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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 9

by Belle Winters

  He shook his head. “No. I’ll text you. I’ll try not to take long, you have a shift tonight right?” he asked me.

  I nodded. “Yep. That means you better hurry up because I need to finish up before that.” I teased.

  His eyes narrowed. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yea, sure buddy.”

  There was a knock on his door, and he swung it open. Angelou walked inside and frowned. He looked at me in Giovanni’s sweater than to Giovanni in nothing but a towel. “Julie…” he greeted me.

  I grinned. “Sup Angie?”

  He scowled. “Angie?” he shook his head. “I’m no girl.”

  I eyed him up and down slowly. He was a pretty man. “No, you’re not.” I drawled.

  I felt a hand grip the back of my neck, and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I already knew he was going to scold me for flirting. He turned me to look at him with a dark look on his face. “Stop.” He said.

  I smiled sweetly. “I told you I needed a Tuesday man,” I said innocently.

  He growled low in his throat and tugged me into his chest. He leaned down and bit my lip hard. I yelped, and he took that opportunity to kiss me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. When he let me go his hand flexed on the back of my neck. “Behave. Do not make me kill you for trying to be cute.”

  The look he gave me meant business, and I felt a little thrill run through me at his claim. What exactly that meant or what he was claiming was left to be determined, but I was smart enough not to push right now. His body had gone rigid, and he looked truly pissed like he would snap my neck if I tried him right now, so I nodded. He gave me a sharp nod and gripped the edge of his sweatshirt.

  “You look good in my stuff.” He said low.

  I smiled. “I didn’t exactly have a choice. You tore mine like a caveman… don’t forget I expect you to replace it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Get out, I’ll see you in a bit.” He said but didn’t release me.

  He looked over my shoulder towards Angelou. “Drop her home, and you and Dante can come back right after. I’ll be ready.” I don’t know what Angelou did, but Giovanni seemed to accept it. “And feed her.” He added. He looked at me one last time and gave me a peck on the lips before releasing me. He turned on his heels and walked away, just like that. I turned to Angelou who looked just as baffled as I did.

  I shrugged. “Lead the way…” I said gesturing to the door.

  He nodded once, and we were on our way.



  I already knew these fucks were going to give me shit about the impromptu sleepover. What I don’t understand is how none of us – her included – didn’t expect that in the first place.

  I sighed from the backseat. “I don’t know what you were expecting. I don’t even know what time you guys left… it was late. I fell asleep before she did.”

  Angelou frowned. “That was stupid.” He said plainly.

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, it's done.”

  He shook his head. “You’re acting fucking reckless with this girl. I don’t like it.”

  I already knew that. “I have it under control,” I told him, even though there was a part of me that didn’t believe it. I was already having an internal war about what the fuck I was doing with this chick and why I reacted to her. Shit, I wonder why the fuck she was even still breathing.

  He let out a long breath. “So she just stayed?” he pushed.

  I nodded. “Yea, I woke up and she was passed out on the laptop. I let her to it. What the fuck do you think? I was going to get up at five in the morning and drive her home? It wouldn’t have made sense at that point.”

  He turned in his seat. “Did you fuck her?” he asked.

  I cringed. I had, but that wasn’t his business. “Since when is it your business who I put my dick into?” I asked a little more heatedly than I wanted. That shit struck a nerve.

  “It’s my business when it could be a potential issue.” He wasn’t letting it go.

  “It’s not,” I said through clenched teeth, my patience wearing thin.

  He scoffed. “So what? Is this your girlfriend now?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “No.”

  He shrugged. “I’m no dummy. I know you slept with her, and you were awfully close this morning.”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you.” I reminded him. I didn’t need to add that I was the fucking boss, it was implied.

  He huffed. “I hope you know what you’re doing with her.”

  I couldn’t help myself. I was pissed that he was questioning me and what I’m doing with her like she was just another bitch I jumped for the fuck of it. “She’s fucking mine, that’s what I’m doing with her. Now drop it.” I warned.

  I watched as both of them appeared startled by my proclamation and the underlying threat in my words. The car quieted after that, everyone in their own thoughts.

  I rushed through the shit I had to get done, and before I knew it, I was sending out a text to Julie.

  Me: I’m on my way, make sure you’re ready

  Julie: Yessir. I’ve been sitting here waiting for my master's orders like a good soldier

  I sighed, she was annoying.

  Me: Shut up. Make sure you pack an overnight bag

  Julie: That’s going to be a NO, but good try

  I am going to wring her damn neck.

  Me: Wasn’t a question.

  Me: Forewarning… I’m not fucking with you

  No response came and I leaned back in my seat. She was a handful and a guaranteed headache. Why I was looking forward to seeing her was a fucking mystery I needed to figure out.

  We pulled up to her house, and I called her to come out. She didn’t give me any lip and for once just did as she was told. She slid into the car beside me, I noted that she had a bag with her and she was still wearing my sweatshirt over a dress. She looked ridiculous but still fucking hot at the same time. The car ride was silent, and I knew that Angelou was still on edge about her. He would just have to get over his bullshit because I wasn’t going to continue to tolerate him questioning my choices.

  They came upstairs with us and stuck around. We had a few hours before we needed to get Julie to the club for her shift and they didn’t have shit to do with themselves. Julie resumed her spot on the floor with the laptop and went straight to work. Angelou watched her the whole time out of the corner of his eye, and I was annoyed, but I kept quiet. He was worried about my safety and was doing his job. I couldn’t allow myself be that mad at him.

  Julie stood and stretched, and I couldn’t help but trail my eyes from her bare feet up to her legs and her round ass. She put her hands up and clasped them as she stretched her body and going to her tiptoes. I watched as her breast pushed out and her back arched. Even sporting my sweater that swallowed her whole my cock was hard in 2.5 seconds. I glanced and noticed that Angelou was trying not to watch, but Dante had his eyes glued on her. I picked up the remote and flung it towards his head. He scowled at me, saw my gaze and corrected himself. That’s right motherfucker, I already let him know what it was.

  She began walking off towards the kitchen and came back a second later with a glass of ice water. I couldn’t help the small grin teasing the corners of my lips. She was sure as fuck comfortable here to just go through my shit. I know she’d gotten my sweater out of my closet.

  She plopped down on the sofa beside me and kicked her feet up on the table. “It feels good to be all caught up.” She said with a sigh as she took a drink.

  I looked over at her. “You done?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Finally, but yes.”

  I checked the time. We still had an hour before we needed to go. My eyes once again found her bare legs, and I couldn’t stop the urge to take her. I turned to Dante and Angelou, “You two can go grab some food for us. Be back when it’s time to leave.” I said dismissing them.

  Dante grinned apparently reading my mi
nd. Angelou huffed but stood and made his way to the door. Once the door closed behind them, I unbuttoned my suit jacket and took it off. Julie glanced my way then did a double take to watch me as I tossed it over the back of the chair and began on my shirt buttons. Her hands flexed on the glass, and she didn’t move her eyes from me. She looked at my chest, and her own breathing increased, and I slid over to her. I took the glass from her hands and put it on the table before pulling her onto my lap. Her arms went around my neck, and she leaned down to brush her lips against mine.

  “I’m going to take you hard,” I informed her.

  Her body jerked causing her to rub against me. “Please.” She begged.

  I spun us so that she was on her back on the couch and I was on top of her. I kissed down her neck and licked the hickey that I’d left there earlier. She shuddered underneath me. I had us both undressed in less than a minute, and I didn’t waste any time entering her. Fuck, she felt perfect.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and began moving urging me on. “Fuck Julie,” I muttered as I began to pound into her. Her head tossed back, and she groaned long and low.

  I felt when the change in her happened and knew she was about to go over the edge. I leaned down and bit one of her nipples, and she trembled beneath me. “Oh god, oh god…” she chanted through her orgasm. I eased back until she was done and then lifted both of her legs to my shoulders. I was impossibly deeper at this angle, and I fucked her like I was never going to have sex again. She was holding onto me for dear life, and when she began clenching around me her eyes popped open, and she stared at me in wonder.

  “Wha – what? What are you doing to me?” she asked on a moan.

  I just pounded into her harder. I had no idea what we were doing to each other, but fuck if this wasn’t the best feeling in the world. “Goddammit,” I muttered as I felt a tingle up my spine telling me that I was ready to go. I exploded inside of her on a roar and collapsed on top of her. She wrapped herself around me as we both came down from our orgasm.

  I had her three more times after that.

  Chapter 9


  I was flying high. I went to work in orgasmic bliss. We had sex four times before coming to work. He was cuming on the fourth round when his phone rang. It was the reminder we needed that we had shit to do other than hump like rabbits. Dante had called to let us know they were downstairs and we scrambled to get ready and out the door. They had knowing looks, but they didn’t make any comments thankfully. I would’ve died of mortification. I was sure I had a well-fucked look I have heard so much about because well… I was.

  I’d run out of the car and into the club as soon as we pulled up. I didn’t want to raise any eyebrows by walking in with them. I still wanted to remain anonymous in that sense, not that we were dating or anything. We’d just had some explosive sex that was well worth the fling. I went inside and straight to the lockers to store Gio’s sweatshirt and my stuff. Becca was there doing the same and when she saw me walk in her eyes widened.

  “Honey, you know that’s against dress code?” she asked referring to the sweatshirt.

  I grinned. “I know. It was chilly out, I’m not going to keep it on.” I reassured her.

  She smiled back, but it wasn’t as warm as it usually is. Whatever, I wasn’t here to make lifelong friends. I was here for a paycheck, no skin off my back. I shed the sweater and was heading out when her eyes went wide. “Whoa.” She said pointing to my neck.

  I looked down and cursed. I’d forgotten about the huge hickey Geo left on me this morning. I waved it off like it wasn’t a big deal. She gave me a look like the cat that ate the canary. “Fun night last night?” she asked wagging her eyebrows.

  “Meh,” I said with a shrug. Yea, I was definitely not going there with her.

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion, but she dropped it as we made our way out. The place was already packed, and as soon as we came out, a frantic Henry approached us. “I’m going to need to switch up your sections today. We have some celebrity shit being hosted in the VIP section. They already asked us to take out Jamie for whatever the fuck reason so we’re short up there.” He eyed us both as if trying to come to a decision then nodded to himself. “Julie, I want you to work the party in VIP.” I didn’t miss Becca’s frown at that. I didn’t give a shit if they were celebrities or not, I just needed to work. “Becca, you can handle your section and Julie’s usual.” He clasped both of our shoulders. “Alright ladies, I need you out there stat.” he gave us another quick pat and was off.

  I was passing the bar when I saw Dante and Angelou followed by Geo enter the club. I couldn’t help but lick my lips. He was the epitome of danger and power, and he was just oozing sex. I had to stop myself from fanning my face amongst other places to cool down. I’d just had him, but it already felt like way too long. This shit can’t be healthy. Almost as if sensing my stare, his head swung my way and he met my eyes. He looked me up and down as his eyes darkened with desire. I knew that look, I’d been getting front row center seats to it all day.

  “Jesus, that man is sexy,” Becca commented.

  I looked up at her and blushed from being caught staring. “I guess,” I said nonchalantly, but I knew she didn’t buy it. I wasn’t a good liar, and that was a huge one coming from me.

  “You two looked like you were just eye fucking each other.” She pointed out and tried for a casual laugh, but it came out a bit strangled. A red flag immediately went off in my head. I got it, she was prying.

  “You’re crazy,” I said as I continued walking.

  She caught up with me. “I’m not. Do you two know each other?” she asked.

  I shook my head and started to say no, but remembered she saw us interact before. “Not really, we’ve met literally like introduced to each other… but I don’t actually know him or anything.”

  Her eyes narrowed, she didn’t believe me, but I didn’t care. She shrugged and leaned in like she was going to tell me a secret. “Ya know… I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted a go at you. Wouldn’t be unusual.” She told me.

  I frowned and turned to her. “What?” I wasn’t sure whether or not I should be insulted.

  She must've seen that in my face and she turned ashen and shook her head. “I didn’t mean anything about you by that. But, it’s what he does. He fucks the girls that work here.” She shrugged casually. “But he is a good fuck. Seriously, he’s as good as he looks.”

  I tensed. “You slept with him?” I asked trying to sound more curious than pissed.

  She gave me a look like I was stupid. “Are you kidding me? Of course I have, plenty of times.” She threw me a wicked grin. “I’ve actually got him on schedule for my break today.” She winked at me and sauntered off.

  I watched her retreating back for a beat as I felt rage consume me. How dare he? How fucking dare he? This is what he does? I wasn’t delusional enough to think that this was something exclusive or that I was special, but it stung to think that this whole show he’s been putting on was essentially an employee perk. That shit had my skin crawling and regret swarming through me at an alarming rate.

  I shook it off and rolled my shoulders back. I would think about it later and beat myself up for being so stupid. A fucking mob boss my ass… if that’s how he treated everyone he was a fucking phony. I thought a part of my attraction to him was some type of pull we seemed to have. The thing that kept my mouth running like I didn’t have a functioning brain cell and keeping him from knocking me out. I laughed to myself and shook my head. I couldn’t believe I’d turned into my sister.

  I went up to the VIP section, and it was a madhouse. Today, I’d opted for a red dress. It was one I bought on a whim, not something I would normally buy even for this job but I had an impulse. When I got dressed today, I put it on with him on my mind. I don’t think he’d even really saw it. When I’d taken off his sweater, he was preoccupied, and I doubt he actually got a look at it. Then we were rushing to dress, he’d had his back to me t
rying to get himself together.

  It was nude which blended with my skin, but it had a lace pattern covering the dress, the whole back was out. It fit me like a glove, and I’m sure all of my curves were visible from just a glance. I put an extra sway in my hips and honed in my inner sex god. I was angry. I felt used, and I mean listen I’m a woman. This is pissed bitch 101. I needed some type of ego boost, and right now I’d take it however I could get it. Don’t get me wrong though, I wasn’t going to go as far as to try to get me a joy ride tonight… if you know what I mean. I could appreciate a few compliments, but I wasn’t going looking to hand out lap dances.

  As soon as I hit the top of the stairs, Kelly was on me. “Oh my god, I’m so happy to see you. These people are drinking like its water, it’s so busy. I don’t have a method right now because I cant keep up. Circle around take orders, they’ll fill fast and get them up as soon as possible. I just got a bunch of orders from the other side, so I’ll take the back you take the front, we meet in the center.” She said quickly before running past me to the bar.

  I was still nodding at her as I took it all in. I did as she asked and she wasn’t kidding. After the first hour, I was exhausted. I hadn’t recognized anyone there, but to be honest, I was moving so fast I didn’t have time to look. I exchanged pleasant smiles, gave the occasional thank you… and batted my lashes at the persistent pricks to appease them.

  When I checked the time, I almost collapsed in relief. It was time for my break, and I made my way downstairs. I was just about to check out for my break when Henry came up to me. “Something wrong?” He asked.

  I shook my head. “No, I was just going to clock out for my break.”

  He scrubbed his face and sighed. “I’m sorry… I should’ve said something. Today had just been hectic. I’m going to need for you to wait for another thirty before break if that’s ok? I need to relieve Kelly first. She’s been on for way over already.”

  I nodded. I understood, and that was fair. “No worries, I’ll wait it out.”


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