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Packed: The Enforcer: A Shifter Paranormal Romance

Page 10

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Tek reached out to capture those two plump berries as he immediately began to stroke himself within her and was rewarded by a deep shudder that ran through her body, leaving goose bumps in its wake and causing her tips to harden even further beneath his twisting, pinching fingers. He didn't let go at all as he fucked her, slower at first and then, as the need built within him, much less gently, the violent actions of his body making her breasts tug themselves while he just hung on.

  As he began to slam his body into hers, he let one hand trail down to her cleft, laying his slickened thumb down over that all too eager bundle of nerves as he whispered hoarsely, "Cum for me, Mari Rose. Cum for me."

  It had been building within her for too long to deny it. The culmination was there almost as soon as he finished ordering her to do so and immediately began roiling through her body to concentrate where his thumb and cock were. The tremendous pressure of having all of him inside her brought her clit into acute prominence, and the combination of the two uncontrollable sensations he was subjecting her to had her literally screaming at the lightening storm he set loose within her body. Her muscles jumped as she squeezed herself around him, which only made the ecstasy she was feeling that much more acute.

  And seconds later, she felt his orgasm begin within her and heard the mournful howl it prompted.

  Tek continued to pump into her, locked together as they were for a while, and he continued to stimulate her to several more orgasms, proud of the fact that she hadn't broken position, and not willing to allow her to stop there when he knew she was capable of so much more.

  Dinner that night was delivery pizza, because by the time he was through with her, Mari could barely walk. Tek put her to bed and dealt with the mess he'd created, putting her pans in the fridge, figuring she could make that meal tomorrow, and cleaning up in the dining room as he waited for their dinner to arrive.

  He could barely rouse her enough to get her to eat one piece of pizza, but she did, sitting in his lap on the bed as he fed her a piece with his own two hands. She fell asleep there once she'd had only about five bites. He decided not to try to wake her again, but kept her there instead, as he watched the news and a few "Pawn Stars" reruns, which he liked because of all of the old guns they showed that he coveted.

  When he was tired enough to think about sleeping, he kept her close to him and maneuvered them into a spooning position, curving his body protectively around hers as they both slept deeply.

  Chapter Nine

  Over the next few months, things between them had never been better – and between them and the club – and thus her brother and her best friend, too. It was so nice not to have to sneak around, but rather to be able to walk into the club and right over to Tek for a hug and a kiss any time she wanted to. When they had a party or a gathering, they got to sit together, instead of a room apart, gazing covertly but longingly at each other, or, worse than that, trying unsuccessfully to avoid doing so.

  Everyone – even the ones who had been against them years ago, seemed to be on board with their relationship. Mari was pleasantly surprised at just how easy the transition was, but then, considering what they'd been through, she guessed that everyone thought they deserved a chance.

  Everyone, that was, except for the White Lights. The rival club had been decimated by their confrontation nearly a year ago, and its remaining members were trying to hatch a plot that would wipe out the Alpha-Omegas and put themselves back on top with all of the ill-gotten assets from everything Cash, the crew, and their predecessors had built up.

  They had gotten wind of Tek and Mari's relationship. It was the first time anyone had found a weak spot – a chink in Tek Harlow's armor. He had always been a loner, never had any family, and his only friends were members of the A-Os. There had never really been any way to get to the heart of him – mostly because most people who had had limited experience of him would have said that he didn't have one – especially in the face of his enemies.

  But then there she was, like a gift wrapped present. A woman who professed to love Tek, and whom he seemed to love back, if anyone could judge by the way they were together. The Lights had a mole in their rival's organization. One of their newbs wasn't quite what he seemed. They had been playing the long game for quite a while, and, even when they faced their Armageddon a while ago, the remnants of their intelligence gathering was still there, in the body of Bing, who due to his bravery in battle against them was up for serious consideration for initiation into the Alpha-Omegas.

  Yet he was faithfully feeding information to the small, remaining core of the Lights.

  So they found out where Tek lived, and that his little slut often left the house where they were shacking up earlier than her old man to go in to the skeletally manned clubhouse, and they set a trap about five hundred yards from where she turned out of his fortress like encampment.

  They picked an average day –a Wednesday – when there wasn't much going on for the A-Os – no drops or pickups or much of anything. Just a normal day, so that there wouldn't be any heightened security or a larger population at the club than usual. And Tek's chick played it just as they'd expected, rolling out of the fortress-like compound that Tek had created on a desolate road on the outskirts of town at just about seven thirty, on her way to get a Starbuck's coffee before heading in to their headquarters for work, if she followed her usual pattern.

  But she wouldn't make it there this morning. Not long after she turned out of her driveway, her little sports car was pulled over by what looked like an unmarked cop car whose blue lights seemed to appear out of nowhere, and then was boxed in by another car in front of her. As soon as she pulled over, several men got out and pointed guns at her. Mari immediately raised her hands in the air, not wanting to give them any trouble. And once she exited her vehicle, her wrists were cuffed together and she was hurriedly shoved into the trunk of the nondescript car that had been in front of hers, where she was then blindfolded and gagged with duct tape and tased several times, just so she'd know they were serious. They didn't want to do anything that would cause her to bleed, which would just give the Alpha-Omegas and Tek in particular, more to go on. The taser was bloodless and highly effective at keeping captives quiet.

  She didn't know it, but one of the Lights got behind the wheel of her car and drove it into the biggest bay of a storage facility they owned so that no one would be tipped off that she was gone.

  Although she was a creature of habit, she didn't really have set working hours. She went in when she wanted to, and that was usually early in the morning because she was a bit of an early bird, unlike Tek, who usually stayed up much later than she did and thus slept later in the morning. For that reason, no one even noticed that she wasn't there until Tek arrived.

  He really loved having her there when he got there. He had developed the habit of going into her office as soon as he arrived, as if the few hours apart from her were too many, and he needed what he called his "Mari fix." But when he got there at a little after noon, she wasn't there.

  And she wasn't answering her phone.

  Both things were very unlike her, and it immediately had him on full alert, although Cash tried to soothe him by saying she might have turned her phone off and gone grocery shopping or stopped off at the bank or whatever before coming in, but Tek knew, somehow, that wasn't the case. Cash even went so far as to call Abby to see if she knew where Mari was, but she didn't. Tek was worried. If she was going to do something other than go to work, she was required to tell him, and they'd had a long, painful discussion about just this situation about a month ago, when she had decided on a lark to go have a mani-pedi done before work, then had browsed in the mall for a while before arriving at the club.

  He had nixed that immediately, turning her around and taking her back home to emphasize his point quite graphically. He didn't care if she went and bought herself a mink coat or went tanning or bought a new car. But he did want to have a good idea of where she was at all times. It was a dominance thi
ng for sure, but it was also a security thing. There were a lot of people – on both sides of the law – that wanted him dead, and if they couldn't manage that, they'd be just as happy to kill someone he loved. He tried to let her know where he was going to be, in general, too, as much as was possible in his line of work.

  She also knew better than to shut off her phone. She was required to keep it with her at all times, and to answer when he called, even if it was just to tell him that she couldn't talk at the moment and that she'd call him back.

  And he felt he had impressed on her just how important it was to him that she follow both of those rules in particular, enough so that he had a hard time thinking she would just blow it off out of the blue this morning.

  He tried her other friends, he called her nail salon, her hair place, her doctor, and anywhere else he could think of, but no one had seen her. He got on her work computer and looked at the contacts she had in Outlook, but he'd already called most of them, not that he didn't also call the ones he'd missed; he did.

  Tek was growing progressively more worried the longer he couldn't find her and she didn't appear there as she should have or answer when he called her number.

  Around three o'clock, when he was downright frantic, he answered the business's phone, and the person on the other end, who was a male, asked to speak to Cash. He brought the phone to Cash, whose face grew progressively darker and whose tone became more and more clipped the longer the conversation went on.

  Tek knew it wasn't good.

  Cash put the phone down and looked at Tek. "The Lights have got Mari."

  Tek was beside himself. This was his worst nightmare coming true. She had been – relatively – safe until she'd publically become involved with him. If something happened to her, he knew that it was all over for him. He would find whoever had hurt her and kill every single one of them, entirely unafraid of dying himself, in the process.

  That would be the point.

  But he tried not to let his mind go there now. She was probably still alive. They were going to call back in an hour with further instruction.

  "Is there anyone we can get to trace the call? Any cops still on our hook?" he asked Cash.

  Cash snorted, looking almost as deadly as Tek. "You know the answer to that. Since the D.A. thing, we've gotten squat from the cops. They're not going to help us."

  He couldn't stand just waiting around. He went back home to try to trace Mari's steps, but they ended just outside his compound, although he could smell her fear and it made him truly crazy. He returned to the club and began to pour through everything he knew – everything all of them knew – about the Lights. What buildings they owned, the perimeters of their territory, anything and everything to try to get a clue as to where they might be holding Mari. And the longer Tek had to wait without even the slightest idea of how to get her back, the wilder Tek became.

  The rest of the crew had seen him get like this on occasion. It had never involved a woman before, but had come up on the rare occasion when a fellow club member had been taken. They knew just to watch him go, that they weren't the ones in any danger. The scumbags who had done this were, no doubt, going to pay.

  But Bing had no experience of Tek being quite so out of control, and the more he seemed to lose it, the more Bing did the same thing. But when Tek took Cash into one of the offices for a minute, then came back and began to bring each of the members into the office one by one, he knew he was done for.

  He tried to sneak out the back way, pretending that he had to use the facilities, but Tek was waiting for him by the door to the men's room, and even went so far as to follow him in.

  But Bing couldn't have peed if his life had depended on it, and as soon as he came up against the farthest wall of the bathroom he turned around and Tek was on him. The rest of the crew crowded into the small room, and Cash came to stand just to Tek's left.

  "Where the fuck is she, you little piece of shit?" Tek smacked his fist full force into the younger man's face and didn't stop until Cash held his arm.

  "Don't kill him before you give him a chance to answer or we'll never find her."

  Tek surged against Cash's hold, his eyes never leaving Bing's.

  The younger man crumbled in the face of sure death at the end of Tek's fists. "They've got her at the El Camino storage facility on Los Robles. Just don't let him kill me, man!" he begged Cash, sliding down the wall with his hands over his face.

  Tek had already left the room with a cadre of men following him. Cash was going to need to catch up, but before he left the scumbag who had aided and abetted his sister's kidnappers, he said, "I won't let him kill you."

  That was all the signal the remaining Alpha-Omegas needed to descend on the young man. Cash walked away as slowly as he dared, smiling grimly at the sounds of fists meeting flesh and bones crunching painfully.

  Tek was just starting to pull out and Cash waved him back as everyone had stopped to arm up. "What's the plan?"

  "Get her back or die trying and take as many of them with us as we can."

  Cash nodded and let him go, joining him at the head of the pack as they rode toward where Mari was being held.

  * * *

  When they left her, after warning her that they didn't want any trouble from her and using a taser on her to let her know that they weren't kidding, she was bound – hands and feet – and gagged and left on the floor of what seemed to be a very open room of some sort. Like a garage, she thought. Mari was doing her best to keep her head, to try to gather any clues about her location that she could. They had driven her around for what had seemed like hours, but that didn't really mean anything. They could just have done that to throw her off.

  She would have bet that she was alone in the room – she couldn't hear anyone else near her, and even if it was only one person, it's pretty much impossible for anyone to remain perfectly silent for hours on end. She thought she heard faint conversation, but reckoned that it was outside the room she was in. She didn't just lie there once they left her, as much as she was frankly terrified of being shocked again. She forced herself to get up and began to Braille her way around the room, first establishing the perimeters – feeling the walls with her hands the best she could, as far down and up as she could reach, then counting off steps to get an idea of just how big it was. She did it in a grid pattern and was able to determine with some accuracy that – unless her guard was Spiderman, she was, indeed, alone in the room.

  It was apparently a storage room, too, because the walls were steel, not drywall, and the floor was very definitely cement. There was nothing on the walls at all – not a picture or a light switch – nothing.

  But none of that really helped her. So she stationed herself in the far corner of the room, facing the door and began to work on the restraints they had used. They were those plastic strip things, like all the cops were using nowadays. They reminded her of the old style garbage bag closures, but they were much harder to defeat. But they had made one mistake – they had bound her hands in front of her. She set about gnawing at the hard plastic with her teeth, knowing her fake nails would be no help at all.

  She managed to bite through them just as some sort of commotion seemed to start. Not knowing if there were going to be bullets flying through the door at any moment, she plastered herself to the floor, while at the same time, still trying to get her ankles unbound by tugging at them, but she wasn't having a lot of success. It was then that she hit on a stroke of genius and shrugged out of her top so that she could get to her bra, which was an underwire. She managed to extract the actual wire, which had about as sharp an edge as she was going to find, and used it diligently to saw through the plastic as she heard a gun battle ensuing what seemed like right outside.

  She could hear someone fiddling with the lock on the storage room door and knew she had to use the element of surprise to her benefit. The bad guys would probably expect to open it to see her cowering in the corner, still bound.

  But she had worked her w
ay through the wrist cuffs, removed her blindfold and gag, and was just cutting through the ankle tie when the door began to roll up. Doing her best to ignore how blinding the sunlight was, she positioned herself to one side of the center and lunged at the first person she saw, claws out, teeth bared.

  And she ran right into Tek's arms, although she had gotten herself so worked up to fight for her life that she didn't realize it for a moment, continuing to bite and claw at him for several long seconds until his soft voice penetrated her mind.

  "It's me, Mari. You're okay. I promise. It's me. You're safe."

  When it finally penetrated her terrified mind that she was in the arms of the man she loved, every muscle in her body turned to jelly, and he found himself holding her up. She hadn't fainted, but she just couldn't stand a moment longer, taking Tek by surprise and sliding to the ground at his feet.

  He immediately thought she was sick or had been seriously hurt. "Baby, honey, are you okay? We'll get you to a hospital."

  Tek tried to lift her off the ground, but she said, "No, I'm not injured. I don't want to go to a hospital."

  "They didn't beat you up or hurt you in any way?" Tek asked, running his hands over her quickly as if to prove to himself that she was okay.

  "Taser," was all she could get out.

  "Son of a bitch!" Tek murmured, clutching her to him. Then he carried her all the way to Cash's bike, turning to him once he'd set her down. "Take her to my house. You know the code." Then he turned to walk away.

  "What are you going to do?" Cash asked, not at all sure he wanted to know the answer.

  Tek didn't bother to turn around as he stalked purposefully towards where the rest of the crew was already having at the Lights, but said, "You don't want to know. Plausible deniability, boss."

  Cash looked after him for another long second, as if weighing whether or not he should call Tek off, but then, looking at his sister, he just decided to mount his bike and bring her home.


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