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Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance

Page 4

by Ford, Mia

  “You really out did yourself this time, mom,” Adam said. It was no surprise to me that he was there. He never missed a huge breakfast feast. He’d graduated from community college the year before and had been selling insurance since then. Last year he finally moved out and got himself a little apartment in town. He was doing ok. We’d always been pretty close, my brother and I.

  “I’ll say,” I said filling my plate. I knew there was no way in hell I’d be able to eat as much as I took, but I had to try everything at least and I was determined to give it the old college try.

  College… Wow, it was hard to believe it was actually over. I couldn’t imagine that next fall, I was not going to be in class, going to campus parties, no more pep rallies, no more student activist rallies, no more mid-terms and finals—it was all over. The end of an era.

  “We aren’t too late, are we?”

  Just then Callie’s voice rang out through the kitchen as she and April both bounced through the doorway.

  “No, girls. Right on time,” my father said. “Dig in. There is plenty for everyone.”

  “Wow, this is awesome!” April said sliding into the seat next to me.

  “I didn’t know you guys were going to be here,” I said.

  “You didn’t think we would miss your awesome graduation celebration breakfast, did you? When have we ever missed your mom’s breakfast feasts?” Callie said giving me a big hug and then grabbing herself a clean plate.

  “That’s true,” I said. My friends really were like part of my family. I was going to miss them so much. I really hoped we found ways to see each other as often as possible and that we never lost that special spark between the three of us.

  I’d just finished about half the plate of food and my third cup of coffee and was starting to feel quite stuff when my dad mentioned my living arrangements in Phoenix.

  “Honey, you have any new leads on a place to stay in Phoenix?” Dad asked.

  “Well, I have my interest put in on a few places, and one of them looks promising,” I replied. “I’ll probably spend the rest of the week working on that, when I’m not packing of course.”

  “Ok, well, I may have an answer,” Dad said. “Remember your cousin Sam?”

  “Yeah, super rich Uncle Brian’s kid?” I asked.

  “That’s the one,” he replied. “How long has it been since you saw each other?”

  “God, it would have been probably about ten years ago or so,” I said. “It was the last time they hosted the family reunion and flew a bunch of us down there.”

  “Right,” Dad replied. “Well, Sam has his own loft now. I think he is some sort of musician or something. He offered to let you stay with him until you find a permanent place. And his loft is actually only about eight blocks from your work.”

  My eyes opened wide and I almost choked on my coffee. This was awesome news.

  “Wow, really?” I said. “That would be so sweet. Oh, that takes a lot of pressure off my mind I don’t need right now. And you’re sure he doesn’t mind?”

  “Not at all,” dad said.

  “Yeah,” Mom chimed in. “I was speaking to his mom on the phone just yesterday and she happened to pass the information along to Sam. Last night she texted me that he’d offered.

  “That’s awesome,” Callie said. “So, who is this Sam? Why haven’t we ever heard about him?”

  “Yeah, especially if he is rich,” April replied. “What is he, some music producer or something?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, he is not rich, I don’t think. My uncle is rich. I haven’t talked to Sam in a while except the occasional tag or comment on Facebook.”

  “Well, let’s see him,” Callie said.

  I gave her an annoyed look. I was still eating. But I pulled out my phone and pulled up Sam’s Facebook page.

  “Oh, wow,” Callie said. “He looks hot. You have to introduce me.”

  “He lives in Phoenix,” I said. “Besides, he has a bit of a reputation as a player. He was always the rebel in school and from what I can tell on Facebook and Instagram not much has changed.”

  But I was still blown away by the offer to live with him for a bit. I knew it was going to be a bit strange and we’d have to get to know each other again, but he’d always been nice to me. I was looking forward to it. It was going to be nice to actually have someone to hang with a bit and not be totally alone while I got my feet wet in a new city and tried to find my way. I’d almost forgotten that he lived in Phoenix. His family kind of kept their distance from the rest of our family. I wasn’t sure if Uncle Brian thought he was better than everyone or if his lifestyle just kept him too busy to keep in touch. But I know my father wished his younger brother would talk with him or visit more often. He didn’t talk much about it, but I’m sure it hurt him.

  From what I knew about Sam, he was the perpetual playboy. He had grown up a spoiled rich kid who was constantly rebelling against everything, both because he felt rules didn’t apply to him and his family’s wealth and because he didn’t like having expectations placed upon him to be a certain way because of who his father was. He was two years ahead of me. His family had houses in Lincoln Nebraska and also a few in Arizona. When we were younger they used to come to Nebraska a few times a year to see family and get away from the Arizona heat, but that had become less frequent over the years. And at this point I hadn’t seen him in about ten years. I wondered what he was really like in person now.

  One thing I did know, which I agreed with Callie on—he was hot. I felt weird thinking that about my own cousin, but I couldn’t help feeling the slightest attraction when I looked at his picture. He was tall, broad shouldered, long blond hair—almost like a surfer—and a lean, yet ripped and muscular body that reminded me of a younger David Beckham. He was hot. And he knew it.

  More importantly I don’t think he gave a shit if anyone else thought so.

  I briefly wondered if he had any sexy friends he might be able to introduce me to, but then again I remember him being one of those guys who is all at once the life of the party and also a total lone wolf. He was the stereotypical bad boy.

  After breakfast, Callie and April helped me finish packing up everything. I knew I still had most of a week left before I was going to leave, but I wanted to be prepared. I packed up all of the heavy stuff, and a lot of my trophies and medals I had won and collected throughout my childhood.

  When we were done with packing, we all decided to go to the mall multiplex and watch a movie. It had actually been a while since we’d done anything so casual and basic as a group. The theatre was practically empty since it was an early Sunday afternoon and we were able to make us much noise as we wanted to. I loved that. It was rare that you had almost an entire theatre to yourself.

  The movie we saw was some odd thing about a young widow whose husband dies in a house fire that she barely escapes and when she moves to a new house she keeps seeing his angel, who is trying to get her to realize his death was not an accident. It was weird and a bit sad at times, but we enjoyed it.

  “I’m having trouble following this,” Callie said. “I mean, if she helps him solve his murder then he has to move on and she won’t be able to see him again. Why would she want to do that?”

  “I think it’s more about putting him to rest,” I said. “Otherwise he is just going to hang out and haunt her for the rest of her life. What type of life is that?”

  “Right,” April said.

  “This is very confusing,” Callie said.

  Afterwards while walking through the mall, we stopped in a few clothing shops. I realized I needed some good business attire for my new job. I didn’t have that much in the way of proper work clothes. My closet looked mostly like a college kid’s still.

  “So, you should call that Clint guy,” April said. “He seemed way interested.”

  I was confused for a moment. “What are you talking about? I don’t have his number. You saw what I said to him. There is no way he would want to go o
ut with me.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Callie said.

  She pulled out a card and handed it to me. It said “Friendly outing? No strings. Call me. Clint.”

  His number was listed beneath that.

  “What the hell…” I said.

  Callie giggled. “Yeah, after your little rant on him, I tracked him down while you went to the bathroom and asked for his number. I told him you’d just been through a bad breakup. Of course, I left out that it happened six months ago, because I didn’t want him to think you were totally crazy.”

  “I can’t believe you did this,” I said.

  “Are you going to call him?” April asked.

  I paused a moment. “I don’t know. Probably not.”

  Although, the idea did sound intriguing and I’d actually been thinking about it earlier, strangely enough, but I really didn’t want to bother with it. Everything was falling into place and I just wanted to move on.

  But it would be fun…

  “You should definitely go,” Callie said. “What is it going to hurt?”

  I smiled and continued looking at some clothes on the sale rack. I wasn’t going to get back into this conversation with the two of them. As far as I was concerned the matter was closed.

  I wasn’t going to call Clint or even acknowledge the possibility of dating anyone else right now. I was too focused on Phoenix and what was going to happen next in my life.

  “Come on,” I said. “Let’s buy some clothes.”

  April and Callie gave each other a defeated look and rolled their eyes.

  I laughed and continued to search for the perfect new wardrobe to suit my new life.

  Chapter Four


  “Aggh! That one smarts,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Yeah, it’s a little sensitive around the bone,” Joey replied. “I’ll try to be more careful, sweetheart.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Ha ha,” I said. “It’s just taking a lot longer than I thought it would.”

  “True art takes time,” Joey said.

  I was sitting in a chair of his tattoo shop getting an older tattoo touched up. I had been meaning to do it for a while, but one thing after another kept coming up. But I was glad that I was finally getting it over with. Afterwards the dragon tattoo was going to look amazing. The colors were really going to pop. I’d originally had it done in just simple black and green, but now it was going to have red, yellow, and even some blue in spots. It was going to look sick on stage.

  I’d been into tattoo and body modification since I was in my late teens. There was just something about body art that really spoke to me and made me want to wear it to speak to other people. There were just certain things that meant a lot to me that I wanted to shout to the world without saying a word.

  That’s where tattooing came in for me.

  “What’s this I hear about your cousin coming to stay with you?” Joey asked.

  Joey had been a friend of mine for a few years. We met when I came in to get a small tattoo done on my inner wrist and we just kind of hit it off. I liked his no nonsense approach to life. He didn’t hide behind anything; what you saw was what you got. I’d always lived my life by that same principle, so in Joey I felt I had a bit of a kindred spirit.

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked.

  “Ah, Chase was in the other day. He mentioned it.”

  “Yeah, my cousin Kay is coming to stay with me for a few weeks probably, or until she gets her own place.”

  “You don’t think that is kind of going to cramp your style? I got to admit I’m a bit surprised. You have a different woman in your place almost every night, right?”

  I shook my head. “Not quite that much, but I do alright. And no, I don’t think it will matter at all. It will be fine. She is in a bind and I decided to do the right thing, the family thing, and help her out.”

  If I’d been honest I would have told Joey about my real motives behind asking Kay to stay with me. But it was a touchy subject I didn’t think most people would have understood.

  I’d had a crush on Kay since we were teenagers. Even though she was my cousin, I still found her to be incredibly beautiful and I always had. Following her on social media I watched that she had grown even more beautiful over the years as well. When I heard from my mother that Kay was moving to town and that she needed a place to stay I quickly saw my opportunity. So, I volunteered my pad.

  Since then I had not thought of much else. I’d immediately started to formulate a plan. I was going to seduce Kay. There was something about the fact that she was my cousin that turned me on so much. She was beautiful, sexy, smart, driven, and passionate. And she was my uncle’s daughter.

  Oh, the idea of being with her filled me with total desire at the very thought. I just wanted her. And I was determined to have her.

  Of course, I had no idea if she would ever have entertained the idea. This was the sort of taboo thing that might have become a big family scandal if she ever told anyone. In fact, knowing that this might happen made the whole thing so much better.

  “Well, that’s very noble,” Joey said. He finished up the tattoo and began to clean up. “Ok, you are good to go. Just keep an eye on it, keep it clean, and the swelling and irritation will get better in a few. You know the drill.”

  “Sure, thanks,” I said getting up from the chair.

  “So, what does she look like?” Joey asked.


  “Your cousin.”

  I pulled up her Facebook profile and showed him a few pics. She was so damn hot. I had to hide it back so that Joey wouldn’t get wise to how I really felt about my cousin Kay.

  “She is pretty,” Joey said.

  He didn’t have to say more, but I knew that she might not have been his type. Bigger women were so damn hot. I’d always loved them so much, ever since I was really young. A lot of guys were missing out.

  “Alright, well I’ll see you later,” I said.

  I left the tattoo parlor, hopped on my bike, and rode over to a pizzeria that I loved to frequent. I sat down and ordered a large pizza. Sitting in Joey’s chair, I realized I hadn’t actually eaten all day and I was starving.

  The waitress was a cute girl who was very flirty. She was medium height, and medium sized. She was hot, I’ll have to admit, but I really wasn’t that interested. My mind was too focused on Kay. I sat there for several minutes looking at her profile on Facebook and her Instagram pictures. As I sat there looking at those beautiful pictures, I felt myself getting hard in my pants. Since I’d found out she was actually coming to live with me I’d masturbated to her pictures several times. I knew it was wrong; I knew that it was not considered normal, and was very taboo, but that was what made it so much hotter.

  Could I really do it? Could I really seduce my own cousin? That would be the ultimate in seduction. What a challenge. What a feat. Ever since I’d first started seducing women I’d found that it gave me more of a purpose and satisfaction in life that was almost as much of an importance to me as music was.

  The waitress brought my pizza and served me the first slice. Then she wrote something down on my bill. It was her phone number with a smiley face asking me to call her.

  She winked at me as she walked away.

  I smiled and watched her for a moment. Yeah, I was very tempted. It had been a while since I’d been with a woman as petite as she was, and it would have been interesting, but instead I sat there and just continued to eat my pizza.

  I was about halfway done eating when I noticed a sexy, BBW walk into the pizzeria. She sat down at the table across from me and as she saw me checking her out she looked at me and smiled, dropping her gaze in that perfectly seductive fashion that usually sent me reeling with desire.

  She was blonde, with a beautiful face, a sweet, sexy smile, and buxom as could be. And she knew how to work it. Her cleavage was on full display in her sultry business suit. I pegged her as a lawyer maybe, or some
high functioning career woman. I loved women in positions of power. The confidence, the dominance—that was what I really craved. I’d been with several women like that before, and they were amazing. But ultimately I ended up disappointed because they didn’t really want to push the limits in the bedroom as far as I did. They claimed that they wanted to be in control and they wanted to make me their bitch, the way I desired. But ultimately they always pulled up short and were even freaked out by how far I wanted them to go.

  When would I meet that woman who was ready to take things to the edge and even farther? I kept hoping, kept searching, and kept dreaming that it would happen one day.

  “Hi,” I said to this woman with a big smile on my face.

  She smiled back and said, “How are you?”

  “I’m doing well,” I said. “I’m a regular around here and I haven’t really seen you here before.”

  “Maybe you just haven’t been paying attention,” she said.

  “Oh, I would have noticed you either way,” I said. “If my head was in the clouds, I wouldn’t be able to not notice you.”

  She laughed. “Wow, you are so pretty sure of yourself.”

  “I’m just a guy who goes after what I want,” I said.

  “Good, I appreciate that,” she said.

  “So, what’s your name?” I asked. This seemed to be going very well.

  “Sandy,” she replied.

  I waited a moment and she didn’t add anything to her statement. She was playing hard to get. Good. I’ve always loved a challenge.

  “Don’t you want to know mine?” I asked.

  Sandy laughed. I loved her laughed. It was sweet and a bit shy. I wouldn’t expect that from a strong business woman like her.

  “Sure,” she said.

  “I’m Sam,” I replied.

  “Well, hi Sam,” she said.

  I was being thrown a bit off my game with this girl. She was fun, but interesting.

  “So, what do you do?” I asked. I instantly regretted it. This was the sort of boring pick up that I saw other guys attempt. I’d always prided myself on being different and unique. For whatever reason this was not going as well as I hoped it would. I just had to calm down.


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