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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

Page 7

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  “Oh. For God’s sake, Lacey. I do not want to come up there. Especially if I am gonna be a fifth wheel. Wait … are you drunk? Lacey, you better be careful; I do not feel like driving up there after you break your leg or something like last time.”

  Lacey had been stinking, stoned out drunk one night at the lake. Being ever the smart ass, she had tried to jump over a couple of beach chairs to prove that, back in high school, she was the best long jumper on the track team. She had broken her leg, forcing Christie to carry her back up the sloping, sandy hill, through the woods and in to her house. Lacey had been bedridden for six long weeks in Christie’s bed.

  Silence. “Lacey?”

  “No. I am not drunk, Christie … well, maybe a tad bit. I am having fun with Dave, Mellie, and Tim. Come on up, Chris. I miss you.”

  Christie could just see her pouting.

  “Sorry, chickee poo, but… Um, actually, I have met someone. That is, I met him online. Listen, Lacey. Do you remember a guy named Mark Ostrander?”

  “Oh no. You mean pimple face Mark? HAHAHA. Yeah, I remember him. Ugh, Christie. He was so gross with his long nasty hair.”

  “Hey. He was not all that bad. Anyhow, we have been talking on the internet and we are going to meet up soon.”

  “Well, you have fun with that, Christie. I swear you pick the weirdest of them all. I gotta go. Dave is buying me a pronto pup and I gotta pee. I will stop by this week and talk to you about Mark pimple face.”

  “Stop it, Lacey. He doesn’t look like that anymore. At least, I don’t think so. I will talk to you later tater. Stay out of trouble.”

  “NEVER!” she heard Lacey scream as she hung up the phone.

  As the day s went by, Mark and Christie began to explore their feelings for each other, albeit through words typed in to a messenger system that was part of the social media site. Christie asked him if he could come over to see her. He agreed to meet her at her house in the woods for a while that next Monday.

  Being nervous and fretting over everything, she cleaned the house, and made a batch of Black-Eyed Pea soup and soda bread. Then took a shower, and threw on a pair of blue jean shorts and a red tank top that had sparkles on it. She sprayed some perfume around the house and made sure everything was perfect. Almost forgetting, she went to the kitchen cabinet and took out a plastic container of her famous Divinity.

  Suddenly, she felt something in the air. Something strong and male. When she saw his truck pull up, she almost wet herself. There he was in a baseball cap and sunglasses, climbing out of a big red ram truck. Hot Damn. He looked so good. She invited him in and kissed him on the lips the moment he came through the door. Damn. Did I really kiss him on the lips? Must keep control , she said to herself.

  Christie could feel that he was shaking and nervous. The years of hard work had taken their toll on him in a rugged cowboy kind of way. Yet, she felt like a school girl again. His eyes were the same as they were back in high school, and his big luscious lips had not changed a bit. Mentally, she had to check herself. Christie knew she needed to put him at ease.

  “Hello, Christie. You look just like I remember, albeit grown into a fine woman now.”

  Blushing, it was hard for her to speak. Here he was … finally.

  Touching her lips, she said, “Hi, Mark. Please come in to my home.”

  She led him in to the living area, where she had a sectional that was placed in front of a big bay window that looked out in to the woods and beyond to the lake.

  She sat at one end of the sectional while he chose the middle, and they talked for the longest time. Just getting reacquainted with one another. She offered him some Iced Tea and asked if he would like to stay for some of her soup and homemade bread. They moved in to the dining room, sitting at the table She grabbed his hand in hers and kissed it. She saw years melt away in his eyes. He was a tender, lonely, aging man in need of affection. They talked and laughed until her cheeks hurt. They were falling in love. Both loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting, and, of course, trucks. He was a manly man—strong, capable, hardworking—and she loved him already. Mark made Christie laugh when he pulled off his baseball cap and revealed much shorter, thinner hair than she remembered.

  She squealed. “You look just like your Dad!”

  “Yeah.” He laughed at her laughing at him.

  “Mark, it is so good to see you again. I cannot believe fate brought us together here.

  They were reminiscing about high school, and she wanted to tell him she cared, but didn’t dare to because of what she was. She was scared he would not understand that she was a witch. Back then, she was just realizing her powers and how nature around her could be manipulated. So many times, she had wanted to put a love spell on him, but was reminded that putting spells on people who were unaware could be dangerous.

  He had been shy, never directly looking her in the eyes, even when they stood right in front of each other in the hallway of Harry L. Hill High School.

  They continued to talk over their soup supper.

  “Christie, you are a superb cook. A man could really get used to this.”

  “Thank you, but wait until you taste this…” She ran to the kitchen, grabbing the container of Divinity. He looked at the container as she opened it, peering inside.

  “Hmm … looks like a fluffy cloud,” he said.

  “Yeah. That is why it is called Divinity; makes you think of angels and clouds and … well … here. Taste it.” She gently fed him a small piece of the decadent treat.

  He made a face at first, and she was not quite sure he liked it. Swirling it around in his mouth, like one who would drink a fine wine, he smacked his lips together, looking at her all the while.

  “Well, what do you think, Mark?”

  “Christie … this is the most … divine, sweet treat I have ever tasted. You have created a dream for my mouth.” He pulled her hand back, licking her fingers one at a time.

  This made her blush a hundred shades of red. His mouth, his luscious pink mouth … she could only imagine what he would do with it … on her … in her … yeah.

  “Thank you. Uh, Mark, people from all around beg me to make it. I only make it when I feel like it. It is like something I do when I am frustrated or nervous … or bored.” She laughed. He let her hand go gently. Then she thought she heard a growl come from him. Weird.

  He leaned forward slowly, kissing her. His mouth was so warm and sweet. Oh. I could die right now and be the happiest woman alive, she thought to herself.

  He pulled back and thanked her again for the scrumptious meal. Something seemed off. He was being evasive. What in the world could make a man turn away from a good meal, sweet moments, and her. She started to feel as if she had done something wrong. Talked too much; laughed too loud. It worried her and puzzled her all at the same time. He turned away from her, and just like that, it was over.

  They did not make love like they had teased each other about on social media. She knew she should just pull him back in to the bedroom with her. But she didn’t. He seemed deep in thought as he walked out the door. No kiss. No goodbye.

  Christie was so mad at herself. She watched him pull out of the driveway with tears in her eyes. Would she ever see him again?

  That night, Mar k messaged her. She told him that she was sorry for not making love with him. He said that it was not her fault; that he still loved her for being so kind to him. They made a plan to meet each other three days later.

  When he arrived this time, she vowed they were finally going to share a night of passion.

  Christie took Mark’s hand and began to lead him up the stairs to her bedroom.

  “Christie, wait.” He stopped midway up. “There is something we need to discuss.”

  “What is wrong, Mark? Is it me?”

  “No, no. Nothing is wrong with you, babe. There is something I need to tell you before we go any further and I am not quite sure how to tell you.”

  “You have me worried, Mark. Are you married? Have kids?

  “No. Nothing as simple as that, hon.”

  He led her to back to the living area, and they sat on the sectional. This time, closer to one another.

  “Christie, there is something you need to know about me, and I am not sure you will understand unless I show you. So, please, let me demonstrate. I know you will be more than shocked, but just remember that I love you and nothing changes how I feel about you. Although you might feel differently when you see what I am talking about.”

  “Umm, Mark … there is something I need to tell you also.”

  “Okay. Babe, you go first.”

  “Mark, I am witch.”

  “A what? A witch? Like broomsticks and black cats witch?” Mark ran his hand over his jaw, looking sideways at her. He began to laugh.

  Folding in on herself, slumping shoulders, she meekly said, “Yes.”

  “Awe, sweetie. It’s ok, because there is something you need to know about me, too.”

  “Don’t tell me you are a werewolf or something.” Christie smirked. Then realized Mark was serious.

  “Umm … well…” he said, scratching the back of his head now. “No. Actually, I am a shifter. A bear shifter … or as some call me a werebear.”

  Eyes as big as the sky, Christie stood over him and said, “Prove it.”

  “Seriously, babe? You want me to shift in front of you?”

  “You bet your honey sucking butt I do. I have got to see this!”

  “Okay, but if I do, you have to promise me no one else can ever find out, and that you will show me a little of your strange magic.”

  “Alright. I agree to keep your secret if you agree to keep mine. Deal?”

  “Christie, I will do one better. I will seal it with a kiss.” He grabbed her up in his strong arms, planting his lips firmly on hers until they melted together, tasting and touching one another with their tongues, the dance as old as time.

  After a few passionate minutes, Christie pushed him away. “Okay, Mr. Bear. Show me what you got.”

  “Okay, Little Witch, here goes.”

  At first, Christie thought he must be joking with her, but then she saw him shake like a wet dog. Suddenly, he was on all fours, his nose protruded, his face growing wide. Fur started growing all over his body, which appeared more muscular and thick. His feet and hands grew into massive paws with deadly sharp nails flicking out one at a time. In just a few seconds, a bear—an actual brown grizzly—stood in her living room. It swung its large head toward her and let out a noise that sounded like a growl but more like a howl or a deep grunt. It then sat on its haunches and actually waved one of its huge paws at her in a friendly gesture.

  Christie began to laugh and clap her hands with glee. “Oh my goodness. What a handsome bear you are, Mark.”

  She walked over to him slowly, still not sure if she could trust a wild beast no matter how friendly he seemed. Letting the bear sniff her hand was odd. She knew the bear was Mark, but then again, he was a … a … bear!

  “I must be nuts, but, wow, I am in love with a werebear.” Laughing so hard she felt silly, she grabbed Mark the Bear around his thick brown fur neck and gave him a huge hug.

  “You know, you would be so nice to snuggle with on a cold winter night.”

  In answer to her statement, he made a soft grunting noise.

  “Okay. Now I guess it is my turn. Hmmm … let me see, bears like honey, right? Oh, wait. I know. The Divinity.” Snapping her fingers in to the air, the container of Divinity appeared. Mark the Bear watched as the container mysteriously appeared. Instantly, he pawed at it. Making a MAAAA sound.

  “Well, big boy, here is a treat for sharing your secret with me.” She handed a piece of the fluffy white confection to him. He seemed to smile, if a bear could smile at all. Smacking his big bear lips and chewing with what seemed like ecstasy, he pawed at her for another piece.

  “Okay. You may have one more, then you must shift back to your human form. We have some business to take care of.” Giggling, she watched as Mark the Bear enjoyed licking his paws after eating the second piece of Divinity. Placing the container with the rest of the candy on her sofa table, she watched, mesmerized by Mark shifting back to human form. He was truly a magnificent human male specimen.

  When he had finished shifting, he watched her reaction.

  “So, babe, what do you think? Can you love a man/bear like me?”

  “Well, there are two things I want to ask you before I answer you. How have you gone all these years without anyone finding out, and why are you showing me, of all people, who you are now?

  “I was born this way; my mom is human, and my dad is a werebear. We lived in an exclusive compound deep in the woods near the mountain called Watacha. Our kind has lived there for over a thousand years. My parents felt that it was unfair for me to have to live in a secluded place with no friends and no proper education. So, they allowed me to go to human schools and to live among them if I kept the rest of my ‘bear kind’ a secret.”

  “There were no other children in your compound?”

  “No. My parents were forbidden to marry and reproduce offspring. Love won out and my grandfather gave in to my father’s demands of being able to have a family of his own. My grandfather debated heavily on letting Dad marry my mother with the promise of no bear cubs. Only a wife. Also, that no baby humans be born to the union. Well … that did not last long. Mother found out she was pregnant soon after their marriage, despite trying not to conceive.

  See, I am the last half human, half bear born. Our elders became very upset and demanded I be killed at birth. My parents decided to leave the Watacha compound with me, but my grandparents pleaded with the elders to let us stay. I was allowed to go to a human school if my parents drove me down the mountain in to Lawrensing where I saw you for the first time. No other bear/human relationship has been allowed or created since my parents. Everyone in our compound are older than I, and no humans except for my mother live there.”

  “Is your mother happy living there with all the bears?”

  “Extremely. She and my father are on the Watacha town council and travel the world to other bear communities. My mother is very involved in the communities that do have bear cubs.”

  Surprise rang in her mind. “You mean there are other bear communities around the world?”

  “Yes. Aren’t there millions of witches all over the world?”

  “Well, yes, there are. I just never imagined werebears being that many all over the world. How fascinating.”

  “You mean there are no bear children at all?”

  “Oh. There are many cubs in our communities, but all are sworn to stay in the community and have no communication with humans. I was under the same oath until I decided to be a jerk one night and go to a local bar, get drunk, and bring home a human. The elders had no choice but to vanquish me to where I live now, alone in the woods.

  However, with the internet and television my only friends, I have been able to not feel so alone and isolated.”

  “That is sad. I am sorry, Mark.”

  “Hey, babe. Don’t worry about me. I am fine. I love my life. It’s lonely, but I keep busy hunting and working on my home.”

  “Would you like some hot chocolate? It is really chilly tonight, isn’t it?”

  “Christie, it is summer, and I never get chilly. I am a bear!”

  Feeling stupid as hell, she jumped up to make some hot chocolate. He may have been a bear, but she was human—albeit a witch who could conjure up a warm wind. But she would rather snuggle up with the bear. Giggling, she entered the kitchen.

  Mark sat waiting for her to come back with her hot chocolate. Damn, he loved that girl. He could totally see himself with her. Would her family accept him? Would her friends accept him? Worse yet, what would his parents think? They loved him despite the mistakes he had made in his life by bringing home a human years ago, the decision that led him to a lonely life. Well no time like the present to find out. Christie was worth it, and h
e sure wanted her to be his and no one else’s.

  “Here we go. I brought a cup for you just in case, and if not, here is a fresh bottle of water,” she said, giggling as she poured the hot chocolate in to each mug. Mark took the mug of hot chocolate. Seeing more of her famous Divinity on a plate on the tray she brought the drinks in on, he grabbed one, popping it in his mouth. For one split second as Christie glanced at him, she swore she saw a happy bear face. Then it was back to her Mark’s beautiful face again.

  “Mark, would you be willing to go up to Legacy Cove with me next Saturday to meet my friends?”

  “Umm. No. Christie, I do not think that is a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Look, I am not a social kind of guy. I don’t think your friends would like me very much.”

  “I like you. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Babe, I really do want to please you, but, no, Christie, I cannot meet your friends.”

  She could not believe her ears. “Mark, that is not fair of you. I would be willing to meet your friends.”

  “Honey, I do not have any friends. I am a loner. The sooner you realize that, the better.”

  He put his mug of cocoa on the table, standing to leave, and she grabbed his arm.

  “Where are you going, Mark?”

  “Home. I think it is time I leave. We should not make plans for a future we cannot keep.”

  “What do you mean not keep? You are the one who calls me babe, honey, and tells me you want me. Have you been lying to me to see how far you can get with me? Do you just want to fuck me and leave? Go about your own life like I never mattered?”

  “Christie, please don’t do this.”

  “Do what? Be angry at you for not wanting to meet my friends? Yes, I am angry. How dare you come in here, get comfortable, and act like we have a future together then refuse to share yourself with me. GET OUT!”

  “It does not have to be like this, Christie. Why can’t it just be me and you and a quiet life together in the woods?”


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