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Kissed by the Professor (Class is in Session Book 3)

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by Remi Grey

  Kissed by the Professor


  Copyright © 2019 Remi Grey – All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Cover Created By Embrace the Pace Designs

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.
















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  About the Book

  An Alpha Male and BBW Romance


  She was beautiful in all of her curves and crevices.

  Instantly, I was attracted to her energy--to the way she smiled and laughed.

  That’s what it seemed she did after every time I complimented her.

  And it’s what she did after I asked her out after I bought her coffee. She laughed.

  It hurt how she couldn’t see what I saw in her, but I was determined now only for her to love me as much as I loved her, but for her to love herself.


  Leaving town was just what I needed after the mistake of a summer I had spent with someone who I thought I loved.

  For a long while, I only knew him as Professor Grenada, but when I first met Adam in person, I was drawn into him by his intense hazel eyes.

  They seemed to gaze into mine as though he could see the woman inside too afraid to love anyone else in the fear that they’d used her.

  I couldn’t help but be that woman.

  Even as he tried to get my attention in every way he could, it was hard to fight my natural instincts to run from any man that wanted to get to know me.

  Kissed by the Professor is a sweet and steamy romance that explores the tale of a woman who believes she isn’t worthy of love and a man who wants more than anything to give it to her. She will have to find herself in order to let herself fall in love with him. This is the third story in the Class is in Session series. No Cliffhangers!

  Chapter 1


  I squeezed into my pants in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom. The light pouring in from the nearby window brightened the entire room and enhanced every flaw that I saw in myself. The stretch marks, the gut on my lower stomach, lumps on my ass that I couldn’t seem to get to fit in my pants this morning.

  I jumped up and tugged on the waistband to encourage it. When it finally slid on, I sighed, zipping, and buttoning it in satisfaction. After I tucked in my blouse, I moved my attention back to the figure in the mirror.

  “Hanna!” I heard. “Hanna!

  My mother, a well-known guest in my apartment, appeared before my door frame just before knocking on my door even though I could see her. Asking her what she was doing here was a question I stopped bothering with weeks ago.

  She was a small woman with a huge personality. She waltzed into my room, checking herself out in the mirror and then checking me out. “These look great on you,” she said, running her hands down the side of my leg to feel for the fabric. “I thought you said these were too small for you, though.”

  I made a face.

  "I'm just saying last month when you bought them, you said they couldn't get over your thighs. You must've lost some weight!" The way she beamed at me when she said it made me frown. Comments like this were all that I had gotten since I was young. Because I looked so different from my mom, who was thin and petite, blonde, and blue-eyed, I only got pointed out.

  Oh, this is your daughter? They’d say when we used to go somewhere together. At family functions, she got none of you and all of Byron, in reference to my father. My mother never talked about him now that they were divorced. Happily, she’d say if you asked her.

  “Are you heading to work?” she asked.

  “Yup,” I replied.

  “Are you liking it so far? I know it’s different from your job back at home…”

  “You know, I really am,” I confessed, thinking about my job in the administration office at Glendale University. “I actually need to head out.” I turned on my feet and grabbed the keys to my car. As I neared the door, I glanced back at her and reminded her to “Please lock up before you leave!” Then, I was out the door.

  The university was ten minutes from the house, including traffic during the early hours of the morning. The coffee shop in the heart of the campus was always my first stop before heading to the administration building a few meters away.

  "May I have a medium cup of coffee with cream and sugar, please?" I asked once I was at the front of the line. Because it was my usual, it took but two seconds to order, a relief for the barista who was accustomed to adjusting to the complicated orders of the students here.

  “Coming right up!” the young woman said from behind the register. “That would be $3.09.”

  I dug in my purse for my card and swiftly held it out for her right as a figure stepped up before me. “Don’t worry, I got it,” the figure said. I turned my head to see a man, about six-foot-two, with golden hair adorning his head like a halo, and a charming smile. The way his eyes hovered over mine made me want to melt onto the floor.

  I shifted my eyes down to his body. He was wearing a suit--no tie--but a clean white dress shirt with a navy-blue jacket and pants. Even with it on, you could see his toned chest through it and just under his waistband, a slight bulge that made me lightheaded. Even so, I managed to bring my attention back up to him quickly and step up with my card again, encouraging the barista to accept my method of payment. I didn’t know what his motivations were, but I didn’t have the time or patience to find out.

  “No, thank you, sir,” I said. I forced that “sir,” so he would know where we stood even if the way he was looking at me made me want to call him daddy. “I can buy my own coffee.”

  "Oh, but I insist," he said, placing his debit card in the hands of the barista.

  I laughed then replaced my card with the one in her hand. Her eyes darted between the two of us, unsure of what to do next. Professor Adam Grenada, currently working on his Ph.D. in Philosophy and full-time instructor here at the university. I knew him, his salary, and his accolades. But I didn't realize he was this damn persistent. He looked at me, challenging, and I looked right back. I didn't care how attractive he was or how successful. I just knew that a man like him couldn't like a woman like me.

  “Charge my card, please,” I ordered firmly after turning away from Adam to the barista.

  She appeared hesitant then scanned the card before handing it to me.

  I moved from the counter, shooting one last look at him before waiting for my coffee at the end of the table. I watched him as he conversed with the barista, the words inaudible to me, and scanned his own card. I hated that I had to decline thin
gs like this, but it was just safer. Being played again wasn't an option.

  Chapter 2


  Coffee. It was the first thing I needed before I could start my day. With having to teach ten courses a week, attending classes, and attempting to complete my dissertation for my doctorate degree, caffeine became less of a compromise.

  As soon as I entered the relatively deserted shop, I rejoiced at how quickly I would be in and out. Then, the chaos in my head with reminders about what I had yet to do and the pull of the day came to a halt as my eyes focused on the figure at the front of the counter.

  "May I have a medium cup of coffee with cream and sugar, please?" she asked. It was as if she had said the same order time and time again the way it rolled off her tongue. Her long hair swayed to her waist as she looked into her purse for her wallet. The way her hips curved outward and commanded the entire room drew me closer to her.

  “That would be $3.09.”

  With my wallet in my pocket, it took little time to whip out my debit card and extend it to the barista. “Don't worry, I got it," I told the woman. When she turned around to see who I was, I was met with her bright brown eyes. She took me in, shifting her eyes down slightly, then back up.

  “No, thank you, sir.”

  I couldn’t lie. That sir felt like a blow, but still, there was something about her that I couldn't let get away. Even after I insisted and there was a brief battle between whose card to charge, she seemed to come out on top. She thought she won. She shot me a look before strutting away to wait for her coffee, content with her choice of the day.

  Not only did her power to dismiss me turn me on, but it also made me want to show her that I, too, could get what I wanted. "Cancel that charge," I ordered the barista in a hushed tone once the woman was seated at the end of the table awaiting her coffee. The barista's eyes widened then shifted to the right where the woman was.

  “Um,” she started, confused. Then, she nodded, pressing a few buttons on her screen before looking up at me. I handed her my card.

  “Put her coffee for today and the rest of the week on me. Tell her to consider it a gift. Oh, and also, I’d like a cup of coffee for myself. Black. Two sugars.” She nodded and swiped my card before handing it back to me.

  I glanced back at the woman. She was looking back at me, her lips slightly pursed, and her eyebrow raised. She really thought she did something. Too bad, I always get what I want. And looking at her, the way her lips pouted, and her hips seemed to lift her upward as though perched on a cloud when she crossed her legs, I realized that more than anything I wanted her.

  Chapter 3


  The sweetness of the coffee as I entered the chilly fall morning awakened me even more than the earlier encounter with Professor Grenada did. Professor Grenada, I said again in my head. It kind of had a ring to it when I said it over and over. Professor Grenada, Professor Grenada…

  “Professor Grenada!” I exclaimed when he appeared behind me.

  He had his coffee in his hand and had just left the coffee shop. I regretted not moving quicker after I had gotten my drink. I wondered if he could tell what I was thinking; I wondered if he could see the flush of red overwhelming my cheeks.

  “You know my name,” he said. He didn’t ask why, but I decided to enlighten him.

  “Well, I work in the administrator's office,” I clarified, nodding my head in the direction of the building next to us.

  He glanced briefly to the right of him and then turned back to me with a smile, unbothered by the sight of the building and more entranced by me. I shied away from him by instinct. It felt weird being looked at like that. Being desired always seemed to feel like I was being put under a microscope. Could he see that these pants I wore fit a little tight? Was it obvious I went with high-waisted pants to hide my pouch? Did he even really like me, or was this all in my head?

  “I never got your name,” he said.

  “Oh!” That was true. “Hanna.”

  “Hanna, that’s pretty. Nice to meet you,” he continued.

  I smiled and nodded. “I should probably get going. I start work soon.”

  “And I have a lecture to get to. You should sit in on one.”

  I laughed. “I finished school a long time ago.”

  “Well,” he started with a soft chuckle. “It’s never too late to learn something new. And plus, maybe we could go out afterward. Get something stronger than coffee.”

  I felt myself blush again. Damn, he was so good. So good, I thought he was being serious. So good, I thought that maybe he wanted something more from me than a quick fuck before he went on with a relationship with someone who looked nothing like me.

  I hesitated for a beat and looked up at him.

  “I’ve got to get to work,” I repeated despite the feelings rising up in me.


  “Okay, okay, start over because I think I missed the part where you didn’t have me fucked up,” Iris exclaimed with her eyes wide. Iris, my work friend at the university, was sitting across from me in my cubicle with a disapproving expression. Her midnight black hair was tossed up in a messy bun that only she could get away with at work.

  I laughed at her reaction and then attempted to explain myself. “Well--You see--”

  Iris raised an eyebrow at me as she awaited a valid reason for me turning down (in her words) "one of the hottest professors at the school." Apparently, on the professor rating website predominantly used for ratings on class difficulty and teaching methods, he was rated a five out of five based on his looks alone. "But don't get me wrong." Iris had said. "He's smart as hell, too, and knows what he's talking about."

  “He and I…” I hesitated again. “We’re different.” I prepared myself for the reaction from Iris that I always get from people, but she just stared at me dumbfounded. Okay, I guess I had to break it down for her.

  "He's him, and I'm…" I paused to give her room to make conclusions, but she tilted her head like a cute, confused puppy. "I'm bigger than most girls." She jolted back as though I had just slapped her in the face.

  “So?” she said.

  “So, he’s Adam Grenada…”


  I sighed. Of course, I sounded foolish now, but it was clear how problematic this was for women like me. “Men like Adam don’t like women like me,” I broke it down even more.

  “But Adam likes you, so what’s the problem?” she questioned.

  "The problem is what I just said," I reiterated, growing more frustrated. "He doesn't like me. No way he does." I took a breath, thinking about all the times I had heard something along the lines of I don’t usually date bigger girls, but you’re beautiful. Or Last night was fun, but I don't really want a relationship. I came to learn that the “with you” was silent. “I don’t want a one-night stand. I want something real. I don’t want every compliment I get to surround my weight. Either saying that I look good because I happened to lose a few pounds or that I’d make a great pillow. I want someone to love me for who I am.”

  “And you think Adam can’t give that to you? You’d be surprised what could happen if you just got to know someone.”

  I sighed and thought back to him. A sip of my coffee brought him back to me. The memory of him being so persistent to pay for it now made me want to smile. He was so damn cute. His smile, his laugh, the way he held onto every word I said as though each one mattered…

  “I don’t know...” My response was true. I didn’t. I was scared to give him a chance even though I wanted so badly to give him one. I spun around what was left of the coffee in my cup.

  “And you won’t ever know until you give him a chance.”

  I looked up at her, her arms crossed over her chest, and a serious look painting her face. "Come on, Hanna, it's Professor Grenada. Is this even a question?" she wailed dramatically. I couldn't help but laugh softly.

  "Okay, okay," I said to calm her down, but in my head, neither confirming or denying what I'd do.r />
  “You’ll do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Talk to him again?”

  “Erm,” I started. The optimistic look on her face prompted me to nod despite still being unsure.

  She beamed immediately and started singing, “Hanna’s about to get laiiid. Hanna’s about to get laiiid.” When I shot her a look, she adjusted herself. “‘Hanna’s about to become involved in a serious and committed relationship with one of the hottest professors on this campus’ just seemed too long.”

  I laughed, but at the back of my mind felt anxious at the thought of putting myself in a position where I could get hurt again.

  Chapter 4



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