Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 17

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  “Thank you, Alana.” I choked out, blasted tears stinging my eyes.

  I wouldn’t have to use Jack’s card after all.

  It would be a lean month ahead…but I could afford this. Thank God for being a simple girl!

  She handed the box to Lance with a wink, then turned back to me. “I try and try to get someone to wear my designs to this ball. Is good. Helps me to advertise.”

  I wrote out the check and handed it to her, noticing that my hand shook. This was all so overwhelming. I had gone from a content, simple existence to one filled with motorcycle rides, midnight balls… and Jack Dupree.

  Holy Hell !

  I hung th e gown in my closet carefully before hugging and kissing my friends’ goodnight and crawling into bed.

  My cell began to ring.

  Guh! I’d forgotten to change that damn ringtone! I scrounged through my purse and grabbed my phone, realizing with a goofy grin that it was Jack’s number.

  “Hey,” I answered brightly, my face hurting from smiling so hard. Geez!

  “Hey, yourself,” he murmured. “Sorry to call so late, but these damn re-shoots are a bitch.”

  “It’s not late,” I sighed, snuggling deeper into my pillow. “I was just getting into bed.”

  There was a long silence and I wondered if we had lost the call, but finally he spoke, his voice low and throaty. “Wish I was there.”

  Those four words ricocheted through my brain and caused my body to practically combust.

  What do you say to that? I wished the same damn thing?

  No, it was much too soon to say that .

  “Listen,” he said, clearing his throat. “These re-shoots are taking longer than expected, so I won’t be back until Saturday.”

  I felt the disappointment hit me like a sledgehammer to the gut.

  “Oh?” I replied, trying hard to hide my disappointment, and wondering if I would be able to return my gown.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight; I’m just sorry I won’t have the chance to see you before that. Have you looked for a dress?”

  I felt my body relax. He wasn’t cancelling on me!

  “Yes. In fact, I found one,” I informed him proudly.

  “Really? I’m impressed.” He laughed, and it was marvelous.

  I loved the sound of his laughter. Deep, masculine… sexy as hell.

  “Don’t be,” I giggled. “I hate shopping. The sooner it’s over…the better.” I didn’t want to tell him that I absolutely loved the gown I had gotten.

  “Get some sleep, Sweetheart,” he sighed, and I melted.

  I freaking melted, right there in the middle of my empty, lonely bed.

  I took a quick breath. “You too. Night.”

  “Goodnight, Baby,” The line went silent.

  I held the phone to my chest a moment, trying hard not to scream in delight. This just so wasn’t me.

  But, he made me feel like…

  I stopped the thought short. I was not going to go there. My luck in the romance department was less than stellar, so I was not going to let myself fall in too deep…no matter what my heart was telling me!

  Chapter Six

  The week inche d along at a snail’s pace and by Friday, I couldn’t wait until five o’clock rolled around.

  Jack had either called or sent me a text every day, and it left me breathless…and somewhat nervous.

  I was still waiting for the Starlet Bomb to fall.

  He continued to call me Sweetheart or Baby whenever we spoke, and as much as I hated to admit it, I found his pet names really nice. They made my heart race each time he husked them out in that slow Southern drawl that just curled my toes.

  I grabbed my stuff and ran for the door as soon as the clock hit five.

  Felix and I had plans to meet for a quick drink to hopefully ease my nerves a bit. Lance had a new man in his life and was wrapped up in the excitement of it all, which I could completely understand.

  But, he had promised to be at my apartment tomorrow with Felix to help me get ready.


  Oh, good Lord…I hoped I was ready!

  I stood i n front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom and wondered just who in the hell the woman staring back at me was.

  Felix had styled my hair into an elegant sweep to one side with it cascading down in front, brushing softly against my collar bone. Lance had done my make-up to perfection and there I stood, barely recognizing myself.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I choked out. For the very first time in my entire life, I felt like a princess.

  “Well,” Lance chuckled, “Hubba, Hubba comes to mind.”

  “I’ll have to go with stunning,” Felix murmured. She glanced over to my bedside table and grinned. “Five to eight…are you ready?”

  I swallowed hard as a wave of nerves hit me full on. This was it!

  I nodded shakily and headed toward the door, my two best friends in the world trailing behind me.

  Felix shoved my clutch into my hands as she opened the door to my apartment and ushered me through. The three of us headed down the hall, passing my neighbor -smelly garlic guy , on the way to the elevator and I saw his smile of appreciation.

  Well, that helped a little!

  The man was terminally grumpy and that was the first time I had ever even seen him so much as crack a grin.

  When the elevator doors opened, and I stepped out into the main lobby, Lance stopped me with a gently placed hand on my arm. “Let me make sure he’s here,” he whispered conspiratorially, and dashed to the main entrance.

  I knew Jack would be there. He was never late.

  “Holy shit,” I heard Lance breathe. “Your man just pulled up in one fine limo. Come on, baby-girl – it’s time.”

  I took a deep breath and nodded, concentrating on taking one step after the other. Felix rushed ahead of me and stood by the doors with Lance, each one grabbing hold of a handle, prepared to open them and let me make a grand entrance.

  They giggled like two five-year old’s as I stopped and grimaced, terrified.

  “You can do this,” Lance whispered, and I saw Felix bob her head in agreement.

  “I’m ready,” I said shakily as I gripped the front of my gown in my hands and lifted, so I wouldn’t go tumbling down the stairs.

  I stepped out onto the stoop and saw a beautiful black limousine idling at the curb. The chauffer opened the door with a smile and Jack slid out – and I swear on my life, the earth stood still.

  He looked even more amazing in his tux than I ever could have imagined.

  I watched anxiously as he glanced up at me and his eyes widened. He staggered back a step as his hand went to his heart, his mouth twisting up into that heart-stopping grin, and it was as if everything at that moment in time just…stopped .

  Our eyes locked, and all I could hear was the rapid pounding of my heart in my ears as it jumped right up into my damn throat.

  After what seemed an eternity, Jack stepped forward and slowly walked up the stairs to stand in front of me, his eyes taking in my face with an intensity that stole the breath from my very soul.

  “My God, Lacy,” he breathed out, those exquisite eyes of his shining. “You look…magnificent.”

  He leaned forward and nuzzled my neck, placing a tender kiss behind my ear as his hands grasped mine. “I’ve missed you like hell,” he rasped, and I felt gooseflesh break out on my skin. I felt him chuckle against my neck, and another shiver ran up my spine. “I take it that the two sets of eyes I see peering from behind those doors are your friends,” he whispered in my ear, and I nodded with a laugh.

  He moved away from me and smiled, those blue depths of his holding onto mine as if he just couldn’t get his fill…

  It was electrifying.

  “Care to introduce me?” He asked with an amused quirking of his brow.

  “Oh, geez…” I sputtered, flushing red. “Of course!” I turned and motioned for Felix and Lance to join us – which they did happily. �
�Jack Dupree, this is Felicity Hoffman and Lance Parsons,” I introduced them, and Jack held out his hand.

  “It’s very nice to meet you both,” Jack replied, giving them his best movie star smile, and I about busted a gut when both of my friends remained utterly silent.

  They just stared – their eyes wide.

  Oh! I could not wait to tease them about this one!

  Jack looked back to me and slid his arm around my waist, pulling me gently to his side. “We’d better get going,” he said, his lips grazing my temple. “It was really nice meetin’ you both,” he called to my mute friends as he guided me down the steps and over to the Limousine.

  I slid in and gathered my skirts around me as Jack settled himself next to me. As soon as the driver had shut the door, he turned to me and pulled me in, taking my lips and kissing me with a tenderness, yet demand, that left me breathless.

  His tongue slid across mine, urging me to open to him, and I was only more than happy to comply.

  When we finally came up for air, his gaze held mine and I was lost. He made me feel and want things I never thought I would, and it was scaring the ever-loving hell out of me.

  I just knew that the ball was going to drop sooner or later. It had to!

  This was me that we were talking about after all.

  “You are so exquisitely beautiful,” he whispered, his eyes not leaving mine for a second and I believed it.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, feeling that all too familiar fluttering in my belly.

  He kissed me again, his tongue sweeping past my lips and tenderly stroking mine.

  Oh, Lord, but he tasted good! All mint, and spice and Jack .

  Without even realizing it, he had pulled me onto his lap, his arms sliding around my back and pulling me up against that damn steely chest of his. I felt my nipples harden at the contact of being pressed up against him and had the insane thought that there was going to be no way in hell that I was going to be able to stand after this.

  “Jesus, you taste unbelievable,” he husked against my mouth, his warm breath puffing out against my swollen lips.

  “That’s funny,” I rasped in reply, “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  He groaned, deep in his chest before seizing my mouth once again, and to say that is was mind-blowing was a severe understatement.

  Jack leaned away finally and took a deep, steady breath, his eyes locking with mine.

  “If I don’t stop now, we won’t make it to the ball,” he growled, his tone sounding pained and I could feel the proof of his words pressing itself against my backside and shivered.

  I gave him a jerky nod and slipped from his lap, trying to move away from him as gracefully as possible, but, let’s face it…grace just was not in my vocabulary.

  Instead, I ended up almost falling face first into the seat opposite us with an embarrassing squeak. I felt Jack’s strong hands on my waist in an instant as he steadied me, and my cheeks burned hot.

  Always the smooth one, Lacy !

  I tried slipping down the seat, away from him but he shook his head with a laugh and pulled me back up against his side, draping his arm around my shoulders.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” he chuckled. “You aren’t getting away from me that fast.” He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my bare shoulder. “I just couldn’t have you sitting on my lap like that,” he explained, not a hint of embarrassment in his voice. His gaze held mine, unwavering. “Lacy, you make me hotter than sin, but I have plans on showing you off tonight.”

  My mouth dropped open at his confession.

  My eyes, with a will of their own, dipped down to his lap and I just about passed out at the sight of the more than healthy bulge in his black tuxedo pants.

  Good gravy!

  My gaze jerked back up to his face, which was by this time showing his complete amusement and my body heated to the very tips of my toes.

  His head dipped, and he pressed his lips to the curve of my neck, unknowingly hitting one of my erogenous zones.

  Oh, sweet tap dancing Jesus !

  Thankfully, before I could make an utter fool of myself and jump the man, the limo came to a stop.

  Jack lifted his hand and caught my chin, giving me that heart-stopping grin.

  “Don’t let the paparazzi throw you,” he whispered, his eyes going to my lips. “I’ll keep you close. Just remember to breathe.” He kissed me quickly as the driver opened the door.

  Oh, Holy shit! Here we go!

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “No,” I croaked, and he burst out laughing, sliding from the car with all the grace of a panther.

  He turned and held his hand out to me as I heard his name being shouted as flashes of light popped and snapped around him.

  I took his hand, noticing that mine trembled, and let him assist me from the car. He gave my fingers a squeeze and smiled. That damn, make you weak in the knees grin that was like a thousand-watt bulb.

  I was overwhelmed with lights and shouts, completely blinded.

  Jack’s arm slipped around my waist and began to guide me and said a silent prayer of thanks. This was all so…frightening .

  It was all a mad rush of voices and flashes.

  I heard the calls from the people pushing and shoving to get a picture - Jack, who is this? What’s her name? Is this the new flavor of the month…?

  And, I must admit, that last one hurt just a little. Was I just the flavor of the month?

  We made our way through the throngs of cameras and questions being screamed at us, to the doors of the hotel and thankfully were swept inside to safety.

  I finally took a breath, trying to calm my shattered nerves. He did this all the time? Holy cow! Was the guy a sadist?

  “Are you all right?” he asked against my ear, pulling me close.

  “Yes,” I choked out, trying desperately to calm my racing heart. I glanced around the glorious lobby as Jack led me to the ballroom, his strong, soothing hand at the small of my back and I took comfort in his touch.

  I could do this. Just don’t fall, I told myself…just do not fall!

  We walked through the doors of the ballroom and straight into a fantasyland of silver, and black and crystal shimmering all around us. It was beyond anything I had ever seen before. Candles flickered on tabletops that were covered in black and white gossamer cloths. Chandeliers sparkled above, draped with billowy silver fabric.

  It was unbelievable.

  Jack led me over to a table and pulled out my chair as a waiter dressed all in white, wearing a mask rushed over with a tray of flutes filled with Champagne. Jack handed me a glass and sat down beside me, his eyes roaming over the room only a moment before settling back on me.

  I nervously sipped my drink, hoping to calm myself.

  This was all just so out of my league!

  I glanced around, taking in the beautiful people mulling about. Woman who looked like every man’s wet dream glided around the room on the arms of men in tuxedo’s that probably cost more than my car! A full orchestra played from a stage at the back of the ballroom and couples danced, smiling and laughing as they spun around to the beautiful strains drifting across the room.

  This was something straight out of The Great Gatsby!

  “Dance with me,” Jack whispered, pulling me from my seat before I could protest.


  He whisked me onto the floor and swept me up into his arms, his solid frame skimming the length of my body.

  “I…I suck at dancing,” I rushed out, trying to concentrate and not step all over the poor man’s feet. I looked down, trying to see just what in the hell I was doing, but the gown billowing around me made it impossible.

  “Baby, look at me,” he urged gently, and I did. He held my gaze, his eyes not leaving mine. “Just look at me and don’t think about anything else.” He directed softly, and God help me…I did.

  How could I not? This man had me in his grip. I was absolutely beguiled by him

  We were gliding around the floor like something out of Gone with the Wind and a giggle burst from me.

  I was actually doing it! For the first time in my life…I felt graceful!

  “That’s it,” he cooed in my ear, bringing his body flush against mine, and, good Lord, did it feel glorious.

  Was it wrong to think that he was so going to get some?

  “May I cut in?” The voice that drifted into my happy little world was low and almost guttural sounding.

  I turned my head slightly to find a very tall, thin man standing there, his expression one of pure arrogance.

  A shiver crept down my spine.

  What a creeper.

  “Zandor,” Jack said, smiling slightly, although I could hear the sharp edge to his voice and his pleasant expression seemed anything but genuine. “I had no idea you would be here.”

  Creeper’s gaze drifted back to me and he grinned. “I hadn’t planned on it,” he replied softly, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that had me fidgeting. “But, plans change, and I found myself in the area. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your lovely lady, Jackson?”

  I felt Jack’s arm tighten around my waist and I watched as a muscle in his jaw twitched.

  “Zandor Hartfield. Lacy Cooper.”

  Jack’s words were clipped and low, almost a growl and I found myself wondering how these two knew each other.

  I couldn’t believe Jack associated with this jerk. Everything about him set my teeth on edge.

  But, by the reaction he seemed to be having to the man, I didn’t think it was a friendly relationship in the least.

  “A pleasure, my dear,” he replied, his eyes glittering in a way the caused my body to stiffen. It was almost predatory. “May, I cut in?” He repeated, directing his question to me this time and I bit back my snarky response.

  Instead, I decided to take the bull by the horns and end this.

  “Thank you for the offer, Mr. Hartfield,” I replied as firmly as possible and turned back into Jack’s arms, offering Zandor my back. I glanced over my shoulder and smirked back at the jackass. “But, I haven’t finished dancing with my escort.”


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