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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 21

by Belle Winters

  He bent down and nipped my lip. His sweat dripping off of him and onto me mingling with my own. Without slowing down or breaking stride he spoke. “My mother was right you know.” His breath ragged from exertion. “We are going to have beautiful babies. I’m going to keep putting my seed into you until we have a house full.”

  I quivered. I didn’t know whether it was from fear or delight from the seriousness of his words. I’d not thought about it, and right now I wasn’t going to explore it. It was quite possible he was just really into the moment. Either way, all talking ceased as he swerved his hips expertly and hit that spot he knows could set me off like a fucking rocket. NASA needs to hire this man because he can send a person to outer space like a pro.

  “GIO!” I screamed out as my body convulsed.

  He cursed savagely. “Fucking, fuck shit.” He began to lose his rhythm, and he stabbed himself into me. “Julie… baby.” He groaned as he shot into me. The feeling of his cum and his earlier words set me off again. This orgasm more contained but welcomed and amazing all the same.



  “Get your sweet ass up,” I whispered to Julie as I slapped her on the ass.

  We had a sex marathon since we made up, then finally we passed out and slept the rest of the day. She had a shift in an hour, and she needed to get her ass moving. Her hand came up and swatted my way as if to shoo me off. The movement made the sheet fall down and expose her ample breast. Her nipples saluting me, practically begging me for attention. Who was I to deny a request like that? I leaned down and pulled one of her perky as fuck breasts into my mouth. She tasted good everywhere.

  She moaned and arched her back pushing her breast up against my face. I played with her breast for a bit before leaning back. I was already at half-mast and if we kept this shit up, then we wouldn’t be going anywhere. I gripped her ass. “Come on Julie, you have to get ready for work.”

  At that, her eyes flew open, and she sat up quickly. Her head swiveled to the side, and she caught sight of the time. She groaned but got up. “Why does it feel like I just went to sleep?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “because we didn’t sleep much. You can call out if you want.” I offered because I was dead beat too and wanted nothing more than to keep her holed up in this room for another few days until I was completely sated. Not that I thought I could ever be when it came to her.

  She looked at me incredulously. “I am not calling out. I would have to be on my death bed to do that. I can do it.” She turned to me. “I will survive after a shower and coffee.”

  I grinned. “I’ll get the coffee going, and you can head to the shower.”

  She gave moaned and gave me a kiss. “You’re the best.”

  I rolled my eyes and got up. I set up the coffee to brew and decided that I was all about saving the environment and water preservation was a good way to start. I hurried back to the room where I stripped and joined her in the shower. I took her hard and fast against the shower wall before we both quickly washed up and dressed. I made her some coffee in a travel mug while she did her girly shit, primping or whatever and then we were gone.

  When we got to the club, I expected her to do her normal routine and jump out of the car before it’s even in park and run inside the club. I was surprised when she sat as waited for me to exit before following me and then grabbing my hand linking our hands together. This is how shit is supposed to be. We walked into the club together, and the staff, as well as some of the customers, took notice. I turned it up a notch when she released me to go to the lockers. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me. I expected her to pull away or hesitate, but when she melted into me, I felt my chest expand ten times. The caveman in me was pleased out of his mind at her acceptance. Mine.

  “You don’t have to put your stuff in there. Give it to me, I’ll take it with me.” I murmured in her ear.

  She turned to me and smiled. “Ok.” She said softly.

  I couldn’t help it. I leaned down for a kiss and let my lips hover above hers. She didn’t seem to think about it as she closed the small distance and captured my lips. It was a hasty one which I understood although I wanted more. “I’ll see you later.” She said softly as she unwound herself from me and handed me her stuff. I nodded, and she went to walk away. Unable to help myself, I grabbed her hand at the last second and pulled her in for another kiss.

  When I pulled back, she laughed and pushed me away. “Shoo. I have to work.” She scolded me as she walked away. I watched her ass until she disappeared from view. Dante had a knowing smile but wisely kept his mouth shut. As we began walking again, I spotted Becca staring after Julie, and she was livid, my mood instantly darkened. That was something I needed to take care of today.

  I got some work done, all the while watching my girl on the camera. I saw the hateful looks from Becca sent her way, but she was either totally oblivious or didn’t give a fuck. With Julie, it was a coin toss. It only served to piss me off more and more. I gave it some time until I summoned Becca to my office.

  I watched her as she sauntered in, a seductive smile in place with a come-hither demeanor. I knew what she thought this was, and I made sure that Angelou made her think so when I sent him to get her. “Giovanni, you wanted to see me.” She said as she walked around to the front of my desk and perched herself as close in front of me as she could get.

  I smiled at her. “Becca… how did you like dinner?” I asked.

  She grinned. “It was actually delicious. Who knew Taylor’s mom could cook like that? And you… who knew you were so funny.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “Taylor invited you?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Were recent friends, and we hit it off. We had some common grounds and well… she thought it would be a good idea. Who knew that you were even going to be there! I mean… that was like what? Fate maybe?” she gushed.

  “Fate,” I repeated feeling my blood beginning to boil.

  She was oblivious. “Exactly! I mean, it’s like the earth is doing whatever I can to bring us together you know. First, me working here. Then, us getting to know each other. Now, we’re crossing paths at the most random times.” She was really buying this shit.

  I nodded and leaned forward. “You see, the problem with fate is I don’t believe in it.” I shook my head. “I think you knew I was going to be there. How did you find out?” I asked.

  She bit her lip nervously. She was watching me, and I know she’s now starting to catch on that this wasn’t the cozy little meeting she was looking for. “Well… ok fine. I did know. But I found out after Taylor had already invited me.”

  I nodded. “And the two of you thought it was fun to attack her like that?” I asked.

  She visibly swallowed. “I didn’t – I mean I wasn’t…”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me,” I said letting her see how truly pissed I was.

  She got up from her position and began to back up like a scared animal. I stalked after her. “You did that because you want me. You did it because you’re jealous of her. You did it because you thought it would get you back into my pants.”

  “I – I – “ she stuttered.

  “You have no chance.” I cut her off.

  She snarled at me. “It’s because of her isn’t it?” she asked lifting her chin. Ah, confidence. We couldn’t have that now, can we?

  “No, it’s because of you. I don’t want you.” I told her.

  “Yea, right. You’re just blinded right – “ nope. I wasn’t going to let her deflect.

  “I wouldn’t fuck you with a ten-foot pole.” I sneered.

  She scoffed. “You have before.” She pointed out.

  I nodded. “And it was a mistake. If I could undo it, I would.”

  She flinched. “You can't mean that…” her lips trembled as her eyes watered with unshed tears. Good.

  “I do. I don’t like you. I don’t want you here, and that is why you’re fired.” I told her.

� she sounded so small.

  I nodded. “If there’s one thing you want to blame on Julie, blame her for the fact I care about her and because she’s mine. It’s because of that I’m going to tell you to get your poisonous ass the fuck out of my club in the next five minutes, or I will toss you out personally.”

  “Please…” she started to beg, and I shook my head.

  She began to ease back towards the door. Right before she turned to leave I called her back. “Oh and Rebecca?” I waited until she turned to look at me. “If you talk to Julie, look at her, so much as cross her paths… you and I?” I waited for a beat to make sure she was following. “Are going to have problems.”

  She paled and practically ran out the door. As soon as it was closed, I sat back in my seat and sighed. “I really wanted to cap her ass,” I muttered causing Dante to laugh.

  The rest of the day hauled ass. I was eager to get back home and get my hands on Julie, but I had shit to do. I had all this bullshit going down with this unknown player, and it was starting to piss me the fuck off. Whoever these fuckers are, they were playing a dangerous fucking game.

  Jetti was able to trace the call, but it was a burner, punk ass bastards. All this fucking talk and they’re hiding at every turn. So far, since the fire, it’s been radio silence. It didn’t take a genius to know they were connected. We were waiting for some of the footage from around the area to see if we could pinpoint the fuckers on camera. Something in my gut told me it had to do with those fuckers that got knocked by Jetti’s people a while back that was talking shit. He’s supposed to be heading out to visit those fuckers in lockup to see if he could get something out of them. If anything, he was going to get them sent up north so I could see if some of my muscle on the inside could get some answers another way. All of that wasn’t the part that was grating my nerves. It was the threat towards the ones I love. That’s what made this situation fucking real.




  I grimaced as I changed out of my stage clothes back into my regular clothes. I was able to secure my old job at Kitty’s. The local strip joint in my area. The job at Ladder 42 had been helping me immensely. And now, that was all gone because of that bitch. How fucking dare she? How dare he? Gio stabbed me in the fucking back, and for what? It’s not like that bitch was any better than me. Sure her home was better than mine but it's not like it was her own. Her ass was in the same goddamn boat as me, what did she have that I don’t? It ain't like I have a momma and daddy to take care of me! I’ve been on my own since I was sixteen and I gotta say I’m doing better than most in my predicament.

  I made my way to the rundown bar a couple of blocks away. It was the most popular spot, but it was usually occupied by the local dealers and shit. I was looking to get me a sugar daddy until I can get my man back.

  “Dirty martini,” I ordered as I took a seat at the bar.

  In a flash, I had a glass in front of me. I took my first sip as I pondered how he’d harshly fired me. He’d ripped my ass over that whore then told me that I had five minutes to get the fuck out of his club… followed by a meaningful ‘bitch.’ That was a week ago, and I was still fucking fuming.

  That’s alright. I’ll lick my wounds as I come up with a new strategy. I hadn’t realized until after dinner at her house just how much she sank her claws into him. Looks like I’m going to have to bring him back to reality and then reprogram him. He was worth it. I thought about his good looks, his amazing body, the power he had in this town… literally all of it except for the seediest part – my part – that he allowed others to live and do their own thing. Then, let’s not forget his deep pockets. The man is loaded, and I mean… what’s more important than that? You can overlook a lot of things for the right price.

  I sighed to myself, just as a chair scraped out next to me. I turned my head to see who’d decided to accompany me. He was older, I’d say early to mid-fifties. He was fit for his age though, and if it weren’t for the slight wrinkles and graying hair, I’d put him younger. I noted the scar – looks like it could’ve been done with a knife – that went from the bow above his top lip straight through it that led almost to the middle of his chin. I quickly scanned him and noted the Rolex on his wrist, and the gold chain tucked under his shirt. Potential.

  He didn’t have any qualms as he openly ogled my cleavage and my bare legs. A guy approached his side and whispered something in his air, and he waved him off dismissively. “Ricci.” He said by way of greeting.

  I lifted an eyebrow. “Becca.”

  His head cocked to the side as he studied me. “Where have I seen you before?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I live in the area? Maybe at work?” I said as I polished off my drink and raised my glass to the bartender signaling another.

  “Where do you work?” he asked.

  I sighed. “I work at Kitty’s now, I just started there a week ago.”

  He grunted, and I waved my hand… honestly, I’d vent to whoever would listen. That’s how pissed off I was. “I was working at Ladder 24, that hot club uptown.”

  His eyes narrowed a bit. I guess he was wondering how I went from there to stripping out here. “Oh, yea.” Was all he commented.

  I grabbed my fresh drink and took a healthy sip. “Yea. I kind of pissed off the boss’s woman… girlfriend… who the fuck knows.” I shook my head.

  His eyebrow went up, and he let out a low whistle. “That sounds messy.”

  I nodded in agreement and chuckled. “That fucking bitch Julie. Don’t worry, I’ve got plans for her ass. Then payback will be a bitch.”

  He grunted and ordered a drink before getting more comfortable in his chair. “So, where are you planning on going from here?” he asked. Yea, I guess he was done placating me and my whining.

  I looked at him again, and when he pulled out a wad of cash to pay for both our drinks my decision was made. “Wherever you’re taking me, baby.” I cooed and ran a finger down his chest.

  He threw his drink back and stood, offering me his arm. “Then let’s get there, shall we?”

  Chapter 17


  I was a little bit annoyed.

  Ok, I was A LOT annoyed.

  But I mean seriously, can you blame me?

  Ok, fine. I’ll accept I'm acting a tad bit selfish, and maybe I’m being a baby but come on.

  I’ve spent the last three weeks with Gio, and you know how many times we’ve had sex?


  I mean in total.


  Because whatever the fuck is happening with his ‘business’ has him super preoccupied. I go to sleep alone almost every night. At some point, he’ll crawl into bed and by the time I can try to jump him he’s snoring.

  Not even cuddling.

  Then, when I wake up for school or whatever else he’s already gone out of bed. At least in the morning, he works from the house so I can get a peck on the lips or a brush to the temple before he disappears for the day. I don’t even get to enjoy our daily drives together. I’m either ushered by Dante or Angelou while he disappears with the other one. To say I was a bit starving for some attention and a tad bit of TLC is the understatement of the universe. I’d try to bring it up to him, but it only seems to aggravate him, and he gives me a short response like, ‘I can’t’ or ‘I’m busy right now’ and my favorite, ‘can it wait?’. I was so over this.

  So now, as I’m standing in front of my school tapping my foot waiting for my ride I have nothing to do but let all of my anger and frustration build to epic proportions. After twenty minutes have gone by I’m sure that everyone that passes me could see the steam coming out of my ears, by the way, their purposely steering clear of me.

  I yanked out my phone and called him. He picked up on the fourth ring.

  “Yea Julie.” He sounded put out.


  “What’s up? I’m busy.” He said rushing me. I rolled my eyes when aren’t you these days?

  I held in the smart remark at the tip of my tongue. “I just wanted to know if you were coming.”

  He sighed deeply. “Coming where? You know I have shit to do. I don’t really have time for this right now.”

  I could hear the male voices in the background. “I’m still at – “

  “Hold on.” He said, and he muffled the phone as he spoke to someone else. Eventually, he came back on the line. “Look, I have to call you back.”


  “WHAT?!” he was full on pissed.

  Oh shit. Really? Fuck him. “You know, fuck you.”

  A groan. “I don’t have time to deal with your girly bullshit right now. Can you save it for tonight?”

  I laughed humorlessly. “I’ll just save it. I’ve been waiting at my school for over twenty minutes, and no one showed.”

  A curse under his breath. “Shit. They’re both with me. I’ll send someone.”

  “Don’t fucking bother.” I bit out.

  “Julie l – “ he started.

  I was too pissed, so I cut him off. “I’m serious. Leave it.”

  “Fuck.” I heard him under his breath. “Whatever.” Then the line disconnected.

  So that’s how it is, is it?

  This path we’re going down right now is only going to lead to one thing. A breakup. I didn’t want that deep down, and I know we’re both at the end of our ropes for one thing or another. Maybe we were doing too much too fast, and we needed space. I think it’s best that I go back home until he gets his shit together. With that decision made, I began my walk home to let my thoughts stew even further. I don’t think that was exactly helping the situation, but it was all I could do.


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