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Risky Secrets

Page 5

by Xondra Day


  Jayne heard the engine of the truck and was quick to get to the door to meet Keith. She then heard two men talking as they approached the house. Jayne listened at the door until she was sure that one of the men was Keith. “Hey,” she greeted, opening the door.

  Keith flashed her a sexy half grin. Jayne spotted Tom not far behind him. “How’s it going? Any more unexpected visitors?”

  “Don’t even joke about that. I’m positive that someone was here.”

  Both men stepped inside, and Keith shut the door behind the three of them. “It could have been an animal or the wind might have blown the door open. You need to keep that door locked. It’ll keep the critters out.”

  Jayne shrugged. “I can deal with critters. It’s the rest that scares me.”

  “Tom and I will walk the perimeter around the house.” Keith held up a large flashlight. “If anything is out, there we’ll see it.”

  Jayne felt more at ease with both men there. She followed them back to the door and outside. “Be careful,” she warned.


  Tom had noticed a black car parked alongside the road leading them out to the lake. He’d seen that car in town a couple of times earlier that week. A black car was nothing rare or unusual in itself, but why had it been parked outside of Lucky’s often only leaving late at night when the bar got busy? And there was always a man sitting inside. He never got a good look at him so identification was impossible, if he even knew him at all.

  “Stay close,” Keith said. Tom stirred from his thoughts and nodded. “If this was indeed an animal, I don’t want you getting attacked.”

  “I’ve dealt with many animals before in my life. Unfortunately, they were the human kind,” Tom replied. It was the truth. He spent most of his adult life around some pretty unsavory characters while working for the Leones and other lowlifes. How could he have been so damned stupid to do what he did? He did it for the money of course and nothing else. It had gotten him no further ahead in life. He was an idiot for thinking it would.

  Tom followed Keith through the dark as they rounded the first corner of the house. They’d spotted nothing so far. He prayed it would stay that way.

  “There’s something here,” Keith said. He pointed the flashlight towards the ground in front of them. “There are footprints, and they’re fresh from the looks of it. I did work out here today, but these are not mine.” Keith knelt down to examine them closer. “Someone else was definitely out here at some point recently.”

  “Why would anyone want to come out here besides you and Jayne? Did she have a visitor that we don’t know about?” It was possible, but wouldn’t she have told them?

  “Maybe. We’re not going to find anything else out here. If there was an intruder, he or she is long gone by now.”

  “That makes sense. If I was a creeper, I’d head for the hills if two guys showed up.” Tom forced a laugh to lighten the situation.

  “Did you see anything?” Jayne asked meeting them at the door. She looked less stressed than she had when they arrived. “Come inside out of the cold.”

  “Did you have any visitors today other than me?” Keith questioned.

  “No one but you,” Jayne said. A look of utter worry and confusion fell over her face. “Why do you ask? Did you find anything out there?”

  “Yes, there were footprints, and they’re not mine. They’re fresh, and most likely from today,” Keith explained. “Who else knows you’re up here?”

  “Only my close friend and neighbor. Wait, and my agent,” Jayne added. “They knew I was coming here to finish my book.”

  “Do you want me to call the police?” Keith asked. “This could be nothing, but I don’t want to make a judgement one way or the other. It’s your call.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m fine.”

  Tom didn’t think Jayne was telling the truth. “That’s a tad extreme,” he cut in. “I mean calling the police when it’s probably nothing.” The last thing he needed was to see the police up here. “We can hang around for a bit. I’m sure Keith wouldn’t mind.”

  “Would you both?” Jayne shot them both a hopeful glance.

  “Sure,” Keith agreed. “Go back to bed and rest. We’ll keep watch.”

  “You’re a godsend. The both of you are.” Jayne reached out and touched Keith on the shoulder and then Tom. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Chapter Eight

  “She’s certainly something,” Tom said.

  Keith watched as Jayne left the room. She looked sexy in her nightshirt that rose just above her knees. There was nothing particularly revealing about the garment, but she wore it well. “What was that?”

  “You’re attracted to Jayne,” Tom continued. “The signs are there like the way you look at her, and then there’s your body language. You become a total protector when she’s around.”

  “How can I not?” There was something about Jayne that sparked his interest. “She’s pretty.” He couldn’t come right out and say that he thought she was hot. What would Tom think of him if he did?

  “She’s much more than that. I’m bisexual, and I can appreciate the allure of a sexy woman.”

  “It’s the person that does it for me and not what’s between their legs.” That’s truly how he felt about his preference for both sexes. Though being in a relationship with a man would be much different from only hooking up with one.

  “We share a common bond.”

  “There are tons of bisexual people in this world. It’s nothing new.” Keith wasn’t sure what Tom was getting at. “I could go for a cup of coffee.” He headed towards the kitchen and immediately spotted the coffee maker sitting on the countertop. He foraged for coffee in the cupboards and after finding it, set the machine to brew.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Tom asked, coming up from behind him. “You seem uneasy.”

  “Of course I am. I should have called the police and reported the intruder.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Keith braced himself against the counter. Tom certainly liked to talk a lot. “All this chatting…I don’t find it easy to open up like you do. It’s hard for me to chat about stuff like that.”

  “The last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable, Keith. I like you, and I only want to know more about you and what makes you tick.”

  “That’s fine. I don’t fault you for wanting that or anything period. I’m the one with the problem. It’s me who’s not comfortable in his own skin.” He paused for a moment and watched the glass coffee pot fill. “I admire you in a way. You’re out there, and you seem to have everything figured out. You know who you are without a doubt.”

  Tom laughed. “I wish! Seriously, I have my own troubles.” He went silent. “I have my secrets.”


  The man in black stood on the side of the rural road and carefully lit a cigarette. One thing he couldn’t deny was that the air up here was the freshest he’d ever breathed. Living in the city, one didn’t often get the luxury of clean air unless it was run through some sort of shit purifier.

  He didn’t think that they’d spotted him. He recognized the friend’s truck even in the darkness. He didn’t know who the woman was, but the friend had been up here earlier that day and. He followed the friend. He had to figure out if this guy was somehow connected with the money that Tom had stolen from the Leone brothers. The pressure was on, and he sure as hell was feeling it. They wanted this job taken care of quickly. They wanted their money and Tom dead.

  He got back in the car and started it. Going back to the house wasn’t safe. The woman had been spooked, and he’d barely made it out of there without her seeing him. If she’d gotten a look at him, everything would have been shot to hell. Things would have gotten messy, and he really didn’t want that. Extra cleanup was nothing more than a hassle.

  The motel where he was staying wasn’t bad. It was a no tell motel like many others, but the room was decent and clean. He’d head back i
nto Pine Bluff and take the rest of the night off. There wasn’t anything else for him to do here. He’d take care of business tomorrow. It would end then. He looked forward to seeing Tom again.


  Jayne heard Keith and Tom talking. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she crept quietly from her bed to the closed bedroom door to hear them better. She’d heard the word bisexual spoken a couple of times, and it was absolutely killing her to know the dynamics of Keith and Tom’s relationship.

  “I tend to say too much.” It was Tom who spoke now.

  “It’s okay. I’m tired and moody. Let’s have our coffee and relax a little,” Keith replied.

  Jayne pushed against the door a little, and when it fell open under her weight, she went scurrying into the other room. She stumbled about three steps before she managed to stop from falling flat on her face.

  “What was that?” she heard Keith ask. And before she could get back into the bedroom, they were there with her, staring like she had two heads on her shoulders.

  Her cheeks quickly flushed, and the palms of her hands started to sweat. What they must think of her now? “I was coming out for a drink of water.” She cleared her throat to emphasize what she was saying.

  “Right,” Keith said. “Did you hear anything interesting?”

  “Whatever do you mean?” she asked. “You think I was listening at the door?”

  “Yes,” Tom added. “We do.”

  “Okay, fine. Maybe I was. You two interest me. Listening to you is like research for me.” That excuse sounded halfway believable, and suddenly, Jayne was rather impressed with herself for thinking of it. And to think it came off the top of her head. “Keith, you know what I write. I’ve been thinking about expanding my writing ambitions. I think bisexuality is interesting, especially when it comes to men.” She was nearly rambling and though it best to stop talking while she was ahead. She feared that anything else would sound stupid coming from her mouth.

  “That’s one way to put it,” Tom commented. “Have you ever had a lesbian experience?”

  “Shit, Tom. You can’t ask things like that. Not to a woman you don’t even know,” Keith scolded. “Have some common sense.”

  “I don’t mind,” Jayne replied, speaking up. “No, I haven’t. I don’t have that desire within me, but I can appreciate an attractive woman.” It felt awkward standing around answering such personal questions. “Let’s sit,” she said, leading them to the couch. “It’s just that I write erotic romance, and meeting you both… You’re the first bisexuals that I have ever met.”

  “That you know of. Many keep it hidden in the closet,” Tom said.

  Jayne was sure she saw Keith wince a little at the mention of the word closet. “My guess is that each person had their reasons if they do. Not everyone can afford to be so open.”

  “I understand that totally. It’s a personal choice,” Tom interjected. He rested one arm on the back of the couch behind Jayne. “What’s your story? Do you have a special someone in your life?”

  “Not for quite some time. I’m picky.” Jayne noted that she was sandwiched between Tom and Keith. She felt her heartbeat quicken and her pulse speed up. It had been far too long since she’d had…sex. Heck, she couldn’t remember what it felt like to be kissed.

  “There’s nothing wrong with being picky. At least you’re not out there tossing yourself at the first man that pays you a little attention. You’re gorgeous. You could get any man if you wanted him,” Tom said.

  Jayne felt Tom’s finger brush through her hair. His hand settled on the back of her neck and he caressed her skin lightly with only the tips. He was hitting on her. “Thank you,” she muttered, swallowing hard.

  “Keith, don’t you think that Jayne is sexy?” Tom’s voice sounded like liquid velvet as it passed through the air between them. His words washed over her. The situation became surreal. She looked at Keith, and that’s when she decided to make her move. She reached over and guided his hand to her breasts. This was so out of character for her. Jayne couldn’t believe that she was actually doing this. But it felt right.


  Keith locked eyes with Jayne. Tonight something was happening that he’d never thought would. Was it right to go there? So many thoughts raced through his mind. None of this made sense, and it was happening so quickly.

  “It’s okay,” Jayne said. Her voice was soft and steady. “I want this. I really do.”

  There was no denying what he felt physically. Keith’s cock throbbed inside his jeans. Jayne’s tits felt firm under his touch as he massaged them through the flimsy cotton fabric of her nightshirt. She moaned softly and leaned into his touch with Tom sitting behind her, kissing her neck slowly and seductively.

  “Skin like silk,” Tom said. He glanced at Keith. “She’s lovely. I love a woman with real curves.”

  Jayne laughed a little. “Sometimes I think I have too many curves.”

  “No, you’re perfect as is,” Tom replied. “And I’m sure Keith agrees with me.”

  Keith nodded. He did agree with Tom. He reached down and found the hem of Jayne’s nightshirt. She shifted a little as he pulled up on it, revealing her near nakedness to him and Tom. His cock jumped at the sight placed before him.

  Tom was the first to stand. He reached for Jayne’s hand and then Keith’s. “I think we should take this into the bedroom,” he suggested.

  Keith followed Tom and Jayne. Once inside the bedroom, he sat on the edge of Jayne’s bed wondering how this was going to play out. This was new to him. He’d been with men and women before, but never at the same time. As a bisexual, it never crossed his mind before tonight. Ideally it was the perfect scenario for him. This was the best of both worlds in every way possible. It excited him to no end to think about what they were going to do next.

  Tom and Jayne turned to each other and started to kiss. Their kiss started slowly and quickly grew more passionate. Keith watched as Tom slipped his hand down and subsequently inside Jayne’s panties. He wanted to jump them both. Watching them play together was hot, but being in the middle of them would be sizzling.

  Chapter Nine

  Jayne bit down on her bottom lip when she felt Tom’s two fingers sliding between her already slick folds.

  “Feels good,” Tom whispered, stroking her engorged clit. “Tell me you like it.”

  “I like it,” Jayne replied. She loved it. She’d only ever fantasized about things like this happening to her. But this was real and better than anything she’d ever written about in her books. The intense pressure building between her legs caused her knees to weaken. Damn it, she was coming.

  “That’s it, come for me.” Tom held her close. She felt his hot breath against her cheek as she clung to him. Her head felt light and airy like cotton candy. She closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing deep. “Fuck your pussy with my fingers,” he ordered. “Take them inside that tight cunt.”

  “Oh,” Jayne said. She wriggled against Tom’s fingers and felt them slip deeper inside her. She tightened her pussy around them, and pushed down further. Jayne lifted her hips up and down. She gyrated and fucked herself slowly. The feeling was sensational. “I’m coming,” she cried out as waves of pleasure overtook her. “Fuck me, please!”

  “I think she likes it,” Tom said. “Underneath that subdued exterior lies the heart of a wild woman. I knew it.”

  Jayne groaned and licked Tom’s shoulder. She was done with being proper. The inner lusty woman inside of her was breaking free.


  Keith couldn’t take it anymore. He released his cock from inside his jeans and jacked it fervently. Jayne looked so damned sexy standing there with Tom fingering her hot pussy. And when she came, he squeezed his cock hard to stop from coming himself.

  Keith pushed up from the bed. He went to Tom and Jayne. He slid one arm around Tom’s waist and the other around Jayne’s, pulling both to him. The heady scent of sex had already filled the room around them. He inhaled deeply and fel
t his cock throb with wanton desire for both of them. He wanted to fuck Tom and Jayne. He wanted them together on the bed. But for now he had something else in mind. “Both of you, on your knees.” They nodded and did as he directed.

  Tom looked up at Keith and winked. “Now that you have us both where you want us, what are you going to do with us?”

  Tom jutted his hips forward. He griped his cock and aimed it at Tom’s mouth. “Suck it,” he said. “Both of you, suck my cock.”

  Tom licked Keith’s shaft up and down. He moved a little when he felt Jayne massaging his balls. She glanced upward and grinned wickedly before she lowered her head and concentrated on taking each in her mouth. “That’s it,” Keith encouraged. “That’s nice. Keep doing it like that. Suck my big dick. I know you both want it.”

  “I want it,” Tom replied, popping Keith’s cock from his lips. “I want you to fuck me like you did the other night. I want you to pump my tight hole. Jayne, he’s good at fucking. You have to experience it.”

  “Sounds rather good,” Jayne replied. She reached between her legs and played with her pussy. “I love your cock, Keith. I bet you can work wonders with it.”


  Keith’s cock felt smooth in Jayne’s hand. Of course this wasn’t the first penis she’d seen in her lifetime. What mattered more was the man it was attached to and knowing the pleasure that he would give her. She didn’t doubt the motives of either man. They’d been up front with her, and she certainly wasn’t coerced into doing something she didn’t want to do.

  “That’s enough,” Keith said.

  Jayne withdrew his cock from her mouth and squirmed when Tom’s tongue grazed her clit. He was behind her now with his face buried deep between the cheeks of her slightly upturned ass.

  “Hot and sweet,” Tom said.

  Jayne looked back at him to see that he’d somehow gotten rid of his clothes and was now naked jacking his cock as he sat back on the floor.

  “I want the two of you on the bed.” Keith stepped forward and assisted Jayne to her feet. He was strong as an ox. She’d never noticed his strength before until now, and with his hands guiding her to the bed, she felt extremely feminine and every inch a woman. She slipped into Tom’s arms and onto her stomach. “That’s near perfect,” continued Keith. “Lift that cute ass of yours in the air.”


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