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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 13

by Belle Winters

  “I go by Julie, but my full name is Julianna.” She said.

  She went quiet as she listened to my mother then smiled. “That would be nice, I wouldn’t mind at all.”

  More silence and then a frown. “Well, I am in school and working.”

  I heard something like a sigh from the other end of the line and my mom's voice. “I have class tomorrow, but that’s during the day. I don’t work Wednesdays.” Julie said.

  My stomach felt like it was filled with stone. I had a feeling where this was going and wasn’t sure how I felt about it. It’s hard to explain. I didn’t mind taking Julie home, but my family could be a lot and so could she. “That sounds great, I’ll tell Gio.” She said. She listened for a bit more before saying her goodbyes and hanging up the phone.

  She set my phone to the side and pulled the blanket up higher around her snuggling in for sleep. The fuck? “Are you going to tell me about that?” I asked.

  I felt her shrug because we were both now fully covered with the comforter. “We’re having dinner with your mom tomorrow.” She said casually.

  I closed my eyes tight. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I began to argue.

  “Shh.” She whispered as she snuggled in even closer.

  “Jul – “

  “Shhhhhh, sleep.” She muttered like she was half out of it.

  “We’re not doing it.” I expected a fight, or hell even a response. I looked down to see her eyes shut and her even breathing telling me that she was out for the night. Fucking hell. I couldn’t help but smile as I shook my head. I leaned over carefully to turn out the bedside lamp and followed her to sleep.

  Chapter 11


  How the fuck did I find myself here? I already knew my ma had informed everyone that would listen that my girl was coming today and they no doubt made it their business to be there to witness this shit first hand. I shook my head as I thought of the nosy fuckers. I’d damn near turned the car around ten times and thought fuck this, but every time the hesitation grew in me the little fucking demon that I’d for some fucked up reason considered my woman taunted and teased the fuck out of me making me more determined than ever to follow through. I wasn’t dumb, the psycho was pushing my buttons and manipulating the fuck out of me. That didn’t stop me from tampering down my shit where I felt the need to prove to her just how fucking manly and fearless I was. Yea, I was gonna strangle her when I got the chance.

  We walked up the front steps to my childhood home and before I got the chance to let myself in, the door swung open. My uncle Pac – for all intents and purposes – stood in the doorway. “Youngblood.” He greeted me.

  I gave him a small smile. “Uncle,” I said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug and patted me on the back twice.

  “How’s it shaking?” he asked.

  I shrugged casually. “The usual.”

  He grinned knowingly before his eyes landed on Julie. His gaze went hungry then curious. “And who might this beautiful young woman be?” he asked oozing all of his usual charm. Normally I admired it. But as he stuck out his hand and Julie gave hers in offering, he kissed the back of hers eliciting a blush I fucking hated it. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back flush against my front.

  She opened her mouth to answer, but I beat her to it. “She is mine,” I told him.

  He released her hand and watched me. I knew he was searching, but for what? I had no clue. I’d never, ever claimed someone as mine, so I had no idea what to make of it. When he offered us a big grin with a calculating look in his eye, I tensed. He was very much like my dad, that’s why he was considered family. He was up to something, and I was gonna cap my bogus uncle if he made a move on my girl.

  Leaving me speechless, he just gestured for us to enter… that only made me more skeptical. I made sure to catch his eye to let him know I was on to him and the bastard winked. Julie gave him one of her cute smiles before entering into my childhood home.

  As soon as I stepped through the door, the smell of ma’s cooking hit me. Fuck, the woman could throw down in the kitchen. I loved her food more than anyone else. Of course, I might be biased but what is anyone going to do about it? I grabbed Julie’s hand tugging her back, so she was next to me and took the lead to the kitchen. We’d barely made it inside when ma’s words rang through the air.

  “Where is that boy? He’s never on time. You would’ve thought I raised him better than that.” She huffed, and I heard shuffling.

  I groaned and walked into the kitchen. “Hi, mom,” I said.

  She spun around, and her eyes immediately went to Julie. She threw her hand over her chest like she was shocked she was there and walked over to us. When she reached us, she slapped my hand away and placed her hands on Julie's arms as she inspected her. “Oh my, dear. You’re just lovely now aren’t you sweetheart.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seriously mom?” I asked.

  She cut her eyes to me and glared. “Hush child.” She fussed and then her expression softened and she turned back to Julie. “Now, I’m going to finish up cooking, and Marco can take you into the living room where everyone else is. I’ll come find you soon so we can have a chat and get to know each other.”

  Julie turned to look at me, and I immediately tensed at the wicked gleam in her eyes. “Of course, I’d love that. I would also love to hear all of the embarrassing stories you probably have about Marco growing up.”

  I scowled at her. “Not happening. Don’t start your shit, Julie.” I warned.

  She stuck her tongue out at me when my mom’s back was turned to swat at my chest. “Giovanni! You know better than to talk to a woman like that.” She shook her head and turned around heading for the stove. “Sometimes I just wonder where I went wrong with you.” She began muttering to herself, and I took that as my cue to escape.

  “Let’s go,” I said as I grabbed onto Julie and walked into the living room.

  I stepped one foot into the room and decided it was definitely time for us to leave. I eyed the room and groaned internally. My pops was in his favorite chair talking shit. My sister Francesca was there sitting up under Angelou. Dante was occupying the arm of one couch, while my brother Michael, sat with my baby sister Sofia and uncle on the couch. Dante noticed us first.

  “Sup boss.” He greeted me, making every head in the room turn in our direction. No one gave a flying fuck about me as all eyes were fixed on Julie. I saw her cheeks begin to pink and I couldn’t help but smile. That’s what she gets nervous about? Being the center of attention… well, I’ll be.

  “Bro.” I greeted him. When we were home, we had a really different dynamic than we usually did. When we were here, we were just family.

  I walked into the room and practically had to drag Julie with me. As we approached the couch, Michael stood giving Julie his seat. I smiled and plopped down on it. “Thanks, man.”

  Michael scowled at me. “That wasn’t for you, you fucker.”

  I smiled and flipped him off. “She already had a seat,” I informed him as I dragged her down onto my lap making her blush deepen. She tried to get up, but I just tightened my arms around her keeping her on me.

  “Ass,” Michael muttered as he grabbed one of the folding chairs we used when we played cards and shit.

  Michael was the oldest out of all of us. He and I was close, but I was much closer to Dante as a brother figure. I loved my brother, and I respected him. He was a lawyer and did damn well for himself. He wasn’t involved in the business at all and never had been. Never wanted to be, he’d made that abundantly clear all his life. When dad ‘retired’ Michael would’ve taken over for him had he wanted it. He really, really didn’t. He didn’t like the life, didn’t respect it. But he respected me which kept us well balanced. Plus, my brother was a cool mother fucker. He might be a lawyer but he hung like the rest of us, and his mouth and attitude was just as bad.

  When he got comfortable, or as comfortable as he would get on that hard ass chair
, he returned his attention to Julie. “What are you doing here with him?” he asked her.

  Her eyes went wide, and she looked at me at a loss for words. I shrugged, I knew he was throwing a jab at me, but I can see how it could also be taken. I wasn’t going to get her out of it though, she’s the one that was hell-bent on coming here.

  “I… uh… umm. Mrs. Ruzzo invited me? Should I not be here?” she asked unsurely.

  Michael shrugged. “I know my mom invited you, I meant why are you with him. He’s ugly.”

  She let out a slow breath, and I could feel her begin to relax. “I know, but I felt bad for him. He begged. It was kind of pathetic really.” She shook her head as if she’d just gotten bad news. “I’m a child of God, and I know that God wanted me to have mercy.”

  I grunted. “You’re fucking demented.”

  Michael laughed. “What’s your name sweetheart?” he asked with a smile.

  “My name is Julianna, but you can call me Julie. Anything but sweetheart. This idiot ruined that word for me.” She said jabbing her thumb in my direction.

  Michael sighed. “Annoying bastard right?”

  She nodded in agreement. “Completely.”

  Michael gave her a brief nod. “Alright, stop hogging the attention.” Francesca spit out. “I’m Francesca, but you can call me Franny.” She put a hand on Angelou’s chest. “And you know my Louie.” She waved to the couch. “That’s our little sister Sofia, and our Uncle Pac.” She smiled fondly over to our dad, she was a daddy’s girl. “That’s our father – “

  She was cut off as he spoke up for himself. “The name is Lorenzo, but you can call me pop.” He gestured towards the kitchen. “And I assume you’ve already met my wife, Maggie.”

  Julie nodded and smiled. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

  “Now, princess we have some things to clarify…” he said sitting up fully and gave Julie his full attention. “Are you the pretty little badass that shot a man?” he asked.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them, I glared at Dante. “You have a big fucking mouth.” I knew it was him.

  He only shrugged. “Did you really expect me to keep that to myself?” he shook his head. “Didn’t you notice someone missing here? He’s embarrassed and licking his wounds that she took his gun. They tortured him relentlessly.”

  Julie sighed happily. “How is dear old Alex?” she asked with a grin.

  Angelou shook his head as his lips twitched as he fought his smile. Dante barked out a laugh. “He hates your guts, Julie.”

  She shook her head. “And here, I thought it was love at first sight. I remember the day we met. He tried to hit me with a car and pull my hair. If that doesn’t say I love you, I don’t know what does.” She said wistfully.

  That got my dad’s attention. “He WHAT?!” he boomed.

  Julie’s smile dropped from his tone, and she seemed unsure. I spoke up this time, “he uh… fucked up. He tried to hit her with a car, and then she taunted his ass, and he chased her trying to take her down.” I rubbed Julie’s back. “But you did sucker punch him and get away with it.” I pointed out.

  She pouted. “I felt cheated that day.” She said honestly.

  My dad spluttered. “You sucker punched my kid?” he asked.

  I couldn’t help but smile as my chest filled with pride as she straightened her back and glared at my father. She knew who I was, she surely knew who the fuck he was. “I did, although he got off easy if you ask me.”

  He watched her for a beat before cracking a smile. “Atta girl.” He said, and I knew he’d just given his stamp of approval.

  “I like her,” Michael commented.

  “I wish I could sucker punch him, he’s so annoying,” Sofia grumbled.

  Well hell. Julie held her hands up, “I fight fair. So, if he comes for round two none of you can help. We’ll have to take turns.” She joked.

  My mom chose that moment to walk into the living room. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  Dante the big mouth fuck answered. “Julie was just telling us about getting a round two with Alex. Maybe we should put them in the ring.”

  Julie was tense on my lap, not sure how my mother was going to take that proclamation. She put her hands on her hips and scowled. “What the heck did that boy do now?” she asked.

  Julie opened her mouth to answer, and my mother held up her hand. “Please. Please, don’t tell me. He’s my son, and I don’t want another reason to go upside his head, I’m worried that I might cause brain damage one of these days.”

  Julie laughed long and loud. “Oh my god.” She sputtered between chuckles. “I think you already did.” She informed my mother.

  My mother couldn’t fight a small smile as she shook her head. “Alright kids, food is ready, enough clowning around and let’s get to the kitchen table.” She announced and walked away knowing we’d do what she asked.

  My father was the first to stand, and he walked over to us. He grabbed Julie’s hand and pulled her to stand with him then offered his arm. They sauntered away chatting about god knows what to the table.

  We’d all just sat down and filled our plates when the questions began. “So, Julie, tell me about yourself. Are you working?” my mom asked.

  Julie nodded as she finished chewing and took a sip of water. “I work as a waitress for Gio at one of his clubs.”

  “Is that how you met?” Sofia asked.

  Julie looked at me briefly. “No. I met him before that, and I really needed a job. I had every intention of making his staff hire me because I knew the boss.”

  I shook my head. “They hired you against my better judgment.”

  She rolled her eyes and pointed her fork at me. “I’m good, and you know it.”

  “You told me that you were in school?” My mom continued.

  “I go to the community college. I’m studying to be a psychiatrist.”

  My mother beamed. “That’s lovely.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So is this thing with you two serious?” Pac asked.

  Julie cocked an eyebrow. “I’m actually planning on dumping him later tonight, but now you’ve ruined the surprise.”

  I looked at her with narrowed eyes. “You’re not going anywhere,” I told her seriously.

  She met me head on and glared at me. “I will if I want to. You cant stop me.”

  I scoffed. “Want to bet?” because I was dead serious on this.

  “What are you going to do huh?” she challenged. “Bust a cap in my ass? Sorry Baby Face Nelson, but I’m not scared of you.”

  “What do you know about Lester Gillis?” My uncle asked surprised.

  She shrugged. “I went through a phase in my life where I studied people who were considered ruthless and crazy to see if I had anything in common with them like my sister suspected.” She shrugged casually. “He was on my list.”

  My uncle coughed over a laugh. “And what did you discover?” He asked.

  “Oh, that I have nothing in common with them.”

  My uncle and pop shared a knowing look. My mother chose that moment to leave the table and go to the kitchen to refill the pitcher of lemonade. “Princess, you do know who my son is right?” he asked.

  She gave him a weird look. “Of course I do.”

  “And you’re giving him that lip?” He asked in both amusement and confusion.

  She waved him off with her hand. “He talks a good game, but we both know he’s not a thug. I asked him to fight me once, and he was too scared.”

  I shook my head as the two fuckers, along with Angelou and Dante acted like that was the best joke they’d ever heard. “Pop, would it be that bad if I popped her ass? Just once?” I asked desperately.

  My dad shook his head. “Normally I would say no. But in this case, I’d say if you want to try your luck.” He paused before continuing. “But make sure I’m there, I want to witness the show.”

  Julie gasped in shock. “You want to watch me kick your
son's ass?” She asked.

  Everyone at the table was eating her shit up. “The only reason I haven’t hurt her yet is because she’s fucked in the head pop. I’m looking for a good place to have her evaluated.”

  “Are you crazy?” Dante asked her.

  “No…,” she said frowning.

  “Then why’s he keep saying that?” He asked.

  “Because he thinks I’m one of the three little pigs and he’s the big bad wolf.” She sighed. “He’s a dummy.”

  I gripped the back of her neck and drew her head close to me. “Stop running your fucking mouth, Julie,” I warned.

  She sighed but smartly shut the fuck up. My mom walked in before I could release her and looked over horrified. “If you don’t get your hands off of her, I swear I will take you over my knee child.” She scolded me.

  I heard Julie chuckle under her breath as I released her and frowned down to my plate. I love my mother. I love my mother. I kept repeating to myself. She cant tell me how to handle my woman, but I’d be damned if I said that shit to her. She’d have my hide, and then my pops would fuck my shit up. Nobody fucked with his woman.



  His mother was one hell of a cook. I had seconds, and I damn sure wasn’t ashamed of it. I’d considered asking her to teach my mother a few things in the kitchen then scoffed to myself. Like that would do me any good. I would love to have her teach me her tricks in the kitchen. After dinner was done, his mother shooed us all off so that she could put away the leftovers. The guys immediately went their own way, something about a card game and I was left with his sisters. As soon as the coast was clear, the interrogation was on. I’d been prepared for it since I realized that there were a lot more people in attendance than I thought would be there.

  “What are your intentions with my brother?” Francesca, the older of the two started as she crossed her arms and glared at me. I wasn’t intimidated. Pissed off women was something I could handle.


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