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The Big One (Second Chance Romantic Comedy)

Page 7

by Katherine Hastings

  “Tell me what happened to the teaching dream?” Young Ellie had been hell-bent on changing the world one student at a time. Her unwavering dreams of being an educator had caused her eyes to light up when she talked about the kind of teacher she aspired to be, and how she couldn’t wait to finish college and get started. Those same eyes now flashed pain at the question.

  “Turns out teachers in Chicago are underappreciated, underpaid and teenagers are evil.” She blew out a puff of air with the last words. “Like really evil. I have a whole new respect for the teachers that endure the torture day in and day out. Turns out I didn’t have what it takes, hence now I’m a server. Well, I hope I’m still a server, if Louie can beg and plead for my forgiveness and I have a job to return to.”

  “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I know how excited you were to teach,” I said, and squeezed her hand. She returned the gesture and looked up at me with searching eyes.

  “And you? What happened to the soccer dreams? You said in your message you got injured?”

  Just like the moment I’d mentioned teaching, the same pain of loss and regret in Ellie’s expressive gaze flashed in my own and I struggled to chase it away. I nodded and shifted my weight, the pain from hearing the words I’d never play again still resounding in my head. “My Achilles. I tore it in the championships. Two surgeries later and they said with the proper rest and rehabilitation I could play again. I was young, stupid,” I scoffed, “and I didn’t wait or finish my therapy. I blew it out again the next game and it turned out they couldn’t repair the new damage. My soccer days were officially done.”

  “I’m so sorry, Liam. I know how much you loved it.”

  “Yeah,” I breathed and the memories of my youth and the way I could handle that ball in front of the screaming crowds flooded back to me the same way they did every night when I closed my eyes. It was always the first thing I thought of when they shut at night... she was the last.

  “I can’t imagine how that must have felt. You must have been devastated.”

  “That would be an understatement,” I said, and blew out a deep sigh. “I could have used you around at that time. You were always the voice of reason to my impulsive nature. I have no doubt you’d have shoved me back into bed and scolded me for trying to use it too soon. You would have had a checklist a mile long to prove your point that I shouldn’t overdo it.” I laughed, but I knew if she’d have been in my life, there was no way she’d have let me on that field. I elbowed her in the side and smirked. “Where were you, Ellie? You’re supposed to stop me from doing stupid things.”

  She pointed a scolding finger at me and shook it in my face. “I’d have tied you up and locked you in a closet for sure. And how the hell did you end up in Italy? You never told me that part,” she asked.

  “My mother,” I answered. “She’s from Naples, and when my father died five years ago, she didn’t want to stay alone in Amsterdam. She wanted to be with her family. With my soccer career in shambles, and not wanting her to come here alone, I moved with her. My grandfather had built a sizeable company and he offered me work while I got settled. She moved in with him and I got my own place.”

  “I’m so sorry about your father, Liam. I can’t imagine.”

  “It’s been five years, so I’m fine now but thank you. He was a good man. My mother is still struggling. They had the kind of love that is very rare in this world, and after fifty-two years together she is not adjusting well. She’s been sick as well and needs me here with her, so I’m glad I came.”

  “You’re still a good man, I see,” she said, and a soft smile parted her lips. “And a good son.”

  “I try,” I answered. “She’s a good mom and I’m just glad I can be there for her now.”

  “And you work construction now? Do you wear one of those tool belts and work with your shirt off?” She waggled her eyebrows, and it induced a deep laugh from my gut.

  “The tool belt, yes, sometimes. The shirtless working is frowned upon, but it’s happened a time or two on hot days.”

  Desire flashed in her eyes and I mirrored it, noticing that it continued growing every time the breeze wafted her sweet scent to me, and each time she shifted those legs I still remembered wrapped around my waist.

  “Actually, I don’t do a lot of physical construction anymore. My grandfather passed away a year ago, and he gave me the company to run. I spend more time in an office now than out on job sites.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry about your grandfather, Liam,” she said.

  I shook my head. “He was ninety-five and was ready to be with my grandmother again. She passed ten years before and he counted the days until he could see her again. I was shocked to find out he’d left the entire company to me, but I was honored to keep up the family tradition. It’s not professional soccer, but it’s the next best thing and I love what I do. I’m lucky that way.”

  “What’s that like?” she said, rolling her eyes. “I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Serving is not my passion, I hate teaching, and I’ve just been saving up money to go back to school, but nothing speaks to my heart. I’m stuck.” Her shoulders lifted with a heavy sigh and it pained me to see her dreams dashed, their shattered remains leaving confusion behind.

  “You’ll figure out where you belong,” I said. With me, I wanted to add but bit my lip instead. “I never thought I would be living a life in construction, but the hours are flexible, my crews are great, and I love still being able to use my hands when I want. Hammering is surprisingly therapeutic.”

  She snorted. “Maybe I should try construction. I’ve got some frustrations that could benefit from a little time with a hammer.”

  “Only if you wear no shirt and a tool belt.” The moment the naughty words escaped my lips I worried I’d gone too far. Back when she was mine, I would have said something similar, but I wasn’t sure if we were in that place yet. My wide eyes searched her shocked face for reaction.

  Laughter erupted and the sweet sounds of it joined with the chirping birds that had been our only soundtrack. God, I’ve missed that sound. Her face crinkled just like it had when I would say something clever at the ripe old age of eighteen. Luckily for me, she’d found my jokes quite entertaining. Clearly, that hadn’t changed.

  “You’re terrible,” she said between giggles.

  “It’s not a terrible idea, though.” I waggled my brows and joined in her laughter. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll do it too.”

  “Oh, because having you work topless is exactly the same thing.”

  “Whatever it takes to make you feel more comfortable in your new career as a topless construction worker.”

  “See, I knew I’d come to Italy and figure out my life’s goal. Thank you, Liam. Thank you. I guess I can go back now.” Her laughter continued but my own petered off when the thought of her leaving slammed into me like a semi-truck.

  Clearing my throat, I swallowed hard. “When are you leaving?” I held my breath hoping the answer was never.

  Her laughter trickled off. “One week.”

  “The same amount of time we got together the first time,” I answered, trying to hide my disappointment.

  “So it seems.” Her lips pulled tight into a line and the awkward silence settled over us like a heavy fog.

  “Then we should make the most of it. I’ll take the week off work and show you everything Naples has to offer.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” she protested. “I dropped in on you like a ton of bricks. I’m not going to ask you to upend your life and cater to my crazy whims.”

  My fingers moved to her face and I swept them across her skin and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Your idea was not crazy, it was brilliant. And there is nothing I would rather do than spend every second of your time here at your side. You’re not putting me out. I promise.”

  Her lips pursed tighter, but she nodded. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” I said smiling back. “Do you have a hotel already?”
  “Yes, I booked myself at the Hotel Napoli Cesare Agusto, I think it’s called. There was a special for fifty euro a night and it looked clean enough.”

  “I know just where that is. It’s charming and near the ocean.”

  “That’s what the reviews say.”

  “I would offer to let you stay with me, but part of taking care of my mother meant moving in with her after my grandfather died. She’d been living with him and I couldn’t stand the thought of her living alone. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind, but I don’t know how you’d feel about that.”

  Her head was shaking. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m barging in on your life enough as is. I’ll just stay at the hotel. That’s so sweet that you moved in with your mom. You really are one of the good ones.”

  “She put up with my naughty ass enough years, so it’s only right I return the favor and take care of her now.”

  “My parents are living the life down in Boca. I hardly ever see them except on holidays once or twice a year.”

  “You’re lucky to have them both.”

  “I am. I miss seeing them but I’m happy they’re enjoying their retirement. At least I still have my sister Nita around. I don’t know what I’d do if she ever moved away.”

  “I never got to meet her, but you always talked fondly of her... and the photos on your Instagram look like you two are still very close. Isn’t that right ‘Ellie Butternuts’?”

  After that night she’d popped back into my life, I’d torn through her social accounts and realized all those failed attempts at locating her had been because she didn’t use her real name on any of them. Once I’d seen the name she used on Facebook, I was able to find her other accounts. I’d spent the whole evening flipping through photos of her life and feeling sad I hadn’t been a part of it. Her beauty wasn’t the only thing that had captivated me the night I tore through those pictures, it was the joy and the passion that radiated from her and it took me back to the night we met.

  And made me miss her so much it ached from a dark corner of my soul.

  “Yeah, looking back I realize using a fake name wasn’t the best idea. It was a joke from college, and I don’t even know why I still used it. I can’t believe you looked for me.”

  “Of course, I did,” I admitted. “Multiple times. A couple years ago I found our mutual friend Jim on Instagram and even reached out to see if he knew where you were.”

  Bulging eyes met my own and her mouth dropped open. “Are you serious? You really were looking for me?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled and ran my thumb across her cheek. “Of course I was looking for you. I never stopped thinking about you, Ellie. Not ever.”

  A happy sigh racked her body and she leaned her head onto my shoulder. I slipped an arm around her and pressed my cheek into the top of her head.

  “I’m so glad you don’t think I’m a crazy stalker,” she whispered.

  “Not at all. A very welcome surprise. The best surprise of my life in fact, followed with a close second from the night your message popped up in my inbox.”

  “Then I’m grateful for the booze on both occasions. I never would have had the balls to do this. I thought for sure you’d forgotten all about me.”

  I kissed the top of her head and whispered into her sweet-smelling hair. “Never.”

  “I can’t believe I’m here, in Italy, with you. Is this really happening?”

  “Unless I’m having a very realistic dream or I died and this is heaven, then yes... this is really happening.”

  “Thank you, Jack,” she whispered.

  “Who’s Jack?” I asked, and a pang of jealousy thinking about her with another man plucked in my stomach.

  “Jack Daniels. It’s his fault I sent you a message that night.” She chuckled, and I joined her, remembering how she enjoyed her whiskey. “Louie and Nita, too. They’re the ones that found you and forced me onto that plane.”

  “It seems I have a lot of thank-you notes to write.”

  “You and me both.” She sighed and pressed deeper into my chest.

  Wrapping my arm tighter around her, I caught the glint of sunlight that flashed across my watch.

  “Oh shit,” I mumbled, realizing the time. “I have one meeting with potential investors I have to get to, but then I’m yours for the rest of the week. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. Go ahead. Get to your meeting, and please don’t cancel anything on my account this week.”

  “One meeting then I’m all yours.” I stood up and extended my hand. She closed her fingers around it and that familiar spark traveled between us while I hoisted her up onto her feet. “Let me get you a cab and you can go check into your hotel and get some rest.”


  We walked together through the winding gardens until the sounds of the city erupted again and we were standing on the side of the road. I waved my hand at the passing cab and he slammed on the brakes, pulling up to the curb beside us. I leaned down into the window and handed him twenty euros.

  “Hotel Napoli Cesare Agusto,” I said, and he nodded his understanding.

  I popped open the back door and lifted her suitcase inside, sliding it to the opposite side of the cab.

  “You didn’t need to pay him,” she said. “But thank you.”

  “I’ll be there to pick you up at seven. We’ll do dinner. There’s a new restaurant not far from your hotel we can check out.”

  “Okay,” she answered and dropped those nervous eyes to the ground once more.

  Sliding my hand beneath her chin, I tipped her face back up until her eyes settled back on my own. The pull from her lips drew me in and I pressed mine against hers, closing my eyes to inhale her breath as it slid between her lips. I could have stayed there all day just breathing her in, but I finally forced myself to pull away. She batted heavy eyelids at me, and I kissed her cheek before helping her inside and closing the door behind her. Leaning down into the window, I ducked my head inside for one last taste of those lips before standing up and tapping on the top of the cab.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” I said and caught her eyes one last time before the cab took off. I stood frozen watching it go until it disappeared around the corner.

  She was here. My Ellie.



  “Well?” I asked, and I spun into the view of my iPad propped up on the bed. Nita and Louie’s faces were mushed together in the little window of the Skype screen.

  “Now we’re talking! That one!” Louie said confidently of the dress he’d stuffed in my suitcase before I left, and the third outfit choice I’d presented them with tonight. “It’s perfect! Soft, romantic, fancy enough if you go nice, casual enough if he takes you out for burgers... which he’d better not.” He scowled. “And your tits look amazing. Just the right amount of cleavage!”

  I did one last twirl in the soft floral dress that fell off my shoulders in bouncy ruffles. “You’re sure? Nita?”

  “Yep. That’s the one. You look incredible, Ellie.”

  Flopping on the bed I grabbed the iPad and rolled onto my back, hoisting them in the air.

  “Don’t mess up those curls!” Louie scolded. Rolling my eyes, I carefully swept the curls I’d made with the iron off to the side.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.” I sighed into the screen.

  “You’re welcome,” Louie responded with a smirk.

  “Thank you, Louie. I owe you.”

  “You can pay me back by telling us about the kiss again.” He pushed his chin into his palms and sighed. “We’re living vicariously through you. Was it so amazing?”

  “Amazing isn’t even on the scale of words to describe it. It was magic.”

  “Just right there in the middle of the street? He just kissed you?”

  “Mmmhmmm,” I said, and the memories of his lips on mine sent that familiar flutter through my stomach. “Not even a hello. Just grabbed me and kissed me.”

  “So hot.” Loui
e closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “I can’t believe you choked and fell on your face. Smooth, Ellie, smooth.” Nita shook her head before feigning she was choking. “Soooo sexy.”

  “Shut up!” I laughed. “I knew I should have left that part out! I was so embarrassed!”

  “Well, at least you got that out of the way. If he still dipped you in the street and kissed you after showing your undies to all of Naples, then I think you can safely relax. He’s still into you.”

  “God, I hope so,” I breathed. “If this goes badly, there isn’t enough Jack in the world to drown the pain from the wound it will leave. Now that I’ve seen him again, kissed him again...” I closed my eyes and let those feelings wash back over me. “There’s no going back. Either we end up together or you guys will be visiting me at the Betty Ford clinic after I go on an all-whiskey diet to forget him.”

  “You two are meant to be,” Louie said, and I waited for the snarky comment that normally followed. This time nothing else came.

  “I hope you’re right. You guys, that kiss...”

  “I’m just glad he’s still hot. There’d be nothing worse than getting all the way to Naples and finding out he’d Photoshopped all those photos,” Louie said.

  “So hot. So, so hot.”

  Louie’s eyes bulged. “You’d better Insta the shit out of tonight! Don’t forget... #fuckallen. He’s gonna die, Ellie. DIE!”

  I giggled and shook my head. “I don’t even give a shit about Allen anymore. I couldn’t care less if he sees me with Liam. After that kiss I’m surprised I can even remember Allen’s name.”

  “Are you gonna bang him?” Nita asked and arched an eyebrow.

  “What?” I squeaked. “I just saw him again for the first time in a decade! It’s like our first date!”

  “But you already banged him, so isn’t it like a freebie?” Louie joined in. “If you count the week you were together then this is like your eighth date, and if you haven’t banged it out by your eighth date then something is messed up.”

  “You guys! It’s our first date! I’m not banging him tonight. I don’t want to rush this.”


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