Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 48

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  Sitting up way quicker than she’d meant to, she waited until the room stopped spinning before looking down her body and cursing, “Son of a…Cernunnos, you stupid bastard, show yourself.”

  Looking side-to-side and up and down, it only took Kallie two seconds to figure out she was in a dungeon straight out of the Middle Ages, and the stupid god who’d kidnapped her had cuffed her with iron and covered every blasted stone in her prison with a Dampening Spell. Leaning her head down until her fingers touched her face, she pushed her curls off her face and wiped the dirt from her brow.

  “Cernie, I’m not messin’ around with you. I’ve got a headache the size of Texas, and I could eat a cow. Just get your ass in here and let me loose.”

  Just when she was sure her demands would once again go unanswered, a tray with fresh fruit, cut-up vegetables, chunks of cheese and cubes of what smelled like chicken appeared beside her. Rolling her eyes as her stomach growled so loud the sound reverberated off the rock walls, Kallie picked up a banana and sniffed the skin.

  “Is this shit safe to eat?”

  Not waiting for a response since she was sure none was coming, she peeled the banana, scarfed it down and then picked up a few pieces of cheese and a baby carrot. Eating while she continued to peruse her cell, Kallie looked for anything she could use to pry the shackles off her wrists. Not only was the iron burning the flesh right off her bones, the damn things were heavy, and the chain the idiot god had used to hook them together and then secure her to the wall was so big she figured they could hold a charging bull.

  “So, either he’s scared of me, or just being cautious.” Popping another cube of cheese into her mouth, she groaned, “Or maybe he just likes his women in chains.”

  Trying once again to reach for her magic, Kalliope thought about kicking her feet and throwing a tantrum befitting a two-year-old. She could feel her magic, sitting right on the edge of her reach, Cernunnos’ blasted Dampening Spell keeping her from grasping it.

  Closing her eyes, she pushed even harder, felt the mysticism she’d been born with rise up and reach for her. Pushing it to the left and then the right, trying to find a chink in the Celtic god’s magic, Kalliope fell flat on her back as more power than she’d ever before felt beat against the steel barrier of Cernunnos’ spell.

  Keeping her mind’s eye trained on the massive wave of magic, she took several deep breaths, counting to ten as she slowly let them out. Let her preternatural senses flow towards the barrier, she knew immediately that it was hers, or rather from her family, but it was still so very much stronger than anything she’d ever felt.

  Still trying to figure out how her magic had gotten so much stronger during the time she’d been unconscious, the name Murdock and the handsome face from her dreams came into view. “Hey, yeah, where did he go? How am I back with Cernie? Please tell me that I haven’t lost my mind. I really can’t deal with that today.”

  Trying to clear away the cobwebs of her foggy mind, images began to flash in Kallie’s mind. She saw Cernunnos coming out from the shadows of her dressing room. Remembered being walked like a puppet on a string through the Ad Department. Saw the flash, boom, bang of her magical duel with the Celtic god on the stairs, and then there, at the end of her most recent memories was Murdock, catching her when she fell out of the elevator and assuring her that everything was going to be okay.

  “So, unless that big hunky Dragon is a fibber, something else has gone wrong, and I bet I know who’s to blame.”

  Pushing herself back into a sitting position and maneuvering her arms and legs as carefully as possible until she had her back against the wall, Kallie sat staring at the wooden door with iron hinges and locks, waiting for her captor to appear. With no window to see the sun and her favorite watch mysteriously missing, it didn’t take long for the Witch to lose her patience and begin yelling at the top of her lungs.

  “Carnunnos, get your big, ole, horned head down here, right now. I have questions, and your ass better have answers.”

  “One, two, three, four,” she counted under her breath, before inhaling with gusto and bellowing, “Oh Cernie, you big, dumb, deer-lookin’ son of a bitch, are you ever gonna answer me? You have to know I won’t give up.”

  “Five, six, seven, eight.” She took another big breath and shouted, “Let me guess. You want to make little horned-headed babies, and you think I’d be a good matchmaker?”

  Turning her head to the side, hoping to hear movement somewhere outside the door or overhead, she continued to count, “Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, no, no, that’s not it. You like my green eyes and want little girls with stupid nubs on their heads and pretty little peepers like mine. Well, to that I say, Fuck you.”

  Deciding she wasn’t pushing the right buttons, Kallie got straight down to business even forgetting to count as she screamed, “I’ve got it. You’re a stupid, dumb fuck, inbred from the word go and your dick is so small I’ll need a magnifying glass and tweezers to find it.”

  An ungodly howl filled the air, the ground beneath her violently shook, and the huge wooden door on the other side of her cell burst open. Tearing into the dungeon like a raging bull, Cernunnos’ eyes were the color of fire and his face so contorted with fury that Kallie barely recognized him.

  “How dare you?” He roared. “You insolent, little maggot, who do you think you are?”

  Taking a threatening step forward, the Celtic god lowered his head and aimed the pointy tips of his antlers at her chest. A snap of his fingers echoed off the stone walls a split second before Kallie was jerked off the floor stopping only when she was hanging upside-down and spread-eagle, her chains attached to hooks she hadn’t seen until that moment.

  Refusing to be intimidated, she scoffed, “I’m Kalliope Jane Sugarbaker, you fucking piece of egotistical shit. I’m the Witch with a seriously bad attitude who you attacked and kidnapped, and I don’t give a shit what you do to me, I’m never gonna give you whatever you think it is that I have.” Raising her head the best she could, Kallie winked, “So, hit me with your best shot, Asshole. I’m ready.”

  It was Cernunnos’ turn to raise his head as he stepped forward, no longer looking as if he was going to spear Kallie with his horns. Stopping a few feet from where she hung, his eyes level with her, something Kallie was sure wasn’t a coincidence, the Celtic God of Fertility stood perfectly still and stared at Kallie like he was seeing her for the very first time.

  Watching closely as Cernunnos’ furious expression turned to an eerie smile, Kallie nearly lost everything she’d just eaten as the Celtic god snickered, “I was going to steal your magic and kill you, but now I rather think I would like to keep you alive. I can only imagine the fun I will have taming and bedding you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Kayne! Kayne, dam n you, answer me,” Murdock called to one of his oldest friends over and over, knowing that if anyone could help him save Kalliope from the maniacal Cernunnos, it would be the son of the Celtic God of the Sun if he would only answer.

  Spinning towards the hand on his shoulder, ready to kill whoever had broken his concentration, Murdock snarled, “What?”

  Holding his hands up in surrender, Brannon quickly explained, “None of us can get through to Kayne. I think whatever is holding the Berserkers in those damned silver coffins is messing with our mindspeak.”

  Trying to calm down enough to speak civilly to his nephew, the older Guardsman countered, “Then Ah’m gonnae myself. Heavens only knows what that bloody bastard has done to my Kalliope.” A helplessness he’d never before felt continued to grow within him. Shaking with frustration and rage, he added, “If he’s tooched a hair on her wee bonnie head, Ah’ll rip that foockin’ god from limb to limb.”

  Before he could continue, the front door opened and in walked two women that he immediately recognized as Witches. Walking towards him, Calysta gestured towards the women as she explained, “This is Della, my sister.” She took the hand of the pretty woman with long dark brown hair and shining lavend
er eyes. “And this is Alicia, Drago’s mate, and one of the very powerful McKennon Witches.”

  Walking forward, the younger Witch with red hair and deep brown eyes held out her hand as she reassured, “I’m here to help in any way that I can. I’ve tried to reach Drago, but something is interfering with even our bond. It has to be the black magic that was used to capture and detain the others.” The powerful magic of her lineage combined with the pure white Dragon magic from her mate filled Murdock with hope for the first time since the Celtic god had stormed in and taken Kalliope. “I’m sorry he’s not here and sorry that my mom and sisters have gone to the States to help the Golden Fire Dragons.” She took a tiny step forward and leaned in. “But, I have every faith that we can find your Kallie. Not only is she feisty, but Kallie thinks on her feet. If there’s a way to get a message to us, she’ll do it.”

  Unable to speak, Murdock could only nod. He could feel the copious amounts of love and support flowing from everyone in the room and had to admit it was one of the things he missed the most. Never in all his days did he imagine so much could change in just a few short days but they had, and he was going to need to change, too, but first he had to get Kalliope back.

  Clearing his throat, Dock continued to nod as Brannoc explained, “The ladies here believe because of their connection to your mate and with the combination of all our magic, they can find where Cernunnos is holding Kallie.” He patted Murdock’s shoulder. “I’ve seen them do some seriously miraculous things, just give ‘em a chance.”

  It sounded like a viable idea. Heavens knew he and Raibert had been shoving everything they had into the Mating bond they shared with Kalliope and getting nowhere. Whatever that blasted lunatic god was using to hold Murdock’s mate was damn near impenetrable. With a single nod, he agreed, “Aye, let’s doo eet. Time’s a wastin’.”

  The words were still echoing around the room as Calysta, Della and Alicia got to work. Covering the dining room table with a deep purple cloth, embellished with mystical runes he’d seen many times over the years, Calysta then placed a small copper pot in the middle then filled it with subtle aromatic herbs. Her next step was to place short, thick, lavender pillar candles at the four points of the compass.

  Watching carefully as Drago’s mate unwrapped an antique hand mirror framed in silver at the head of the table, he felt the magic in the room stirring, growing, reaching for the Dragon magic only he and Raibert could provide. “Ah’ll be givin’ it all Ah have,” the Dragon King replied confidently. “We will be bringin’ the lass home tonight.”

  Before Murdock could answer, Calysta laid her hand on the high back of the chair at the head of the table and asked, “Murdock, please come stand here.” Smiling as he did what he was told, the Priestess added, “In this case, you and I are going to work together to find our girl. It’s gonna take everything we have to break through the power of a god.”

  Doing as he was told as Della placed a tall, broad white candle next to the copper pot in the middle, Dock took Calysta’s outstretched hand while all the others joined them around the table. Whispering, “Solas ,” the Priestess lit the small Sterno burner under the copper pot triggering thin ribbons of smoke to artfully rise into the air.

  Inhaling deeply, the Guardsman took in the combined scent, immediately feeling the calming effects and increased clarity from the sharp peppery aroma of the Kava Kava. Letting the powerful herbal concoction roll over and through him, he recognized the earthly scent of the hex-breaking herb – Devil’s Shoestring. Then came the sweet fragrance of Yellow Star Jasmine and the cedar, sweet grass perfume of Mugwort that boosted the power of both the Witches’ and the Dragons’ mind’s eye. Smiling down at Calysta, the Guardsman let his appreciation show in his expression for he simply did not have the words to properly show his gratitude. There was no doubt that the Priestess had earned her position and wanted Kalliope back almost as much as he did.

  Gently squeezing his hand, Calysta began, “Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, those who govern the Air we breathe; I do humbly ask that you witness our ritual and guard those gathered in our Circle.”

  No sooner had the Priestess spoken the words than the wick atop the purple candle sitting in the eastern corner of the table sprang to life, it’s flame long and tall, indicating the Keepers of the Air were in attendance. Continuing with the rite, she also called to the Watchtowers of the South for Fire, the West for Water and the North for the Earth. Each time the candle immediately lit and Murdock’s confidence that they would succeed increased.

  With all the flames burning bright except the one in the center, Calysta instructed, “Please bow your heads as we seek the Blessing of the Goddess.”

  Closing his eyes and letting his chin fall to his chest, Murdock let his magic flow freely, feeling Raibert doing the same as the Priestess prayed, “Hail, Great Goddess, Mother of All, who shines above. Grant me and mine strength, peace and love. Hear my words upon this hour. Sacred Mother, send to this circle your unending and supreme power. Blessed be. Blessed be.”

  Unable to stop himself, Murdock rolled his eyes upward, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the brilliant light of the Goddess candle lighting the entire room. Holding tight to Calysta’s hand, a surge of magic raced up his arm, wrapped around his heart and combined with his as she beseeched, “Most Merciful Goddess, Hecate, Wayfarer, Path Finder, Mistress of the Thresholds we all must cross, Goddess of the Triple Crossroads where destiny meets choice, Keeper of wisdom, teacher of the wise, Destroyer of illusion and Guardian of the Gates. All Hail, the Owl-eyed Goddess of Magick and the roads of Mystery. We, Your Priestess, Your Dragons, Your Witches ask You on this night so dark, so full of loss and trepidation, for your guidance as we seek one of Your own, a Child of Your choosing, one of Your faithful. Shine Your mighty lunar light on our journey. Clear the way of the one who seeks to take Your Blessed child, Kalliope. Please join our Circle, and Bless our work here today that is done in Your Honor. Welcome, Hecate. Blessed be! Blessed be.”

  Bright, wonderfully warm and accepting, Murdock could feel the light of the Goddess on his face. Raising his head as Calysta instructed, he thanked Hecate for her help, and he began to recite the last invocation along with the others.

  “Dragon Kings of the Darkness and of the Light, of the Air, Fire, Water and Earth, hear our call. Aide us this night to right an evil which has been wrought against one of our own in the manner which you have taught. Thank you for your Blessings upon the ritual and the gift of your magic to power our search. Blessed be. Blessed be.”

  Roaring with such fervor that Murdock’s mind shook within the confines of his skull, the Guardsman witnessed the miracle of the joining of Raibert with each and every Dragon who shared their souls of his brethren in attendance. The Dragon King’s brilliant turquoise scales sparkled and changed like the tides of the ocean and the ever-evolving sky.

  Raising his head and observing into the eyes of his fellow Guardsmen, Dock smiled as he watched the pupils in their brilliantly glowing eyes elongate into those of their Dragon. Looking down at the mirror, he held his breath as the once clear reflective glass clouded over, with swirling puffs of light and smoke.

  Faster and faster, looking as if it might burst forth, the funnel cloud immediately stopped and shattered into minuscule pieces. With his eyes glued to the picture of the cliffs overlooking the angry sea, he watched as the view widened, covered the long, willowy grasses, then a tall rock wall and finally, a long-abandoned castle where he and Atticus had explored as children.

  Dropping Calysta’s hand, he sped out the door, calling over his shoulder, “I know where she is. Dinnae try to stop me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Look, asshole, I’ m sure it’s been a long time since you got your groove on. I mean, there can’t be very many eligible hotties in the Outer Realm, and I do have a certain appeal, especially if you’re into curvy girls with attitude, but ya’ gotta know I already have a mate.” She watched as the Celtic god’s minions - s
tupid-crazy zealots dressed in brown, woolen, hooded robes and masks of Cernunnos face with what looked like authentic deer horns poking out the top – secured the manacles on her wrists and ankles to the huge spikes sticking out of the top of the stone altar she was laying on.

  Talking, trying to stall for time as she prayed that Murdock, Daph and Merrie, somebody, anybody was coming to save her, Kallie snorted with forced laughter, “Sure, we haven’t formally met. I mean, I fell into his arms, and I’m thinkin’ he tried to take care of me before you snatched my happy ass again, but our mating is blessed by the Goddess and the Universe, two beings waaayyyyy more powerful than you.”

  She watched his left eye twitch, a sure indication that she was pissing him off, and continued to taunt the dumbass god. “Do you really want to fuck with Fate and Destiny, on top of the all-powerful Ones? You have to know how hard they work to make one woman for one man, even more so with the Dragons. The Universe loves her chosen warriors like no other, and you’re fuckin’ with one of her special ones, a two-natured Dragon. She had no idea how she knew that, but she did, and it seemed to be making the stupid idiot stop and think, so she just went with it. “Do you have a death wise, Cernie? Is that it? You want to go out in a blaze of glory?” She shrugged her shoulders the little bit that she could and raised her hands, ignoring the pull of the chains and the burn of the iron. “Well, I can do that for you. I know a serious Hellfire spell that will incinerate your stupid ass, but good.”

  With both eyes twitching and his cloven foot tapping, she pressed on, knowing she would either distract him enough to escape or cause him to zap her with his godly powers. Either way, she would be free.

  Promising herself to haunt the bastard for all eternity if and/or when he killed her, Kallie snickered, “I know. It just hit me. You’ve lost your spark. Your magic’s on the fritz. Your little winkie,” she held up her pinky finger and wiggled it, faking a gasp as she pushed on, “I mean, your round torc thingy.” She winked simply to add insult to injury before going for the jugular, “Just isn’t what it used to be. You’re having a failure to perform. Letting the girls down both magically and sexually. That’s it, isn’t it?”


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