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Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance

Page 21

by Ford, Mia

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “What the hell?” Peggy asked when I finished telling her about Sam’s outburst.

  After he took off on his bike I sat down and cried for a little bit. I was so scared, not because I was afraid Sam would ever hurt me, but because I thought Sam was really losing his mind. He’d been teetering close to the edge for so long now and it just seemed like I’d somehow pushed the wrong button and he was going overboard now.

  After I cried for a while, I called Peggy and asked her if she’d come over. She instantly agreed to do so and now we were talking over a nice cup of tea. I already felt so much more relaxed. Sam had been gone about an hour and a half. I had no way of knowing when he was coming back. Hell, I didn’t even know if he was coming back.

  This idea filled me with a total sense of isolation and dread. What if he really did decide to up and leave me alone to raise this child on my own? What would I do? I didn’t want to be a single mother. I didn’t want to explain to my daughter where her daddy was or why he ran away. She would forever think that he didn’t want her. And maybe he didn’t. That would be the thing… People didn’t run away from people they loved and wanted to be close to.

  “I know, right?” I said. “He’d been drinking, but he was not drunk. And I know that he just said what he actually felt. I don’t know how to help him. I don’t know how to fix us. I’m just so stressed. I can’t believe all of this is over his hatred for a high paying day job that he is so good at. I don’t get it. How many people would give their kidney to be in a position like that? Plus, his father owns the company; he can’t get fired no matter what he does.”

  “Well, I don’t think it’s about the job. I think it’s probably about something much deeper,” Peggy said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure, only Sam knows that, but if I had to venture a guess I would say that there is some part of Sam that is so terrified by the massive changes in his life that he just can’t deal, so everything is being blamed on the job. That is the one thing he can safely blame.”

  “How do you know so much about people?” I asked.

  “Oh, my parents are psychologists,” Peggy said. “I used to want to be one, too. All through high school, I worked in my parents’ mental health clinic doing errands. If you want a real education in psychology, then that is the place to get one. You will learn so much about the mind, including yourself, that will just blow you away.”

  “That is interesting,” I said. “How come you never became a psychologist?”

  “I don’t think I could handle listening to people’s grief and emotional pain all day. If you aren’t the right type of person it will just drain you and wear on you. Besides, I love marketing much more. I get to use the psychology of persuasion. Way less risky to my own mental health.”

  I laughed and almost snorted tea through my nose. Peggy could be such a laugh riot sometimes. And she always helped me when I needed someone to talk to. I was very lucky to have found a friend like her.

  “So, do you have anyone you might recommend for Sam to speak with? A psychologist or a counselor?” I asked.

  “I do,” Peggy said. “My parents are retired but they left their clinic in the hands of Dr. Neil Rose, a great psychotherapist. He does hypnosis, music therapy, even sex therapy. The guy is brilliant.”

  “I’m not sure how much of that pertains to Sam, but do you think you can get him in soon?”

  “Sure. He is a family friend. I’ll just call up Neil and he can probably schedule something this week. Do you think Sam will go? That is the question.”

  “I think so,” I said. But I had no idea. Sam seemed to balk at the idea that of him seeing a therapist. He was the kind of guy who liked to deal with his problems himself internally, which was typical of a lot of men from my experiences. It was like they couldn’t handle that it might be perceived as less macho to admit they needed help.

  “Great,” Peggy replied. “I’m sure it will be alright. It sounds like Sam is dealing with some internal struggles that need to be addressed. It is probably something he isn’t even aware of. You’d be amazed at all of the weird stuff the mind can manifest and bury that will make a person feel that they are losing it.”

  I sipped my tea and thought about Sam. I hoped he came back soon. It was one of my biggest fears that he would just up and take off one day without ever coming back. Somehow I didn’t think it would ever get to that, but it was still a sickening thought that I often obsessed over. Hopefully Sam would go to the therapist and get his shit straightened out. I couldn’t lose him. I had to get him in to get the help he needed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  (Three Months Later)

  “What can you tell me about this?”

  I almost didn’t hear the question so much as the way the question was asked. I was staring into the beautiful face of a woman named Mitzy Boyd. She was gorgeous. Mitzy was average height, with curves for days, enormous, natural breasts, that threatened to burst out of the cleavage of her business suit, and the naughty look on her face that said she wanted to lick me up one side and down the other like a chocolate ice cream cone.

  I’m sure we could have found several great uses for that cone…

  I tried to snap my head out of the clouds and focus on her question, but I could have sworn that everything this woman said had some kind of sexual connotation behind it. The voice was purring with a slight bit of rasp, her eyes were hungry like they were headed for the bedroom, and her body language seemed to be pointing her cleavage at me constantly.

  This was the first house I’d shown Mitzy and we’d been there almost an hour, which was exceptionally long to look at one house, at least for me and my clients. She was a hot shot chiropractor catering to the wealthy and she was looking to move to a more spacious home. This place on Decker Street was definitely the place. It was a humongous two story home with its own inside bowling alley, movie theatre downstairs, three different bars, a game room, and an Olympic sized swimming pool outside with a Jacuzzi.

  It had everything.

  But the moment Mitzy and I laid eyes on each other the sparks were flying. She was one of the sexiest women I’d ever seen. She had the right looks, she had the confidence, and she had the sexy swagger (not to mention she was hella rich, which was a nice perk) that turned me on like there was no tomorrow.

  But she wasn’t Kay.

  She wasn’t my angel Kay by a long shot.

  I missed my sweet baby so much. It was because of her that I had finally gotten my head on straight. It was tough to believe it had been three months since I started therapy with Dr. Rose. He was fantastic. I was very reluctant to go, thoroughly convinced that all of my issues were with working a job I hated and feeling meaningless in life, but I was only half right. The biggest issue was truly with things in my childhood. I was terrified of becoming a father. I wanted to be a father. I was in love with my child, but I was terrified at the same time. So I felt like I had no control in my life and that everything and everyone around me was moving forward and deciding for me everything that I was going to do for them and there was nothing for me. It was insane, but that was how I felt.

  Through a consistent therapy regimen, cutting back on the drinking, and getting more sleep, I’d been able to significantly reduce my stress and my mind felt much more settled. I still hated the job, but now I was able to get through it without any of the anxiety I used to have.

  “This used to be some sort of a play area for kids,” I said, but now it could be an extra sitting room, or really anything else you would like it to be.”

  “Oh, I have plans,” Mitzy said. “I could see this being my own private massage room. Tell me, do you like massages?”

  Mitzy was now standing very close to me. I could feel myself getting so turned on. I wanted to grab her and take her right then and there, but I never would have forgiven myself, even if I could ensure that Kay would never find out.
That wasn’t who I was. At least not anymore. Several months ago, I might have done that and taken Mitzy up on her offer, if for no other reason than to feel something besides the hell that I was wallowing in. But now I was thinking clearly and I had my priorities straight in mind. I was with Kay and that was exactly where I wanted to be.

  “I do,” I replied. “But I don’t have time to get them much anymore.”

  “Oh, what a pity,” Mitzy said. “You should make time.”

  “I’ll try to work on that,” I said.

  I led the way out of that room, down the hall, and finally to the master bedroom, which was huge. It was bigger than most of my loft and I wished to hell that one day I might have enough money to live in a place like this, but then again this was my first very high end real estate property. I’d finally done well enough in my father’s eyes that he was trusting me with the biggest properties that we had going. And even with his huge cut, my commission were going to be awesome. It did feel good to be successful on my own merit.

  “Wow,” Mitzy said. “So, this is the bedroom. I can just imagine my huge bed in here, watching some television at night after a hard day’s work. I might open up a bottle of wine, and maybe even some fine caviar. But of course I’d have to find someone to share all of that with…”

  I smiled. Mitzy was laying it all on a bit thick.

  “Oh, I doubt you will have too much trouble finding someone like that,” I said.

  I wished I’d kept my mouth shut and not pulled at that thread. Now Mitzy began to get the wrong idea.

  “Oh, really?” Mitzy said. “Well, aren’t you just the sweetest thing? You know how to flatter a girl, don’t you?”

  I smiled. “Here, let me show you the master shower.”

  As soon as the words left my mouth I knew it was a mistake, but it was still my job, so I led Mitzy into the large bathroom. It was bright white with dark marble trim. The shower was huge with two different shower heads. Mitzy, of course, picked right up on that.

  “Two shower heads? I love that. I don’t often shower alone…” Mitzy said letting her voice trail off seductively.

  I ignored the comment and tried to exit the room to move on, but Mitzy blocked my way suddenly. I recognized the hunger in her eyes. She wanted me to give her something…

  “How about you?” Mitzy asked.


  “Do you often shower alone or with company?”

  “I think we should keep this professional,” I said walking around her and back into the bedroom where I breathed a sigh of relief. The bathroom had become quite claustrophobic.

  Mitzy was giggling behind me.

  “Now, don’t be shy. You know that you want this as much as I want you. Our vibes have been working from the get go.”

  I cleared my throat.

  “I’m afraid you are mistaken,” I said. “I’m with someone whom I love very much, so I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea.”

  “I’m with someone, too,” Mitzy said. “It’s just sex. They don’t have to know anything about it.”

  “I’ll know and I won’t do that,” I said. “I’m sorry, but as I said, we should keep this professional.”

  “You are so damn cute,” Mitzy said. “The more you resist, the more I want you. How did you get so adorable?”

  I ignored her question and left the room. I walked down the hall and then down the stairs to the kitchen where I was waiting by the door when Mitzy finally arrived.

  “I’m afraid we need to terminate this meeting,” I said. “I appreciate your interest, but it sounds like the house is the last thing you are interested in.”

  Mitzy giggled. “Wow, I love it when you act so strong and manly. I’m just teasing you about us. It’s just a little harmless fun. But I am dead serious about the house. I want this place if you can come down to match the price I have in mind. Are you interested?”

  I paused a moment and reconsidered. If she did want to buy the house, then that was going to be a huge boost to my career and my wallet. I had no choice.

  “OK,” I said. “Glad to hear it.”

  Mitzy gave me one final flirty look before we sat down at the kitchen table to go over some business. This was going to be an awesome commission.

  As I pulled the appropriate documentation out of my briefcase and we began to discuss things, I couldn’t help but to feel very proud of myself. I had refused to give in to temptation and for the first time in a long time I felt like I was in control of myself and my life.

  I really did believe that everything was going to be alright.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I was on top of the world. The brand new presentation I’d spent weeks preparing went perfect and the client (one of our firms biggest we’d just acquired) loved the ideas I had for their brand new chain of clothing stores. I’d put together the designs for the buildings, and I’d even worked with the marketing department on how to place the logos and what would be the best locations in several major cities in the country to place these stores for maximum exposure and impact.

  My bosses were loving me. I could see myself getting put on the fast track towards the top if I kept delivering the way I was.

  When I got home I was surprised to see that Sam had fixed us a romantic dinner. He’d prepared a few strip steaks (medium rare, the way I loved them) with baked potatoes, and a nice, big, fresh, garden salad with honey mustard dressing (also my favorite). He had candles lit and romantic music playing in the background.

  “Wow, it’s not even my birthday,” I said as I came into the kitchen. I gave Sam a quick kiss on the lips and a brief hug.

  “How’s my baby?” Sam asked.

  “She’s fine,” I said with a smile.

  Sam laughed and put his arm around my waist.

  “That’s good, but I meant you,” Sam said.

  I giggled. “Like I said, she’s fine.”

  I told Sam all about the presentation and how excited I was. He was more than thrilled and very supportive. I asked him about his day and he told me how he’d just closed a very large house and when he told me how much his commission was going to be I almost wet myself. That was insane. I couldn’t believe it. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  We sat down to eat dinner and it was fantastic. Sam had actually cooked the steaks on the grill out on our sun deck. It was the perfect time of year for grilling and Sam was a bit of a maestro when it came to the fine art of grilling a steak. The man had some sweet skills.

  I was so proud of him and all of the work he’d put in the past few months. He was doing so much better. He was happier and healthier then I’d seen him in so long after being stuck in such a dark place. Sam didn’t really talk to me much about what he’d gone through in therapy or what issues he was really working on there, and I didn’t try to probe too much of that out of him, but whatever it was had worked wonders and he was so happy and well-adjusted now.

  And our little bundle of joy was going to be there soon. Things could not have been going better.

  “So, how was dinner?” Sam asked after we’d finished and he started to clear away the dishes.

  “Oh, it was fantastic,” I said. “I’d love to send my compliments to the chef.”

  Sam smiled and got that naughty look on his face.

  “Oh, I think that can be arranged,” Sam said.

  He grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom where he began to slowly undress me. I was pleasantly surprised by this romantic evening, but then again I guess we both had things to celebrate.

  I was still a bit nervous about being naked in front of Sam since my baby bump was huge. But he seemed to either be oblivious to the whole thing, or as he’d often said it made me look even more radiant. I didn’t see it, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If it worked for Sam, then so be it.

  After Sam had peeled every stitch of clothing off my body he laid me down on the bed and without a word put his face between m
y legs and began to lick me. It had been a few weeks since we’d made love and I was so ready. His soft, yet strong tongue was working its magic, rolling over my hard, fully engorged, ultra-sensitive clit and then moving up into my wet shaft.

  “You like that baby?” Sam asked.

  “Fuck yeah…” I moaned. My whole body felt like it was on fire with nothing but desire. Lust was the only thing on my mind. I could envision having the kind of orgasm that would leave me so weak in the knees that I wouldn’t be able to walk for a few days properly. That kind of earth shattering pleasure was rare, but Sam always delivered.

  Sam next added his fingers to the mix. His long, thick fingers moved inside of my wet pussy and pressed down on the bottom adding a little pressure while he continued to lick my clit and the surrounding areas, being careful not to focus too intently on the sweet spot and overload me with sensation. With the addition of his fingers it felt like he was thrusting his cock inside of me.

  “Don’t stop…” I pleaded. “Oh, it’s so good…”

  Sam upped his intensity bit by bit until I knew I was going to come soon if he didn’t stop. I wanted to wait for his cock. I wanted the first orgasm to be on his rock, hard shaft.

  “Fuck me!” I said. “Do it!”

  Sam stood up and removed his clothes quickly, practically ripping them apart to get out of them. Once naked, he stood there just long enough to tease me with his rock hard dick before mounting me properly and giving me all he had.

  His cock entered me and I saw stars ripping open the darkness behind my closed eyes. Sam wasted no time in letting me get used to him being in there. He just proceeded to plow me mercilessly with his epic cock.

  I did my best to wrap my legs around him and hold on for the ride of my life.


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