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Fallen For A Biker_BWWM Romance

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by Erica A. Davis

  Fallen For A Biker

  First a break in then she is shot at. Will her new love be able to protect her?

  A sexy romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  While visiting her sister’s friend, Dagmar meets a dangerously handsome biker named David.

  After their initial attraction for each other, things quickly get hot and heavy.

  And the more time they spend together, the more their feelings for each other grow!

  Now immersed in a biker gang, Dagmar has to watch her back wherever she goes.

  And David can’t always be there 24/7 to protect her.

  When someone threatens Dagmar’s life, it’s a race against time for David to save her.

  But the suspect is someone he would never have guessed…

  Someone who will question his loyalties...

  Who will David choose: his biker family or his newfound love for Dagmar?

  Find out in this thrilling yet sexy romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll want your own biker boyfriend!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2018 to Erica A Davis and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – The Football Player's Star Baby

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

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  Chapter 1

  Steve Daniels flopped into his chair with a heavy, relieved sigh.

  “Phew! I’m glad that’s over.” He raised his coffee cup at his shift partner as she sat beside him. “I don’t think I’ve been this relieved to see a coffee in a long time.”

  “Same here.” Dagmar Gable sat and took off one of her shoes, rubbing at her foot. She was sure blisters would be forming. “I didn’t think that shift would end. It seemed to be non-stop.”

  Normally, their shifts were enjoyable and Dagmar didn’t mind being on the go. But today, it was different. Everyone seemed to be difficult and seemed to be making it harder to them to do their job. Being a first-responder in a medical emergency was never easy, especially with those who didn’t want to be seen by a doctor, but Dagmar took that in her stride.

  One awkward patient, she could handle. Virtually all of them? That was enough to make her walk away and say it was a bad shift.

  Steve chuckled as he sipped his coffee.

  “Maybe we should stop saying ‘we love this job’ because every time we do something comes up that makes us really hate it.”

  “I know.” Dagmar nodded at Steve’s arm, the white bandage a stark contrast against his coconut-brown skin. “How’s your arm?”

  “I’ll live.” Steve flexed his biceps. “Stings a little bit. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Their fourth call had been the worst. A woman off her meds was in a psychotic delusion and thought that her son was a prophet and being led from the path by his wife, who she saw as Satan. After both of them cutting her out of their lives and calling the police on her, she had gone mad and attacked the cops with a knife, and then lunged at Steve when he attempted to check her over and put her onto the gurney. Dagmar’s heart had nearly stopped seeing her partner and best friend covered in blood, but Steve was tougher than that. After growing up being part of one of the toughest Hispanic gangs in his hometown, getting stabbed was like getting bitten by a mosquito.

  Dagmar couldn’t really compare.

  “I can’t believe you decided to come back to work after being stabbed.” She kicked off her other shoe and crossed her legs under her on her chair, reaching for her coffee. “You’re absolutely nuts.”

  “It doesn’t hurt much. And I’ve had worse.” Steve winked. “And I couldn’t leave you alone to do the run without me.”

  Dagmar laughed.

  “I’d have been fine. And I would have the on-call paramedic with me.”

  “That’s Robbie Copsy.”

  Now Dagmar knew why Steve had carried on.

  “Ah. Good thing you didn’t go home.”

  “See what I mean?”

  Dagmar did see. Robbie was a racist, homophobic bastard but because his father was their boss, he got a job even when he barely qualified. Even without the racist comments and the lewd suggestions about what they could do together, Dagmar was worried for the patients whenever Robbie was out. He could charm his way through and charm the patients, but Dagmar wouldn’t trust him to do a medical procedure, even if it wasn’t the most difficult one.

  Dagmar frowned when she remembered something.

  “Hang on, how come he’s the on-call first responder? I thought he was still on admin leave.”

  “Came back this morning.” Steve raised his eyebrows. “You weren’t told about it? You were the one who complained.”


  It was Dagmar who Robbie had gone off on. Dagmar had tried to call him out on something he had done wrong and Robbie had started calling her names and saying that she didn’t know what she was talking about due to her race and gender, despite Dagmar being one of the most senior paramedics on the team. Because it was witnessed by their supervisor and the nurses in the ER, not to mention the head consultant on shift, Robbie couldn’t lie to his father and say it was nothing. With the witnesses backing Dagmar up, Curtis Copsy had no choice but to put his son on three weeks’ admin leave. It was only halfway through the second week.

  Dagmar had had a feeling when Robbie came to work for them that his father would cut him slack even on the most heinous things. But it did mean that it was in his record. He would be watched. One more time and he was out.

  “I do hope he doesn’t stick us together for punishment,” she grumbled as she took a deep breath, breathing in the fumes of her coffee. They smelled so good.

  “He wouldn’t do that to his own son. Putting him with the person who made the initial complaint.”

  “I bet he would. He’s as racist as Robbie is.”

  Dagmar had encountered racism all her life and it wasn’t something that she couldn’t handle but having it from her boss was hell. But she wasn’t about to walk out due to it. She loved her job. Everyone loved her. It was just the Copsy father and son team.

  Steve chuckled and opened his bag of chocolate, pouring almost half the bag into his mouth.

  “If he doesn’t want a complaint made against him, he won’t do that. He knows you will as well.”

  “I’m amazed he hasn’t fi
red me because he doesn’t want a black woman on his team.”

  Steve grinned.

  “That’s because he knows you’ll sue him with a discrimination suit. And you’re one of the best. You can’t kick out one of the best unless they’ve killed or almost killed someone.”

  Dagmar grunted.

  “He’ll think of something, I’m sure.”

  She wouldn’t put it past Curtis. He had said as much. But Dagmar wasn’t scared. She didn’t make mistakes, she was never late, and she hadn’t called in sick in three years since Curtis had come to the hospital. Add to the fact that the head administrator for the hospital was black and would see right through Curtis’ bull, Dagmar considered herself safe.

  Her cell phone started buzzing in her pocket. It had been buzzing incessantly for most of her shift but Dagmar had ignored it. She kept it on vibrate but she didn’t answer unless on her break; she didn’t want to hurt her patients by being distracted. If anyone needed her they would leave a message and she would call them back.

  Fishing out her phone, Dagmar saw the twenty missed calls and more than thirty text messages, all from the same person, telling her to call him. Dagmar sighed and stood, slipping her shoes back on.

  “Sorry, I have to take this.”

  “Don’t be too long. We’ve only got fifteen minutes left before we’re back out.”

  Dagmar nodded and headed outside. The humidity hit her in the face and nearly knocked her over. It just had to be the hottest day in Houston, just her luck. She found some shade in the walkway and answered.

  “Hey, Jeremy.”

  “Where the hell are you? I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  “I’m at work, Jeremy. You know I’m at work.”

  Her boyfriend huffed. It sounded like he didn’t believe her.

  “Really? If you’re at work, why won’t you answer your phone?”

  “Because I’m being professional. This is my break now.” Dagmar rolled her eyes. Lately her boyfriend was being a bastard about her shifts and always trying to call her. “If you had an emergency, call the office, not me.”

  “I did. You never called me.”

  “And that I’m sorry about. What’s the problem?”

  “It’s Mom.” Jeremy’s voice momentarily cracked. “She’s been taken to the hospital.”

  Dagmar paused. Jeremy’s mother Jessie was a mean, manipulative woman who hadn’t taken to Dagmar from the start because she was black and stood up for herself. She did whatever she could to break her and Jeremy up. Jeremy was firmly attached to his mother and it took two years for Dagmar to show him that what she was doing was not okay and it was affecting his mental health. They had been taking steps to make Jeremy more independent and reduce contact with his mother, as any forty-year-old man would do.

  Now it looked like that work was going to be put on hold. Jessie had been battling cancer for the past six months but had refused to take chemotherapy for it. The stubborn woman thought praying was going to make it disappear.

  “What did the doctors say?”

  “That she’s too far along with her cancer.” Jeremy sounded like he was about to cry. “And she’s still refusing to have the chemo.”

  “It’s her choice, Jeremy. You can’t force her.”

  “Yes, I can. Maggie and I are going to force her to have the chemo.”

  Dagmar saw this as selfish. She followed doctor’s orders and also followed the patient’s wishes. If a patient didn’t want something, they weren’t going to be forced. Jessie was very firm in that she didn’t want chemo and Dagmar wouldn’t have forced her, if she was her daughter.

  “Jeremy, you can only force her to have chemo if you have power of attorney and she’s out of her mind. But she’s got a mind as sharp as a tack and neither of you have POA. She doesn’t want chemo. You have to respect that.”

  “But I don’t want her to die,” Jeremy wailed.

  Scratch what she had said previously. Jeremy’s progress was going backwards, rapidly. Dagmar tried to keep her patience.

  “I know you don’t. But things have to happen sometime. It wouldn’t be fair to her to take her rights away when she’s still clear in her intentions.”

  Despite hating the woman, Dagmar had to respect Jessie for that. Even though it was for the reason of having her children fetch and carry for her, she was firm in what she wanted.

  “But…but what can I do?”

  “Be with her. Support her. That’s all you can do. She wouldn’t want anything less.”

  That last bit was a lie, but Dagmar wasn’t about to go into it with Jeremy, who was clearly hurting. And reforming back to his Mommy’s boy status and pandering to her every need.

  “Will you come and sit with me?” Jeremy asked.

  “I’m on my shift, Jeremy. I can’t drop everything.”

  “You can. It’s family.”

  “She’s your family, not mine. That won’t wash with my supervisor.”

  It would, but Dagmar wasn’t about to say that. She had no intention of sitting with the woman who had verbally abused her without remorse for the last three years. She had taken herself out of Jessie’s presence a year ago after Jessie called her a stream of disgusting names and she didn’t think Jessie would appreciate it either.

  “Will you come by afterwards, at least?” Jeremy wasn’t giving in. “I want Mom to know she has people who love her around her.”

  It was all Dagmar could do not to laugh. That was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. But she wasn’t about to be cruel to Jeremy, not right now.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  She could hear Jeremy saying goodbye and love you, but Dagmar wasn’t about to say it back. Things were going to backslide in their relationship, she knew it. And she knew that Jeremy would throw her under the bus, the arguments would start again, and he would listen to his mother about her.

  Dagmar had had all of that with her ex-husband. She wasn’t about to go through it again.

  She trudged back to the table she and Steve had bagged in the cafeteria. Steve was wolfing down a burger, Dagmar’s meal of pasta sat by her chair. Steve raised his eyebrows at his partner as Dagmar took a seat.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Dagmar sighed and picked up her fork. Suddenly, she wasn’t very hungry, but she needed the food to give her energy for the second part of her shift.

  “Jeremy’s mother is in the hospital. I think she’s up in the cancer unit.” She started eating, forcing herself to swallow. Everything seemed to taste like cardboard. “She’s fading fast and Jeremy wants me to be with him.”

  “Really?” Steve’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. “Has he forgotten that his mother hates you?”

  “Apparently so.” Dagmar shook her head, sipping her coffee. Now that tasted foul. “He was doing so well at pulling away from his mother and becoming a man in his own right. She had infantilized him and made sure he was dependent on her at forty. And now she’s ill and he seems to be going right back up her vagina.”

  Steve sighed. He had met Jeremy several times and had expressed his dislike of the man. Dagmar had tried to brush it off but, clearly, Steve’s judgement of people was better than hers. Her normal meter didn’t go off when she met someone, sadly. If it had, she wouldn’t have married Boyd or started a relationship with Jeremy.

  “You can’t change a momma’s boy,” Steve said, finishing off his burger and guzzling down his soda. “Anyway, I thought you were leaving him. You’ve been saying that for a couple of weeks now.”

  “I know.”

  Dagmar had told herself that if things didn’t improve in six months that she would leave. Jeremy had shown signs of improvement and she had put leaving on hold. Now it looked like she would have to leave; she wasn’t about to become his carer, the third wheel in their relationship. Jeremy picked his mother over Dagmar every time, even when things were improving. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had being placating each woman for an easier life.

  That wasn’t what Dagmar wanted. She was thirty-seven, divorced with no children. While she had a good career, that didn’t eclipse everything in her life. She wanted marriage and kids. But that husband and father wasn’t about to be Jeremy. If he threw her under the bus, what was to say he would do the same to their kids?

  She sighed and stabbed at some more pasta.

  “Now that this is going on, I might have to do it tonight. He’s going to be at the hospital until visiting hours are over.”

  “And I’ll help you.”

  “You sure?”

  “Of course,” Steve said cheerily. “Remember the apartment I told you about that my brother-in-law rents out? It’s still empty if you want. I can ask him to sort the paperwork out today.”

  That sounded like perfection. Dagmar grinned.

  “I might just take it.”


  David Mach turned his car into the cul-de-sac and pulled up outside the house at the far end, nestled into the corner. A plastic slide was out on the lawn, along with a few extra toys. There was someone inside, moving around in the front room.

  Nick’s car wasn’t here, however. Chances were he was still at work. David got out and locked up, unbuttoning his jacket. He could hang around for a while. Nick had called him that morning asking to go for a beer when he got back from work. David wasn’t about to pass up a chance to hang out with his younger brother.

  The man needed some downtime. With two kids at home and a demanding job, it was only fair he went out once in a while. David didn’t know the feeling with the children at home but he understood with a demanding job. He had worked hard, sixty-hour weeks, for years without a day off.

  In the past, that had worked. Not now. He was clearly slowing down.

  David rang the bell. A few moments later, a pretty woman in her early thirties with light brown hair falling about her shoulders opened the door. She beamed up at him.

  “Hey, David.”

  “Brittany.” David kissed her cheek as he entered, her strong perfume filling his nostrils. “Is Nick not home yet?”

  “Sadly, no.” Brittany shut the door and made a face. “He got nabbed by the boss while he was walking out the door. You know Nick can’t say no.”


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