His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

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His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3) Page 21

by Maggie Ryan

  "We all had a wonderful time working on it and it helped pass many a cold day," Charity said. "Go on, open it."

  Teresa untied the twine and pulled back the paper. "Oh… oh, it's… it's beautiful." Agatha helped her remove the rest of the paper and then Anna and Charity each took a corner and held up the quilt they'd made. Embroidered in the center was Teresa's and Roger's name, the date of their wedding beneath. Flowers had been embroidered in a circle around that. Squares made up the rest of the quilt, all appliqued with something that held special memories for the couple.

  "Come on, we'll spread it on the bed," Charity said. Once it was laid on top of the bed, the women took turns pointing out their work.

  "This is Kratos, he was the first bull born, and all the men were so afraid we'd lose him, but he is big and strong," Agatha said. "I named him but it was Roger who worried like a mother hen. I just know that no matter how huge Kratos will grow, if he hears Roger's voice, he'll trot over to him like a little lamb."

  "This is the brand, you own part of it now," Anna said, showing her the brand of two 'R's with a rose at their center. "The men have gotten used to it, but believe me, the first time others see a huge old cow with this on their butt, well, they do give some funny looks."

  "This is your school," Charity said. She looked up and smiled. "You know, even when we heard they'd picked someone else, not one of us thought about removing it. I think we all just knew that everything would work out."

  "Did Barbara do this square?" Teresa asked as she looked at an applique of a brush.

  "Yes," Anna said. "At first we thought it might be something that, well, that Roger uses to paddle you, but Barbara explained that she has always loved to brush your hair."

  "She has, ever since she was a little girl," Teresa acknowledged. "Um, do your men use brushes for other purposes?"

  "Yup," Anna said without hesitation. It only took the other two to nod to have Teresa wondering exactly what that would feel like. Before she could contemplate it too much, Agatha returned her attention to their gift.

  "My ma made this one. She said you'd understand what it meant."

  "Oh, my…" Teresa traced the applique of a silhouette portrait with her fingertip and nodded, blinking back tears. "It's a likeness of my mother. It hangs in Pa's office. Catherine… she wanted me to know that though Ma is gone, she'll always be close, always be in my heart."

  They described other squares and then showed her the corners. Each one held a small log cabin, the couple's name embroidered beneath that, and then a single word: Faith, Hope, Trust were under their own, and in the final corner, where the newest cabin was represented, beneath 'Roger and Teresa' was the word, 'Love.'

  "I do," Teresa said. "I love it all, the four of you, the quilt you made from your hearts, the ranch, and Roger. I can't imagine being any more content."

  The four stood beside the bed, arms wrapped around each other, blinking back tears and then giggling again when Anna bumped her hip against Teresa's, saying, "Believe me, teacher, you'll know the true definition of content tomorrow night."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "You look beautiful," Barbara said. "Oh, Tessie, I'm going to miss you so much!"

  "I'll only be a few miles away. You can come visit anytime. But, yes, I'm going to miss you too."

  "It's time," Catherine said. "I know you are going to be very happy, Teresa. Roger is a wonderful man."

  "Thank you," Teresa said, moving to give the woman a hug. "Pa is, too, and I am really happy that you two found each other. I hope you don't wait too long to marry."

  "We wanted to wait—"

  "Ah, I knew there had to be a reason why you never stop smiling," Teresa said, giving her another hug.

  "Thank you, we just didn't want to take anything away from your special day."

  "You're not, I couldn't be happier."

  "Teresa Marie, it's not good to be late to your own wedding!" The three women smiled as the words were shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

  "We're coming, Pa," Teresa said, giving her room one last glance. She'd packed her bags the day before, taking them out to the cabin. "I guess it's time."

  "Don't be nervous," Catherine said.

  "After talking to the girls, and you last night, I'm not nervous. I'm just so excited."


  "All right, I'm coming!" The three left the room, Catherine and Barbara going down first and then standing next to Benjamin as Teresa began to descend the staircase.

  "You… you look just like your ma did on her wedding day," Benjamin said in a much softer voice. He gathered her in his arms in a hug that had her struggling a bit to breathe.

  "Pa, you're going to make us late," Barbara said with a giggle. Benjamin released his eldest daughter and cleared his throat.

  "Don't be silly, they can't start without the bride."

  They walked towards the church, the streets empty of people because practically the entire town had been invited to the wedding. "We'll see you inside," Catherine said, and after one more hug, she entered the church, shaking her head when Timothy Franklin, standing just inside the door, offered his arm to Barbara, smiling when the younger girl took it and allowed him to escort her down the aisle.

  The church was fully packed, extra chairs lining the outside aisle, and people even standing against the wall. Catherine joined her daughter, the group taking up one entire pew.

  "Is Teresa all right?" Agatha asked.

  "She's perfect," Catherine said, giving her daughter's hand a squeeze.

  Reverend Jorgensen entered from the side and took his place at the front, Roger walking beside him but moving to stand to the right.

  The entire congregation stood as the pianist began to play the wedding song, turning as one when the door opened. Benjamin stood, his daughter's hand tucked into the crook of his arm, pausing for a moment before beginning to walk down the aisle. Teresa had eyes for no one other than the man standing at the front, his eyes locked onto hers despite the veil that covered her face. She almost giggled, wondering how their friends would react if she ran down the aisle like she wanted instead of taking slow, measured steps. She had to bite her lower lip when she heard her pa chuckle, his hand giving hers a pat.

  She was no longer tempted to giggle when her pa passed her hand to Roger. Instead, she began to tremble, but knew that if she were to fall, he'd be there to catch her, every time, for the rest of their lives. Roger smiled as he repeated his vows, never hesitating, never looking anywhere but at her even as he slid the gold band onto her finger. She was barely aware of the sounds of their guests, some oohing and ahhing, others chuckling when he lifted her hand and pressed his lips to the ring.

  Teresa vowed to love, honor and obey him and knew she'd do the best she could to keep those vows and then, following his lead, lifted his hand and kissed the matching band she had placed on his finger.

  Reverend Jorgensen smiled as he gave permission for Roger to kiss his bride. Teresa's breath caught in her throat as he lifted the veil, slowing pushing it over her head before cupping her face.

  "I will always love you, Mrs. Morrison," he said.

  "And I you, Mr. Morrison." Their lips met in their first kiss as a married couple, and Teresa knew she'd never forget it for as long as she lived. It wasn't until much louder chuckling was heard that they seemed to remember they were standing in church, in front of the entire town. Teresa felt her face flush but the twinkle in her husband's eyes had her entire body suddenly heating. He led her back down the aisle, and this time she saw the sea of smiling faces, her friends wiping their eyes, their husbands grinning, and was Matthew… was he really giving her a wink? She didn't hold back her giggle this time; nothing could suppress the joy she felt.

  She squealed when Roger lifted her into his arms, carrying her back down the street. "I can walk," she said.

  "Nope, I can walk faster, and the faster we get there, the faster we eat, and the faster we thank our guests, then, my sweet Tessa, the faster I ca
n get you home and make you my wife in all ways."

  "Oh," she said, laying her head against his shoulder. "Then may I suggest perhaps you run?"

  Despite her suggestion and her shriek as he actually did so, it was still two hours later before they could begin to think about leaving. It had been a wonderful wedding, people sharing best wishes and offering congratulations as they piled plates high with a variety of foods that the townswomen had provided. Teresa had given Catherine a smile when she'd brought out another cake.

  Looking around, wanting to give her new friends another hug, she saw them clustered in one corner. Hurrying over, she saw Agatha sitting, her face perspiring despite the fact that Charity was fanning her hand in front of her in an attempt to cool Agatha.

  "What's wrong?" Teresa asked.

  "Nothing," Agatha said.

  "It doesn't look like nothing. You're perspiring and look pale."

  "She's all right, just a little dizzy," Anna said.

  "Oh, let me get you something to eat…" Teresa paused when Agatha groaned and slapped her hand over her mouth.

  "Shall we tell her?" Wyatt asked from where he was standing beside his wife's chair, his hand moving to tuck a stray tendril of her hair behind her ear.

  "No," Agatha managed, "it's her special day."

  Teresa huffed and put her hands on her hips. "I don't understand you people. This is not Teresa Morrison day…" She paused and grinned. "Oh, I love the sound of that. But, nevertheless, unless you want to explain to my husband why his bride refuses to leave until somebody tells her what is going on, well…"

  "I can't have that," Wyatt said, looking up as Catherine joined them. "It's nothing that a few months won't cure."

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means that Agatha is going to have a baby," Catherine explained, reacting quickly to step back, holding the cup of tea she'd just fixed for her daughter when Teresa surged forward.

  "Oh, that's wonderful," Teresa said, throwing her arms around Wyatt. "I'm so happy for you both!"

  "Hey, you're supposed to throw your arms around me," Roger said, joining the group.

  "Agatha's going to have a baby!" Teresa said.

  Roger clapped Wyatt on the back. "Congratulations," he said, bending to kiss Agatha's cheek.

  "Thank you, now go on," Wyatt encouraged them. "We'll have plenty of time to celebrate later. It's time you two remember you're celebrating as well."

  "You're right," Roger said, taking his wife's hand. When Roger led her back through the crowd, people followed the newlyweds out into the hall, spilling out onto the sidewalk, none wishing to miss sending the bride and groom on their way.

  "Where's Pa?" Teresa asked, turning back towards the door to find him.

  "There," Roger said, causing her to look towards him to see his finger pointing. Benjamin was pulling a buggy to a stop. Setting the brake, he climbed from the carriage and the crowd parted to clear a path to the newlyweds.

  "It's my gift to you," he said.

  "Pa! You didn't have to—"

  "I wanted to," he said, his smile huge as he looked around. "After all, I don't want to be run out of town because my daughter, the teacher, arrives at school drenched from rain." He bent to kiss her cheek. "You just be sure that you let Roger teach you all you need to know to drive safely, all right?"

  "I promise, Pa. It's so pretty. Thank you!" She turned, her first tears of the day threatening to fall. "Thank all of you. You've made me the happiest woman in the world."

  "And, they made me the happiest man when they agreed that there shall be no school until Wednesday," Roger said.


  "Yes, Wednesday, and not a moment before," Roger said, causing her to squeal again as he once more swept her into his arms. Bending his head, he spoke against the pink shell of her ear. "It wouldn't do to have the children wondering why their teacher was falling asleep at her desk."

  "Falling asleep?"

  "Yes, Mrs. Morrison, because I plan on keeping you up all night in my own class."

  "Oh," she said, her cheeks coloring yet again as those nearest chuckled, evidently his whisper not as quietly uttered as he intended.

  "Oh, indeed," Roger said, carrying her to the buggy and lifting her inside.

  "Can I drive?" she asked when he joined her on the seat, having to duck so that he wouldn't hit his head on the cover that would protect her from the weather.

  "That depends, how fast do you want to get home?"

  She smiled. "Right, you drive."

  The crowd cheered as Roger lifted the reins, giving them a snap. The horse, a pretty dappled mare of about fifteen hands, obediently pulled away, trotting at a good pace.

  "What's her name?" she asked, tucking her arm through his.

  "That's up to you," he said, flicking the reins again once they were out of the town proper, urging the horse to go a bit faster. He looked over at her and grinned. "If it were to me, we'd name her 'Hurry-Up.'"

  "We can't name her that! Nope, since she's going to be taking me to school every day, we'll name her… Belle."

  His laughter rang out as he moved the reins into one hand, placing his free arm around her and pulling her close. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" He kissed the top of her head and though both were anxious to get home, they didn't rush, enjoying their first buggy ride as husband and wife.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  After taking the time to unhitch the buggy and lead Belle into her new stall, Roger turned to his wife. He absolutely adored the look on her face when he grinned and wagged his eyebrows, and he'd never tire of her squeak whenever he lifted her into his arms.

  "School is now in session," he declared, carrying her across the yard and up the steps. She hung onto his neck as he lifted the latch, startling a bit when he kicked the door closed behind them. "Welcome home, Mrs. Morrison."

  "It's wonderful to be home, Mr. Morrison."

  "Darling, you don't even know the meaning of wonderful yet," he said, carrying her straight into their bedroom. He set her down but kept his hands on her arms as he bent to kiss her. It was as if he'd held a match to tinder, the fire of passion burning hotter and faster than ever before. He felt her tremble and pulled her even closer, his mouth fused to hers. Only the need to breathe had him pulling away. He turned her to face away from him, his fingers beginning to undo the far too many buttons down the back of her dress. "Who on earth needs this many buttons?" he teased.

  "My ma," Teresa said, "this was her dress."

  "It's beautiful," Roger said, slowing his fingers so not as to damage the gown. "But it is the woman inside the dress who is even more beautiful." Her purr as he pressed his lips to the nape of her neck had his cock straining, demanding to be released. Still, he took care, finally pushing the last pearl button through its loop and gently spreading the gown open, nuzzling her shoulders with his lips, tracing her spine with his fingertips, loving the sight of gooseflesh as it popped up on her skin.

  "Cold?" he asked softly, moving to lick behind her ear, causing her to gasp and shudder.


  "Then why are you shivering?" he whispered before moving to lick behind her other ear, gently taking the lobe between his teeth, nipping just the tiniest bit.

  "Roger, oh, God, I-I think I'm going to swoon," she said.

  "We can't have that," he said, turning her to face him. "Not yet. I want you to swoon in my arms when I make love to you," he said again, his hands working the gown off her shoulders as she gazed up at him, her eyes wide, her cheeks flushed. When the tip of her tongue darted out to run along her bottom lip, he knew it was time to stop teasing before he lost what little control of his libido he had.

  "I love you, Tessa. I will always love you. Thank you for becoming my wife."

  "I love you, Roger," she said softly. "Now, please, make me your wife in all ways." She didn't even flinch when the dress slipped to the floor to pool at her feet. Her eyes never left his as he untied the bow of her chemise, exposing her breasts for
the first time, her nipples already puckered. She gasped as he bent to kiss the hollow of her throat, to lick along the pulsing vein he could see beneath her pale skin. She whimpered when he blew his breath across a nipple and then moaned when he drew that nipple into his mouth, sucking gently before lifting his head and moving to give her other nipple the same attention.

  "I-I feel like I'm going to… to explode," she whispered, her fingers twisting into his hair, her back arching as if to offer more of her breast to him.

  He pulled back, drawing the chemise from her, tossing it to the floor, lifting her arm and placing the gentlest of kisses along the only thing marring her skin… the bruise caused by her intervention for Jack.

  "You are the bravest, most incredible person I know," he said. Kissing her lips once more, he then knelt before her. She automatically put her hands on his shoulders as he lifted first one foot and then the other to remove her shoes, leaving her in nothing but her stockings and her bloomers.

  Taking his time, his fingertips slowly rolled down a stocking, his lips nuzzling the skin of her thigh, her knee, her calf, and finally, her toes. After repeating the slow, delicious unveiling with her other stocking, he looked up her body to see her chest heaving, her breasts appearing heavier, the strawberry colored nipples glistening from his suckling.

  "Don't be frightened," he said.

  "I'm not," she said, looking down.

  He pulled the ribbon at her waist, loosening the last garment that hid her body from his view. Tucking his fingers into the waistband, he slowly drew it down, knowing that he'd never forget this moment, the moment she would be standing in all her glory before him. Once the fabric puddled at her feet, he said, "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." He bent forward and kissed her thighs, loving the way her legs were trembling just the slightest. When he bent forward again, placing a kiss at the apex of her sex, she purred again, her fingers gripping his shoulders.


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