabin after I wash your mouth out."

  She snapped her mouth shut, glaring at him as he whistled for Buster who instantly trotted to them. It was only when he led her to Whinny that she softened. "Please, I-I don't think I can ride."

  "Yes, you can," he assured her. "We'll go slow because you aren't wearing the proper boots and I know you are frightened, but I was serious. If you don't get back on, you'll be too scared the next time. I'll stay right beside you."


  "Yes, honey, I promise."

  She nodded and allowed him to help her mount. As she spread her legs to straddle the horse, she also realized she wasn't wearing her split riding skirt. Her bloomers were showing and yet there wasn't anything she could do but sit still as Roger adjusted the stirrups. "Oh, that feels better," she said as he stepped back.

  "They are the right height now," he said. "Remember, press down a bit and keep your heel back. That's why it's important to have boots. The heel keeps your foot from sliding forward. Ready?"

  "I-I guess," she said, but he waited until the wagon had crossed the bridge. After giving them a wave, he again petted Whinny who had calmed down, not even flinching when the wagon had passed by her on its way into town. He untied the reins and handed them to Teresa.

  "Don't yank on them. Let her have some slack. Remember, I'm right here."

  "All right," she said, her voice trembling a bit. As Roger mounted, she looked over. "Go slow…"

  "I will," he said, clucking his tongue in order to get Buster moving. Whinny instantly took a step and soon the two were walking side by side down the road.


  Roger divided his attention between the road and Teresa, pleased when he saw her relax a bit in the saddle. "Good girl, you are doing very well," he said.

  "Are you talking to me or Whinny?" she asked, glancing over.

  He chuckled. "You are both doing well but I was speaking about you. How are you feeling now?"

  "I'm not as terrified as I thought I'd be," she admitted.

  "I'm glad." They rode in silence until he nodded towards a branch in the road. "We'll be going left. Feel like you can go a little faster?"

  "Not really, unless you weren't serious about spanking me."

  "I am serious," he said.

  "That's what I was afraid of." He managed to grin when she gave a deep sigh. "I still don't think that you should. I was upset."

  "I know, but we've talked about this before. You need to learn to think before you act. I almost had an apoplexy when I saw you racing out of town. You are the most important thing on this earth to me and yet you could have been killed… again. I love you with all my heart and soul, but Tessa, I can't have you ignoring your own safety." He kept his eyes on hers, trusting Buster to know where he was going. "If that takes tanning your behind, then so be it."

  "But I don't like it." When he simply nodded, she sighed and didn't speak again as they passed Richard and Anna's cabin and then, a few minutes later, Wyatt and Agatha's. Roger was glad the couple wasn't in view, knowing that Wyatt would able to tell in an instant that something was wrong.

  As they turned west and began to climb a bit, he watched for her reaction, hoping that knowing she had a spanking coming didn't keep her from being pleased to see the cabin. He was rewarded when she looked up and then at him. "It's finished?"

  "Yes, just a few days ago."

  "Oh, it looks so pretty," she said, bending forward and patting Whinny's neck. "Look, girl, this is your home."

  "Our home," Roger corrected, smiling for the first time in quite a while. "I still need to get the horse stalls finished, but the horses will be fine in the corral for a bit."

  He pulled on the reins, stopping Buster, hearing her softly instruct Whinny to stop as well. "Just think, in a couple of weeks, I will be carrying my bride across the threshold."

  "I-I can't wait," she said, giving him a smile. "I'm so glad we chose this spot. It's just beautiful. It's like the trees are protecting the cabin and the river providing a lullaby."

  "That's a very nice way to put it," Roger said, once again guiding the horses. At the corral he and Matthew had finished only a few days earlier, he dismounted and opened the gate. Giving Buster's flank a swat, the horse went through the gate and straight to the water trough. This time when he lifted Teresa down, she thanked him and then thanked her horse.

  "I'm sorry I scared you, Whinny," she said, leading her into the corral. "May I give her one of the apples?"

  "Sure," Roger said, reaching into the saddlebag and handing her two. "You can give them both one while I unsaddle them." He watche
d as she put the first apple on the flat of her hand before offering it to the mare, who instantly lowered her head and gently plucked the fruit from her palm. After he draped his saddle over the railing, she gave the other to Buster. Once both horses had been freed of their saddles, he led her back through the gate, making sure it was securely latched. Tossing the saddlebags over his shoulder, he handed her the quilt. When she began to walk away from the cabin, he asked, "Tessa, where are you going?"

  "I thought we'd eat over here," she said. "There's plenty of grass to spread the quilt out and we can look at the river."

  "That's a nice spot but we need to take care of your punishment before we have our picnic." When she flushed, he held out his hand. "Come on, honey. Once it's over, you'll feel better and we can enjoy our picnic then."

  "I'm not going to feel better," she said, giving another glance to her chosen picnic spot before sighing and turning back. "Not if you spank me as hard as you did the last time."

  "I believe you will," he countered. "Regardless, it's time." He was glad when she took his hand, allowing him to guide her to the house.

  "You made a rocker," she said as they climbed the steps.

  "Yes, and after your spanking, I'll hold you and rock you until you calm."

  "You're going to spa… spank me outside? Someone might hear!"

  "No, we'll go inside but, honey, the cabins are far apart. No one would hear even if I did."

  "It doesn't seem fair," she said. "I mean, first that bi… woman destroyed my dream and now, the first time we are in the cabin, you're gonna spank me."

  "And wash your mouth out," Roger said.

  "But, I didn't call her a bit—that word, and I don't want you to!"

  "Tessa, I'm not asking if you want me to. I'm simply reminding you of what I promised. I've warned you several times to watch your language, and what did I say would happen if you continue to curse?"

  "But I was mad!"

  "I realize that but that's no excuse. We talked about being a proper role model…"

  "Well, that's no longer important," she said, her chin lifting and her eyes flashing. "I'm not going to be a teacher so no one cares how I act or what I say."

  "You are wrong, little girl," he said, reaching for the latch. "I care a great deal. If I didn't, I wouldn't take the time to punish you." Opening the door, he placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her inside, pulling the door closed behind him.

  Not wanting to draw out the unpleasantness any longer than necessary, he said, "All right. You'll spend a few minutes in your naughty girl corner thinking about why you are being punished…"

  "Don't call it that!"

  "Would you prefer I call it the juncture of two walls where my very disobedient, ill-mannered, defiant, wayward, contrary little miscreant will stand?"

  When he finished, quirking one eyebrow, she looked toward the corner and sighed. "No, that makes it sound even worse."

  "Then, Tessa, where are you supposed to be going now to think?"

  "My naughty corner, but I don't need to think… I know why."

  "Then use the time to ask yourself what could have happened and why your behavior has earned you a spanking." Taking the quilt from her arms and pointing to a corner, he nodded. "Go ahead. Nose to the wall and hands behind your back."


  "Tessa… go." He watched as she finally took herself to the corner, glad when she stepped close enough to the wall to place her nose in the juncture. While she spent her thinking time, he laid the saddlebags onto the table and pulled out a chair, setting it a few feet away. He gave her a few more minutes to settle, watching her closely until he saw her relax, her hands no longer twisting together, her fingers entwined at the small of her back.

  "Come here, Tessa." Once she stood before him, he took both of her hands and pulled her between his legs. "Tell me, why are you getting a spanking?"

  "Because I ran and rode Whinny… I mean, I never should have gotten on her because I… I was too upset to pay attention."

  "Very good," he said, giving her hands a squeeze, very pleased that she hadn't begun her confession with an excuse. Patting his left knee, he released her hands. "Right over and put your hands on the floor." She hesitated and yet didn't protest when he took her hand and guided her into position. Lifting her skirts, he felt her tense and yet she didn't complain as he settled the heavy weight onto her back, piling her petticoat on top. Placing his palm against her bloomers, he knew that it wouldn't be long before he added pulling them down to the steps necessary in preparing his wife for a spanking. "I love you, Tessa, and I don't want to see you harmed."

  "But you are going to spank me!"

  "Yes, but while your bottom will hurt, it won't harm you. Falling off Whinny or being dragged along could have caused you lasting harm. Let this spanking remind you that you are too precious to me to allow you to put yourself in unnecessary danger." With that, he lifted his hand and began. She was soon attempting to swim off his lap as swat after swat landed on her bottom.

  "Roger, that's too hard!" she wailed, her hand flying back.

  "Put your hand down," he instructed and when it didn't move, he began to swat the backs of her thighs.

  "Ow! Stop!"

  "Put your hand down," he said again, continuing to spank her thighs, alternating the swats from one to another. "Once you do, I'll return to spanking your bottom." It took another two smacks before she jerked her hand off her behind and placed it back on the floor. "Good girl." Returning his smacks to her plump little cheeks, he continued her spanking, placing his right leg over hers when she began to kick up.

  "Please! Ow… ow… it hurts!"

  "Yes, I'm sure it does," he concurred, beginning to increase the strength of the smacks as her bottom was warmed. "Now, what should you have done instead of running?"

  "I don't know!"

  "Then, give it some more thought," he suggested, beginning to give two swats in one spot before moving to another. He gave each hillock a half dozen sets before she spoke.

  "I should have stayed with you!"

  "That's right, you should have stayed and allowed me to comfort you. Instead, you ran and I didn't have the opportunity to do that." He moved to the base of her buttocks, peppering them as he asked his next question. "Why was it dangerous for you to get onto Whinny?"

  "Ow, please… not so hard!"

  Knowing that he was not getting through to her, he increased the pace, his hand now giving one swat after another, back and forth until she was twisting, attempting to remove her bottom from his lap. "Settle down, Teresa. Answer the question."

  "Because I was mad!"

  "And?" he asked, his hand never slowing.

  "I-I don't know… please, I'm sorry!"

  Deciding to help her, he said, "What do you wear when you ride?"

  "Boots! I should have put on my boots!"

  "That's right. You are never to ride any horse without the proper footwear. You were very lucky today only getting a bruised ankle…"

  "And a bruised bottom!" she wailed, arching her head as her hand reached back again.

  "No," he said, capturing her hand and pinning it to her side. "Not bruised, but I guarantee that unless you stop fighting and accept your spanking, your heinie will be hot and very red by the time you get up."

  It took another dozen swats before she collapsed over his lap, the tension gone as she submitted. He lifted his knee, tilting her forward, knowing the additional stretch would make the next area to be spanked taut. "Why do I have you over my knee taking the time to redden your bottom, Tessa?"

  "Be-because you love me," she sobbed.

  "That's right. I love you very much and don't want to lose you. Let this last dozen remind you of just how much I care." His hand flew as he gave her sit-spots each a half dozen swats, not allowing her sobs to keep him from his duty. Once he was finished, he ran his palm over her punished globes, able to feel the heat through the thin fabric of her drawers. He allowed her a few moments befo
re he guided her up to sit on his thigh. She instantly buried her face in his shirt, her tears continuing for several minutes. While she cried, he stroked her arm and her back, giving her time to settle. Once her sobs turned into sniffles, he pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and held it to her nose. "Blow."

  She obeyed and then swiped her cheeks with her fingers. "I'm really sorry."

  "I know," Roger said, guiding her off his lap. "Go to the corner and think about what you will do the next time."

  "I… yes, sir," she said. He knew she loathed the corner and yet also hoped that knowing he would be consistent might help her to remember to behave. He'd not want to live without her and he'd already watched her put herself in serious danger twice!

  As she faced the wall, he prepared to finish her punishment. "I'll be right back, don't move away from your naughty corner."

  "Ye-yes, sir," she said, turning her head to look at him.

  "No, nose to the wall. I'm just going outside for a moment." He waited until she was back in position and then opened the door, taking a deep bowl with him to the stream. Filling it with water, he returned to the cabin, placing additional items on the table after moving the saddlebags to hang over the second chair.

  "All right, you may come out now," he said.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Teresa turned from the wall again. She felt her breath hitch at the sight of Roger rolling up his sleeve. The items on the table told her that he had been serious about soaping her mouth.

  "Roger, please… I promise I won't curse again."

  "A promise is very easy to make when you are facing a punishment. It is much harder to remember when naughtiness is allowed to pass without that punishment."

  "But… it's going to be awful!"

  "It won't be pleasant," he agreed, lifting the bar of soap and dropping it into the bowl he'd filled. "Come here and let's get this done so that I can hold you."

  While she wanted to be held desperately, knowing she felt loved when cradled against his chest, she didn't want to have her mouth soaped.

  "Tessa, don't make me spank you again," he warned when she remained frozen in place.


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