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Kinetic Energy (Forbidden Love Book 2)

Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  “One that I hoped you wanted to come true?” I ask on a hiccough.

  Thomas doesn’t answer my question. Instead, he stands, picking me up in his arms, cradling me as he does. He walks us upstairs to our bedroom, and then slowly lowers me to the bed. He crawls on top of me, and I wish we didn’t have so many clothes on. I wish that I could feel his warm skin against mine, right here, and right now.

  “It’s more than I ever imagined, angel eyes. The love of my life and she’s carrying my child. I never thought I would have any.”

  His lips press against mine, and I quickly open my mouth to accept his complete kiss. Thomas slips his tongue inside, and our tender moment turns frenzied immediately. I reach down around his back and tug his t-shirt out of his pants. He pushes up on his arm and quickly divests himself of his shirt, then reaches between us and does the same with mine.

  Thomas doesn’t return to kiss my mouth, his lips instead trail down my neck to the tops of my breasts. “Christ, Ines. You make me so fucking happy,” he mutters against my breast, his eyes glancing up to mine.

  “I need more, Papi, so much more,” I whine.

  He chuckles against my skin and continues stripping both of us of our clothes. Once my pants are gone, I shamelessly spread my legs as wide as I can. My hand wraps around his cock, and I gently guide him toward me. “Sweetheart, fuck,” Thomas groans as his dick runs along my wet slit.

  “Need. You,” I practically demand.

  Thomas wraps his hand around my wrist, slamming it above my head against the soft pillows above me. He threads his fingers through mine, holding me down. I gasp as he fills me in one quick motion. “Bring your knees up, angel eyes, spread wide for me,” he grinds out through a clenched jaw.

  I do exactly as he’s instructed, knowing that when I do, I’ll be rewarded. Thomas pulls almost completely out of me before slamming back inside. I’m glad that he’s not being overly gentle, however, he’s being careful not to rest his stomach on my own. He hovers above me, his weight on his knees, his hand gripping mine tightly and he fucks me hard, and fast.

  I arch my back, keeping my eyes trained on his beautiful face as he loses himself inside of me. Every thrust, every swivel of his hips, it’s absolute ecstasy. “I’m close,” I whimper.

  “You’re coming with me, together,” he growls.

  I nod, his words ramping me up even higher, even closer toward my climax. I shift beneath him, my body bucking at the same time his does. “Yes, don’t stop, please God, don’t stop,” I cry out.

  Thomas answers my pleas, and he doesn’t stop, in fact, he slams into me with even more strength than I thought possible. On the third thrust, I lift my head and I let out a cry as my body locks up tightly, and I come.

  “Fuck, yes,” he groans before he stills.

  I watch as the cords in his neck are exposed, and strained. His cock twitches and then he releases my hand and rolls to the side of me, bringing my body with him when he does.

  “I take it you’re happy?” I ask once my breathing returns to normal.

  Thomas has one of his hands buried in my hair, and the other around my hip. He tugs my head back gently as his fingers flex against my hip. “I’m the happiest, luckiest, motherfucker breathing, sweetheart.”

  I curl closer against him, enjoying his warmth. “Me too, Papi,” I whisper.

  My eyes automatically close and the world melts away, my exhaustion and stress of the past couple of days melting away as I fall asleep in my fiancé’s arms—the father of my child—the love of my life.



  Standing outside of the large office building, I inhale a deep breath. It’s been so long since my last interview that I’m nervous. I smooth out my slacks and my vest, straightening my tie and then I wrap my fingers around the handle and walk inside. My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. Walking over to the receptionist’s desk, I state my arrival and purpose.

  “Mr. Delgado will be with you in just a few moments,” the woman says from behind the counter. “Is there anything I can get you, while you wait?”

  “No thank you,” I smile. “I’ll just be over there,” I announce, pointing to the chairs in the waiting room.

  Making my way over, I sink down and try not to fidget. I need to make a good impression. While everything has been quiet the past two weeks on the Danielle front, I’m no fool. She will do something, and the only thing she can do is attack my job.

  The house is on the market, and once it’s sold, I’ll be dipping into my savings and assuring she has cash for half of its worth. A bargain, my attorney said was extremely generous, a bargain, I knew that she wasn’t happy with at all. Nothing would make her happy at this point because I’ve not done what she wanted me to.

  “Mr. Jacobson?” a voice calls out. It’s a tall kid, he looks like one of my students. I give him a grin as I stand to my feet. “Mr. Delgado is ready for you, sir.”

  I thank him and watch as he turns, then begins to walk. Following him, I’m glad that he isn’t going to be the one to interview me. Personally, it would be a hard pill to swallow, my boss being someone so young. Which is fucking ironic, because Ines is probably even younger than him. I shake my head once and try to school my features as the kid opens a door for me and motions for me to go inside.

  Mr. Delgado isn’t a young kid, although he does look a bit younger than me, he’s at least close to forty and I let out a relieved breath about that. He stands, holding out his hand and introducing himself. Then the interview begins. It isn’t long, only about thirty minutes and by the end, I expect him to tell me that he’ll be in touch, but he doesn’t.

  “I think that you could be quite an asset here, Mr. Jacobson,” he says.

  “Thomas, please,” I offer.

  “You’re more than qualified, educationally, and I believe that that alone, could be an exceptional addition to our team.”

  I blink slowly, then my lips turn into a huge smile. Years ago, when I’d finished my doctorate in physics, I went to dozens of interviews to no avail, and now, one was all it took to get a job. A job making more than my current salary, and one that will get me into the lab again. I haven’t run any true experiments in so long that I’m afraid I’m completely rusty, but I’m excited to get back into it. A beginning for Ines and me, completely new.

  “How about you get all your stuff in order at the university, and start at the first of the year? My assistant Xavier will give you all the paperwork to fill out. And just mail it back in when you’re finished, and we can get it all processed and ready to roll by the first.”

  We both stand, and I reach my hand across the desk, shaking his. “Thank you, Mr. Delgado, I appreciate you giving me this chance.”

  He gives me a wide smile. “I’m excited to see how your research and experiments fair. I think this is going to be a great new year with you aboard.”

  Xavier walks in a few minutes later and guides me over to his desk, handing me a giant stack of paperwork. He tells me to fill it out, and then just mail it back in when it’s complete to his attention. I thank him, taking the papers and leaving the building.

  I can’t believe that just like that, I have a new job, an exciting job. Hurrying toward my car, I fish my phone out of my pocket and open the door, sliding down to see who kept calling me. I expect it to be Ines, but it isn’t.

  It’s Chancellor Perkins from the university.

  My heart rapidly crashes against my ribcage, beating so hard that I’m afraid it could escape. I know exactly what this call is about, and why. I listen to his voicemail and although it is only a few seconds long, his tone gives me all of the information that I need. Danielle has tried to fuck me over, and I stayed one step ahead of her.

  Check fucking mate.

  Apparently, there’s been a meeting set for tomorrow at eight in the morning. I toss my phone on the passenger seat of the car and head back to campus. I’ll email a confirmation to the chancellor when I’m back at
my desk, for the meeting. At least, I already know what it’s about, and I’ve rectified the situation.

  Driving toward campus, I think about how I left Ines this morning. She wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home from my class, something I probably shouldn’t have allowed, but she is pregnant with my child. She was curled beneath the sheets, the comforter pulled up around her, only her dark hair poking through and splayed around the pillow. She looked absolutely beautiful.

  When I arrive on campus and park in my spot at the facility parking lot, I reach for my phone and find her name. I call her in hopes that I can hear her voice for just a few minutes, letting out a breath I know that just the sweet sound of her voice will calm my rapidly beating heart.

  “Hey, Thomas,” she murmurs, sounding raspy and fucking horrible.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” I ask, my heart continuing to rapidly beat, but for a completely different reason now.

  She hums. “I’m okay, just laying low today. I’m feeling better now, I slept all morning long. How has your day, been?” she asks.

  I want to tell her about my new job, but I decide that I want to say it all in person. I want to see the look on her face and tell her how excited I am for our future, a new future, something that I never thought possible at my age.

  “It’s been good, angel eyes. I’ll bring you home whatever you want for dinner. I want you to just rest today, text me when you know what you’re craving,” I offer.

  She laughs and the husky sound goes straight to my cock, making it hard to sit here as it aches between my legs. “No cravings yet, Papi. But, I will text you with what doesn’t sound disgustingly awful.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I grunt.

  We hang up and I slide out of my seat, grabbing my briefcase, as my phone rings in my hand. I glance at the caller and almost groan when I see that it’s the chancellor again. “Chancellor Perkins, I was on my way to my office, and about to confirm my attendance for the meeting, in the morning,” I state as I walk toward the science department.

  “It’s been rescheduled. The Board of Regents doesn’t wish to wait that long to discuss the matter at hand. We expect you at five sharp,” he announces.

  “I’ll be there.”

  The line goes dead and I roll my eyes. Chancellor Perkins is so much damn drama, always has been. Although, I can’t blame him in this instance. I know that this is about me having an affair with one of my students, which is clearly against policy.

  However, I honestly don’t give a fuck. Ines is mine, the mother to my child and future children, and my fiancée. Nothing could change how I feel about her, or our relationship and I’m suddenly extremely relieved that this part of my life is over and I’m moving on, moving on with her.

  The rest of my day goes by in a blur, not because I’m terribly busy, but because of the fate that awaits me with this meeting. At four-forty-five, I pack up my briefcase and grasp the handles, picking it up off of my desk, I reach for my phone and see that I have a new text.

  I grin when I see that it’s from Ines.

  INES: Chicken Alfredo pasta sounds amazing.

  I chuckle, thinking that it does sound amazing and it will always make me think of her. Then I wonder if she’ll let me feed it to her naked in bed again. I ask her just that.

  INES: Is there another way to eat it?

  I let out a shout of laughter at her reply. My legs carry me toward the office where I know a group of people are about to decide my fate. Little do they know that I’ve already decided for them. I’ve made their jobs easy today.


  I’ve, for the most part, been feeling great, and my first doctor’s appointment is in a few days, so I’ve been buzzed and high on that feeling. Today is a different story though. I have felt completely awful all day long.

  Not nauseous only, but also like I have a head cold. It’s been completely terrible. Thomas texted me that he would bring home Chicken Alfredo, the only thing that sounds good, but that he would be a bit late.

  I decide to go ahead and shower before he gets home, knowing I probably smell fairly ripe right about now. I shave my legs, cringing at how hairy I let them get. Then after I loofah my body with this vanilla and brown sugar body wash I have, I decide to shampoo my hair.

  Just standing in the shower, under the warm spray, has made me feel a million times better. The shower door opens and closes, as I’m rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. I don’t let out a scream, my body fully aware of who it is, as a warm hand presses against my stomach, and lips touch the center of my throat.

  “Hey sweetheart,” Thomas mutters against my neck, his lips traveling down to my breast.

  I straighten my head, dipping my chin slightly so that I can see him. All I see is a mass of dark hair and then I moan when his lips wrap around my nipple and he gently sucks. Raising one of my hands, I slide it in the strands of his hair, holding him against my skin. He gently bites down on my hardened bud, tugging slightly as his hand slips between my legs.

  Thomas’ fingers circle my clit before he dips one inside. I roll my hips, searching for more, but he doesn’t give it to me. His mouth kisses up my chest, my neck, and then he sucks my earlobe and gently bites it before he speaks. “Missed you, sweetheart,” he breathes.

  “Don’t torture me, Papi,” I moan, pinching my eyes closed.

  Thomas grunts, taking a step back. His hands gently turn me around and I quickly slap my palms against the warm shower wall tile. Tipping my ass back, I hear him chuckle behind me as his fingers drag up my thighs and then trail the crack of my ass. Pushing against him, he gently massages my back entrance.

  “Do you like that, Ines?”

  Turning my head to the side, I lock my gaze in on his and give him a smirk. “You know that I do.”

  He presses a little harder, one of his fingers entering me. Dropping my head forward, I place my forehead against the warm wall and I feel. I allow him to fuck my ass with his finger and it feels more amazing than I ever thought possible.

  My pussy feels neglected though, and it’s aching with need, refusing to be ignored. Slipping my hand between my legs, I begin to gently stroke myself.

  “Are you going to come, Ines? My finger in your ass, your hand between your legs, are you going to come for me?” he growls against my neck, his teeth nipping me.

  I could come from his words alone, and the deep rasp of his voice. It doesn’t take me long, just a single flick of my own clit and my orgasm rushes through me. It isn’t huge or soul-shaking, but it will tide me over until he delivers one that will make my legs quake.

  Thomas removes his fingers, and I push my ass out just a little farther. The head of his cock brushes my sensitive clit, causing me to moan. Without any more teasing, which I’m extremely grateful of, he buries himself inside of me.

  My fingers tense against the wall, looking for a place to grip but I come up short. Thomas’ fingers dance up my spine and tangle in my wet hair. He turns my head to the side, forcing my face around so that he can hold my eyes with his own. His other hand wraps around my waist and he slowly slides out of me, before burying himself deep inside again.

  This angle is so good, too good, my mouth parts in awe as he repeats the motion. A soft cry escapes my throat, as he stretches me, and fills me over and over. I need to come, I need his touch, but the look of determination on his face, has me hesitating in begging him for more.

  “You feel so goddamn good, Ines. Every single part of you, sweetheart,” he murmurs. His voice is almost soft, but the edge, it tells me that he’s about to let loose—I cannot wait.

  I moan and his hand slides from my waist to my clit, two fingers press against me and I shudder, goosebumps erupting over my flesh. Thomas doesn’t fuck me any harder, or faster, he keeps his tame tempo, adding a feather-light touch to my clit at the same time. I whimper, wishing he would give me my release, that he would essentially put me out of my heightened state of sensitivity.

  “I need to come,” I breathe,
unable to stand it another minute.

  He grunts, his blue eyes still on mine and looking wild as ever. “You’ll wait,” he announces.

  Tears of frustration fill my eyes as I stay glued to his gaze. “Please, Papi,” I beg.

  He shakes his head once, his fingers strumming against my clit to an unbreakable rhythm. “I want you to explode, angel eyes.”

  Thomas lowers his head and his hips start to buck faster, his rhythm speeding up, and his lips brush mine. When his tongue fills my mouth, it matches the way his cock fills my pussy. Only then does he begin to let go of his control, a little.

  Lifting one of my hands from the wall, I press my palm against the top of his hand between my legs. Together we touch and stroke my pussy. My legs start to shake, and I rip my mouth from his, crying out as my pussy clamps around his cock. Thomas thrusts one more time, slamming deep inside of me, and only then does he let go, groaning with his release. We stay beneath the water, water that has long since lost its warmth.

  “Alfredo is waiting for you, sweetheart.”

  I sigh, opening my eyes, not wishing to lose him from inside of me, but I’m also starving. The Alfredo wins out. Thomas slips from my body and turns the water off, gathering a towel and wrapping it around me before he picks me up and carries me back to bed.



  I should tell her. I should tell her everything that happened today, but the way she’s devouring this food, it makes me want to just watch her eat—so I do. Until every single bite is gone from the container, I silently watch her.

  “You’re going to have to tell me what’s up, Thomas,” she demands.

  My eyes snap to hers and she shakes her head, wiping her lips with a napkin. “I know it’s something. I can tell by the way you fucked me, and by the way you’re staring at me. Something’s up, now just spill,” she demands.


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