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Storm of Attraction

Page 18

by Lily Black

  Against the reflected glass, she saw her memory of Stuart’s face when he’d stopped to help her with her tire. She remembered the way his expression had changed when he’d seen Drew crossing the parking lot toward them.

  Her blood chilled. Stuart had poked and pried into every secret corner of her life. He must know by now what Drew meant to her—even better than she did. The way Stuart had lit fire to her home and her dojo, and the way he’d gone after Keri’s house… he didn’t just want to control her. He wanted to hurt her. With that as his goal, wouldn’t Drew make the best target?

  The way that thought squeezed at her heart and made her sway on her feet only confirmed her guess. Now that she was being honest about how she felt, everything seemed obvious. Stuart hadn’t come here to burn down Drew’s house. That was just a way to smoke them out. He’d come here to kill Drew.

  Alexa spun on the end of the bo staff and rushed to the door. She stopped with her hand on the lock, remembering Drew’s words as he’d left. The safe room wasn’t safe once she opened the door.

  But how could she stay safely tucked away in there and let Drew walk into a trap? Detective Rawlings said Stuart was armed. He would be less likely to shoot her right away, but his whole purpose at this point was to kill Drew. No way could she let that happen.

  Alexa yanked the door open and kept the bo staff ready as she slipped down the stairs. Every one of her senses was on high alert.

  Something moved in the living room to her right. Alexa whirled, the bo staff zinging through the air.

  She stopped short. It was only Ragbag, who must have followed her out of the bedroom. Alexa gave a half laugh, half sob of relief and reminded herself to calm down. She needed to get a grip. And she needed to hurry.

  She stilled the impulse to grab Ragbag and rush him upstairs. The cats should be secure inside the house. If Stuart did start a fire, they would have a better chance of getting out if they were running free. Besides, she had no idea how much time she had to find Drew before Stuart did.

  She dodged the pillows Fieldgar had knocked to the floor as she hurried through the living room. Then she let herself out through the library doors. She was hoping the side door into the garden would be less conspicuous. She locked the door behind herself then moved to her left, staying close to the house. She couldn’t see anything in the dark and rain, but she was pretty sure Drew kept this side of the house mostly clear of plants. Some instinct told her that Stuart would be more likely to set his trap at the back of the house, out of sight of the road.

  Her progress was slow in the darkness. She was also drenched by the time she got to the corner of the house. The rain ran like tears down her face. The one good thing about the storm was she didn’t have to worry about how much noise she made. The thunder and wind covered up any small sounds. Of course, that also meant she wouldn’t hear anyone creeping up on her.

  Her mind supplied an image of Stuart, sneaking up behind her, an ugly look of triumph twisting his face. The picture was only in her mind, but it was real enough to make her heart start a pitter-patter of panicked drumbeats.

  Crouching down next to the house, Alexa took a moment to breathe. In and out.

  Her hands were trembling, but she tightened her grip on the bo staff and moved on. When she got to the back corner behind the garden, she peered cautiously around it. The kitchen light had been left on, making a bright square of yellow glow on the grass. It gave her a little light to see by, but it would also clearly outline her to any watchers if she tried to sneak past that part of the house. She would have to find a path that kept her out of the light. But where was Drew?

  She stood still, watching the darkness and listening as hard as she could.

  She’d just decided she was alone, when the sky was lit by a jagged streak of lightning. She gasped.

  Standing across the open backyard, directly in front of her, was Stuart. He stood almost casually, leaning against a tree. His attention was focused on some point in front of him and to her left. He raised his arm, aiming a handgun with careful precision.

  Alexa slapped her hand across her mouth to stifle a scream. She still didn’t know where Drew was, but Stuart obviously did. But she didn’t dare make a sound. If what Stuart wanted was to kill Drew, then he would just shoot him when he heard her scream a warning.

  She swallowed her scream and backed quickly away from the corner of the house. She was going to have to circle around and come up behind Stuart without him seeing her—and she needed to do it fast.

  Using the bo staff to help her find a path, she left the house and struck out into the surrounding forest. Branches whipped her face, and a couple of times, she almost lost her grip on the bo staff. She prayed the lightning wouldn’t alert Stuart to her arrival before she was safely out of his sight.

  She tried to keep a firm mental fix on the point where she’d seen Stuart. The square of light coming from the kitchen window helped. If she made a big loop around that point, she should come up somewhere behind Stuart.

  Of course, it was the somewhere that was a problem.

  She stopped and stood still, listening.

  She twitched as a bright white light sliced through the darkness to her left.

  The powerful beam cut through the darkness in a broad path, crossing the backyard. It came from an industrial spotlight resting on the ground, and it started maybe six feet to Alexa’s left. The beam was pointed at a small shed that stood ten or fifteen feet across the backyard.

  Drew knelt in the mud and rain behind the shed, bent over a small box. Wires ran from the box to the shed.

  As the light fell across him, Drew pulled his gun from his shoulder holster and, in the same fluid movement, dove toward the edge of the light.

  “Freeze!” Stuart shouted from where he stood in the shadows, just behind the spotlight. He fired off a shot inches from Drew’s face, sending mud and dirt spraying in the air.

  Drew froze. He squinted into the light, then he held his gun out from his body in a careful gesture of surrender and rolled slowly to his knees.

  “Drop the gun,” Stuart called.

  Drew dropped the Glock in the dirt in front of him. He kept both hands up at shoulder height and nodded his head toward the box beside him. “Is this how you planned to burn down the house?” he called back.

  Alexa nodded to herself. Drew was asking questions. That must mean he wanted Stuart to talk. She rested her cheek on the trunk of the tree next to her and held herself still so she wouldn’t mess up his plan—and also so she could keep herself together.

  Stuart’s laugh rang out, sounding more than a little crazy. “That’s nothing, just garbage. Bait to get you where I wanted you. This house isn’t going to burn. Why would I burn down my new home? I don’t want Alexa to pout.”

  Drew let out a bark of laughter. “She’s not the pouting type, but you put a scratch on me, and I’m sure she’ll kick your ass.”

  Alexa smiled.

  Stuart took an aggressive step forward, closer to the light. “Alexa wouldn’t dream of it, not when I’m done with her. We’re going to live here, and she’s going to clean the house for me, naked, on her hands and knees.”

  Drew jerked at those words, and Stuart laughed again. “Think on that, Drew boy. I want you to have that image burned into your thoughts when I blow your brains out.”

  Alexa eased back. Drew’s plan was taking too long, if he even had one. It sounded as though Stuart was ready to shoot at any minute. She backed off another step or two, keeping the tree between her and Stuart. Once again, she made a small circle, but this time, she knew exactly where Stuart was, so she could come up directly behind him.

  Stuart raised his gun a little higher, and even from a distance, Alexa could see the concern on Drew’s face. Whether from the gun pointed at him or because he’d seen her, she didn’t know. Drew opened his mouth, but Stuart spoke across him. �
�Say good-bye to your dreams, Drew. And say hello to your dick of a granddad for me.”

  Alexa wasn’t quite in place, but it was now or never. She rushed forward, bringing the bo staff up and around in an overhead strike.

  Her aim was true, but Stuart must have caught some flicker of motion.

  He jerked away.

  The staff glanced off the side of his head, with the tree trunk taking most of the blow.Alexa jerked at the staff, but it snagged on a tree branch.

  Stuart snaked out a hand and wrapped his fingers around her throat in a crushing grip. “Move, and your boyfriend gets it,” he hissed.

  Alexa froze, her eyes going to the gun. Stuart still had it up and pointed directly at Drew.

  Stuart took advantage of her indecision to dig his fingers into the skin of her throat and drag her close. Alexa tried to get the staff clear so she could swing at his gun hand, but with the trees all around them, she was working in close quarters, and the bo was meant for open space. All she could do was thump him on the leg.

  Stuart kicked the staff away and jerked her around so her back was to him. He cinched his arm in tight on her throat. Alexa’s body shouted at her to use any of the many moves she knew to buy her space and get free. But her eyes went from Drew to the gun, and she held still.

  Stuart chuckled, his breath stirring her hair. “So glad you joined us, Alexa. This hasn’t really been my night, but you’ve gotten the party back on track.”

  Drew had one foot on the ground in what was almost a sprinter’s stance and looked almost ready to bolt across the intervening space and tackle Stuart. But with the gun pointed right at him and a blinding light shining in his eyes, he must have known he wouldn’t make it half that distance.

  “What do you think, Drew?” Stuart called. “Shall I make her tie you up, then make you watch while I rape her? Or shall I make her watch me kill you, first?”

  “Try either one, and you’ll realize why Alexa’s a black belt and you don’t deserve the brown belt you have,” Drew called.

  There was something new to his tone, something intended for Alexa’s ears. She turned her head to look at him directly, and he smiled encouragingly.

  Stuart made a scoffing sound and tightened his hold on her throat. His arm was cutting into her windpipe, making her fight for air, but she held still. What was Drew signaling her to do?

  “I’m an Army Ranger,” Drew called, still seeming to speak to her. “Been around some pretty good fighters and seen some good moves. But the routine Alexa was working on for the grand opening of my school might be the best I’ve ever seen.”

  “Too bad she won’t get to show it off,” Stuart said. “Your grand opening will be rescheduled as your funeral.” His arm clenched even tighter, but Alexa didn’t mind. She knew what Drew was asking. He wanted her to do the move she’d used on him when she flipped him in the dojo. But could she pull it off? When Drew taught it to her, he hadn’t been holding a gun, and no one’s life had been on the line if she made a mistake.

  Stuart made the decision for her. His head shifted just a bit to the left, and Alexa realized he was taking more careful aim.

  In a quick succession of practiced moves, she tucked her hips and hunched her body, closing the gap between her and Stuart. Her hand clamped down on the arm he had wound around her neck to keep it in place and give her better leverage. She shifted her hips and leaned forward, lifting Stuart’s weight onto her back, then threw her upper body toward her knees as though she were heading into a somersault. His arm was so tight around her neck, it felt as if he were going to take her head with him, but he came free as she started to flip him.

  Stuart flipped over her right shoulder and landed in the beam from the spotlight he’d trained on Drew.

  Alexa heard shots, and for a sickening moment, she was sure she’d failed. Stuart had shot Drew despite her throw.

  Then her senses settled, and the ground stopped whirling. Drew was still kneeling by the outbuilding. His pant leg was pulled up, and he had his Glock in his hand.

  Stuart lay where she’d thrown him, blood spreading in a pool beneath him.

  Alexa stared at the blood, her brain fixed on the sight. She raised her hand to push her wet hair out of her eyes, but her hand was shaking so badly, she hit herself in the face.

  Drew rushed over to her. “Are you hurt?” His hands slid over her, checking for damage.

  Alexa shook her head numbly.

  Drew checked Stuart’s pulse and shook his head.

  “He’s…?” The question died in Alexa’s bruised throat.

  Drew nodded then stood and pulled out his phone. He looked at Alexa while he dialed. “He shot first, you understand? I wouldn’t have shot him otherwise.”

  Alexa broke free of her numbness to nod and put her arms around Drew. He tucked her close while he talked on the phone with the dispatcher. When he hung up, he walked her to the house, keeping her feet moving in the right direction when they strayed.

  The next hour was a blur for Alexa. There were police everywhere and questions to be answered. Detective Rawlings checked on her several times, and Drew stayed with her every minute he could. EMTs examined her and talked with Drew about what she needed. Everyone was very patient, and Alexa tried to keep herself alert. She needed to talk to Drew, needed to tell him she loved him. But the last few days had finally caught up to her.

  She woke when Drew lifted her and carried her upstairs. She wasn’t usually big on being carried, but it felt so good to rest in his arms. And he carried her so easily, she felt as though she could stay there forever. She looked up into Drew’s face. His hair had been toweled dry but was still wet, and he had dark, glistening curls on his forehead. His eyes were tired but filled with love. Such a wonderful face, and such a dear man. Every day for the rest of her life, Alexa would be grateful he was okay. Her heart was still ready to leap and run when she thought about that awful moment when she heard the shots and thought it had been him.

  “Drew,” Alexa murmured, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I love you.”

  Drew stumbled, looking down at her with wonder. He shook his head in bewilderment and hitched her a little higher in his arms. “Maybe I’d better call the EMTs back, have them check you again. You’re talking crazy.”

  Alexa laughed, the sound bubbling out of her. “It’s true! Honest to goodness. That’s why I came out, because I knew Stuart would go after you.”

  Drew shook his head again, but his eyes were bright with joy. He gripped her a little tighter and planted a kiss on an unbruised bit of her forehead as he crossed the bedroom.

  He set her on the bed then knelt beside her and held her close. His warm, loving eyes held hers. His voice was gentle but filled with conviction. “I love you, Alexa.”

  Alexa smiled, and for a moment, she just let herself drift on the love in his eyes. She was ready to fall asleep again, but there was something else she wanted to say. What was it?

  Oh yeah. She struggled up on her elbows so she could look at Drew directly. “And the other thing? If you ever decide to make me eggs benedict again, my answer is yes.”

  Drew laughed, a delighted sound. “Then I’ll have to make them soon.” He leaned in to kiss her tenderly. After lingering on her lips for just a minute, he drew back. “Are you sure? This isn’t just a post-trauma reaction?”

  Alexa sighed and drew him close again so she could snuggle into him. She rested her head on his chest while she talked. “I think I’ve always loved you. I just didn’t know it. I was hung up on that whole situation with Sierra and Jason Stone—the guy who attacked my friend that day at the bookstore. I’m not sure how everything got blurred together in my brain…”

  She drifted to a halt for a second, thinking about that. “I was so angry when you left, and I thought you didn’t care. I tried to go out with other guys, but I couldn’t pretend they mattered like you had. I’d j
ust about resigned myself to hoping you’d come home on break sometime. I thought I’d forgive you, and we’d hit it off. I hated myself for that hope. Then Jason’s attack on Sierra happened. Somehow, my hurt and helplessness after the attack got blended in my mind with the hurt I felt toward you, and I decided I’d never, ever let you in and corner myself like that.”

  Drew’s face was sober as she finished. “I’m sorry that experience was so painful. I’m sorry I hurt you when I left.”

  Alexa smiled up at him. “None of it was your fault, not really. And anyway, we both had growing up to do before we could come back together.” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “It says a lot that you’re willing to forgive me for all the things I’ve said about you since you came back to Willowdale. You do realize half the town will fall over in a faint when they realize we’re dating?”

  Drew laughed. “Let them swoon. Besides, when they see how well we work together at my open house, they’ll realize it was meant to be.”

  “Meant to be,” Alexa repeated, snuggling down in the blankets again. She gave Drew’s hand a tug so he would lie beside her in the bed. “I like the sound of that.”

  Drew stretched out beside her, his long frame spooning her and giving her a deeply satisfying feeling of comfort. His arms wrapped around her body, and his breath stirred her hair when he spoke. “Good night, my beautiful Alexa. Sweet dreams.”

  Alexa closed her eyes and let her senses open to the closeness of Drew. She smiled, the gladness going all through her. This moment was worth everything that had come before it. Her nightmare was over, and her heart had come home.

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