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Packed: The Enforcer: A Shifter Paranormal Romance

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by Carolyn Faulkner

  So her pleas went unfulfilled, as she must have known they would, not that she could have stopped them from rumbling out of the depths of her intense need to be close to him, even knowing that he would reject it, as always.

  Tek's famous iron will broke then, as it often did with her, and he quite literally couldn't stop himself from beginning to plunge within her as her body did its best to retain him, and he knew he was hurting her with every short, sharp thrust, just enough to make it interesting for a woman with her tastes

  But he also knew that she was feeling the other side of the coin, too – feeling more truly possessed than she ever had – or ever would – with any human lover. Forced to stretch uncomfortably around him, repeatedly, each time he withdrew himself only to ram the entirety of himself back inside her. Finally settling into a rhythm that kept the broad head of him bumping against her sensitive cervix, his massively swollen knot trapping him within her, but always testing the limits of her resolve, keeping her always on the brink of losing him. Always as far opened as she could stand with no relief in sight as he slammed vigorously into her.

  Mari's head rolled back and forth between the frame of her captive hands, having completely ceded control of her body to him to do with as he would, knowing – hoping – that he would take her. As he always did, driving every practical thought from her head and recreating her as a throbbing, aching entity that would take anything he deigned to give her and beg for more.

  It had been a while, and he was much quicker than he wanted to be, but there was no stopping the freight train that was his all-consuming desire for her. When he knew he had lost it, that it was on him, he threw back his head and arched himself into her as he literally howled in ecstasy while simultaneously exploding within her, continuing to rock his hips against hers as the howl descended very slowly to became a deep, throaty growl.

  She could feel his cock spurting deep within her, and she knew enough – now – to know that his orgasm didn't mean that she was going to be turned loose any time soon. They would be locked together for some time; his secretions included some sort of enzyme that had her muscles contracting even more tightly around him, so that disengagement wasn't even physically possible for fifteen minutes to half an hour after his culmination.

  And Tek knew that, with how volatile he and Mari were together, that it always ended up being on the longer side. Their first time together, it was closer to an hour, and he had begun to worry that there was something wrong, not that he made her aware of his concerns at all.

  He had always heard that the lock was longer and stronger with one's true soul mate – and he'd never stayed bound to any female longer than he had with Mari.

  Not that it negated anything about their situation. It just made it harder when they inevitably had to part.

  So he made absolutely no move to let her go, continuing to hold her captive in that terribly vulnerable position as he leaned down to kiss her with a gentleness that would have been completely impossible even just seconds ago.

  It always amazed him when she kissed him back, especially when he had just taken her as he had, with no resultant paradise found on her part.

  Yet, anyway. He could be as selfish a lover as most males could, and he had been in more situations than he cared to remember. But never with Mari. He gave her the best of himself, and took the best of her as his due. They were pretty perfectly suited for each other, their intimate likes and dislikes melded almost eerily well.

  He had a lot of Alpha in him, although that wasn't the role he played, and he enjoyed it enormously when she challenged him, when she forced him to force her. He didn't know very many women who enjoyed being overpowered quite as much as she did, who wouldn't already be kicking up a fuss about the fact that he hadn't let her up, or even so much as released her wrists. She was still in the same position as he had put her in to have her, he was still spilling himself inside her – although in a much smaller amount – and still laying claim to that most private, female part of her in the most elemental way any male could.

  But then, he knew that this kind of thing was right up her alley, so to speak. The harsher, less civilized he was with her, the harder she came – on his fingers, in his mouth, or on his cock. He had fought it for a long time. She was the only woman who had ever inspired a protective instinct in him that was a mile wide, and despite their flash fire attraction for each other, he would very happily have wrapped her up in cotton and worshipped her from afar, never sullying her with his baser drives, nor hesitating to lay down his life for her.

  The latter instinct was still very present, but the more intimately he had gotten to know her, the more he realized that he could be more of himself with her – even here, where he was probably the most likely to lose his head and hurt her – than with anyone else.

  And he loved that unusual side of her that encouraged him to use her in ways he would never have thought of, and that the other women he'd had – and they were legion – rarely seemed interested in.

  It was just another way they were perfectly made for each other, and yet were unable to even begin to make it work. Not that they'd tried; they'd never been allowed to.

  Sure of himself and her, Tek shoved that annoying, depressing thought aside. He had her with him, here, now, and he wasn't about to waste that rare opportunity. He moved back a bit, enough to turn her onto all fours – while they were still conjoined with no possibility of disconnection, forcing her to spin on that very intimate axis as he thoroughly enjoyed her embarrassment as well as the twin contradictions of her mild discomfort and obvious desire. He had long since given up trying to discern whether her specific moans were inspired by pain or pleasure, trusting that he knew her well enough by now to be able to balance the two sides as she walked that very delicate line.

  However clichéd it was, he liked to have her in this position. Tek made sure that her legs were spread wide around his, pumping into her several times, almost casually, which resulted in a cacophony of mewls and groans, but nothing that seemed of actual pain.

  Quite the opposite, in fact, as he'd expected.

  With a truly evil smile, he placed his hand on her backside, covering one cheek nearly entirely. "I think I remember that someone tried to thwart my intentions a few minutes ago by grabbing me right here," he let his palm slap down onto that full, taut flesh once, "All of a sudden. I wonder who that could have been?"

  He would never do innocent well, probably because he had practically been born with a hard on and had been sexually precocious all his life. Innocence had been well beyond his experience for much longer than it should have been; it had pretty much been beyond his ken from the word go.

  It was almost comical when he tried.

  Almost, Mari thought as her rear end collided with the palm of his hand again, in exactly the same spot as before.

  Chapter Two

  Damn him! He knew her entirely too well, the bastard. He knew that being spanked – among other things – got her motor running faster than almost anything else did, especially when he could point to an, at least somewhat, plausible reason to do so. And what was even worse was that he thoroughly enjoyed doing it, especially when she was helpless as she was now – completely under his power.

  Not that he didn't enjoy it when she'd fought him on occasion either. They both had – although he hadn't also been angry at the time, which had added an extra element of annoyance at herself about her own reactions at those times.

  It had made it even better and that was even worse, as far as she was concerned, and he had taken full advantage of the conflict raging within her for his own – and her – pleasure. It had been one of those times she liked to consider a "lost weekend," when they'd barely even surfaced for sustenance before succumbing to licking the cool vanilla butter cream frosting off of various parts of each other's bodies while lying on her cold, Italian tiled kitchen floor.

  But here and now, she couldn't keep herself from begging him, no matter how she tried. Being span
ked and fucked at the same time pushed every button she had, and he knew it. "Tek! No!" she breathed. He was still pumping into her, slowly, deliberately, and only when she least expected it. He was deliberately not establishing any pattern to his thrusts, giving her nothing to hold onto or build her responses around – except for the searing hot swats he began delivering with alarming regularity to a bottom she tried with absolutely no success to cringe away from him.

  But with the length of him still jammed up inside her – locked there by an infernal combination of his anatomy and secretions that only magnified her own automatic response to his painful swats, causing her to clamp that much harder around him with each fiery caress – she wasn't going anywhere.

  And she wasn't getting anywhere, either. Despite how much she adored his big presence within her, he was keeping that delicate balance tilted in favor of her feeling every bit of his effort at blistering her flesh to the fullest.

  Tek wasn't much for wasted efforts, and the titillation he got from her tormented cries had him swelling even further within her.

  Suddenly his free left hand, which had been holding her hip, grasped the back of her head instead. "Head down," was all he said, and she knew exactly what he wanted.

  Mari put her right cheek to his utilitarian, chenille, man-brown bedspread, automatically splaying her arms out at right angles from the rest of her body and – this was the hardest part – pulling her knees beneath her, as close to her chin as she could, while lifting her backside to him, as if offering it up as a sacrifice.

  And it was a sacrifice that he often demanded of her, in one way or the other – this time, to his hand. Often it was to a much more private portion of his anatomy. In either case, she knew he wouldn't make it easy on her – he already hadn't by requiring her to be in this shameful position. Although he certainly knew that she would get into them, he rarely restrained her, preferring that she submit to whatever he expected of her without that crutch. Regardless of what he did to her, he expected that she would keep her arms exactly where they were – without so much as an unconscious flinch towards breaking position, no matter what, or there would be hell to pay.


  She hadn't always been able to do it, which was why she knew she absolutely had to now.

  Tek could see her worrying her lip, and he decided to give her something to worry about, reaching quickly into his pocket to fetch out two pairs of helpers. First, he affixed clamps to each of her nipples, ignoring – or, more likely, enthused at the fact that they would be mashed into the mattress, thus doubling her pain at having to wear them. Then he attached something to her outer lips – not clamps, although they were used to keep the items in place – that began to chime each time his hand connected with her backside or he drilled himself into her.

  Every time she moved – or was moved by him – she would receive another reminder, audible, this time, as to her submission to him.

  "Ideally, the bells should always be silent, Mari," he commented much more casually than he should, as far as she was concerned. How could he possibly expect her not to move at all in the position she was in?

  She held her breath, but he didn't make it a rule.

  He had to save some things for next time, she supposed. As much as she fought against it, as much as she knew there shouldn't be one, there was always a next time for them.

  By the time he stopped spanking her, there was quite a cacophony going on down there, because, try as she might, she couldn't keep herself from flinching to try to avoid even the smallest portion of one of his progressively harder smacks, which only earned her more of the same.

  But finally, it ended, just about the same time his erection deflated to the point that he could withdraw from her, which was actually the last thing she wanted at a moment like that. She craved closeness after he disciplined her and his departure left her feeling empty and alone.

  Luckily, Tek understood. After withdrawing, he removed the bells, which would become useless in a few short moments. He turned her onto her back, not moving very far away from her at all, just slightly to her right to trap her arm beneath him as he stretched out on his side next to her, one big calf and thigh thrown over hers to remind her to keep her legs wide open for him.

  And then, he kissed her, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, beginning in an almost romantic vein of teasing and tasting her, nibbling almost playfully on her full bottom lip then slanting his mouth across hers in a more possessive, but still very gentle manner.

  This was in contrast to the way his hands were exploring her breasts, with their still tightly clamped nipples. Leaving her mouth wet and ready for more of him, he took what he considered to be his rightful place between her legs, but further down than would do him any good. Tugging lightly, then more insistently, at the delicate gold chain that connected one breast with the other, he tortured her nipples by twisting, pulling, and then pinching each of the clamps at the same time as he dragged them away from her body, but he refused to allow them to give way and release her tender flesh.

  Instead, he maintained an agonizing amount of tension as he shortened the chain slightly then presented it to her mouth for her to take hold of, making her complicit in her own torture as putting her head back down on the bed dragged her nipples unpleasantly upwards. They practically pointed at her accusingly as they throbbed and ached from behind the cruel clamps.

  But she didn't dare refuse.

  Just before moving to a position that was more conducive to what he had planned for her, Tek leaned over and opened the drawer of one of his nightstands. He removed something, then rolled into just the spot he wanted, right between those lewdly open legs of hers, his mouth inches from what he could clearly see was her throbbing, massively swollen clit, and just beneath it, her dripping wet cunny.

  Suddenly, he looked up at her, catching her eyes immediately. He had trained her well. She knew that, in this position, her eyes were always to be on him. "Hands," was all he said as he presented the wide head of a dildo that he'd had made to mirror his own exact measurements when he was at his largest. It was created seconds before he shot his load practically across the room of the lovely who was making the implement for him – to an opening that had already regained its former small size.

  And as she did as she was told – unfolding her arms – palms up, so that she wouldn't even have the slight succor of being able to grab the bedspread, until they were again stretching out as far as they could go from the rest of her body.

  As she did that, he forced the dildo up inside her, having not applied any lube to it at all, despite its size. He knew that, around him, she produced more than enough of it herself, and besides, he intended that it not be all that easy for her to take. He wanted her to feel taken, wanted her to feel possessed and submissive by him and to him.

  While he couldn't physically manage to fuck her and mouth her at the same time, he had endeavored to get as close as he could to that goal as possible. She was the only women he had ever used this particular implement on, much to the consternation of its maker, who had thought that she would be the first.

  Tek had disabused her of that notion.

  Mari didn't know exactly how, but he had managed to reproduce the feeling – almost perfectly – of being fucked by him as she felt the enormous, rigid penis being driven inexorably home within her. She managed to keep her arms in place and not to clench her fists, which he required because he refused to allow her to close any part of her to him – but just barely by the skin of her teeth.

  She knew how severe the consequences of disobeying him could be.

  But obeying him became just that much harder when he came to the two swollen nodules at the base that served to at least double its width, if not triple it. He didn't pause in the least to make it easier on her, as some would have, easing her way by proceeding slowly and gently, giving her body plenty of time to adjust to the invasion.

  No, he just kept pushing it into her, forcing her to take a
ll of this faux representation of him, as he would if it had been his actual cock. But he stopped just as her body yielded itself to him, as her cries and mewls reached their crescendo, and her body took over with little help from him, sucking the invader into itself whether she wanted it there or not.

  That always made him smile, feeling that he and her body were on the same side, sometimes, against her brain which occasionally had her rebelling against his authority – an action which she always, later, came to most thoroughly regret. But her body was, more often than not, on his side, on the side of the particular combination of the heaven and hell he inevitably brought to her.

  Mari was full of him now to the brim, her muscles clenching spasmodically around the invader as they tried with only minimal success to somehow come to grips with how widely he had forced her to expand, until she had no more give within her, and then just beyond. And every spasm was at once amazingly pleasurable and almost as unbearably painful, yet there didn't seem to be any way to stop the convulsions or the ensuing contradiction.

  And she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tek was only going to make things worse, deliberately. He'd had a bit of a handle created at the end of his artificial doppelganger that was meant to remain outside her, to be used to create a thrust that the device wasn't capable of on its own.

  He knew how much Mari enjoyed being fucked and fucked hard. And he wasn't about to deprive her of those powerful sensations, which he began as soon as his mouth laid claim to that not so tiny any more button of hers, pressing his moist, hot tongue over it and moving just the slightest bit as he began to fuck her quite vigorously with the dildo. Thoroughly appreciating all of the sounds she made while trying to submit to him, trying not to interfere in any way, as he required, but to lie there docilely and compliantly as he did what he pleased to her.


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