Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 18

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  Jack gave me a grin and swept me away from Lurch , his hold on me strong and possessive.

  When we had gotten out of ear-shot, I looked Jack in the eye. He didn’t seem too happy. His brows were furrowed, and he seemed distracted.

  “So, you’re friends with that hot mess?” I asked, and Jack’s lips finally turned up in a smile.

  “No. He’s just an acquaintance.”

  For some reason, it felt like it was more than just that, but I figured that it was not my place to pry. All I cared about was that I was far away from that ass clown.

  He gave me a serious case of the heebie jeebies like no one ever had before.

  The music ended, and Jack led me back over to the table. I caught Lurch standing in a corner, watching us, and again a damn shiver ran up my spine.

  The rest o f the evening progressed without incident and I found myself enjoying everything.

  It seemed as if Zandor had taken his leave, which was a huge relief.

  Jack was his usual amazing self. Sweet, attentive and just sexy as all hell!

  He introduced me to people who were the elite of the elite.

  Cultured, beautiful…refined .

  Everything that I wasn’t, yet Jack made me feel as if I was the only woman in the room. We laughed and flirted and finally he leaned in, capturing my eyes in his smoky gaze.

  “Want to get out of here?” he whispered, and I nodded.

  I probably looked like one of those bobble-head dolls, nodding like a fool. It was getting late and the ballroom was becoming quite stuffy.

  “I just have to go give the organizer my donation, and we’ll be on our way.” He kissed me quickly. “I’ll be right back.”

  I eyed the French doors leading out to what I assumed to be the gardens and smiled.

  “How about I meet you outside? Some fresh air sounds wonderful.”

  Jack nodded and stood, pulling out my chair for me. He leaned in and kissed my neck, right behind my ear, and my damn knees shook.

  “I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay,” I headed off in the direction of the French doors, glancing over my shoulder just so that I could watch the man walk away.

  Damn if he didn’t look fine coming and going.

  I suppressed the giggle that sprang to my lips and walked outside, instantly taken aback at the beautiful area I had stepped into.

  There were hedges and grasses with lights twinkling throughout, and it was gorgeous!

  I followed the brick path and made my way through various flowers and fountains and couldn’t believe that something so beautiful could be hidden away in a hotel.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?” Zandor’s voice drifted across the garden and I spun around, frantically searching for the creeper.

  I spotted him sitting on a small crescent shaped bench, nestled deep within the shroud of some palm fronds.

  “Sorry, I…I didn’t mean to intrude,” I stammered, grabbing my gown in my hand and turning to make the hastiest exit possible.

  There was no way in hell I was sharing space with that asshole.

  Ted Bundy would have turned tail and run from the man!

  Before I could take one step, I felt his hand on my arm and my entire body turned to ice.

  Just how in the Hell had he gotten over to me so quickly?

  I tried to harness my anger and turned to look up at him, my eyes narrowed. “Please, take your hand off me,” I ground out, not about to be man-handled by this jerk.

  “If you tell me what it is that you see in Jack.” He responded softly, his mouth twisting up into a creepy, feral smile that made my skin crawl. “I’m curious. He seems so…enamored with you that I find myself intrigued. I could offer you so much more.”

  I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. I mean, who was this guy to say something like that? He didn’t know me.

  And he wanted to know what I saw in Jack?

  Seriously ?

  Jack compared to this ass fest? Really?

  There was not only no contest…there were no damn contestants! Jack was perfection…this man? Ugh!

  “I see someone gentle and caring,” I answered honestly, my chin jutting up in defiance. I was not about to let this jerk-off rattle me. No matter how much of a goon he was.

  He barked out a laugh, his eyes practically gleaming. “You have no idea who Jack really is, my dear,” he whispered snidely. “He’s far from the saint you think he is.”

  The gauntlet had been thrown down with that one.

  Anger bubbled up inside me and tried hard to pull it back – but, nope. That just wasn’t happening.

  It took a whole hell of a lot to get me angry, but when I did…watch out.

  I was a force to be reckoned with.

  “Listen to me, you pretentious, arrogant ass,” I snapped. “I didn’t ask for your two cents, so why don’t you just slither along and go bother somebody who cares to listen to your bullshit. You aren’t fit to be in the same room with Jack, let alone on the same planet!”

  When I saw the anger cross his features only a millisecond later, I felt my entire being shudder from the very depths of my bones almost as if an icy cold breeze had whispered across my soul.

  There was something so unnaturally menacing about the way his eyes held mine that I found myself rooted to the spot.

  Oh, shit ! My lack of brain to mouth filter had really done it now.

  He looked furious, but I’d say it again in a heartbeat.

  How dare he?

  I straightened my spine and glared right back at him.

  “No one speaks to me that way,” he hissed, his fingers tightening around my arm painfully and pulling me in closer.

  I felt faint.

  His hold on my arm kept increasing to the point of pain and I winced. That was going to leave a nasty bruise.

  I cried out softly as I sucked in a breath, trying to think of something…anything .

  “Take your fucking hands off of her.”

  Jack’s voice drifted out from the darkness and relief flooded through me.

  Zandor dropped his hand and smiled, but it was malicious and so damn smug that I wanted to slap it right off his face.

  Instead of succumbing to my desire to bitch-slap the jerk, I took a quick step back and turned to find Jack standing there, his chest heaving with fury and his blue eyes almost black with his anger.

  “I was just explaining to the lovely Lacy that you are not quite what you appear to be, my friend, and that she would be wise to be wary,” he chuckled, but it sounded false and hollow.

  “I swear to God, I’ll drop you where you stand, Zandor,” Jack growled, and I took another step towards him, then another, until I was standing right beside him, my shoulder brushing against his arm.

  He looked down at me and the hatred I saw in his expression took me back. I had never seen him this angry. He was positively shaking with it.

  I lifted my hand and touched his cheek and he seemed to snap out of whatever dark place he had gone to. He tipped his chin, eyes softening as they held mine.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered, holding his gaze. “He’s so not worth our time.”

  Jack gave me a quick nod and wrapped his arm around my waist tightly.

  Zandor stood watching us, his mouth turned up in a smile that chilled me to the bone. It was snide. It was nasty.

  It was deadly.

  All I wanted was to get the hell away from him.

  Jack led me back to the steps of the hotel and we waited for our limo to arrive. I could feel his body trembling against mine and ripped off my glove, lifting my arm to cup his cheek in my bare hand.

  I really don’t know why I did it…I just needed to touch him.

  Skin to skin.

  Call it instinct or some higher power, but I just felt he and I needed that contact right then. His eyes rolled back and he instantly relaxed. I swear I could feel the tension leave his body in one swift whoosh.

  “Are you, all right?” I as
ked roughly, a bit thrown by the emotion warring between us.

  It was electric.

  He looked at me, his eyes boring right into my very soul, and smiled. “I am now,” he whispered, bringing his hand up to cover mine. He turned slightly and kissed my open palm, his lips so cool and tender. “Christ, Lacy, you calm me,” he breathed out, his expression one of amazement. “Just your touch…”

  Our limo pulled up and Jack guided me down the stairs, his arm securely around my waist, as if he was afraid to let go. He didn’t bother to wait for the driver. He yanked open the door and helped me slip in, following close behind. As soon as he slammed the door, he pulled me into his arms and his mouth came crashing down on mine.

  Hot, hungry…primal .

  His tongue slid along mine as his hands pulled me against his body so tightly that there hadn’t been an inch of space between us.

  And it was amazing.

  His mouth devoured mine as his hands moved and stroked up and down my back, tickling the bare skin at the base of my neck with the soft whispering of his fingers, and I moaned deep in my throat.

  My hands reached up into his hair and I pulled him closer, wanting to deepen our kiss.

  “Where will we be heading, Mr. Dupree?” The driver’s voice invaded the lust-induced recesses of my brain and I felt my face burn in mortification.

  Good Lord! We were practically attacking each other!

  Jack broke away from my lips and looked at me, an unspoken question in his eyes. I knew what it was…because I had the same one in mine.

  “Will you come home with me?” Softly spoken, barely audible, but filled with need and just a hint of uncertainty.

  I nodded. My throat was much to constricted to even attempt speaking. I wanted him more than I wanted air…or coffee, or…cupcakes for God’s sake!

  It was a deep, gnawing need that came straight from the very depths of my soul and cried out to him. There was no hesitation, no nerves…just desire.

  “Home, Thomas,” Jack called, his voice oh so husky.

  “Of course, Sir.” The divider slid up and I was pulled into his arms.

  This time, he pulled me across his lap, his mouth taking mine with no preamble. Just desperate need, and I felt my body clench in the most delicious way from the sheer force of it.

  Jack’s hand slipped under my gown and his hand stroked my thigh, light, gentle, but not where I needed it to be. I shifted slightly, feeling his erection pressing against my backside – strong powerful…huge!

  I moaned into his mouth as I wantonly wiggled against him and he growled in answer.

  The sound shot straight to my core like a jet-stream!

  My hands slipped up into his hair and I pulled him closer, needing that wonderful taste of his mouth.

  Much too soon we pulled into a driveway and stopped. Jack pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine, taking in deep gulps of air, and I could sympathize. I felt as if every bit of air had been ripped right from my lungs.

  “We’re here,” he whispered, not moving.

  “Yeah,” I replied breathlessly.

  The door opened, and I slid from Jack’s lap.

  Thomas was going to think I was some kind of nymphomaniac!

  Jack slid from the car and held out his hand, those long, perfect fingers beckoning me. I reached for it and let him assist me from the car and just about died right there on the spot when I tripped over my gown and fell unceremoniously into his arms.

  How’s that for freaking graceful! Some seductress I was!

  Jack held me firmly in his embrace a moment before dipping his head and planting another kiss on me, chuckling as he did.

  I looked up into his face and grimaced. “Did I ever mention that I was a klutz?” I asked, so mortified that my voice came out as nothing more than a husky whisper.

  Jack looked at me a moment in silence, then grinned. “Adorable.”

  He turned and led me to the front door of what had to be one of the most beautiful beach houses I’d ever seen. Not that I’d really seen many…but damn!

  He opened the door and ushered me in.

  I walked through to the entranceway and stopped dead in my tracks - absolutely floored.

  The space opened up to a glorious living area, with floor to ceiling windows facing the ocean. There was a beautiful white marble fireplace across the room and a sunken sitting area, filled with plants and flowers.

  “Holy crap,” I breathed.

  The entire house was done in blues and whites and it was spectacular.

  The wall of windows had French doors which opened out onto a gorgeous deck.

  I wanted to run over and breathe in the ocean air I so loved.

  Jack’s laugh drifted to my ears as his hands slid around my waist. I felt his lips on my shoulder and shivered.

  “You like?” he breathed against my skin, and I nodded like an idiot.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  He took me by the hand and led me over near the fireplace. “Get comfortable,” he said, walking over to a small table and pressing a button. The enormous fireplace sprang to life. “Would you like somethin’ to drink?” He asked with a look that was heated and filled with promise.

  “Whatever you have,” I choked out.

  I would not combust. I would not combust!

  He quickly poured us what I believed to be brandy and sat down on the stack of plush pillows on the floor, quirking his brow in invitation. I kicked off my shoes and tried to sit down gracefully.

  Ball gown. Me. Epic failure.

  Jack didn’t laugh though.

  He handed me my drink and took a sip of his, his eyes not leaving mine, and, Lord help me, it was hot.

  I took a gulp, then started choking as it burned my throat going down.

  Score another one for Miss Manners!

  Jack took the glass from my hand and set them down on a nearby table. He lightly patted my back, his lips twitching with humor.

  “I’m so glad I amuse you,” I mumbled once I had caught my breath.

  “That’s not all you do.”

  He had me lowered onto the pillows and was laying close to me, his mouth hovering over mine, before I knew what happened. Not close enough ! I wanted to scream.

  I could almost taste the brandy on his tongue and I so wanted to see if I was right.

  I met his gaze, not wavering one damn bit, wanting to let him know how very much I wanted that mouth of his on mine.

  “Lacy Cooper,” he murmured, lowering is face just a fraction closer…but it still wasn’t close enough. “You do amuse me, in a very good way.” His eyes held mine. “But, you also calm me like no one ever has before and you make me want you so badly that I physically ache.”

  I stared at him. Stunned. How do you reply to someone saying something like that to you?

  So…I said nothing at all. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulled his mouth down to mine.

  I heard his growl as his fingers plunged themselves into my hair, pulling the clips from it and setting it loose.

  Our tongues danced and played, exploring each other’s mouths with a desperate, hungry urgency.

  His hand slid down and cupped my breast over the fabric of my dress and a gasp burst free as I arched my back up toward his willing embrace.

  He turned me slightly and his hand went to my back, pulling at the zipper so darn slowly.

  It was seductive and sexy…and I wanted more.

  When the zipper had finally made its way all the way down, he moved away from me and stood, taking my hands and pulling me to my feet.

  He kissed me, his hands slipping the dress down to the floor in a billow of black chiffon which pooled around us like a storm cloud.

  I stood in my matching black bra and underwear – my thick thighs and the pooch at my belly abundantly clear, and I felt the heat hit my cheeks once again with a vengeance.

  Jack took a step away from me, his intense eyes skimming my body and I had the desperate urge to gr
ab the dress from around my feet and cover myself.

  No! I yelled at myself. This was who I was and if he couldn’t accept that, then…tough!

  Jack’s hands went to the buttons of his shirt and he quickly undid them, pulling it out from the black trousers he wore.

  He didn’t say a word, he merely undressed, his eyes coming back to mine and taking hold. I watched as his shirt dropped to the floor and his hand went to the fly of his pants, that damn grin cutting across his face, his gaze heated.

  He dropped his trousers to the floor and stepped back up to me, touching the lengths of our bodies, each of us wearing only our undergarments.

  It was electric.

  I could only stare down silently where our bodies touched, his incredibly defined chest pressing against mine.

  His fingers curled under my chin and he lifted my face, his lips skimming across mine like a dragonfly over the water.

  “Lacy, you are absolutely breath-taking. Never doubt that.”

  Our kiss deepened as his hand slid around my back and my strapless bra was suddenly sailing across the room. I said a silent prayer that it didn’t end up hanging from a lamp or something to that effect like in some frat boy’s dorm, but when I realized, with a shiver that was pure desire, that we were skin to skin…I just couldn’t bring myself to care one whit.

  His hard, muscled chest was pressed firmly against mine, his mouth a strong, demanding presence…and life was so blasted good, I didn’t care if my bra was hanging in the middle of Times Square!

  Jack lowered me back down to the mountain of pillows, his mouth never leaving mine and his wonderful, skilled hands began to explore, sliding over my flesh and leaving a trail of white hot heat wherever they happened to venture.

  What I wanted most in the world at that moment was to join our bodies once and for all. These past few hours had been a slow burn and I didn’t want to wait a second longer.

  Jack’s hand slid down my side and to the waist band of my underwear. I heard a faint tearing sound and knew without having to open my eyes that they had joined my bra somewhere in the room.

  Not fair ! I thought with a small groan, desperately wanting Jack out of the silk boxers that he wore.

  My hands slid down his back and I pulled at the offending material. He shifted, and the boxers were sliding away, his erection pressing firm and hot against me.


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