Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 47

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  Laughing, the sound kinda warm and inviting, which went with his gorgeous face, long dirty blond hair and beard, and well-toned body, the horned man replied, “We never met personally. I knew a distant relative of yours and her sisters and have waited nearly four millenia to make your acquaintance.”

  Suddenly uneasy, well, creeped out was more like it and needing to get out of her dressing room and away from ‘dude with horns’, Kallie slowly turned in her chair and asked, “Well, now that you’re here, can I ask your name?”

  She hated the tremble in her voice. It made her feel weak and scared, two things she didn’t need to be feeling when facing some big ass dude who could run her through with his antlers.

  “But of course,” he smiled, taking another step forward and holding out his hand. “I am Cernunnos, the horned god of the Celtic Pantheon. By the powers bestowed upon me by the Dagna, the Leader of the Celtic Gods, I am the God of Fertility, Wealth and Wild Animals.”

  Feeling how very proud he was of his title and wondering what all of it had to do with her, Kalliope shoved her fear aside, grabbed ahold of her magic and sassy wit with both hands and got to her feet. Taking a step forward, sure to stand tall and look Cernunnos in the eye, she quipped, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, and if you’re here to give me a bag of money or gold or whatever, that’s cool. But I’m not ready for children, and I most definitely don’t want any wild animals.”

  Taking another step forward and putting one hand on her hips while pointing towards the door with the other, she continued, “As you may have seen, I’ve got a little situation to handle. So, if you don’t mind heading back to wherever you can from, I’d be happy to hear your history lesson another day.”

  Closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye, Cernunnos grabbed her outstretched hand, looked her right in the eye and announced, “The day has come, and you are mine.”

  Pulling her hand back as hard as she could, Kalliope was just about to tell the horned god that he could shove his antlers up his ass when Cernunnos added, “Tá tú faoi cheangal dom.”

  “What the…?” Were the only words Kallie got out of her mouth before the spell the horned god had uttered took effect. The words he’d spoken in Gaelic echoed through her mind in English as she fought against the blanket of unbreakable, celestial magic fell over her.

  Bound to me. This mother-fluffin’ piece of deer poop thinks I’m gonna be bound to him? Not only no, but oh hell no, Dipshit.

  Pushing every ounce of her familial magic against the iron wall of Cernunnos’ mysticism, Kalliope tried to move her lips, lift her foot and kick the bastard in the gut, do anything to stop him from leading her away from her dressing room towards the stairs at the end of the hall. Of course, as her luck would have it, nothing worked, making her a walking, life-sized, curvier than most Barbie doll.

  Sliding her eyes side-to-side as she was forced to follow the dickhead god, Kallie saw each and every one of her coworkers standing around like they were mannequins in Macy’s window. Suddenly, it all made sense. The horned asshole had put them all under some kind of spell before she’d arrived. He’d even been smart enough to leave Derek and Pete out of it as not to arouse her suspicions.

  Dammit all, Grams always said my mouth was gonna write checks my ass couldn’t cash. Did she have to be right today?

  Clomping down the stairs, wondering why Cernunnos the Creep wasn’t just snapping his fingers and transporting them to whatever heinous hangout he had in this realm, Kallie wanted to punch the asshole in the mouth when he answered her question. “That is quite simple. Your Grand Priestess, Calysta, is extremely powerful, especially with her sister by her side and all her loyal little followers.”

  He stopped, turned towards Kallie and smiled, “And we wouldn’t want her sensing my magic and ruining all our plans, now would we?”

  “Just wait, Cernie, my boy.” She telepathically sassed. “What plans? What the hell is going on? You better let me go, not only is Calysta gonna kick your ass, but I know for a fact that her mate, the guy known as the Mad Dragon, takes shit from no one.”

  Throwing back his head and laughing out loud, Cernunnos dropped the bomb of all bombs on Kallie as he smirked like the friggin’ cat that ate the poor little canary. “Our plans,” he winked, “are to be wed as soon as the third quarter moon is at its highest point in the night sky.” He leaned forward, finishing his proclamation by whispering, “Which is in exactly ninety-four hours, give or take thirty minutes.”

  More pissed off than she could ever remember being and just about to go supernova because she couldn’t do anything about it, Kalliope summoned all the magic she could find, fashioned it into a fiery ball the likes of which Lucifer himself would be proud and blasted old Cernunnos right out of his little leather loincloth. Free from his magic, she raced the few steps up to the fourth floor, raced past all the staring people in the advertising department and jumped into the first available elevator.

  Beating the door like she was playing pinball, she pounded her fists on the doors until they slid open and promptly ran right into the broadest, hardest chest she’d ever encountered. Looking up, ready to ream whoever had stopped her from escaping the lunatic god trying to marry her, Kallie’s jaw fell open, and her eyes felt like they were going to bug out of her head.

  Taking a step back, she furiously shook her head, and she pointed, “You are… What the…? How can…? No effing way…”

  With her heart racing so loud and fast she was sure it was gonna blow, her oxygen levels falling dangerously low because she couldn’t breathe, and her hand shaking like a leaf on a tree from seeing the man from her dream standing right before her, Kallie threw her hands out in front of her as she began to fall forward. Large, hot, definitely capable hands grabbed her arms. Electricity shot through her body. Flashes of light burst behind her eyes. Her soul latched onto the gorgeous man before her, and her magic secured their connection.

  Looking into his deep, cobalt eyes as he lifted her into his arms, Kallie fought to stay conscious, refusing to look like a shrinking violet to the hunkiest man on the earth, at least since Adam paraded around the Garden in the nude, but the pull of the darkness was too strong. “Don’t you dare leave me,” she ordered, her words slurring together as she still battled to stay awake.

  Losing the battle, the last thing she heard as she floated towards unconsciousness was, “Never fear, Kalliope, your Dragon is here.”

  Chapter Ten

  A tremendous burs t of magic had blown through the forest just outside the city. Even the animals had felt it. Stopping in their tracks, no longer watching the Dragon, they waited, peeking out from whatever hidey hole they’d crawled into, looking for the malevolent creature who had come to wreak havoc.

  Unfortunately, Murdock immediately recognized it as one of the gods from the Celtic Pantheon. Which one, he couldn’t make out, but the sharp bite that tore at his nerve endings was unforgettable.

  Over the centuries of his life, he’d met almost all of them either through Kayne, whose father was Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun or in battle. Most were easy to get along with. Like sitting on their thrones in the Outer Realm and watching the poor little creatures of Earth go about their everyday lives. But, as Maddox would say, there was always a worm in the ale. One god or goddess who thought they could wreak a little havoc, raise a little hell, keep things interesting by mucking about with the inhabitants of the blue and green sphere, and it appeared that today was one of those times.

  Racing towards the building Brannoc had shown him on the small screen he called a laptop, Murdock’s heart and soul were flooded with Kalliope’s emotions. Her anger, no, make that rage, was white hot, overshadowing her fear and making her more than a formidable opponent for most.

  His mate was a fighter. She had what an old friend of his, Drákon - a true Sea Dragon and Companion to one of the Daughters of Poseidon, called chutzpah . Reaching through the bond they shared, he tried to reach her, tried to cut through the dei
ty’s magic, but no matter what he tried his words simply bounced back.

  Listening to her thoughts, hearing her go through scenario after scenario, trying to come up with a way to battle the god, Murdock knew the second that Kalliope had come up with a plan she thought would work. Doubling his speed, knowing what she was about to do would stun the god, but also drain her magic leaving her defenseless, the Guardsman had finally breathed a sigh of relief when the large silver doors opened, and there was his mate.

  Wrapping them both in the cloak of his own pure, white Dragon magic, Murdock raced unseen from the huge concrete structure, out of the city and back into the forest. Stopping only when he was back at the cottage, he laid her on the couch, covered her with the softest quilt he could find and immediately sought help.

  “Doxie. Doxie, are ye there?”

  “I’m here. What’s wrong, Dock?”

  “Come to the cottage and bring yur Calysta. Me mate is here, and she’s injured.”

  “Mate?” The Mad Dragon barked. “You found your mate, already? You’ve only been out of the water for what…two days?”

  “Three, but who’s counting? Are ye comin’ or no?” Murdock heard the brogue in his voice deepen, felt his frustration and impatience growing by leaps and bounds the longer Kalliope lay unresponsive on the couch. All he needed was some help, and if the Mad Dragon and his mate wouldn’t help, Murdock would just call Niall. The Elder Dragon had been the Healer of the Clan for centuries, after all.

  “We’re coming,” Maddox snapped. “Keep your damned scales on, will ya’?”

  Turning his focus back to his mate, Murdock gently reached out, slowly letting his fingers tangle with hers. The sheer magnitude of their connection skittered like sparks up his arm, through his body, landing directly in the very pit of his soul. He may not have wanted a mate, but here she was, laying before him. Fate and Destiny had done their damnedest to bring them together, and as always, They had won the battle.

  “What were ye thinkin’ takin’ on a god?” he asked, knowing she couldn’t hear him. “And which one was it? No matter how I tried, I couldn’t get a clear picture even when ye broke his spell.”

  Leaning forward, he brushed the stray hairs from her cheeks, grinning at the tiny freckles dancing across her face. Everything about his Kalliope was perfect. Now, all he needed was to get her awake and find out whose ass he had to kick.

  Opening his senses wide, he searched for the deity. Following the lingering trails of his magic, Murdock was just about to get a clear picture of which Celtic god had had the nerve to attack Kalliope when the door to the cottage burst open, and in poured Maddox, Calysta, Brannoc, Pearce and Declan, along with a younger Guardsman Murdock had never met.

  Jumping to his feet, the need to protect his mate, even from those he considered a brother snarling within him, Murdock growled, “What is the meaning of this?”

  Stepping forward, Maddox acquiesced, “It seems your mate belongs to Callie’s Coven, Dock.” He took another slow step. “And Brannoc and the boys were at the Training Pitch when we rushed by. They…”

  “We just followed, Uncle,” Brann interrupted as he closed the distance, placing his hand on Murdock. “If you want us to leave, we will.”

  Scratching at the stubble covering his chin, Murdock blew out an exasperated breath. Looking his nephew in the eye, he gave a single nod, “Nay, stay.”

  Moving out of the way so a silent Calysta could take a look at Kalliope, Murdock moved to the opposite end of the couch. Lifting his mate’s legs, he took a seat, laid her legs upon his lap and watched intently as the Priestess went to work.

  Long, silent minutes passed. Murdock listened to the tick and tock of the antique clock on the mantel, waiting for any sign that Calysta knew how to help Kalliope. Staying connected to her mind, he finally broke through the residual magic of the god who’d attacked his mate.

  Trying to control his temper but growling none the less, he seethed, “Cernunnos, that horned bastard.”

  Flipping through Kalliope’s memories like pages in a book, he stopped cold as the Celtic God of Fertility’s words seared an angry path through his mind, “We are to be wed as soon as the third quarter moon is at its highest point in the night sky.”

  “That fuckin’ arse,” he snarled then looking up at Maddox continued, “Tis Cernunnos, the warped son of a whore we’ve battled before.”

  “Cernunnos, are you sure, Dock? That mangy beast hasn’t been on Earth in centuries.”

  “Aye, as sure as I’mma lookin’ at ye. I saw the daft bastard in my Kalliope’s mind.” He looked at his mate, still lying like an angel who’d just fallen to sleep. “He thinks to marry my mate.”

  Even to his own ears, his voice was low and threatening then it was Raibert’s turn. “This makes no sense. What could an ancient Celtic god want with our mate?”

  “I think I have the answer,” Calysta stood back, one hand on her hip and the other swatting at the stray red curls falling across her forehead. “And, just let me say, I owe our Kallie here an apology when she wakes.”

  “An apology?” Murdock grumbled. “Ah think tis her that owes us an explanation for all those men lined up tae court her. Lust was so thick in da air, Ah was ‘bout tae gag.”

  Chuckling despite the severity of the situation, Brannoc crossed the room and stood behind Murdock. Patting him on the back, his nephew teased, “Good Heavens, we really have to get you up to date on modern speech.”

  Ignoring the younger Guardsman, Murdock shook his head, “Tis nothin’ wrong with the way Ah talk.” Turning his head so he could glare at his nephew, he added, “Dinnae tell me that ye wouldn’t be rite pished off if yer Annie had all kinds lookin’ after her.”

  “No, you’re right, Uncle. I would be pissed, but maybe there’s an explanation.”

  “There sure is,” Calysta cut in, stopping whatever Brannoc was about to say. “I thought, and so did she, although we were both wrong, that while she was doing her Valentine’s show, our little Kallie had unintentionally cast her Grams’ True Love Spell.”

  Holding up her hand, stopping the words that Murdock was about to say, the Priestess continued, “I knew Dearg. She was a wonderful woman and Witch, who could bake absolutely anything and make it taste like Heaven, but she also always put a little magic in her recipes. Up til now, Kallie has been good about taking the words or phrases that can activate Dearg’s magic out when she uses one of her Grams’ ‘special’ recipes, but when all the single men within about a thirty-mile radius showed up at WTCH, I wrongfully accused Kalliope of making a mistake.”

  “But she dinnae?” Murdock was growing impatient with Calysta, but he tried to tame his tone, not wanting to upset his friend, her mate, Maddox. He needed answers and he needed them as quickly as possible. He needed to know that Kalliope was going to be all right and then he needed to find that asshole, Cernunnos and send him back to the Outer Realm as fast as he could.

  “No,” Calysta shook her. “I can see that it wasn’t Kallie who caused the spell to be unleashed, it was Cernunnos. He wanted to create a distraction.” Kneeling next to Kalliope, she went on, “Look into her mind. Follow me.”

  Murdock waited until he could see the light of Calysta’s connection to Kalliope light up in his mate’s mind. Following her, he and Raibert both growled as they could see the taint of the Celtic God of Fertility’s mischief.

  “Son of a bitch,” Murdock spat. “He forced her to invoke the spell.”

  Getting to her feet and stepping back to stand by her mate, Calysta curled into Maddox’s embrace as she continued, “And did you feel the strength of Kalliope’s magic. Did you see all the layers she uncovered when she fought Cernunnos?”

  “Aye, were they nae there before?”

  “Oh no,” Calysta quickly answered, still looking at Kalliope, her eyes filled with a motherly love. “I knew she would someday inherit them. Was sure Dearg and Kallie’s mother, Pryderi had hidden it and Kallie would uncover it when the Goddess deemed h
er worthy.” She smiled sweetly. “But those ladies were nothing if not thorough. It seems Kalliope’s been carrying it around with her all along and it is extremely powerful. The Sùdrach’s, later changed to Sugarbaker because Kallie’s great-grandmother had a wicked sense of humor, were some of the first Witches to land on this rock. There powers come from not only the earth but also Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. The story of how they came to be blessed by her is one you will have to ask your mate, but it goes without saying that as the last Sugarbaker to still draw breath, your mate is one very powerful Witch. It only took the heat of battle to bring it out of her.”

  Looking at his lovely mate, letting what Calysta had just said sink in, it only took a second for the Guardsman to hiss, “And that wily arsehole wants to marry my mate and steal her magic.”

  Before anyone could answer, a loud roll of thunder shook the cottage, the sliding glass door that lead to the patio shattered, and in stormed the horned god of the Celtic Pantheon, Cernunnos. Ripping the brass torc from his neck, the god roared, “Reo! ”

  Strong, ancient magic filled the room, paralyzing all its inhabitants, leaving them helpless to do anything but watch as the horned god lifted Kalliope off the couch and turned to leave. Calling over his shoulder before disappearing out the doorway filled with shards of glass, Cernunnos chuckled, “Oh, and you were right, Dragon.” The word was said with so much derision that it made the room smell of rotten eggs. “I am going to wed your little Witch, take her magic and then bathe in her blood, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Something hard wa s poking her in the back, her wrists and ankles were on fire, and her head felt like she’d just been celebrating Mardi Gras with Jack Daniels, Jim Bean and all their rowdy friends. Lifting her arm, unable to brush the hair out of her face, Kalliope’s eyes shot open as she realized a large iron shackle was wrapped around her wrist.


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