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A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1)

Page 1

by King B


  Title Page


  The crash

  Captured, saved and trapped

  Village life

  Unwanted attention

  Blossoming Love

  The indecent proposal

  The chief's wrath

  Devil's bargain

  Falling pray to the beast

  A helpless husband

  A conquered wife

  A wife and the Amazon tribe

  by King B

  Copyright © 2016 King B

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission from the author, except in the case of limited quotation for the purposes of reviewing.

  The crash

  The engine hummed as the small plane shook with even the smallest disturbance. Having had a fear of flying since childhood, Sam hardly enjoyed the rough ride, but was being consoled by the radiance of his new wife who was sitting right beside him. She looked genuinely happy as she observed the birds-eye-view of the vast jungle that spread under them.

  After their lavish wedding, Sam was surprised to hear his wife’s request to have their honeymoon in such a remote and modest place. He had planned on a world tour in his private yacht, but couldn’t say no to the eyes he had fallen in love with.

  By owning a couple of extremely successful software companies, his wealth really did help in planning all the expensive arrangements without even having to bat an eye. He was confident about being able to continue giving the lavish, pampered life his wife was used to. Until recently, he had thought his wealth could obtain anything he ever wanted, but now believed that there were things even money couldn’t buy.

  After spending a week as a husband and wife, Sam was deeply falling in love with her. Having a father who was wealthier than him, he knew that unlike most women who had tried to seduce him in the past, she wasn’t with him for the sake of money. She wasn’t going to show him a false love in order get to his money; she was someone he could let his guards down and trust his heart to. The fact he could still see clear signs pointing to the fact that she still doesn’t really love him, actually made him happy and relieved. So, In their honeymoon, he was determined to make his beautiful wife fall in love with him.

  It was only a month ago they had met for the first time; he still remembered the first time he had seen the radiant girl: a girl who at that time, thanks to her conservative and strict upbringing, was still pure and innocent in both body and mind. The red-stained bed sheets on their wedding night had given evidence to her purity.

  On their first meeting, facing him at the dinner table, she had been sitting beside her mother as the servers prepared the dinner that had been arranged to celebrate the new business partnership he had made with her father.

  The moment her bright, blue eyes had met his for a fraction of a second, he knew she was going leave an impression in his heart; a girl he would never forget. Even as she, obviously feeling uncomfortable with his intense gaze, shyly looked down while blushing, he couldn’t help but keep looking at her in awe.

  At the end of the dinner when her father: a fellow millionaire, offered his only daughter’s hand to him, from her reaction, he knew he wasn’t the only one who had almost choked on the dessert.

  Julie, a girl who had grown under the watchful eyes of her powerful father, was a pampered, but a restrained bird that had lived its life trapped in a golden cage. Now she was given a rare chance to break free of that cage; a chance to marry a man who was wealthy and influential enough to not to be manipulated or influenced by her overprotective father.

  Sam had felt the reason she was so quick to agree to the marriage was mainly because she wanted to leave the shadow of her father. For that, the young girl was ready to even marry a complete stranger that certainly didn’t look like the prince charming. Honestly, he felt sorry for her.

  It wasn’t as if Sam was an ugly guy that only had his wealth going for him. As the owner of an average body and a pleasant face, he was a decent looking man. It was nothing to boast about, but among the wealthy single men who had risen from the bottom, he was the best looking one, but still, his wife’s beauty easily made him feel insecure about his looks.

  Julie had been living a life of a princess, and she looked like one too. With an angelic face, wavy brown tresses that went past her shoulders, a bosom that was neither too large nor too small for her frame, a posterior that could entice any living man and long legs that could make any guy drool, she was an image of perfection; if Michelangelo was alive, he would have made marble statues in her image.

  Sam was extremely happy about finally being able to acquire something even his massive wealth couldn’t hope to obtain or compare to. A beautiful wife who he could trust. Very few men get to experience true wealth and true love at the same time.

  Back in the present, Julie was too occupied to notice the gaze of her husband; she was completely mesmerized by the scenery on display through the small window. With her legs one over the other, she was leaning on the window side, causing the hem of her yellow, short summer dress to ride a little higher than its intended position. She was too bored to correct this little immodesty since there were no other passengers. Also, she knew Sam loved to enjoy the view of her toned, smooth and long legs. After all, this was their honeymoon, and according to her friends, a little bit of teasing here and there was expected from her.

  Unlike bigger planes, the small private plane fared poorly against rogue air currents. This sometimes resulted in Julie having to hold her breasts while regretting her decision to go braless; she had always preferred to wear light while flying.

  Julie had always harboured a fascination about rainforests and rich wild life in them, but her parents had never let her wonder even in their own garden without a servant accompanying her; her pet macaw parrot was the nearest thing to a rainforest animal she had ever experienced. So, when Sam had asked her where she would like to go for their honeymoon, her first choice was the Amazon rainforest. She had expected him to laugh at her, but other than being a little surprised, he had happily agreed to it.

  Julie didn’t agree to marry Sam not only because she wanted to be free from the influence of her father, she had agreed also because, unlike most rich guys she knew who were arrogant and spoilt, Sam was a smart and gentle guy who he had made a fortune from his own efforts. Knowing her father, she also knew Sam would be the best looking man among the people her father considered to be worthy of being his son-in-law. Plus, he was genuinely a good guy that made her feel comfortable to be and talk with. She truly believed she could one day truly love this man, and he would also love her back the same.

  Looking down at the green carpet that was crisscrossed with snake-like rivers, Julie realized she was so close to her dream vacation destination. Even though Sam wasn’t a nature-lover, knowing about her love for the nature, he had happily agreed to accompany her. After arriving in Brazil, they had to take a small plane to reach the remote hotel Sam had reserved that was built in the middle of Jungle. Even though they were the only two passengers, the plane was filled with supplies since the plane was the only mean of transportation between the hotel and the modern world.

  After two hours of the plane ride, while enjoying the scenery of a never ending ocean of greens, both Julie and Sam were starting to fall asleep due to fatigue from all the traveling. Suddenly, they were snapped back into reality by a high pitched alarm sound coming from the cockpit and a violently shaking plane.

  “Pilot, what’s happening?” Sam shouted while trying to overcome all the noises. Julie covered her ears and looked out to see the trees becoming clearer and larger.

�An engine failure. I’ll have to try to make an emergency landing. Don’t panic. Put your head between your knees and brace for the impact.” The pilot answered while trying to get the plane under control.

  ‘Not panicking’ was a hard thing to do in that sort of a situation, but the couple managed to position themselves and braced for the impact.

  While hearing the pilot trying to send a Mayday message, Sam felt the impact as if he was being hit by a car. As the plane dived into the greenery, amid sounds of cracking tree branches and the metal hull being pummeled, Sam’s every sense got overpowered by the violent shaking and rolling.

  Suddenly, everything went quiet and dark as Sam fell unconscious.

  With a deep, desperate inhale, Julie suddenly jerked back from her unconsciousness. She was still strapped to her seat and everything that had happened felt like a dream, but opening her eyes brought her back to a reality she didn’t want to accept. Other than a few scratches and bruises, she was in good condition. While instinctively readjusting the dress which had ridden up and pulled down during the chaos, she checked on Sam. Sam was stirring up from his deep sleep, and he also seemed to be safe except for few scratches and bruises.

  While trying to figure out what had happened, she unbuckled herself, and to check on the pilot, carefully walked down the angled plane, to the cockpit.

  Julie’s scream managed to fully wake Sam up.

  “Oh, my god! Aah! My head…Julie, are you hurt?”

  “I’m alright Sam…. But the pilot….the pilot is dead.” She replied while sobbing.

  Sam freed himself from the seat and went to the cockpit to realize that the pilot has somehow managed to safely land the plane; the tail was still on some trees and the nose was touching the ground. Unfortunately, some thick branches had crashed through the windshield and the pilot was impaled in three places including one right through the neck. His lifeless body was firmly pinned to the seat while blood was pouring down the impaled branches and down his body.

  Before he could mourn for the pilot, a burning smell brought Sam's attention to the surrounding. There was a fire in the back of the plane where the supplies were stored, and he remembered seeing few propane gas tanks when the supplies were being loaded.

  “Julie, we have to get out of here quickly. The plane is going to explode.” Sam said in a panicked voice.

  Realizing the danger, Julie also broke herself out from the shock of seeing the pilot’s gruesome death and followed Sam out of the plane. They ran about hundred feet away from the burning wreckage before Julie suddenly stopped. While coming to terms with this surreal situation, Julie tried to think about their next step. She realized that they were now stranded in the world’s biggest rain forest and everything essential for their survival were still on the plane.

  “Sam, we have to grab the radio and some supplies,” Julie said while trying to go back to the plane, but Sam quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her.

  “Are you crazy? We don’t know when that thing will blo,” before he could complete the sentence, the plane exploded and the shock wave made them fall back.

  While listening to the ringing inside her ears, Julie realized that things have gotten worse.

  Far and deep in the jungle, with the loud explosion, thousands of birds took to the sky and the resulting tower of smoke didn’t go unnoticed by thousands of eyes. Among those eyes, the most curious pair belonged to a human who was on a hunt with his tribesmen.

  By night time, Sam and Julie were able to salvage what they could from the burning wreckage. Very few things had escaped from being charred by the intense heat generated by plane fuel. Since the wreckage was still burning, they managed to make a campfire in a clearing near the crash site. After eating some salvaged canned food, the couple was sitting by the fire, holding each other for comfort while trying to accept the reality that their sweet honeymoon had suddenly become a survival challenge.

  The newlywed couple huddled together in order to seek some kind of protection from the terrifying forest that laid in the darkness beyond the campfire.

  “I’m sorry,” Julie sobbed, “this wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t ask to come here.”

  “Please don’t say that, Julie. It’s not your fault. You didn’t know this would happen. No one did,” Sam said, “On the bright side, I don’t think things could get any worse than this.”


  Sam suddenly felt something bite him on the back of neck and Julie also turned to see what it was about.

  Thinking some kind of bug had bitten him, Sam put his hand where he felt the sting and pulled out a small, thin dart that had a sharp end and something like a wad of cotton at the other end. While they both looked at it with big eyes and started realizing what it really was, Sam started to feel the world rotate around him. Before everything went dark, he heard Julie’s desperate call before it ended with an “Ouch!”

  Captured, saved and trapped

  Sam woke up to find himself sitting on the ground, with his back leaning onto a big wooden pole where his hands were tied to. Still drowsy from the poison, he looked around to see where he was and found unconscious Julie tied to a pole next to him. It was still night and there was a big campfire in front of them. At first, the light from the fire was too intense for his eyes, but later, he noticed some tribal people sitting around it while looking at him and his wife.

  Julie also started stirring up, and at first, she also had some trouble in gathering her surroundings.

  “Sam? What happened?... Where are we?” Julie asked still a little groggy from the poison.

  “I think they we were poisoned and brought to their village. Are you hurt?”Sam said.

  “I…I think I’m alright,” Julie said while trying to loosen the ropes on her hand and asked in a hopeful tone, “Do you think they’ll call for help or take us out of the jungle?”

  “It’s too early to assume anything… let’s try to communicate and get ourselves freed first.”Sam said while trying to appear composed and started to talk with the group of people in front of them. Most of the tribesmen looked puzzled, and some even laughed at the gibberish the pale outsider was muttering.

  While Sam was unsuccessfully trying to communicate with them, Julie observed their captors. It was still dark around them and only the men in front of the fire were visible. All of them seemed to be about five feet and some were even shorter. All of them had black, straight hair in bob cuts and no traces of facial hair. Their facial features had an obvious resemblance to Amazonian natives she had seeing in some documentaries. The bodies were painted red and had designs drawn in white.

  Julie got the shock of her life when her gaze went to the mid sections of the squatting men. All around the world, people tend to wear clothes to cover their genitals, but these people were displaying their genitals as if they were their best ornaments or jewelry. By all means, their genitals didn’t look normal at all. The pubic hair was braided and beautifully decorated with colorful things like small bones, Gemstones, and feathers. The decorations made their overly large scrotums look even more bizarre; the sizes varied, but all of them were abnormally huge; one’s even looked similar to a sack full of two tennis balls.

  Still, the most impressive or horrifying things were the penises that hanged in front of those huge sacks. Even though they seemed soft and flaccid, most of them lengthed about six inches and some were even reaching eight inches; given the men’s lack of heights, their genitals were out-of-proportionally big. Furthermore, the lengths weren’t the only unnatural thing about the shafts; they had round protrusions along the length, in the front, that appeared like half spheres the size of nickels. Most had two or three of those bumps starting from the base of their penises, and some had even more. The guy in the middle of the group with an eight-inch soft penis had six of those protrusions.

  Despite having a very conservative and overly sheltered upbringing, Julie was a well-educated woman. She had seen different types of male genitals in pictures, and the
real thing of Sam’s, but those bizarre organs sent chills down her spine. She instinctively thought, “Good thing I didn’t get born into this tribe.”

  Then suddenly someone much taller with a different facial structure walked into the light of the fire. Since he was also painted red all over, Julie couldn’t determine the real skin color, but he had an average height and a normal size genital that had one bump on it. He talked with the guy with six bumps on the penis while looking at them. After few minutes, he started to walk toward them.

  “Hello, I’m Jack. No need to fear, you are in no danger,” said the man while showing his open hands.

  “Thank god! Someone who can talk English,” Sam said with a relief as he was getting frustrated after trying so hard to communicate with the tribesmen. “I’m Sam and this is my wife Julie. Our plane crashed while we were flying to Amazon hotel.”

  “Yes, I heard the explosion myself. I’m glad you are well. Are you the only survivors?” Jack said while looking at Julie who still seemed still a little groggy from poison.


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