His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

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His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3) Page 22

by Maggie Ryan

  Standing, he undressed far more quickly, about to tell her not to be afraid of his erection, when he saw her face. She wasn't the least bit afraid. Knowing without a doubt that she was an innocent, he silently gave thanks to the women who would share this ranch with his wife, with their children, for making sure that Teresa would enjoy her wedding night. Once nude, he reached for her hand, kissing her palm and then the ring he'd placed on her finger before guiding it to his cock. It was his turn to groan when her fingers wrapped around him, stroking softly.

  "How can it be so soft and so… so hard at the same time?" she asked, giving a little squeeze. At his second groan, she released him. "I'm sorry…"

  "No, it feels good," he assured her, "really good, but I need you beneath me." She smiled and he lifted her and laid her onto the bed after pulling the quilt the women had made and the top sheet down. He joined her, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders, bending to kiss her again. God, he'd never tire of kissing her, loving it when she caressed his tongue with hers, pressing up until her nipples were brushing his chest. Shit… he wasn't going to last long.

  Lifting his head, he began to place little kisses all over her face as he braced himself on one arm so that his free hand could gently trail along her skin, giving each nipple a gentle tug, causing her to moan and arch up again. She only stiffened for an instant when his fingers trailed through the curls of her sex.

  "Open your legs, Tessa. Open for me," he whispered against her throat. "Let me learn your body, let me teach you." Her legs slid open and his fingers continued their journey.

  "Oh, Roger!" she cried as he found the small bundle of nerves, already swollen and pulsing, her legs shifting to close, her hand reaching to touch his shoulder.

  "No, Tessa, don't. Spread your legs. Let me play." When she shuddered but allowed her legs to fall open, he said, "Good girl. You are my beautiful wife, my love…" He slid his fingers around the sensitive bud, adoring her soft mews, the trust she was giving as she opened her legs further, allowing him to explore—to pleasure. Bending to kiss her tummy, licking around the indention of her navel, blowing on the wet skin before dipping the tip of his tongue inside the small depression, he felt her squirm, her hand now in his hair. Lifting his head, he met her gaze and smiled, watching her eyes as he moved his hand a tiny bit further south, slipping just the tip of one finger inside her virginal channel.

  "Soon, I shall be tasting you here," he said, pushing his finger deeper. "I will lick, nibble, suckle, and devour every inch of you, Tessa." His finger began to thrust slowly in and out as his thumb and forefinger continued to work over her nub, caressing, tapping, flicking until she dropped her hand to clutch the sheet.

  "Oh… oh, God," she moaned, her hips lifting.

  "That's right, Tessa. Come for me." Knowing she had no idea what he was requesting, he added a second finger, gently spreading her open, preparing her for his cock that was rock hard as he bent to suckle each of her nipples again. His dips into her cunny went a bit deeper, were a bit more rapid, his thumb never leaving her nub as he watched her eyes as they opened wide. "Don't think, just feel. Let me make you explode. I promise, it will be wonderful." After a few delicious moments of continued exploration, of play, of dragging his tongue across the stiff points of her nipples, she stiffened, clutching the sheets, and then arched, her body shuddering as she imploded. He continued to caress her, watching her tremble, loving the stunned look on her face, her eyes glazed as her hand reached for him.

  "You are so incredible, so beautiful, so very perfect." He bent to kiss her softly, removing his fingers, lifting them to his mouth as he pulled away. She gasped when he slid them between his lips, suckling her cream from each one. "You taste like honey," he said, bending to kiss her again, his cock jerking when she didn't even hesitate, the tiny pink tip of her tongue moving to lick along his lips before opening her mouth for his tongue. God, he was about to come. Groaning, he pulled away and lifted his body over hers.

  "It might hurt but only for a moment, and only this first time," he said.

  "That's… that's all right. Make me yours, Roger. Make me your wife."

  He nodding, gritting his teeth as he began to press into her. She was velvet. She was heat. She was tightness. She was absolute heaven. Her soft whimper belied her assurance that it was all right as his girth forced her body to open, to spread around his shaft. Not wanting to prolong her pain, he withdrew a bit and then surged into her, his mouth covering hers the moment he broke through her maidenhead, accepting her cry into his body as he claimed hers for the first time. It felt like a lifetime… it felt like the briefest of seconds before he felt her relax beneath him, his lips never leaving hers until she lifted her hips, giving a soft moan.

  His thrusts were gentle at first, allowing her time to grow accustomed to his presence inside her, taking the time to appreciate the gift that she had given him, that she'd continue to gift him for the rest of their lives. It was only when her arms twined around his neck and she began to rock beneath him, matching him thrust for thrust, that he increased both the speed and depth of his movements. When her cunny began to clench around him, he knew she was about to spend again.

  "I love you, Tessa. Come again, come with me."

  He rocked his hips faster, going as deeply as he could, each stroke driving him closer and closer until she screamed his name. His cock jerked as it was massaged by the walls of her cunny until he joined her, filling her for the first time of thousands. When he was empty, his heart pounding in his chest, he rolled to the side, bringing her with him until he lay on his back, his wife lying along the length of his body.

  It took several minutes before she even stirred. Lifting her head, she smiled. "I think I'm going to really enjoy having you for my teacher, Mr. Morrison."

  He chuckled, his hands moving to cup the globes of her bottom. "I don't think, I know I'm going to love having you as my student, Mrs. Morrison."

  They made love again, the second time as intense as the first. As he rolled over again, holding her in his arms, he chuckled after only a few minutes. His wife was sound asleep. Tucking her against his side, he wrapped an arm around her. Closing his eyes, he smiled. Class was definitely not over, but he could use a bit of recess himself.


  He grinned when Teresa opened her eyes, her cheeks flushing as she smiled. "Hi."

  "Hello," he said. "How are you?"

  "Perfect," she said, reaching up to caress his cheek. "Was I dreaming, or was it as wonderful as I remember?"

  "It was wonderful," he assured her, giving her a kiss. "Wonderful and absolutely incredible."

  "I thought so," she said, her lips curving into a smile before her eyes widened as her tummy growled. "Oh…"

  "I love all the sounds you make," he said. "They let me know when you are about to come, and when it is time to remember that my wife needs to eat."

  "Is… is that what's it's called? I mean, when my entire body becomes as tight and then I…"

  "Explode… see stars…"

  "Fly," she said, reaching up to caress his face. "I felt like I was flying off a cliff. It was scary…"

  "Tessa, I don't want you ever to be frightened," he said, his smile slipping a bit.

  "It was scary but it was the most incredible feeling and, Roger, I never once doubted that you would catch me. When can we… um…"

  "Fly to the heavens again?" he offered, and then chuckled when her stomach rumbled again. "Not until I get some food into my bride."

  "I'm not hungry," she said, her stomach growling for the third time.

  "Ah, this is the perfect time to give you your present, I think."

  "Present? I-I didn't get you a present."

  "Tessa, you gave me the greatest gift when you became my wife… in all ways." He kissed her and then gave each of her bare cheeks a swat, loving her shocked little squeal.

  "Yes, definitely time for your present." Climbing out of the bed, he reached for his pants, ignoring his cock's protest a
t being tucked away, his shaft already hardening. Turning back to offer her his hand, he grinned as he caught her eyes focused on the fly of his trousers. Yup, his wife was definitely a willing pupil.

  "First food, then another lesson," he said, taking her hand and helping her from the bed.

  "Um, I need something to wear."

  "Why? If it were up to me, you'd wear absolutely nothing." He grinned and reached to cup a breast, running his thumb across her nipple that he found absolutely fascinating as it puckered tighter and tighter. Of course, it also further hardened his cock that he had just confined. Good Lord, if she walked around naked at all times, they'd never eat, much less leave the bedroom.

  Reluctantly letting his hand drop, seeing the gooseflesh his action had raised, he said, "I think Agatha put your clothing in the armoire." Opening the door, he pulled her robe off a hook and held it out so that she could slip her arms into the sleeves. Once he'd tied the belt around her waist, he bent to kiss her, only to pull away when she pressed against him.

  "Are you already being naughty, Mrs. Morrison?"

  "No, sir. I'm just thanking my teacher for a wonderful lesson."

  He chuckled again, and taking her hand, led her out of the bedroom into the living area. He fixed a plate with some slices of cold meat, some cheeses, and a couple of slices of bread while she poured them glasses of lemonade that Catherine had sent. In fact, they had so much food that they'd no need to cook for several days.

  "Let's eat on the porch," Roger suggested. "The sun is about to set."

  "All right, but there's only one chair."

  "That's all we need. Go on, I'll be right out." She nodded and when he opened the door, she walked out. He was close behind, seeing her set the glasses on the small table he'd built and moving to stand, her hands on the railing of the porch while he stood in the doorway, breathless at the vision before him. The waning light softened the edges of their world, shadows deepening, the sounds of the night beginning as cicadas and crickets chirped. And yet, the light found his wife, seeming to surround her, caress her. He swallowed hard, his heart clenching. Her hair was mussed, her bare feet peeked out beneath the hem of her robe, and yet she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The pure joy of knowing that she was his, that she'd chosen him, rendered him unable to speak. He came to stand behind her, slipping his arms around her as they watch the orange orb of the sun began to sink behind the mountains. When just a sliver was left, the entire heaven was speared with golden rays before, as if God's breath blew against a lantern's wick, the light winked out and the sun disappeared.

  "That was beautiful."

  "Yes, and we shall spend a lifetime watching the days passing and, Tessa, I will thank God for each and every one spent with you. Come—sit with me."

  He'd lit a lantern, placing it in the window. It wasn't bright but provided enough light to see. She climbed onto his lap and they took turns feeding each other. When he suckled her fingers after accepting a piece of cheese, her indrawn breath had his hand slipping inside her robe to cup a breast, his thumb finding her nipple hard. He released her fingers from his mouth only to bend forward to capture her bottom lip, giving it a nip.

  "Delicious." At her blush, he smiled, reaching towards the table.

  "What's that?"

  "Your present," he said, picking it up.

  "May I open it?"

  "Only if you want to know what it is," he teased.

  She giggled and untied the string. "I love presents," she said, looking up at him as her fingers pushed the paper apart.

  "I love giving them to you—especially special ones," he said, smiling when she tilted her head and paused. "Go ahead, finish opening it."

  It took her a moment to realize what it was, and when she did, she blushed and lifted her eyes. "You gave me a… a paddle?"

  "Yes, but it is a very special paddle," he said.

  "Special? How can a paddle be special?" she asked, seemingly unable to decide whether to look at him or at his gift. "I mean, um… you aren't… planning to spank me with this are you?"

  "I most certainly am," he said. "And, I promise, you shall enjoy it very, very much."

  "You are insane," she said, shaking her head. "I married a crazy man."

  "No, you married a man who intends to teach you how a bit of pain can intensify pleasure in ways you can't even begin to imagine. Look closely," he instructed.

  She bent forward and then gasped. "You carved this?"

  "Yes, just for you."

  "I can tell," she said, her lips curving in spite of her confusion.

  "Read it out loud," he instructed.

  "You know what it says…"

  "Read it anyway," he said, moving a hand to slip beneath her, cupping a bottom cheek.

  "Tessa's Tantalizing Tushie," she said, moaning a bit when he squeezed her buttock.

  "That's right. This is the paddle that I'll use whenever my beautiful Tessa has been a very, very good girl. Just like the ones that Wyatt, Richard and James use when their wives have been good."

  "They all have paddles like this?"

  "Yup, we all made our wives one. They were quite the hit at Christmas."

  "Oh, my. So it's not just my husband; it is all of you men. You are all crazy." She shook her head and then giggled. "What… what do the other paddles say?"

  "Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't tell you if you are only going to insult our intentions."

  She giggled again, her fingers tracing the letters he'd carved into the wood. "Please?"

  "Are you going to be my good girl?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "All right. The other three read: Anna's Amazing Arse, Charity's Curvaceous Cheeks, and Agatha's Adorable Ass."

  "Oh, my. Who decided on those words?"

  "Their husbands, of course."

  "Of course," she said with a giggle. "You are all craz—um, creative."

  He chuckled. "We thought so. Now, are you ready to return to class, Mrs. Morrison?"

  "What am I going to learn?" she asked.

  "You are going to learn that having your very tantalizing tushie paddled can have you begging for more."

  "I find that rather hard to believe."

  "Ah, are you arguing with the teacher?" he asked.

  "What if I am?" she teased. "You're evidently going to paddle me anyway."

  "Yes, but this paddle is for good girl spankings."

  He watched as her eyes widened and before she even spoke, he had a good idea of what she was going to ask, grinning when his intuition proved true.

  "And what paddle is for… for naughty girls?"

  "I'm glad you asked," he said, bending to the side and picking up another package, this time from the floor where she hadn't noticed it being placed. "Open it."

  She giggled but obeyed, this time holding up the paddle herself to read the inscription. "Roger! This… why doesn't this sound as… sweet as the other?"

  "I think you know," he said, "in here…" he paused and tapped her forehead, "in here…" his finger moved to tap against her heart…" and without a doubt, I know you understand exactly why, here." He not only squeezed her buttock again, he then stood and popped his hand against her rear.

  He pulled her closer, his hands free to cup her face while hers were full, each one holding a different paddle. "I promised to take care of you, to protect you and to paddle you."

  She shook her head. "I don't remember hearing that last part when you said your vows."

  "I'm sure I said it," he said, guiding her back into the house, his fingers splayed against her lower back. Once in their bedroom, he turned her to face him. "The point is, do I use this…" he asked, plucking the Tessa paddle from her right hand, "or this?" He plucked the second paddle and twirled it in his other hand. "After all, you are both my Tessa and my…" he grinned, looking down at her and then at the paddle, reading the inscription, "Errant Educator."

  "I don't know," she began and then smiled as she reached for the sash of her robe. "But I did tell you
that I would be your good girl, Mr. Morrison."

  The moment her robe opened, her hands lifting to push the cloth off first one shoulder and then the other, allowing it to slip down her body as her hands moved to traced its path, fingertips sliding over the slopes of her breasts, across the flat plane of her abdomen, he understood that he'd married a woman who would not hold back in allowing herself to explore, to learn, to feel. He tossed the paddle he'd use when his little teacher needed a lesson to improve her behavior onto the top of the washstand.

  By the time he had her over his lap, she was indeed begging for more as he swatted first one cheek and then the other before rubbing away the sting, his fingers dipping between her legs.

  "I'm paddling your tushie and you, young lady, are very, very wet," he said, sliding two fingers into her body.

  "I-I'm sor… sorry. Is-is that bad?" she stammered, squirming a bit as his fingers moved deeper.

  "No, my darlin', that is very, very good." His fingers continued to tease, to torture as the paddle continued to pop gently against her pinkened flesh.

  "Roger… please… I-I… please," she begged.

  "Are you begging for more?" he asked.

  "Yes, please… I need…" She reared her head back as he slipped a finger into her bottom, the shock not stopping the orgasm that ripped through her as her entire body bucked, both openings clamping, convulsing on his fingers as she screamed his name.

  "That's right. Fly for me, little one, fly."

  The End

  Maggie Ryan

  #1 International and USA Today bestselling author for Blushing Books. I write both contemporary erotica and historical spanking romances. I enjoy writing about characters that enjoy the provocative D/S lifestyle of today’s times, as well as taking a step back into the past to write stories that take place in the Victorian era with age-play as a theme.

  I live in the great Lone Star state with my wonderful husband. I have always loved reading. Growing up in a family with four children, it was difficult finding a place to be alone. I was probably one of the squeakiest clean girls on the planet as I would spend hours in the tub so I could read without being bothered. It wasn’t long before I began to make up my own endings to the books I was reading. From there, it just seemed natural to begin writing my own stories.


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