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The Society of Orion: Book Eight The Sumi Collision (Colton Banyon Mysteries 22)

Page 8

by Gerald J. Kubicki


  As Erox left his huge personal suite, his assistants ran to him and tried to get his attention. Many held tablets loaded with messages and orders that needed to be approved. He noticed that his people seemed to be frantic to gain his attention, but they were in a good mood.

  “Tell my commanders to meet me in the conference room immediately,” he ordered loudly. “I have some bad news and also many good things to discuss.” He collected the communiques and strutted to the conference room so he could read the news flashes before everyone else arrived. He also needed to prepare what he wanted to say about the dead King.

  All the reports that Erox read were positive. Not one hinted that there were any setbacks to slow down the invasion. By the time that all his commanders were seated at the big conference room table, Erox was ready for them.

  “We are having moderate success with our invasion, but let’s not discuss that right now,” he said solemnly and waved his hand in dismissal. “We have received some very bad news.” As he stood at the head of the table, he appeared to choke out his words emotionally and a small tear ran down his cheek. It was, of course, an act.

  “What is the bad news, sir?” one of his commanders yelled out. Erox had requested him to ask the question before the meeting started.

  “Our beloved King, Anax Yuk, is dead,” Erox said in a subdued voice. “Hail to the King.”

  “But how?” another cried out.

  “As you know, and against my advice,” Erox said humbly, “he wanted to command our troops from the ground. Some non-blues attacked him there and he was killed.”

  “What about his son, Bezo?” an elder who had also been summoned to the room asked. Any questions about the succession line of the King were arbitrated by the four elders in the room. Bezo was the next in line for the throne.

  “I’m afraid that he is dead as well, killed by the non-blues,” Erox pointed out to everyone in the room. “That means that the elders must decide who will start the next dynasty. We need a leader right now to insure the success of the invasion.”

  “I think that Erox should assume the title,” one of his commanders shouted out. He had also been prompted. “All hail Anax Erox,” he bellowed.

  The four elders in the room looked nervously at each other. They quickly realized that the meeting was a ruse and if they voted against Erox, they would disappear and other Sumi would replace them. While Erox didn’t have the education, experience, or diplomatic savvy to be a King, he did have the power. His military warriors would back him one hundred percent.

  All four elders stuck their thumbs into the air. It was the sign of acceptance. “All hail Anax Erox,” they said together.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  High in the sky, Colton Banyon and part of his crew headed to Cambodia to join the rest of the team. He had asked the King, his son and the other Sumi to sit in the front of the jet while the team had a meeting. He didn’t want Anax Yuk to know his complete plan because something kept nagging at him about the leader. He seemed too eager to defeat his own people.

  During the meeting, Steve, Gunny Joe and Eric kept a watchful eye on the Sumi. If they decided to rush Banyon’s team, they could do a lot of damage and screw up the entire strategy. After coming this far, no one wanted to put up with that.

  “It’s been almost a year since we started this journey,” Banyon told his team. “There were just six of us then. Now our ranks have swollen to eighteen, we have been all over the world and we have thwarted many murderers, thieves and frauds. Not to mention several world crises. Each of you have put your lives on hold and have made major sacrifices to get us this far. I want you all to know that I am proud of each of you.” He said sincerely.

  “Hear, hear!” shouted Previne with her slight British accent.

  Banyon continued. “Today, we are at the end game. We either stop this invasion in its tracks today or we may lose this world as our home. Everyone must do their part perfectly. Do you all agree?”

  “We agree,” the team said without hesitation.

  “Now let’s discuss how this will play out so you can think about it. We’ll have another short meeting when the whole team is together at the site, okay?”


  As soon as the meeting was concluded, Colonel Cole asked for a private meeting with Banyon. They retired to the bedroom to talk.

  “I just spoke with the Pentagon and they told me a couple of interesting things, Colt,” Jerry Cole said.

  “Like what?” Banyon groaned. He was sure that the news would trash his plans and send him searching for a new one.

  “The first thing is that the green gas that the Sumi brought to Earth is not poisonous,” he said. “Our military tested the gas from the starship in St. Louis and found that it is just green dyed air.”

  “That sounds like sabotage,” Banyon uttered.

  “Wait, there’s more,” the colonel said excitedly. “The captain of the ship told General Woods that he purposely parked his ship over the river so any Sumi warriors that fell into the water out of the portal would drown.”

  “That sounds like there is a resistance movement,” Banyon exclaimed.

  “The captain said that several of the ship captains are working against Erox and doing everything in their power to make the invasion fail. He said that the Sumi warriors numbered around two million when they invaded, but somewhere around four hundred thousand have already been killed. Thirty thousand more have been captured and imprisoned in the St. Louis starship.”

  “Has the Pentagon calculated a tipping point?”

  “They calculate that another ship loaded with all Sumi warriors will do it. That’s about two hundred and fifty thousand warriors.”

  “I wonder what the King knows about this?” Banyon remarked.

  “I’ll bring him in here and let’s find out,” Colonel Cole replied as he left the bedroom.


  “What do you know about the resistance?” Banyon asked angrily.

  “I have never lied to you, Colton Banyon,” the King started out. “In my short time on your planet, I’ve come to respect you and the non-blue human population here. I do know something about the resistance. But unofficially.”

  “What do you know?” Banyon bellowed. He felt that the King was avoiding the question.

  “You need to talk to my son Bezo,” the King replied. “I cannot officially be involved. But he is the head of the resistance.”

  A stunned Colton Banyon suddenly understood that the King could not be part of a revolution, but his son could.

  “You can go, Anax Yuk,” Banyon ordered, “but send your son back here.”


  The huge Sumi took up most of the bedroom. Banyon asked him to sit on the bed so he would be at eye level. The King had given his son the Speak device so that they could understand each other.

  “Yes, I’m the head of the resistance on Maltos,” Bezo agreed and nodded his head. “You see, my father can’t be involved in it because of his position. He would be revolting again his own regime.”

  “Why are you fighting against your own people?” Colonel Cole asked.

  “A utopia is not a utopia if there is no freedom,” Bezo explained. “Ever since Erox gained a position in the government, he has absorbed power and has eroded our freedoms to the point where he is completely in charge of our lives. He has turned our peaceful world into an armed military base-camp to attack other worlds. It has to stop.”

  “There are other worlds with humans on them that he wants to invade?” Banyon uttered. He could not believe his ears.

  “Of course,” Bezo responded like everybody knew it. “They all originated on Earth, but had to leave, just as we did. We know where they are.”

  “Colt, this sounds like the beginnings of the Star War movies series. Erox wants to be master of the universe.” Colonel Cole cried out.

  Banyon ignored his comment, but quickly asked another question. “How strong are the Erox warriors? I mean, ho
w many of them are there?”

  “There are about one point six billion people on Maltos,” Bezo responded calmly. “As new Sumi babies are born, they are now automatically taken from their parents and are sent to Sumi warrior camps. As they grow up, they are indoctrinated and made into the fanatic warriors you are fighting. Those that don’t qualify are made into slaves. Any parents that resist are made to disappear. The adult warriors watch their parents when they return home from the camps.”

  “Colt, this moron Erox is implementing the same programs that the asshole Hitler did in the nineteen-thirties,” Colonel Cole said with alarm.

  “I know,” Banyon commented. “The difference is Erox wants to dominate the universe not just other countries.”

  “We have to stop him,” the colonel shouted with frustration.

  “How many Sumi does Erox currently control as warriors?” Banyon asked.

  “When he left Maltos he had about three million fully-trained warriors. He brought two million with him and the rest have stayed on Maltos to maintain order,” Bezo explained.

  “And how many babies is he currently brainwashing?” Colonel Cole the military strategist inquired.

  “He started the Sumi camps about twenty earth years ago,” Bezo said. “There are well over ten million trainees right now and he is adding new recruits at the rate of about one hundred thousand per month.”

  “My God!” Colonel Cole exclaimed. “He will be able to regenerate his army every few years. He will become unstoppable very soon.”

  “Tell me Bezo, how strong is the resistance?” Banyon now asked.

  “Other than the warriors, everyone on the planet is part of the resistance,” the King’s son responded. “There is actually a revolution in process as we speak back on Maltos.”

  “What? How do you know that?” Colonel Cole asked.

  “It was all planned to begin once Erox pulled two-thirds of his forces to invade Earth. The revolution is nearly over. We are winning.”

  “How are you getting this information?” Banyon wondered out loud.

  “I was assigned to the control room with the King for a reason,” Bezo offered. “Erox thought that I would be murdered by his man Mongo along with the King and agreed to send me there. But we had actually planned for me to be in the control room so that I could send and receive transmissions with our home planet secretly. The last transmission said that the Sumi camps had been destroyed and the communication systems had been taken over by our people. Erox has no idea that he has no place for his warriors to return on Maltos.”

  “But Mongo would have killed you both in the cave if we hadn’t intervened,” Banyon pointed out. “That seems like some poor planning.”

  “I don’t think so,” Bezo replied confidently. “We outnumbered him three to one. My father had a Jammer device to shut down his weapons and we had been feeding him poison since we landed on Earth. He was already weak. That is why he was so easy to subdue.”

  “That was an easy takedown?” Colonel Cole asked incredulously.

  “Yes,” Bezo replied. “We had everything under control. In fact, your intrusion did nothing but cut off my communications with Maltos. I need to get an update soon.”

  “We’ll see what we can do,” Colonel Cole commented.

  “The King should send a message that he is still alive. It will motivate our people,” Bezo added.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea until we stop Erox here,” Colonel Cole replied. “If he got wind of the King being alive, he might change his plans. It will only be a few more hours.”

  “But some of my people will die,” Bezo protested.

  “Wait a minute,” Banyon yelped loudly. “Are you telling us that the invasion of Earth was planned just so you could get Erox and most of his warriors off of your planet?”

  “That is correct,” Bezo responded. “We knew that the non-blue humans on Earth would decimate his army and you will defeat him in battle.”

  “But millions of humans have died as a result,” Banyon screamed angrily at the huge Sumi. “You have no right to use us as puppets.”

  “Millions of humans are dying on both of our planets,” the son of the King pointed out. “We could not stop Erox from invading Earth, but the resistance is attempting to stop his invasion, just as you are.”

  “Wait a minute,” Colonel Cole shouted. “Let’s back up a minute here. You said that ‘you will defeat him in battle’. I thought we were in this together. What does that mean? ”

  “I’m sorry,” Bezo said sincerely. “The prophecy was never explained to you.”

  “What prophecy? What are you talking about?” Banyon screamed.

  “The prophecy written on the Staff of Life, of course,” Bezo responded. “It suddenly appeared on the staff on the day before we were to leave Earth. Then the ship carrying the staff plunged into the ocean the day we left. All Sumi know the prediction.”

  “Well I don’t,” Banyon said hotly. “What does it say?”

  “In essence the prophecy says that one day a great conflict will arise between the humans on our old planet and the people on our new planet. But one man, who was once an old enemy, will pull together an array of weapons and stop the leader of the conflict in a personal battle. The Staff of Life is one of those weapons.”

  “But the Staff of Life has been lost to you for five hundred million years. Are you saying that your people still believe in it?” Banyon argued.

  “The event took place in the center of the city square in our capital on Earth,” the Sumi’s eyes seemed to glaze over as he spoke. “It was a rare day for us. The skies were the same color blue as our skin, it was clear of fire that day. The King, at that time, stood on the top steps of the main building. Millions came dressed in their best clothes to hear him speak. He proclaimed that the Sumi would leave the next day for a new home. He said that the Staff of Life had shown him the way to our new planet. He raised the staff and held it over his head. Suddenly, lightning shot from the sky and the prophecy appeared on the staff.”

  “You seem so certain about what happened that day,” Banyon noted.

  “It was recorded. I have watched it many times,” Bezo explained. “It is the most sacred recording in all Sumi history. And now it is coming true.”

  “Yet you lost the staff,” Colonel Cole interjected.

  “When the ship carrying the staff disappeared, the Sumi took it as an omen. We believe that the staff wanted to stay here on Earth.”

  “This is unbelievable,” Banyon exclaimed and threw up his arms in confusion.

  “You see, Erox believes that he is the man to end the conflict, but he is not. You are the man, Colton Banyon,” Bezo pointed at Banyon as he said it.

  “Me, why me?” Banyon choked out.

  “Don’t you get it? You are the new Orion,” Bezo explained. “Only you can end this conflict.”

  The surprised Banyon responded. “But I couldn’t possibly defeat Erox in battle. I’m too old and not as big or strong.”

  “There is more than one way to win a battle,” Bezo replied confidently.

  For once, Colton Banyon had nothing to say.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Colton Banyon’s head was swimming. He had always considered himself to be just a regular guy who had been able to surround himself with extraordinary people. Now this huge alien was telling him that only he could save both his world and their world. He wasn’t sure that he was up to the task.

  “There is one more thing,” the big Sumi uttered.

  “I can’t wait to hear this,” Banyon replied sarcastically.

  “Once you defeat Erox, you must not kill him,” Bezo explained. “You must let the King and I offer him ritual ‘blunk’.”

  “What the hell is ‘blunk’?”

  “It is what you call suicide,” the Sumi replied. “We must show all the Sumi on Maltos that he has admitted failure and took his own life.”

  “What if Erox disagrees and won’t kill himself?”
Banyon asked.

  “Then we will make it happen,” Bezo responded in an evil tone.


  When their meeting was finally over, Colonel Cole allowed Bezo to give Carol directions on how to access the secret message center. She opened the message board and Bezo was shocked.

  “What is it?” Banyon asked the stunned Sumi.

  “The revolution has taken a terrible path. More than three million child-warriors from the camps have sided with Erox. The last message said that the resistance was losing ground. Our entire plan is in danger of collapsing.”

  “Not if I can do something about it,” Banyon uttered with renewed vigor. He had accepted the challenge.

  “Buckle up,” the jet captain said over the loud speakers. “We are making our final approach into Phnom Penh International airport.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  As the jet approached the private area set aside at the Cambodian airport for the team, Banyon noted happily that there was another jet already there. Next to it was an American Osprey which would ferry them to the bombed out site. Half his team stood waiting expectantly for Banyon and the rest of the final conflict fighters to arrive. There were also several armed soldiers nearby.

  As soon as they disembarked, the military men went to the cargo hold and began moving items to the Osprey. The Sumi King and his two companions were quickly escorted into the cargo plane to keep them out of the sight. The rest of the people rushed to each other with smiles on their faces.

  Loni grabbed Banyon in a bear hug. “I can’t wait for this to all be over,” she gushed as she rubbed against him.

  “Down girl, there are people watching,” he replied with a half-laugh.


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