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Risky Secrets

Page 7

by Xondra Day

  Tom look bewildered as Keith spoke to him, and he was shaking a little. He backed away as Keith walked closer. “I’m in trouble,” he muttered. “Big trouble.”

  “Nothing can be that bad. Get in the truck and we’ll head back my place to talk it out.”

  Tom shook his head. “No, I can’t get you involved. I’m poison. You need to leave me here and just go.”

  “Tom, you need to get in the truck. It isn’t safe to be standing here on the side of a road at night. You’re lucky someone didn’t run you over.”

  “I’d be better off if they did.”

  “Enough. Get in the truck. I will take you by force if I have to.” Keith wasn’t kidding around. He meant what he’d said. This wasn’t safe for either of them.

  Tom was reluctant, but he did as Keith ordered.

  On the way back to Keith’s place, Tom sat in silence next to him. This man who was still practically a stranger came to Pine Bluff with a story. Keith was anxious to find out exactly what it was and why Tom had come to the small town.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jayne set the kettle on the stove to boil water for tea. She wasn’t in the mood for coffee, but tea would certainly hit the spot before bed. She’d worked hard to finish her manuscript and had made great headways as she worked at it all afternoon and into the night. With one chapter to go, she’d finish it in no time, pleasing Marilla in the process.

  She’d expected to see Tom come around, but he hadn’t. Jayne shrugged it off easily enough and figured that something had come up to otherwise occupy him. Settling back in front of her laptop, she waited for the kettle to whistle.

  She’d stay for another week in Pine Bluff then she’d have to head back to the city. The truth was that Jayne hated the thought of going back. Since meeting up with Keith and Tom, her life had taken on a new spin that was very much desired and for the good. She couldn’t forget how they’d both made her feel both sexually and emotionally. Right now it was friendship between them, but could it possibly turn into something more than just a roll between the sheets that was fun for all three involved? A part of her wished that it would. It was unconventional to think about three people being involved in an actual relationship together. Did it even happen outside of erotic novels?

  With her tea finished, Jayne decided to call it a night. Since the incident with the open door, she always made one last check before heading to bed to make sure that everything was locked up tight.

  Jayne stopped in her tracks just before reaching the door that led outside. A sound caught her attention as she perked up her ears, listening. It sounded like something was knocking against the door outside. Her first instinct told her to call Keith, but she felt silly for thinking like that. She couldn’t call him over every bump in the night. After all, she was practically in the middle of nowhere surrounding by god knew how many little critters crawling around. Given that many were nocturnal, it wasn’t out of place for them to make noise while going about their business.

  There was nothing to be scared or worried about. She’d handle this on her own. Jayne unlocked the door slowly and opened it. She gripped the door handle tightly and peered through a small crack into the darkness outside. She listened again, but didn’t hear anything other than a slight wind blowing through the trees. Jayne opened the door farther and stepped out. It was nothing, she convinced herself of that. She turned to go back inside, and that’s when a gloved hand went across her mouth and another around her waist. There had been no one, or so she’d thought. Her mind screamed in terror as she tried to escape the man’s hold. She knew it was a man. His strong cologne burned her nostrils as she breathed fast and deep. Or was in cologne? As she lost consciousness, Jayne wasn’t sure.


  The man in black looked at the rag in his hand and then at the woman who lay at his feet. She didn’t put up much of a struggle. The chloroform worked well. It always did. If he couldn’t get to Tom then he’d go through the man’s friends to get the job done. It was as simple as that. He’d get his man in the end. He always did.

  He bent over and grabbed the woman by the arms. He had to get her in the trunk of his car and to the location before she woke up. His plan was coming together nicely. It would be over and done with soon.


  “What’s wrong?” Keith stood in front of Tom and pointed to the couch. “Sit.” There was a reason for Tom to be out there on the road at night, and he wasn’t letting Tom leave until he knew what it was.

  “I can’t tell you. It’s best if you let me go and forget you ever met me,” Tom quickly replied. “I’m bad news. I need to get as far away from here as I possibly can.”

  Tom wasn’t making any sense, and it was pissing Keith off. “What is it? Why do you need to leave Pine Bluff? I must be way out of the loop here, Tom, because I haven’t a sweet clue why you’re acting like this. Is it because of me and Jayne?”

  “God, no. It’s nothing to do with either of you. But me being around you both isn’t good. I don’t want any harm to come to either of you. You need to understand what I’m saying.”

  “Then try being completely open with me. Help me understand.”

  “Before I came here, I did something extremely stupid and bad,” Tom started. He sucked in a deep breath and then continued on. “Back in the city, I worked for two guys who needless to say were unsavoury as their business practices. I kept track of their books. I took the job in the beginning because it paid well. With a lack of better judgement, I took some money from them.”

  “Not smart,” Keith said, shaking his head as he listened to Tom’s story. “I’m guessing there’s more to the story?” He anxiously waited to hear what Tom had to say next.

  “There’s much more. They discovered what I did, and I ran from them. I went to my father for help, and he arranged for me to come here and work for Lucky. But…and there’s a big but, the Leone brothers sent someone after me and he’s here in Pine Bluff. He tried to kill me, but I managed to get away this evening.”

  Keith couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He paced back and forth in front of the couch with his hands clenched tightly. “Man that was stupid of you to do what you did. What were you possibly thinking? Did you think you could fuck over a couple of guys like that?”

  “I wanted the money. I was greedy.”

  “You must have been. I don’t know what to say or how to respond to this. But you’re here now, and I like you enough to help you.”

  Tom pushed up from the couch. “I don’t want you involved in this. That man tried to kill me. He had a gun, and he would have used it if the situation had been right. He means business. I’ll disappear, and everything can go back to normal for both you and Jayne.”

  “And how do you intend to go about that? Are you just going to walk out of here? If that man’s after you like you say, he’ll be waiting and watching. Why don’t you give back the money and have it over and done with.” It was something to ponder, or so Keith thought. Maybe if they had their money back they’d leave Tom alone.

  “I know them, and it wouldn’t work for them. They want the money sure, but they also want me dead,” Tom explained.

  “You have the money here with you in Pine Bluff?”

  “Yes,” Tom nodded. “It’s well hidden back at my apartment. I figured I’d leave town and come back later for it.”

  “You do need to get away from here.” Keith didn’t want to see Tom come to any harm. He’d already made up his mind to help him any way he could. “I’ll take you back to your place and then to the airport in the next town over.”

  “You’d do that for me?” A look of surprise crossed Tom’s face. “You’re a great man, Keith. I don’t think I have ever met another like you before.”

  “People make mistakes…Some more than others.” Keith raised one brow. “I don’t condone what you did. I think you fucked up big time, but I’m trying not to judge you harshly for your actions. You’re only human, and we’re all prone to error. I’ll
do what I can for you.”


  Tom felt nervous during the drive back to his apartment. He kept his eyes peeled for any sign of the man who’d come after him. It was hard to see anything in the dark from the truck.

  When they pulled into the parking lot of Lucky’s the first thing Tom did was look for the black car. It wasn’t there. He breathed a sigh of relief as he emerged from the truck, but kept his eyes peeled for anything suspicious as they walked to the steps that led upstairs to the apartment.

  “He did a job in here,” Keith said, pushing open the busted door. Inside everything was torn apart and things had been tossed all over the place. “I suspect he was looking for the money.”

  “He didn’t find it,” Tom replied heading into the bathroom. He climbed up on the toilet and pushed up a ceiling tile. “I hid the money up here.” He quickly retrieved it and returned to the other room where Keith was. He tossed the wrapped package to Keith. “Hold that for me.”

  Keith palmed the package, looking it over. “How much did you take from them?”

  “Enough to make it worthwhile. I won’t be long. I’ll pack a few things and be done with it.” He grabbed a bag and started to toss things in it. He hadn’t come to Pine Bluff with much, and he was taking even less with him. The faster he got out of there the better.

  Walking past the small kitchen area, Tom paused in front of the fridge. He was thirsty and went to open it to get a bottle of water. Something was pinned to the fridge that hadn’t been there before. It was a note with his name scribbled on it. He snatched it and scanned the words quickly.


  If you want to see your girlfriend alive, bring the money to Camper’s Paradise tomorrow morning at ten on the dot. Your boyfriend will know where it is. Don’t be a wiseass as you’ve already proven to be. If you decide to be a hero, she dies. Play it smart and she lives. It’s simple. Don’t make it complicated.


  Black. Tom mulled the name over in his head. He held the note out in front of him as he eyes Keith. “I think you should read this.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jayne opened her eyes slowly. Her vision was cloudy and as she tried to focus on her surroundings, she heard a voice call to her.

  “You’re awake.”

  It was a man. It was the man who attacked her. “Who are you?” Jayne asked, her throat dry and her voice hoarse as she spoke, trying to collect her thoughts and put things together. “Where am I?”

  “Who I am and where you are are questions that don’t need to be answered.” The man emerged from the shadows of the room, which had been dimly lit with a couple of candles. “Everything will work out if your friend does as I say.”

  “What friend?” Jayne didn’t understand what he was saying. Who was this friend? Was it Keith? “Who are you talking about?” She fumbled a little and tried to move, but her hands and feet were tied securely. “Let me go or I’ll scream,” she warned.

  “Scream all you want. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I picked this place especially because of that. Scream, yell…Do whatever you want. Nobody will hear a thing other than the animals.” He smiled before retrieving a cigarette from his pocket. “Who are you anyway? You’re some big time writer or something?”

  How did he know that?

  “I snooped a little after I tossed you in the trunk of my car. You’re a regular smut writer. That stuff sells, right? Sex is just about everything in today’s world. You’re not bad looking. I’d probably fuck you if the time was right.”

  The very thought of this despicable man touching her caused bile to rise in the back of Jayne’s throat. She silently prayed that he wouldn’t touch her. “Someone will come for me. The police will be notified that I’m missing.” She tried to divert the conversation.

  “That’s the whole point. Tom had better come. If he doesn’t then you’re up shit creek without a paddle. You don’t want to know what I’ll do with you if he doesn’t show. No, it wouldn’t be a good outcome for you.” He sucked on his cigarette. “I don’t even want to think about it.” He grinned.


  “This can’t be for real,” Keith spat after he’d read the note Tom had handed him. The bastard that had come for Tom now had Jayne. Keith read the note again before he handed it back. “He has Jayne. We have to go to the police.” That was his first thought. With a situation like this it was best to go to the law.

  “No, we can’t do that. I know guys like this. If we involve the police, he’ll kill her. He wants the money. Maybe if I give it to him, he’ll leave us all the hell alone. The place he mentioned, what is that?”

  “It was a summer camp for kids. It’s been closed for years.” Keith had been there a few times. The place was extremely rundown and overgrown. It was rumoured that some big time developer was going to come in to develop the property, but as of yet it had not happened. “I know exactly where it is, and we’re not waiting for tomorrow to go out there. By then it could be too late.” He wasn’t chancing Jayne’s safety. If he couldn’t have the police involved then he was going to take matters into his own hands with a little insurance.

  Insurance came in the form of a nifty little handgun that Keith kept in the glove compartment of his truck. It wasn’t needed up in Pine Bluff, but he liked to have it on hand just in case. He pulled it out and laid it on the seat between him and Tom. “Don’t worry, the safety is one,” he said.

  “I would have thought that hunting rifles would have been more your thing,” Tom replied. “It’s a nice piece.”

  “I guess you’re not the only man who holds his secrets well.”

  “I’m sorry for involving you both in this. I honestly thought no one would find me all the way up here.”

  “I know.” Keith started the truck. “It’s too late to turn back time. “The camp is about a thirty-minute drive. The guy must have been scoping out the area to pick that place. My guess is that he’s been following you for a while. Hopefully he won’t be expecting us tonight. We’ll take him by surprise. That’s our edge.”


  Jayne struggled to get free from the ropes that bound her, but it was an effort in futility. The bastard who had kidnapped her had secured her well and knew what he was doing when tying the knots.

  “I need to take a piss,” he said. “It’s fun to sit here and watch you try to free yourself, but I really need to go. I trust that I can leave you on your own for a bit?” The sarcasm in his voice was thick enough to cut. Could a man be more unlikeable? Jayne didn’t think so.

  She looked up at him and squirmed to make herself somewhat comfortable. The wooden floor was hard to lie on. Not to mention the bugs that occasionally crawled over her. She itched all over thinking about the many places they could hide, including her hair.

  Left alone, Jayne looked around the room for something…anything that could cut the ropes. It looked like she was in a cabin. The walls were bare, and the only furnishings were a couple of tables, chairs, and a set of bunk beds, sans mattresses, set off to the side of one wall. She eyed everything closely, but didn’t spot anything. When the man returned, she pretended to be asleep to avoid him. Engaging him in anything, even conversation, wasn’t a smart thing to do. Ignoring him would be best at this time.

  Sooner or later someone would come looking for her. Marilla would wonder why her manuscript hadn’t been turned in. She’d call. No one would answer. It would set off alarm bells for Marilla. Then there was Keith. He’d wonder where she’d gone with all of her stuff left at the lake house including her vehicle. The police would be called. That’s what would happen eventually. She hoped it wouldn’t be too late by the time they found her, if they found her. This far up in the wilderness, Jayne figured there were a lot of places to hide a body…her body.


  They turned off the main road, and Keith had to squint to see where he was going. He didn’t know this area well, but being here a couple times before, he did know where he was going and where Camper
's Paradise was located.

  The camp had gone belly up some years ago. The owners hadn’t sold the place so it remained, lying in state becoming overgrown and derelict. No one came up here other than the scattered hunting party.

  Keith slowed the truck to a crawl as he spotted the Welcome to Camp Paradise sign. It was barely visible through the overgrowth that surrounded it, but it was still there standing, indicating what was to follow. “We’ll stop here and walk the rest of the way. I don’t want him to see or hear us coming.”

  Tom nodded.

  Keith grabbed the gun and tucked it into the waist of his jeans. He glanced up at the night sky as he exited the truck. The light from the moon would be enough to guide them. The half crescent moon shone bright down on the dirt road highlighting their path. Keith paused for a moment in the middle of the road before he turned to Tom. “Follow me, keep quiet, and stay close.”


  Tom didn’t like it out in the middle of nowhere at night, especially where there was some maniac most likely perched waiting to mow them down. But what other choice did he have but come? He was the one responsible for all of this. Jayne wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for him and his selfish ways. If they all got out of this alive, he’d make it up to them by leaving. Neither of them needed him around with the trouble he’d brought on them.

  He followed Keith up the road and stayed close to him. His nerves were raw, and every sound emerging from the trees and brushes around them sounded alarms inside of him. “Is it much farther?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Not much,” Keith replied. “There are many cabins and other buildings. My guess would be that Jayne is being kept in one of them. We might have to do some digging around before we find her.”


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